The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

Chapter 264: 263 – Someone Eyes Papa

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As it turned out, it was the correct decision on the part of Mana, Raven, Jules and Bella to have a defensive perimeter set up in King Jaren's room.

Around midnight, Mana and Raven were awakened by a knock on their door.

Bleary eyed, the two children went over to see who had come looking for them at this hour – since they hadn't triggered the array, it was clear that they bore no ill intent towards either of them.

It was Head Sage Yue, looking rather worried. He was in his pyjamas and his forehead was dripping with sweat, and his breathing was heavy. He seemed to have rushed out of his own room and run all the way to them.

"Father?" Raven asked sleepily, rubbing his eyes. "Why are you here at this time?"

Head Sage Yue looked immensely relieved to see both Mana and Raven. "So you were here," he murmured. "Thank heavens. I went to your room and there was no response, so I was worried…"

"Is something wrong?" Mana asked bluntly.

Head Sage Yue nodded. "Cousin Min has left his bedroom. I don't know where he is. I set up an array at the entrance to his chambers to alert me if he left his room during the night, and it was triggered around half an hour ago. I rushed to Raven's room immediately, but there was no response, so I came looking for Mana. I'm sorry to have disturbed your sleep," he said sheepishly. 

Mana's face softened. At least the man was taking some effort to protect Raven, she thought to herself.

"No, no, it is always better to be safe than sorry," she said. "We are very grateful for your concern and your actions. Thank you very much, Father."

A light flush stained Head Sage Yue's fair cheeks, visible even in the dim light of the moon. "This is the least I should do for my son," he murmured.

Mana hummed in agreement; it really was.

"But if Uncle Min –" Raven began, but at the glares from both Head Sage Yue and Mana, he quickly changed is mode of address for the monarch of the Pearl Kingdom. "Er, King Min – if he is not in his room, then where is he and who did he go looking for in the middle of the night?" Raven asked.

Head Sage Yue sighed. "I have no idea," he admitted truthfully. "I just hope that he has gone to one of his concubines instead of one of our guests. I will look for him now."

Just then, as if on cue, a loud scream echoed across the corridors.

Head Sage Yue acted on instinct, pushing Mana and Raven behind him protectively. He didn't even realise what he was doing, but Mana and Raven did – and Mana smiled slightly in response, while Raven just looked stunned.

Then Mana frowned. "The noise came from the direction of Papa's room!" she cried, her eyes widening in horror.

Of course, it was impossible to pin point exactly where the scream came from.

"You two get back into your room, and don't open the door for anyone," Head Sage Yue said firmly. "I will go to King Jaren's room and see what the matter is."

Mana shook her head stubbornly. "If my Papa is in danger, do you think I could bear to sit by idly?" she retorted, and ran off in the direction of the scream before anyone could stop her.

Raven ran after Mana without hesitation and caught up with her in less than five seconds. He grabbed her hand as they ran and told her, "Remember what you told me last time? We are more powerful together and we should not try to face things alone," he reminded her.

Mana nodded tearfully.

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The two of them skidded to a halt in front of King Jaren's room. Head Sage Yue, who had run after Mana and Raven, froze in shock at the sight in front of him.

King Jaren stood at the door of his room, cradling his two little dragon grandchildren in his arms. His face was cold and impassive, and his brilliant emerald green eyes were flashing with anger. The defensive array around the threshold to his room glowed brightly. Azar and Alya, who looked bigger than usual, were nestled in King Jaren's arms and glaring angrily at the man on the floor in front of them. Both the little dragons seemed to be glowing all over, and their expressions were very fierce, and both of them looked like they were ready to spew fire at any moment.

As for the culprit…

King Min lay on the floor outside of King Jaren's room, his face black as soot, and his hair standing up on his head as if he had been electrocuted. He seemed terrified and pitiful (and rather funny). When he saw that Head Sage Yue had come, King Min immediately burst into tears with a cry of, "Cousin Yue! I was attacked!" He also sat up gingerly on the floor, his entire body trembling in fear.

Jules, Bella, King Corvus, Grandpa and Grandma had also arrived at the 'scene of the crime' by now.

"Cousin Min," Head Sage Yue said sternly. "What are you doing here at this hour? And where are the imperial shadow guards of the Pearl Kingdom who are supposed to be protecting you round the clock?"

King Min looked away, his expression shifty.

"Answer me!" Head Sage Yue commanded angrily.

King Min looked up at Head Sage Yue with a wronged expression and asked in a pathetic voice, "Cousin Yue, aren't you going to ask me who attacked me? Why are you questioning me instead?"

Mana rolled her eyes and wondered how Head Sage Yue and the other people in the Pearl Kingdom had not managed to see through the true colours of this King Min until now.

She glanced at Raven, who looked rather embarrassed and angry. Clearly, even Raven had not really thought that the 'Uncle Min' he had interacted with earlier that day would actually come looking for trouble in the middle of the night – and that, too, aimed at Papa!

And Mana knew very well that it was not something Raven would tolerate. Raven was as fiercely protective of King Jaren as King Jaren was of him. So this 'Uncle Min' had lost all credibility with Raven from now on.

King Min was still looking at Head Sage Yue pitifully, clearly hoping that the latter would speak up for him.

Unexpectedly, the one who spoke up was not Head Sage Yue, but King Corvus instead.

"Yue is questioning you because he is not a blind fool like you," King Corvus said in a drawling voice and his lips curled up in a lazy smirk. "You clearly triggered a defensive array because you had bad intentions towards our Jaren, and anyone with eyes can see that. And you're still asking why Yue is questioning you? Why should he not question you? You are the suspicious one here!"

A flash of surprise flitted across Head Sage Yue's face before he managed to suppress his shock and restore his expression to something more neutral. If someone told him that King Orion of the Amber Kingdom had given up his ambition and was retiring to be a monk who lived on alms to survive, he would be more inclined to believe that rather than believe that King Corvus of the Obsidian Kingdom would ever speak up for Head Sage Yue of the Moon Temple of the Pearl Kingdom – the ex husband of his only daughter and heir, and the man King Corvus probably hated the most in the entire world.

Likewise, King Jaren was surprised as well. King Corvus was on fairly decent terms with them now, and he was even a friend to Grandpa and Grandma these days, having rekindled their friendship from several decades ago – but to hear him speak up for Head Sage Yue was something no one had ever expected.

Raven was perhaps the most surprised of all. He wondered for a moment if he was hearing things and wanted to pinch himself, but Mana, who was paying attention to Raven, quickly grabbed his hand and stopped him from doing so.

"I'm not suffering from auditory hallucinations, am I?" Raven leaned in and whispered in Mana's ear in a soft voice, so that no one other than Mana would be able to hear what he was saying, not even Head Sage Yue who was standing near them.

Mana smiled slightly and shook her head. "Grandfather really did speak up for your father just now," Mana whispered back, her voice equally soft.

Head Sage Yue stepped forward. "Indeed, it is as King Corvus says, Cousin Min," he said, his voice ringing with a hint of steel. "Why did you come looking for King Jaren in the middle of the night?" he demanded.

King Min wrung his hands nervously.. "I thought King Jaren would be lonely and may want some company…" he murmured shyly.

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