The Exorcist – Demon’s bane

Chapter 39: Chapter 37 – More help…

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Day 42

"It will be hard. I am not an expert on bloodlines" Kornelius

"What if you get a help from outside?" Akira

"Well I am not sure, but I can try" Kornelius

"The kingdom of Sopura may be capable of providing aid on that matter. I need to talk with the council" Foxx said

"Nice! Thank you Foxx and Mira" Hina

Day 43

---War council meeting ---

"So you are saying that there is a chance to activate the bloodline module of the prototypes"  General Hobs asked

"Mr Kornelius is positive, but he lacks of time and expertise of that matter" Foxx

"Minister Peterson, as the head of the ministry of education do you think we can provide assistance on that matter? King Arthur asked

Peterson an elderly looking human thought for a bit and said

"I believe Professor Alberta Reinstein from the Royal Academy has the qualifications"

"We must act swift then, we are not to lose the momentum" Stoks said

Voices of agreement in the council sealed the decision.

"As the council has agreed, I King Arthur Leonheart hear-by order Professor Reinstein to present herself immediately to the King's Palace and report to major Foxx for further instructions"

"Sergeant Hammerstone!" General Hobs said loud

The commander of the Royal Guards approached immediately and saluted:


"Proceed with the King's order. A matter of a "National Security"of highest priority. Hobs

"It shall be done. Sir!" Hammerstone saluted and rushed out of the council chamber.

Royal Academy of Sopura is one of the oldest educational organisations in the Kingdom, having hundreds of branches across Sopura and its satellite worlds. It was the most renown education and research institute responsible of teaching hundreds of thousands of the young generations.

"Professor Reinstein, how does the dragon bloodline is still present while the dragons have been extinct for such a long time." asked a Dwarf student girl with large glasses.

"An excellent question  Miss Moonstone" Replied the professor while looking at the full auditorium of students present. Her lectures were well liked by everyone because of her not so formal teaching stile and friendly attitude. 

The dragons have gone extinct for 50 thousands years when the last dragon Queen fell on the battlefields of Vega sector. They lost their chance to reproduce when their home world was destroyed by the demons, half a million years ago. Since the fall of their home world no true dragon has ever been born. What's left of those dragons defending their home evacuated to other worlds in the multiverse. Once the system came to life about 35 000 years ago it recognized their spices as endangered, and introduced their bloodline in order to preserve their heritage. It is now considered and proven that several races in the multiverse has some heritage left from the old dragons. For example the Kobold tribes and Nagas. Both demi-human races carry the dragon bloodlines albeit extremely diluted.

"Is it possible to activate a true dragon bloodline?" question form another student

"In theory? Yes. In reality highly doubtful. And the reason is that activating the true dragon bloodline needs enormous amounts of essence. That kind of essence is unfortunately impossible for the unified system to provide. So  the person has to supply it from their own soul. Of course if the person lives for let say 5 000 years they will be able to fuel the bloodline to the final stage : Dragon King or Dragon Queen."

"there is no mortal race that can live that long!" Commented another student

"Exactly! That is why we will never see another true dragon, not to mention their top evolution"

"So dear students do you now realize why the best ever bloodline, the ultimate predator, the best hunter, the most arcane attuned creature in Multiverse is never being selected by the populace, even by its descendants the Kobolds and Nagas avoid it like a fire."

"It is a lost cause" One sighed

"Indeed. There is no sane person who will select that bloodline" Alberta

"I want the dragon bloodline!!!!!" Akira stomped her food with her hands crossed over her chest

"But Akira we already explained..." Kornelius

"I don't care if it is the best bloodline I want it!!!" Akira

"But it is impossible to grow it in a normal lifespan. There mortal soul output is too little to enable it's potential" Kornelius

"If i can't provide the essence myself, I will go and rob some essence bank, or steal it from the demon's treasuries!" Akira


1 minute later....

"Kornelius are you there buddy? I am sorry I was acting childish again" Akira


"Please, Kornelius don't be mad of me" Akira

"Akira, you are a genius!" Kornelius

"I am?? Yes I am smart, I know it, but a genius? Akira

"The "demon essence converter module"! I think it is possible for it to provide the essence to fuel for the bloodline!" Kornelius

"That's cool" Akira was dumbfounded. 

"I just don't have enough expertise on the bloodlines to properly attune the module to it" Kornelius sighed

"And now students open your textb..." Professor Alberta Reinstein couldn't finish her sentence as the auditorium door burst open and 3 armed to the teeth royal guards entered.

"Professor Alberta Reinstein?" one of those intruders asked

"I ... I am" The purple haired elf woman replied.

"By the order of the his Majesty the King, you are summoned to the royal palace!" Said sergeant Hammerstone

"I am in the middle of a lesson!" Alberta

"NOW, If you don't comply we will use force if necessary"

"Ooohh, I haven't done anything wrong please" Alberta was now severely distressed, she looked for support at the shocked faces of her students, but instead she heard some comments that made her heart cry in pain:

"A demon spy, The professor? "

"No way, but she is very weird indeed"

"Corporal Lestor restrain the subject!" Commanded Hammerstone.

"I will come! No need for violence sergeant!"  said Alberta and left surrounded by a squad of royal guards in their combat gear.

In the meantime Major Foxx and 2 of her subordinates infiltrated Professor's living quarters of the academy dormitory complex.

"I need to be sure that the professor is trustworthy and is not compromised" Foxx

"Yes something is very wrong with an elf who paints her hair purple. You know how they value their natural hairs as a symbol of  purity and heritage" Dexter

"I've never seen an elf with painted hair. She is either total nuts or under a demon's influence" Hugo

"That is what we are here to find out gentlemen. Now spread out. Dexter you go ask the neighbors. Discreetly!"  Foxx

"Hugo, I want that door open ASAP then you will keep in touch with Sergeant Hammerstone's team.

"Yes, Major!"

"Move OUT!" Foxx

Foxx entered Prof. Reinstein adobe. It was a total mess. Clothes, lingerie on the ground, enormous pile of dishes at the sink, books and stuff scattered.

"She lives like a pig. What is this? " Foxx lifted unknown piece of food  from the ground already spoiled from who knows when.

"Are all smart guys this messy? It reminds me of the Kornelius's old lab"

Foxx already was building a profile and started to get the overall picture.

Foxx rummaged under the bed and started to pick up books of non-scientific thematics:

"It Begins And Ends With Us [BL]"; "Don't take me from behind"; "The naughty king and his perverted royal guards" "I was reborn as a woman and become the private toilet of the princess? GL" "Whip us, Mistress".... The other books were graphic comics with a lot of disturbing contents.

"Hah our professor seems to have quite a particular taste for R - rated stuff. She is a huge pervert!" Fox

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"Hey Dexter what have the neighbors reported" Fox

"Nothing Interesting Major. The professor usually stays at home and rarely goes out except for work" Dexter

"No friends, lovers, pets??" Fox

"Nothing, she seems to be a loner" Dexter

"So a loner..Hmm.... probably a lot of sexual tension... Hmm... most likely still a virgin..." Foxx

"Ok guys we leave.  I have seen enough. Our target is harmless, unless you allow her to bind you in the bed! Hahaha" Foxx

"The sergeant's team has acquired the target and are moving to the designated point" Hugo reported

"We will be there soon"

Sergeant Hammerstone removed the blinding fold of professor Reinstein's face.

"Please let me go. I have done nothing wrong!" Alberta had tears in her eyes. She was siting on a coach in a luxurious office. Her hands locked behind with  mana suppressors.

Her captor remained silent.

"I want to go home. When will you release me? I am innocent. Please, sir" Alberta was sobbing.

"You will wait here as long as it is necessary and until  you are cleared to go" finally said Hammerstone. He was not a bad person and was starting to pity the poor woman.

"I need to pee..." Professor said

At this moment the door opened and Major Foxx entered. She looked up and down at the sorry state of the professor and thought.

"Those royal guards has no finesse at all. They had seriously overdone it. Hah it is fine I can still use it to my advantage"

"Sergeant Hammerstone, Why the esteemed professor Reinstein is locked in suppressors like a criminal?" Foxx said with very strict voice.

"I had orders to bring her to the palace immediately on a matter of national security!" the Sergeant replied.

"Of course you had orders but didn't you think you can ask Ms Reinstein here to come along politely"

The sergeant was staring her with a blank face as not getting what is it all about

"Sigh, Ms Reinstein I am deeply sorry for this misunderstanding" Foxx

The poor professor was now crying rivers of tears, but was looking at Foxx like a savior hero.

"Sergeant release her immediately and leave. I will handle the matters from now on" Foxx

"waaaaahhh"  Alberta

"Come hear dear. Shhh it is ok, you are safe now!" Foxx was hugging the purple haired elf and was patting her back.

"Do you want some water to drink, a tea? May be go to the restroom?" Foxx said with a such a kind and gentle voice.

"A water is fine... And I really need to pee" Said the professor

"Ok the restroom is at that door and I will call for some refreshments"

--Alberta POV---

It took half an hour for the professor to regain her bearings and peak through the slight opening of the bathroom door. The woman in the military attires was sitting on a desk and reading some papers.

"Umm I done here Ms?" Alberta

The woman rose her head from the papers and looked at her, then smiled:

"Foxx, Major Claudia Foxx"

"Please come and sit, I have prepared some refreshments" 

"I want to go home" Alberta

"Of course, you are free to go, but I have prepared some refreshments for us to clear this terrible misunderstanding. Won't you have a seat, please"

Alberta wanted nothing, but to leave this dreadful place, yet the Major was so kind, not like those brutes from the royal guards.

"Ok, Thank you" Alberta

"Now the King's order to bring you to the royal palace is authentic, just the execution is...lets say amateurish"

Alberta drunk from the cup of water (which was drugged with mild sedatives used for relaxing the troubled mind) and said:

"That was so terrible, they dragged me out in front of my students like some kind of horrible criminal. I am very embarrassed."

"Don't worry. I will send one of my subordinates to clear the situation, so your reputation will not suffer any damage"

"Oh thank you, Major you are so kind!"  Alberta troubled and nerve wrecked body finally started to relax. She was feeling calm and peaceful in the presence of this nice lady Major.

"From the bottom of my heart I apologize for the treatment you have suffered" The major stood up and bowed.

"Oh OOh you don't have to Major, It wasn't you who did wrong to me" The professor

"I just need to go home and we will forget this ever happened. I will forget" Alberta

"Can i go now?" Alberta

"Yes, of course Ms Reinstein, that door will lead you out of the royal palace" pointed Foxx

"I am at the king's palace now???" Alberta

"Indeed you are"

The Professor shook her pink haired head, stood up and moved to the exit.

"I though you will be at least a little bit curious, why all this fuss was about?" Foxx

Alberta slowed down her walk...

"May be if you stayed any longer I could have told you an amazing story, A real one, not a fiction!!" Foxx

Alberta stopped at the door, but didn't exit

"A story??" She mumbled

"Yes A story of a man, a father and a loving husband who died and his soul was summoned by a Mad scientist" Foxx

The professor turned her head and looked at Foxx obviously it picked her curiosity.

"A real story?"

"Yes it is still happening at the moment. The mad scientist put the poor soul back to a mortal body, but the body was not male anymore!" Foxx paused dramatically

"Yes, the madman put the poor guy into a woman's body, a young girl's one. Then he sent her to the demon's world, where she was forced to use her female charms to seduce the demons and suck their strengths and powers"

Unconsciously Alberta was moving back to the desk.

"He become She? And then the new she was doing sexual stuff to the demons?? Alberta

The professor's face turned bright red and her imagination kicked in.

"Indeed, And you have the chance to join the team who is now helping this poor man to handle the terrible situation she is..." Foxx

"Woah just like a book I've read recently" Alberta

"It is not a fiction Ms Alberta, but the reality, The things involved this girl Akira are considered kingdom's secret and a top priority"

"And the King thinks I can help with something?" Alberta

"Yes, your expertise in the bloodlines is what brought you here. Please Ms Reinstein your help can actually save many innocent lives in the future"

"So will you help Akira, Help Me And Help the Kingdom to make a better future!? Foxx

The professor who was grinning and she was somewhere deep into her imagination world did not reply immediately.

"Professor, Will you?" Foxx

"Oah Yes count me in!" Alberta

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