The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 1: Prologue: Once Upon A Time, A Fairy

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Traveling through the Rainbow IRC vent system he had elaborately designed to allow a normal-sized fairy to unimpededly travel through, mostly with the objective of creating funny situations for his video series, Aven eventually collided with a solid wall of… Nothing.

“Freak…” Whispering to himself, he tried to open a passage through this nothing with his telekinesis but to no avail.

A few minutes passed as he thought about what to do, and then suddenly the spiritual assault by the canopy’s psy supers restarted, confirming his location was known and allowing him to try firing his gun at the barrier of nothing blocking him.

“Well,” noting the stunning polymer bullet had done utterly nothing, he faced reality, “I can’t hide, I can’t escape, and betting on someone breaking through this weird wall is just stupid hope, not a solution…”

Musing on his different courses of action available as the spiritual assault intensified and the sound of dozens of men running towards him reached him, there ultimately wasn’t a right answer.

“I’m the one who said I was looking forward to my first assassination attempt, right?” He sarcastically commented as he mentally prepared himself, “Good job jinxing myself there, hehe~”

Deciding to take the matters into his own hands, he brought the 4 magazines and 2 “stun” grenades he had taken out of his self-defense box and brought with him during his “stunning” escape.

Finding a vent opening, he pulled the pin on one of his stun grenades and bursted out of the vent system with only his 4 reloaded and pristine handguns while spreading dozens and dozens of energy threads, recreating his pseudo-energy domain.

“He’s here!”

“Stun him psy!”

“He’s cornered guys,” the grade 4 negotiator kept a firm grip on the situation as he ordered his men, “Take it slow.”

In the few seconds that had passed between them spotting Aven and Aven positioning himself and opening fire again, both groups displayed they clearly didn’t intend to show any reservations about using their strength anymore.

‘Even he can’t remain unaffected…’

Telling himself that his quick-assault plan was going to work because there was no reason for it not to, he triggered the second stun grenade and launched the first one he had already primed. It was ready to explode.

The moment the first stun grenade unleashed its extreme tech-enhanced flash, sound, and shockwave, Aven rushed past the martial supers who were sent flying and rode on the wave itself to reach the backline of the Canopy “negotiation” team.

Dropping the just primed stun grenade right in front of the temporarily paralyzed grade 4 martial super who represented the highest danger, he started going through all the psy and elemental supers by firing stunning bullets directly at their head.



Reaping the consciousness of everyone he could, he made sure to fire multiple bullets at the head of the spiritual supers as they all had the ability to force their body to wake up with only their spirit, so he had to make sure their physical body entered a state of shock.

The second stun grenade exploded soon enough, earning enough time for Aven to finish the job and to even start on the martial supers who were still stupidly rushing towards where he had previously been.

A few seconds after the 2nd stun grenade had gone off, he aimed his 4 telekinetically-floating handguns at the grade 4 martial super and opened fire while passing him by, preparing himself for an arduous kitting pursuit.

“You!” Struggling against impacts he couldn’t predict, the still-masked man lost his calm and a massive amount of intimidating vibe spread everywhere.

The moment he recovered his senses, or even just his vision, Aven would be in for one hell of a run.

Simultaneously flying away and firing, it took only a few more seconds before the superhuman grade 4 martial super locked in on him with eyes spewing fire, and that was when he started charging at him like a mindless bull.

Seeing this high-speed explosive tank charging at him, Aven didn’t hesitate one second before turning around and focusing on flying at his highest speed until he reached a corridor juncture where he took the sharpest and quickest turn fairy aerodynamics could allow him to.

Turning when he had secured fifty meters for himself, he was just in time to see the scariest-looking pursuer of his life.

It was like the air around the canopy “negotiator” was burning from power exertion, even the solid polymerized concrete ground ultimately cracked like glass to neutralize all the strength it had been put under.

It simply couldn’t withstand the amount of strength it would have had to endure to stop the monstrous martial super from putting his whole strength into chasing him.

Normally, Aven would have exclaimed about how cool it all was, but knowing he was the target of this monster held his mind from making such a judgment.

‘I don’t believe you will not fall at some point!’

Keeping his 4 handguns firing abundantly, only his energy specialization wasn’t activated as he didn’t have the proper equipment to integrate them. But even then, the gun's firepower was still actively enhanced into the territory of grade 4 tech-infusion.

Pushing himself beyond his capabilities, Aven was totally ready to put his endurance against his opponent’s.

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He was certainly only a grade 3, and he wasn’t that far into his grade 3 energy cultivation all things considered, but he had never once procrastinated on getting himself ready to face the world and its darkness.

Or maybe… Just a bit here and there to optimize his preparations for making his ambitions come true.

‘I got no mechanical suit or truly suitable portable weapons yet…’

Turning around once again, he saw he absolutely needed another sharp and swift turn to escape the grade 4 monster currently on his tail.

Acting on that thought, he used his energy threads to create an intricate web capable of enduring the most perfect non-aerodynamic turn ever, earning him precious seconds.

The boom that followed behind him from the martial behemoth having to take another sharp turn and the ground being unable to support its weight and power didn’t impact him, either physically or mentally.

‘But if he really pushes me…’

Not even turning around, he took another sharp turn helped by a web of energy threads as another junction had not been far from the last one before finally adjusting his position by 180 degrees again and opening fire the moment the masked man appeared in his field of view.

The impact of every stunning bullet made itself known to the air as it cracked and exploded every time one touched its target. And despite no visible or tangible effects manifesting after more than a hundred bullets had impacted the man, Aven didn’t relent or despair.

Inevitably, the masked man ultimately caught up after going through more twists and turns than one should ever take in one day.

And it was at that moment that Aven emptied one of his handguns and reloaded it with a magazine he had kept near him from the start.

Not emitting any judgment or calling for attention, he turned for one final time and gazed emotionlessly at his chaser standing just a few meters away from him, ready to grab him.

‘I hope you’re as solid and healthy as you seem to be.’

The world didn’t slow down at that moment, it also didn’t explode or anything, it was just that for the first time since the Canopy negotiation team had invaded the Rainbow IRC… Aven pulled the trigger and fired with real bullets.

Deadly bullets.

Bullets with platinum-tungsten core and titanium cover, specialized in penetrating flesh and damaging it as much as possible.

For the first time since their confrontation started, the negotiator bled, and a hole appeared on his outstretched hand.

It didn’t change the end result that he caught up to Aven though, and the two ended up crashing on the floor.

Still emotionlessly looking at the man who crashed into him and covered his already ruined pure white uniform in bright red blood, his handguns abundantly fired at the man’s limbs.

“You f*cking fairy!” Feeling the damage accumulate, the man resisted the intense energy telekinesis that tried to push him away again and again as he used his remaining good hand to purely and simply crush the lower body of the downed fairy.

“Ha…” Unable to contain a small scream, Aven felt for the first time in action what fighting as a super meant.

But that didn’t stop him from continuing to fire and open holes in the legs of the negotiator as he struggled with all his energy telekinesis might to free himself.

His body was mainly made of energy, losing part of it was an inscribed battle tactic of the fairy.

His energy cycle wasn’t disrupted one bit by all that happened, proving him right.

It would recover on its own within a second if he willed it to.

“Stay here!” Grabbing him with the bloodied hand presenting a bloodied hole of mangled flesh, this time his strength wasn’t sufficient to hold Aven back as his muscles, ligaments, and bones in that area had been too damaged, allowing Aven to finally escape his grasp and fly up to the ceiling.

“Hu…” Focusing within a single breath, the ceiling-bound fairy looked at the ground where a bloodied man with legs butchered by bullet holes stood powerlessly, only now realizing its “negotiation target” really hadn’t been a mere grade 3 fairy as the few reports they had garnered on him had suggested.

“Release your annoying sealing zone,” imperiously looking at his first-ever solo downed grade 4 opponent, Aven demanded.

It was then followed by his whole lower body regenerating instantly from nothing, and for similarly the first true time, he realized that his seemingly endless energy regeneration wasn’t as endless as he had presumed it to be.

“You’ll regret it…” Using a cliche movie villain sentence, the man that successfully kept his mask on even after such an intense exchange ended up surrendering, it could be heard in his voice.

Still looking at him like dead meat, Aven only had one thing to say, “A lot of people will regret my coming to this era, that’s for certain.”

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