The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 40: Chapter 39: Network

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“Oh god, that’s trippy~” Openly describing what he was going through during his awakening, Sen tried all sorts of movements as his energy was slowly starting to awaken through his energy-less body, announcing his departure from normal life.

“Hoh~” Hana was more on the silent side, keeping to herself everything she was going through.

“Yeah, I’m not jealous, my awakening was better than yours I’m sure,” manning the kitchen while his mom and dad were undergoing their awakening, Aven felt happier than ever at finally clearing one of his moral debts.

He had never been the type to think that kindness should be universally given, but what he had always been was someone who knew how to repay someone who gave his kindness to him. His parents belonged to this category, though it was much more extensive than other types of moral debt due to the fact that they were… His parents.

Him expending 4 480 000 FCP to give them the best basic conditions they could ask for as newly-awakened supers was the only thing he could think of that could express his gratitude for more than 20 years of bringing him up to where and who he was today.

A few minutes quickly passed, and the first to wake up from the awakening was… Surprisingly his mother, who then proceeded to tease her husband while he was still somewhat incapacitated.

A few more minutes later, the two had come back to reality and wore pensive expressions on their face, surely trying to make sense of both the hot unfamiliar flow of energy inside their body and the spontaneously spawned knowledge of their innate ability.

Seeing the situation, it was this moment that Aven used to bring the 2 self revolving energy elixir to them, warning them on the way, “Here’s your ancient lost fairy elixir, that’s sort of a cheat so don’t scream to everyone that your energy cycles automatically at all time.”

Each taking the offered small crystal flask, they drank it while continuing to focus more on all the novelties that resulted from their awakening.

“In case you’re worried about it, your energy shouldn’t cause a backlash due to the unique talents you acquired with it, so no need to immediately go to the super agency,” he preemptively appeased their worry, “Take your time to decide when to go to do all the paperwork, it takes hours to do even when you’re trying your best.”

Taking a bite out of the meal initially prepared by his father but appropriated by him, he found it satisfying and began to set the table, “My cooking skills have gone up to a master chef level, so feel free to eat as much as you want of this tasty meal full of sweet and disgusting filial piety.”

Leaving the 2 behind, he headed for his bedroom, wanting to see for himself a few things his now human-defying knowledge base allowed him to know about.

Turning his PC on, he used his foot to infuse it with grade 2 energy so efficient that it could rival grade 3 tech energy, allowing it to boot nearly instantly with a never before seen smoothness.

“Appreciable~” Infusing his energy in some other things like his chair, his keyboard, his mouse, his screen, and even his desk, he instantly transformed his civilian desk computer setup into a military-grade one, even if only a basic one.

From there, he downloaded a few programs from a reliable source website and started accessing the deeply hidden registry of his internet box.

As his period of activity as a revolutionary and innovative engineer was only 2 months long, it didn’t take him long to reduce his scope of analysis to only a few gigabytes of data.

“Sigh…” Finding what he had expected, Aven couldn’t help but sigh in contemplation, hoping for the best but quickly being denied by the harsh reality, “That’s really not following the general military procedure… There’s still a chance that… Right?”

Delving more deeply into what he was seeing before his eyes, a very hidden but noticeable network intrusion trace, he began hacking into the neighboring network box to see their own registry.

And there was nothing.

“A targeted network intrusion… Well, I don’t know if you’re an unfortunate lone hacker or an unfortunate Canopy hacker, but unfortunately for you, I can’t let that pass,” closing all the registries, he turned off his computer and left his bedroom.

“I’m going to sleep for a few hours, innate ability stuff, don’t worry,” he warned his parents about what he was going to do, then exited the apartment momentarily to say the same to his escort, trying to invite him inside but still being adamantly refused.

Returning to his bedroom, he put on a new pillow cover as he had taken it off and took it with him when he went to EMATE, then opened his shop to make another unsuspected expense.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland Military

Faction Authority: Six-Star General

Faction Contribution Points: 2 200 733

Knowledge: Advanced Cyber Warfare (841 000 FCP)


“I sure hope the matter will be resolved easily,” telling himself that, he claimed the knowledge he needed to make sure the concerned matter would be perfectly handled by none other than himself.


Knowledge: Advanced Cyber Warfare (Claim?)



“Hehe~ Looks like they only did a routine intrusion and didn’t expect that someone at the peak of the digital world food chain would be there,” seeing the dozens of IP addresses gradually being lifted as he retraced the circumvoluted intrusion back to its origin, Aven felt a rare thrill he couldn’t possibly feel by designing in his secure building.

It was a thrill that only people perfectly knowing their capabilities and acting as field agents could experience, it was the thrill of mobilizing all his knowledge to seek one precise answer.

And successfully getting it in the end.

“More than 30 intermediaries, and it’s half-half public and private sectors… It looks too much like a pro for it to be a freelance hacker… And who other than an organization dealing in information would want to get my information? Unless they targeted my father, which I highly doubt,” reasoning by process of elimination, he erased all his traces before sending what he had gathered onto the military network.

Done with tracing back to the source of the intrusion, he deliberated on whether to go check by himself the final location which coincidentally turned out to be within Serenis.

“What did I tell myself before? With only words, no one will ever take me seriously? Isn’t it the best time to put that into action and prove to myself that I’m not overestimating my capabilities?” Narrowing his eyes as he thought of how a branch of the greatest underground organization could potentially reside in his home city, he determined that he couldn’t possibly leave without making sure it couldn’t go wrong for his parents.

Putting his thoughts into action, he once again stepped out of his bedroom after turning off his computer and exited the empty apartment, his parents having already departed to fill out all the paperwork they needed to fill out following their awakening, without any hesitation.

“We’re going to raid a Canopy branch, maybe a rogue one, maybe not, we’re going there either way,” telling his escort his intention, he didn’t wait for him and continued on his way towards the elevator.

“Really?” Following behind seamlessly, he tried to clarify whether it was a joke or not, only to receive an impassive glance not showing anything.

“You’ll see when we get there, and we have everything in the car anyway, so what if I told you we were really raiding a branch?” Aven put it in the best way he could, himself not knowing whether where he wanted to go was a branch or not.

“I think it’s a bit reckless for just us 2 to go there if we’re really scouting a branch of the Canopy,” replying with his honest opinion on the matter, his escort still seemed hesitant in whether to believe what he was saying or not. Aven had done worse jokes before after all.

“Well, you’re a grade 2 martial super and I’m a grade 2 tech super with grade 3 capabilities and infinite energy, greatest genius ever on the side too, and I’m telling you that nothing can go wrong where we are going,” telling the truth he believed in, he closed the subject and entered the elevator cage with solid steps.

When the two arrived back at the car, Aven settled into the front passenger seat and inputted an address he had just recently unearthed in the GPS before starting to infuse his energy into everything.

Soon enough, the car engine was ignited and it started driving towards the destination set in the GPS.

Once he had finished infusing the car, Aven slithered to the back seat area and folded a seat to access the fortified trunk where 2 massive reinforced polyester fabric backpacks awaited him.

Ignoring all road safety rules, he started wildly unpacking his escort's bag to infuse the full body armor martial version contained inside it, then he moved on to his secondary weapons, a handgun, a few big machete-like knives…

After he was done with infusing all of his escort's gears, he unpacked his own bag, the one containing all his gears, with the majority having been personally produced by Alain, a grade 4 production tech super.

As he had obviously not intended to go against abominations, he had also taken a martial version of the full body armor. It was after all just much more protective than the other 2 versions when it came to overall performance.

By the time the car had reached its destination, or actually, Ron had been smart enough to stop a few buildings away from it, the two started to equip themselves, expecting the worst.

Observing the environment, an industrial one, Aven started seeing a pattern.


Holy Vow Grade 2 Energy Cultivation Base Increase Serum (Claim?)

Holy Vow Grade 2 Energy Cultivation Cycle Sustaining Serum (Claim?)

Holy Vow Grade 2 Energy Cultivation Cycle Boosting Serum (Claim?)


“Claim,” not taking any risk, he preemptively actualized his trinity effect while his escort took care of sending a message to the authority about what they were doing.

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And with eventually nothing else to retain them, they started advancing towards their destination brazenly after getting the confirmation that their imminent action was properly received, ignoring all the very weird and intense glances from passersby.

“What do you think will happen if that’s really a branch of the Canopy, Ron?” Casually asking his escort about his opinion, Aven reserved his own.

“They’ll panic a little at first, then try to gaslight us by showing their infamous cover, and if that fails, then the highest authority will decide on the course of action, whether it is to flee, fight, or negotiate,” in reply, his escort constructed the broadest scenario he could think of.

“Well, let’s hope they decide we’re easy targets~” Neither agreeing nor denying, he just maintained the same pace until they reached the destination from which the intrusion into his home’s network originated.

“Let me take the vanguard position,” Aven declared.

“With all my respect, sir, I think I-” His escort of course tried to change his mind, but was directly interrupted by his maybe-stupid escortee, considering the situation they found themselves in.

“Just watch,” saying that, he mobilized his energy to pick up a few conveniently placed rusty metal plates and make them float around and before him, “That’s the inferior version of how pure supers show they’re not joking, and it’s both cool as freak and very useful.”

Having no choice but to become mum at this display, a wasteful one considering the one doing it didn’t have an affinity to the pure energy system, his escort just assumed the middle guard while Aven took the rear guard.

The fact that he didn’t resist more than that in joining the half-stupid and half-emotional act of penetrating head-first into a possible Canopy branch, even if it was a minor one, showed that his job as an escort wasn’t exactly the same escort job as others had.

Using his telekinesis to open the unprotected and locked door in their way, the duo penetrated inside the industrial warehouse perimeters.

Showing he hadn’t been assigned his “escort job” by accident, Ron started giving out a very intimidating vibe, a characteristic only another super would be able to sense as it was the telltale sign of energy being applied according to the martial energy system.

“Hehe~ I could feel it,” commenting on it with a light tone, he advanced the rusty metal plates at the same time as his escort advanced.

Soon, they found the first sign of life in the form of a human staring mouth wide open at the 2 men approaching him, one careful, the other casual.

“Good sir, hello~” Taking charge of the communication, Aven greeted this man who was probably close to having a heart attack from nervousness and fear, “May I ask where the manager of this beautiful warehouse is?”

On the side, he appraised him, even though it had already been proven that his appraisal couldn’t go through covers. Yet.


Bevan Smith

Faction: Safe Lock N Roll Storage


Surely too stunned by the floating metal plates and the 2 fully armored men, he instinctively pointed in a direction.

“Thank you, good sir~ Maybe goodbye, maybe see you soon~” Nearly skipping in the given direction, Aven started multitasking by using his energy according to a psy application he knew existed considering it was included in the advanced energy applications knowledge.

Gradually, he became aware of both his escort and the guy he had just encountered in a spiritual way, and the range kept expanding the more energy he provided.

When he reached 50 meters, he stopped, every additional meter was consequently increasing the upkeep, and he didn’t want to consume his trinity effect just like that.

Now able to see through walls and shelves with lots of boxes, he saw a few more people, all standing still, increasing his suspicion but not enough for him to conclude this place was really a Canopy branch.

In the end not worried that this could go horribly wrong, his acquired knowledge on special operations and close quarters combat he had acquired when designing the full body armor he was wearing allowed him to keep calm.

When they reached a see-through glassy room in which a few men were staring at them with weird gazes, the duo knew they had reached their objective, so Aven once again took charge after opening the insulating door with his telekinesis and entering.

“Hello good sirs~ I’m here to inspect things, can I get access to those beautiful computers I see there?” Asking but not at the same time, he didn’t wait for their answer before heading towards the computers confidently, showing he was not worried one bit.

But even then, it seemed that finally his suspicion hadn’t been for naught as one of the men stepped up and got on his way to stop him, “I’m afraid you can’t, mister. The data available here aren’t for anyone else but our superiors to browse through freely.”

The next moment, the man started floating and panic appeared on his face as he looked at the masked man most surely responsible for that.

“Unfortunately, you don’t have a choice,” moving him out of the way with his energy telekinesis with a few arrogant words, Aven took one chair for himself and opened one computer after plugging in a USB key he had prepared beforehand.

Directly using the most efficient hacking software from his USB, he dug deep into everything contained in this computer and the network of this industrial warehouse in general.

And he quickly got what he wanted, in addition to a lot more, “That’s a lot of private data you got there~”

Everyone in the room started to sweat a bit at the demonic hacking speed shown by the man, it seemed that everyone here knew what he was looking at, as if they were all part of the higher management and not simple workers.

When Aven dove even deeper, ignoring all sorts of data protection and passwords easily and started seeing and opening data that was too incriminating… One of the good sirs suddenly began emitting a cold vibe, making everyone in the room simultaneously look at him, all with different expressions.

“So…” It was once again Aven who decided to talk first, “What’s a psy super like you doing here? Not something shady I hope.”

To confirm something that had already been confirmed to his dismay, he appraised this not-suspicious psy super.


Ethan Davila

Faction: Safe Lock N Roll Storage


‘Yup. Doesn’t appraise sh*t. A psy super working as a manager in a storage company? Sure, completely rational. What are the chances his name isn’t also a cover then? 0%? Sounds about right mathematically speaking.’

In answer to this development, his escort intensified his intimidating vibe even more, ready to intervene at a moment’s notice.

All the shady men looked at each other, transmitting their intentions through glances, but it seemed that no consensus was reached and they all independently decided to mobilize their energy, proving they were all supers.

“I think you overextended your stay here a bit too much,” one of the guys giving out a similar intimidating vibe as Ron, said, full of hostility and seemingly ready to use force.

“Is this really a Canopy branch?” Surprised at the turn of events, Aven’s curiosity took over, still unbothered by anything.

“If you’re not criminals you don’t have to worry about anything, you know? Or maybe you’re a rogue branch? A stupidly powerful city gang? How do you want to go at it anyway? I’m up for beating you all up if you want, we’ll make sure to use non-lethal force if you’re worried, my practical experience in fighting is close to zero by the way. But by doing that, you’ll admit things you would very much prefer not to admit once you’re before the tribunal.”

“Cut the talk,” one of the men who still hadn’t said anything until now that was emanating a lively vibe, characteristic of the elemental system, rudely interrupted him from talking any further, “State your allegiance.”

“Hoh~ So that’s why,” realizing they didn’t know which course of action to take because they didn’t know who they were, Aven ultimately decided to be done with it, “Eland. Pretty much diametrically opposed to the Canopy in its current state.”

In reply, and as could have been expected, everyone began moving in an instant.

The moment a first bolt of lighting spontaneously appeared before him, ready to fry him, his badly-practiced reflex took over and he drew a handgun from its holder as he dodged to the right with a bit of martial enhancement.

“Hehehe~ That’s your choice!” Not saying anything else, he turned off the security and started aiming as his escort had already engaged the other party martial super, ready to put him down at any time as he just didn’t have to care about his tech-infused defense at all.

A bit overwhelmed by the calm resistance and light speed reaction, the 6 foreign supers in the room all scattered their power in different directions.

However, none of them showed extraordinary capabilities worth of being grade 3, so what welcomed them was a first not-that-loud gunfire, shooting a normally inoffensive rubber bullet, but with all the enhancement added together, it had become a perfect stun bullet able to send to sleep anyone hit in the head by it.

The whole room erupted in more display of supernatural powers as the psy guy uncontrollably emitted a psy pulse to try and disrupt Ron’s movement, in vain, and one more guy who saw his companion fall “asleep” targeted Aven with a bright flash, trying to remove his vision.

‘So that’s 3 elemental, 2 psy, and 1 martial. Perfect.’

Accounting for each of the 6 supers, Aven aimed his gun at yet another elemental super and the moment he pressed the trigger, the guy fell over, unconscious.

He felt a slight spiritual pressure assault him from another direction, but his armored spirit talent allowed him to shrug it off completely and fire at the last elemental super, putting the greatest variables out of commission.

Properly aiming and pulling the trigger of an overpowered neutralizing gun really didn’t need him to have years of experience raiding Canopy branches and fighting for his life, it turned out.

Ron was the one who fell upon the last standing psy super, quickly putting him down after only a few moves and rendering him unconscious to join his 4 companions in a few seconds.

“Well, I told you it was easy,” commenting with a matter-of-fact tone, Aven then sat himself back on the chair to continue browsing through all the restricted private data about thousands of unaware people as Ron called for a local authority to arrange for the support and cleaning operations.

You can find story with these keywords: The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], Read The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] novel, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] book, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] story, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] full, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] Latest Chapter

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