The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 42: Chapter 41: Stability

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Infusing, pushing his knowledge application skill to its limit, earning millions of FCP per awake cycle which showed no signs of ever stabilizing, still extending by 15 or so minutes every time.

Spending it all when sleep came to expand his knowledge base, integrating and encompassing much further fields than any other tech supers, supers in general, and human beings in a much wider scope had bothered to learn at the same time.

Never slackening one bit, Aven reveled in this all-in volunteering schedule that left him free to mobilize and become more familiar with all the knowledge he learned the “night” prior.

Every 6 hours he consumed 3 different grade 2 cultivation resources, helping his energy remain afloat in this schedule where everything depended on it, and the returns were as exaggerated as the demand, making his grade 2 energy cultivation grow by more or less 10 points every cycle.

Cycles passed, soon turning into weeks of real-time, and finally, Aven reached a point where his mystical linear growth ceased.

From gaining 4% of tech-enhancement each cycle, it decreased to 3%, then the next cycle to 2%, then the cycle after to 1%. On the 14th cycle of this all-in volunteering schedule, he reached an average tech-enhancement of 311% and from there every further increase became harder and harder.

His grade 2 energy seemed to have stumbled upon a wall, and no matter how much additional knowledge he infused in it with his still skyrocketing knowledge application skill, it gradually stabilized and stopped showing any major improvements from there.

That was… Until he finished cleaning up all the advanced and interesting intermediate knowledge in his faction contribution shop’s catalog and switched to cleaning the items giving talents.

Eventually, his life went on unstoppably, always progressing without being interrupted by anything, the surge didn’t start, a nuclear war didn’t start in Emma, and the Canopy didn’t go completely rogue.

Casually preparing before going to sleep, Aven saw on his bedroom wall the monument he had kept building over his entire single-minded life for the past 3 months of real-time, which amounted to 40 continuous cycles for him and his warped life cycle.


Knowledge: Advanced Tech Energy System (311 400 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Energy Specializations (315 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Psy Energy System (316 100 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Elemental Energy System (316 100 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Martial Energy System (316 400 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Pure Energy System (316 500 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Swimming (325 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Fast-Roping (325 700 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Free-Fall (325 900 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Singing (326 200 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Fishing (326 200 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Military Procedures (328 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Aircraft Piloting (425 900 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Jet Piloting (426 100 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Helicopters Piloting (426 100 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Oceanography (427 200 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Filming (427 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Triangulation (428 100 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Energy Cultivation Resources (437 200 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Human Resources (684 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Long-Range Rifle Shooting (615 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Explosive Breaching (625 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Emergency First Aid (625 700 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Sniper Rifle Shooting (625 800 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Counterintelligence (625 800 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Guerrilla Tactics (625 800 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Psychological Operations (626 200 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced War Planning (626 400 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced History (626 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Hacking (636 200 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Short-Range Rifle Shooting (636 300 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Handgun Shooting (636 400 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Cooking (636 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Energy Cultivation (636 800 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Innovative Designs (636 900 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Artillery Handling (637 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced High-Speed Driving (637 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Audio Engineering (637 800 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Criminology (638 200 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Hardware (639 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Tech-Energy Engineering (718 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Martial-Energy Engineering (720 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Surgery (727 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Psychology (729 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Inspection (731 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Software (732 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Water Engineering (735 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Air Engineering (739 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Firearm Shooting Skills (741 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Vehicle Driving (742 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Politics (756 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Logistics (775 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Communication (776 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Administration (789 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Economy (807 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Infiltration (835 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Teamwork (837 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Diplomacy (840 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Weapon Systems (849 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Vehicle Designing (850 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Combat Engineering (852 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Aeronautical Engineering (858 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Demolition (858 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced High-Pressure Mentality (864 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Aircraft Piloting (865 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Electrical Engineering (875 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Aerospace Engineering (876 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Military Tactics (885 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Biomedical Engineering (887 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Armament Engineering (890 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Expert Management (1 241 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Expert Leadership (1 394 000 FCP)

Perfected Evolution Elixir (670 000 FCP) (Can’t do sh*t. Sue the company who created it as soon as possible or make them tell me that my genes are perfect. Latter preferred.)

Energy Growth Wonder Flower (780 000 FCP) (Taking 5 didn’t increase the associated talent, either taking more is useless, or the price will be higher than expected. Latter preferred.)

Experimental Abandoned Beast Serum (1 250 000 FCP)

Regeneration Leaf (1 370 000 FCP)

Inexhaustible Body Mutation Serum (1 630 000 FCP)

Spiritual Awareness Drop (2 456 000 FCP)

Seamless Bark Extract (2 706 000 FCP)

Emma Unstable Elixir (2 740 000 FCP)

Energy Immune Constitution Mutation Elixir (3 128 000 FCP)

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Equalizing Crystal Shard (3 410 000 FCP)

Energy Photosynthesis Amber (7 856 000 FCP)

Essence Stabilizer Life Blood Drop (14 870 000 FCP)


Hundreds and hundreds of knowledge, from slightly relevant to totally irrelevant had been crossed out, followed by tens of items.

“Tens of millions of FCP… But it was all worth it, right?” Smiling slightly at this unreadable list, Aven knew he had made the right choice as he claimed his reward for this cycle.


Faction Contribution Quest: Nation of Eland Military

Volunteering: Contribute to the stability of your faction without asking for anything in return. The more time spent and the harder the tasks, the greater the contribution.

Reward: 6 503 250 FCP


Laying down on his bed after reaccepting the same quest, he claimed his third copy of a certain item that had stumped him for the last 8 cycles.

Close to a fifth of everything he had earned during his great grind had been invested in getting this precise talent. And for good reasons.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland Military

Faction Authority: Six-Star General

Faction Contribution Points: 16 200 730

Essence Stabilizer Life Blood Drop (14 870 000 FCP): A drop of life blood, a blood that can only be produced with the intent of sacrificing one's talent, from a life with the essence stabilizer universal talent. Gives the consumer a chance to acquire the essence stabilizer universal talent.


Essence Stabilizer Life Blood Drop (Claim?)


“Claim,” confirming both mentally and physically, a tiny crystal flask manifested itself over the next 5 minutes, a time so much longer than for other less expensive items that Aven was almost certain the prices weren’t being decided by hard to find factors.

Much opposite to that, in fact. But as he wasn’t certain yet, he remained silent and just accepted that this single drop of blood was worth dozens of Energy Growth Wonder Flowers.

When the tiny flask was fully stable, he opened it and drank the glinting drop of scarlet blood contained inside, hoping that this time he would get this legendary talent for the free price of only 15 million FCP.

Same as the previous 2 times he had ingested such a blood drop, a sensation of everything filled him, his energy felt both cold and hot, both solid and liquid, both lively and lifeless, both colorful and monochrome, both there, and not there.

“It’s…” Unlike the last 2 times, however, this time the sensations ran much deeper, until they reached his bones, until they reached his very cells, and his body started trembling uncontrollably, “Working?”

Remembering all the research he had done about this precise universal talent, Aven knew what he was feeling really was, it was his everything, his spirit, his energy, his body, that were being stabilized by the mystical force behind this legendary talent only a grade 6 fairy and 2 of her descendants had awakened.

And none of them remained anymore, having all disappeared with the rest of the fairies.

“Does that mean I… I…” Overwhelmed with happiness, he opened his status to confirm he wasn’t celebrating too early.


Aven Amias

Faction: Nation of Eland Military

Energy Grade: 2

Energy Cultivation: 998/1 000

Energy Affinity: Tech

Physical Talents: Basic Energy Furnace Cells, Basic Condensed Body, Basic Regenerating Body, Basic Inexhaustible Body, Basic Energy Immune Constitution

Energy Talents: Basic Tech Energy Affinity, Basic Energy Sense, Basic Natural Energy Growth, Basic Self Revolving Energy, Basic Seamless Energy, Basic Excitable Energy, Basic Equalizing Energy, Basic Energy Photosynthesis

Spiritual Talents: Inquisitive Spirit, Advanced Knowledge Integration, Basic Tireless Spirit, Basic Armored Spirit, Basic Enhanced Awareness

Universal Talents: Unawakened Fairy Ancestry, Creative Instinct, Essence Stabilizer


“I acquired it!” Letting his emotion explode, he felt that all the 45 million FCP he had spent on this was worth it as he felt his everything, from what defined him metaphysically to what he was physically, undergo a slow but steady unstoppable transformation, “Let’s see what my innate ability has to say about it~”


Basic Condensed Body: Your body has adapted to resist higher pressure and strain, transforming all its weaknesses by means of biological condensing. Minimally increases your resistance to physical-based forces.

Basic Regenerating Body: Your body is endowed with miraculous cells able to remember and regenerate even lost organs and limbs as long as enough nutrients are provided. Allow your body to naturally biologically regenerate lost parts of itself at a minimal speed for an extreme nutrient cost.

Basic Inexhaustible Body: Your body has the ability to stock nutrients in a much more efficient form and the parallel ability to call upon them as will in time of need. Allow your body to stock nutrients in a minimally more efficient form.

Basic Energy Immune Constitution: Your entire physical body rejects foreign energy. Minimally increases your resistance against energy-based forces.

Basic Seamless Energy: Your energy naturally seeks to fill any gaps in itself by reforming its structure. Minimally increases your energy density.

Basic Excitable Energy: Your energy answers to your emotions and can show unsuspected potential when certain emotional intensities are attained. Minimally increases your energy intensity when it is backed by a meaningness and strong emotions. (Evolve into Emotional Energy)

Basic Equalizing Energy: Your energy always tries to optimize and equalize its spread when infused, manipulated, or transformed. Minimally increases your energy intensity and sustainability.

Basic Energy Photosynthesis: When inside a highly energetic or radiation-saturated environment, your energy knows how to sustain and maintain itself by absorbing what it needs from it. Minimally increases your energy sustainability when in neutral high-energy environments.

Basic Enhanced Awareness: Your spirit is more sensitive to change in your close environment than it should be. Minimally increases the amount and quality of the information perceived by your senses.

Essence Stabilizer: Stability is at the core of your very being. Your spirit cannot be destabilized, it will severely destabilize everything that tries to do so. Your energy has a stabilizing effect on itself and can affect the stability of everything it interacts with. Your body seeks to remain stable at all times and will exhaust all means to make sure its stability is never broken.


“Hehe~” His jaw muscles went into overwork to the point of hurting when he saw the description of his new talent, it was exactly as the legends had said, to the letters, “All my essence is stabilizing, my everything is attuning with itself, preparing for reaching total harmony. Is that what’s happening to me right now?”

Feeling for himself the ongoing changes, his curiosity was fighting with his flooding exhaustion at having surpassed the 57 and a half hours his spirit was able to remain awake for by fighting against natural exhaustion.

“I’ll have all the time tomorrow to see for myself how this will turn out anyway…” One side eventually crushed the other after a few minutes of inner dilemma, and he used a bit of telekinesis to turn off the lights and close his eyes.

Not using any psy pulse, he softly let himself be carried away by the miraculous sensations he was feeling coming from everywhere, not just his energy.

Some tingling-like sensations appeared in his chest area, some weird lights reached him from the spiritual realm, and some warm and comfortable heat invaded his energy…

As he slowly drifted to sleep, all the sensations evolved, changed, echoing and answering to and with each other, as if trying to find the perfect harmony, a harmony that seemed hard to find, but that certainly existed.

Eventually, before that harmony was found, sleep took him and his active intellectual capabilities decreased to parallel this state, letting nature take its course.

“I feel… So freaking great, what the hell?” Before even opening his eyes after waking up from his 5 hours of sleep, Aven couldn’t help but feel how in great form he was.

Pushing with his abdominal muscles to get up, he instantly changed from a lying position to a sitting one. Effortlessly.

Removing his blanket and getting up, all his actions appeared so smooth that they felt foreign despite perfectly knowing he was the one doing them.

“Now that’s…” Reaching the door leading to the living room and opening it before even realizing it, it was like his intentions, thoughts, and body were interconnected to a new level he didn’t know was possible, “Crazy…”

Mobilizing his energy to turn on the TV, the same situation happened, it was like his energy knew before him what he wanted to do and a thread of energy had already been projected earlier than he knew it.

Quickly taking to this new natural state, it was like second nature for him as he used the marvelous energy telekinesis pure energy applications to fetch himself a glass of water to hydrate himself.

“To think that it’s only a side effect from reaching perfect stability and I haven’t even tried the more lethal and absolute properties, no wonder that fairy was a freaking legend, she was born like that,” lost in contemplation, he fantasized for a few minutes before his mind shifted to a much more urgent matter. Relatively.

It wasn’t the first time his life view had changed after all, his Basic Enhanced Awareness spiritual talent pretty much had a similar effect back when he obtained it, same for the Basic Condensed Body physical talent.

One had refined his senses to the point that he could hear everything much farther than before, and the other had modified his proprioception by wrecking the weights of each of his cells.

“Today should be my last cycle spent as a grade 2… And talking about grade 2,” coming back to his usual self after adapting to his new reality, he was reminded of one thing he still had to do to make sure he reached grade 3 in this cycle.


Holy Vow Grade 2 Energy Cultivation Base Increase Serum (Claim?)

Holy Vow Grade 2 Energy Cultivation Cycle Sustaining Serum (Claim?)

Holy Vow Grade 2 Energy Cultivation Cycle Boosting Serum (Claim?)


As 3 familiar rainbow swirls manifested themselves, Aven thought about the fact that maybe they were the last batch of grade 2 cultivation resources he would ever claim, and that made a slight smile appear on his face.

Checking his status just to be sure, he saw that during the night he hadn’t advanced to 999 grade 2 energy cultivation points, and felt both relieved and annoyed.

“It’s the end of the line, of course natural cycling wouldn’t work as it used to,” he maintained his smile while admonishing himself, “The only reason I’m so high to begin with is because my energy is being used so frantically and with such high efficiency. I’m the first in history to be like that...”

Drinking the 3 crystal flasks that had stabilized, he dressed in a fresh set of white military uniform and headed towards the production area, intent on growing his energy to the point that the next natural evolution would happen, making him reach a higher stage of life.

Reaching his cave that he knew like the back of his head, he headed for the first integrated line in reach and started infusing his energy inside after changing the production mode from low-intensity to tech-production.

“41st cycle… That’s a long freaking time, and if someone told me the surge was finally breaking out right now I wouldn't be surprised,” finishing infusing his weird-feeling energy inside the line, he realized only now that he didn’t know how acquiring the Essence Stabilizer universal talent would affect his energy intensity.

“I reached 377% at the end of the 40th, and if it’s like when I acquired Basic Excitable Energy and Basic Equalizing Energy, then I should gain another 20%... But for some reason I doubt it~” Enthusiastically ending his thoughts spoken aloud, he refocused on his main activity.

And integrated production line after integrated production line, he went through the whole 28 lines before coming back to the first and infusing his energy again inside the machine that-

“Huh?” He emitted a confused sound when he put his hand on the first line he had infused today.

-should have consumed all the energy he had infused in it more than 2 hours ago.

“Huh? Huh?” Looking left and right, he blinked a few times in confusion before confirming that this was the right big massive metallic integrated production line he had infused at first again and again, “Stable? Like… Stable over time…? Ho~”

Feeling the hype rocket and bubble inside him, Aven continued acting like a young child in complete wonder of the new situation he was seeing unveiling before him, a situation with far-reaching consequences without even needing to think more about it.

‘If I had only focused on earning FCP without spending any of it, I wouldn’t be far from getting enough to claim a fairy crystal by now…’

Thinking about a fact that couldn’t be disproved to counterbalance his erupting hype at discovering his energy was now so stable that it could subsist for 2 hours, more than triple his previous record, inside a complex and extremely energy-consuming integrated production line, he controlled himself as best as he could.

“Does that mean…” Slowly turning to look at the production area he was in, he stopped seeing every machine individually. What he was now looking at were 28 tech-infused integrated production lines, each producing different tech-produced ammunition.

“Sigh~ You’ve overdone it a bit essence stabilizer~” Shaking his head with a trembling and scary smile drawn on it, Aven began delving into all the major and heavy consequences originating from his newly discovered capabilities.

“No matter how much longer it will last, the fact is, my consumption of energy will be extremely reduced as long as I’m not working with expendable machinery,” he started by processing the first main point of this new stable energy he now had.

“A decreased consumption means I’ll have more energy to expend. More energy to expend means more options, at the same time it's not that much of a revolution for me considering I can cheat my energy quantity by using cultivation resources combined with my self revolving energy,” he quickly finished deducing that first point and moved on to the next.

“As for the over time stability that makes it so that my energy remains stable for so much longer… It’s also a factor that only affects me when it’s about not expendable machines, but it’s so much more impactful too,” he clarified his deduction as he had them until he arrived at the one thing that made the situation so much brighter, “And the more impacted aspect will be… My volunteering quest.”

You can find story with these keywords: The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], Read The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] novel, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] book, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] story, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] full, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] Latest Chapter

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