The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 65: Chapter 63: Public Figure Transition Plan

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“It’s a goodbye Forbidden Continent,” pulling himself out of his sentimental mood, Aven looked at the now distant view of the continent dominated by the abominations and concluded the matter in the way that seemed to fit the best.

Turning his body one-eighty degrees, the endless sea welcomed him. From the top of the naval cruiser he was on, he could see nothing but water, just water and more water, what lay below it couldn’t be distinguished with his simple eyes, even if they belonged to that of an energy life.

Opening one of his boxes, he got a human-sized laptop out of it, turned it on, fetched his fairy-sized headset, connected both together, and started blasting music.

Suddenly feeling in a much more familiar and relaxing environment with the White shining down on him from high in the sky and the sea breeze refreshing him continuously, he felt at ease when he opened a text document and began typing, expertly using his energy telekinesis to write at a human-defying speed.

As for what he was writing, it was a script. Or it was intended to be a script. A script he fundamentally needed for a secondary objective of the development path he had chosen to take.

Having had 2 months to think about himself, the world, and his place in it, even if only on the side, his thoughts on these complex matters combined with his newly acquired knowledge eventually gave birth to a convoluted plan with many steps seemingly unrelated to each other.

“First is obviously an introduction...” Finished with creating an appropriate document format, he typed the first major title part of this document, “I’ve already exposed myself, so no need to hold back on this one.”

Putting a lot of space for what he had to write, he moved to the parts he had already thought about before, “Let’s call the first part ‘Teaching, the second part… ‘Proving’? Sounds ambiguous enough. And the last will be ‘Propagandizing’, it’s in line with the patriotic foundation of Eland, isn’t it? Hehe~”

Making jokes he was the only one to hear, he moved back to the first major part, “Introduction”, and started brainstorming on what was the best way to introduce himself to the world.

“I need to explain what the goal of this series is first, then introduce myself… Should I start in human form? No. There’s nothing better than a fairy to captivate~” Unleashing his creative mind, he typed as fast as ideas popped.

Accessing his knowledge on entertainment, filming, public speaking, as well as all sorts of fields related to both the making and the writing of a serious high-budget documentary project, Aven didn’t deprive himself of aiming for the top from the start.

It was a “secondary” project, but it was a secondary project only because his primary project encompassed everything he could and wanted to do in the path of revolutionizing the world.

In terms of scale, not even this massive secondary project he had thought of to build a miraculous public image was as important as what he had intended to make of "his life".

“I need some eccentric elements too… Not my life, not my parents, my awakening is... Interesting, but not so much. My rise? My ambitions? My passion for biking? Hum… Let’s leave it blank for now,” writing at the speed of his thought, the framework of a script slowly took form.

Such a framework, however, was only the most basic form of what he wanted. Next was the actual filming. And this was a field of expertise where nothing but pure budget and professionalism could allow him to push his idea into becoming more impactful than they appeared to be.

“For the first few minutes, a white room staging. Then a transition with after-effects to pictures of what I’m talking about… Maybe a black room for the cut? Only me in a totally void black room would certainly be impactful…” Same as when he wrote what he wanted to say, he used both his knowledge and imagination to come up with a whole staging direction.

He was an interdisciplinary genius, he was able to do everything and much more. That was what he intended to say in his introduction, and he firmly believed this statement to be true unironically.

“Ho! A rainbow cut! I’m a fairy so I need to include the rainbow concept! And I can use it for the ambitious part!” Coming with ideas that spilled onto the dialogue part, he found ways to add everything he wanted that seemed perfect to the “Arrogant”, “Ambitious”, “Social”, and “Honest” personality traits he wanted to showcase to the public.

“The ending will be… A teaser! Of course!” Feeling excited at the idea, he wrote “Video Teaser” and started filling the teaser with lines of dialogue he would have to say at the end of the introduction, “Something like… I’ll show you I’m not bragging? Or, did you think I was lying about my passion for bikes? Hehehe~”

Writing everything anyway, he felt too motivated to continue scripting the introduction video so he switched to the “Teaching” major part and opened a sub-major part he named “Bike And Tech-Production Concept”.

“Ah~ If only the world was at peace~” Pausing for a moment, he opened his shop and claimed an item.


Martial-Produced Nectarized Soft Honey (Claim?)


Opening it once it was fully materialized, he used his energy to materialize a glass out of thin air and served himself a full-to-the-brim glass.

In a rare immersive moment where he stopped thinking about everything he had to do and the omnipresent risk of the entire world descending into chaos, he simply admired his current situation with a foolish smile harboring his face.

He was at the top of a military naval cruiser, rocked by the waves of a sea inhabited by abyssal monsters threatening to ruin everything.

The sight of lone seagulls, a large glass of soft honey in hand, with peaceful relaxing music blasting in his ears, and a nearly permanent soft sea breeze that kept telling him to feel at ease.

Not saying anything, Aven simply enjoyed the moment for a few minutes before returning to scripting the first video of the “Teaching” major part.

Some people his age would have seen what he was doing as work, but not to him, not anymore.

His life had already transformed, from a university student to whatever he was now, from relaxing every day with a casual university schedule to giving his all for 16 hours straight for no other reason than wanting to.

And from that point, he had never slowed down.

Because he just didn’t feel like it.

Being a super, acquiring power, acquiring knowledge, it had all become a part of his life.

And he loved this life.

Arriving back at the Eland Continent after 16 hours of express travel by sea, Aven felt that having lost all this time had been completely worth it. He hadn’t wanted to take a plane because he had wanted to enjoy a good relaxing sea cruise, and he got what he wanted.

Once he disembarked at a military port, he contacted both ERA for them to prepare a private jet for him and his parents to see where they were, then he headed for the airport and departed without having to wait on a flight towards a city named Plubury.

As for why his parents were there, from what they told him on the phone, it was because the city hosted one of the most luxurious and large water parks of Eland.

Not minding the small details, Aven shrugged and evaluated that maybe with their newly acquired status as supers, they had decided to take a big break from life.

As money really wasn’t a worry anymore for them, and that was true even if their son hadn’t become a fairy, it was a decision he could totally relate to. Obviously, he had been brought up by his parents, so it didn’t take a convoluted thought process to understand them.

Landing at Plubury’s airport, he pondered a bit on whether to assume his human form or not and eventually exited the airport by flying at high speed in the direction of the water park where his parents should be.

Arriving there 15 minutes later, he descended directly from the opened dome, it was a beautiful summer-end day so of course it was open, and called his parents again as people started looking at him.

“Where are you, mom?” He said the moment the call was picked up.

“At the artificial beach, are you already there~?” His mom, Hana, for all her name mattered to someone who had always called her mom all his life, answered.

“I’m coming~” Hanging up the moment he got his answer, he fluttered his wings once and accelerated to the speed of an average fit human sprinting.

The artificial beach was visible from where he had been, so he simply beelined to it until he saw his father waving at him from under a tropical tree with his mother next to him, having just put away her phone in a messy pile of bags.

Adjusting his trajectory, he landed just next to them, added his own boxes to the messy pile, and then did a quick loop to show off, “Greetings, mom and dad! Your son is here to visit you before he starts on his world domination!”

“You could have just gone directly to the Rainbow Mountain, you know? I’m not missing you too much if you weren’t aware~” Teasing him in the way he always had, his dad, Sen, welcomed him casually.

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“I’m sure you have a lot of things to do, Aven, but worrying about us certainly shouldn’t be one of your concerns,” reassuring him for no reason, his mother welcomed him in her own way.

“Well, I intended to keep you company for an hour or two, but now, I’m provoked!” Showing a fake temper at the disregard his parents displayed, he crossed his arm and put on a pouting expression, “And I have nothing else to say because I’m not going to change my plan!”

“Good, that’s how you should be,” patronizing him and intensifying his teasing even more, his dad showed his experience in subduing his untenable social butterfly son, “Now let’s go somewhere where I can show you off to others, it’s not every day that I can brag about having a fairy as a son, or a son as a fairy, whatever it is!”

“Why not, it’s not every day I can brag about having a human as a father, or a father as a human, whatever it means!” Aven copied the exact teasing in reverse, then added his own part, “Also, it’ll be marvelous for building up my public image! I hope we can attract as much attention as fairyly possible!”

“Ho~ A public image? That’s a weird thing to have in mind when world domination should be your primary objective. Why don’t you tell me more about it?” Catching on the hint, his father exhibited a curiosity that wasn’t foreign.

“We have a few hours, so let’s take it slow~ Why don’t you first tell me why mom is so much prettier now?” Aven countered.

“Hehe~ I think the son should answer first, that’s only pure politeness~” Sen argued back, insisting on being the one to lead the conversation.

“And I think I’ll just ignore you and ask mom!” Aven turned and approached his mother, “Ho mother~ You have become as beautiful as a flower, not that you weren’t already as pretty as one last I saw you~”

“Being a martial super has its advantages,” she kept her face neutral with a slight smile as she said, “And you’ve become much sweeter.”

“A fairy is nothing but sweet,” playing on the words, he continued discussing with his mother, ignoring his father who was swiftly relegated to the background.

Eventually, the family of 3 reached a refreshment bar, and what was bound to happen happened.

A fairy certainly wasn’t a common sight despite Eland being the nation founded by the fairies, and a fairy completely unbothered by the normal social code, while not that rare, added a touch of mysticism to the whole scene, making sure this familial reunion didn’t proceed normally.

But overall, while pictures and short videos were certainly taken abundantly, no secret ERA agents or water park staff came to bother the whole impromptu event.

Hours passed, and when the summer-end White had nearly set and the water park had to close, Aven split from his parents by recovering his boxes and taking to the sky, returning to the airport where a private jet was awaiting him without even having needed to send a message.

His next destination had already been set.

It was the Rainbow Mountain, the legendary birthplace and home of the fairies, a mythical location of the Eland Continent.

Stepping out of the private jet and swiftly recovering his boxes containing both useful and useless things from the hold, Aven admired the distant view of a titanic singular mountain piercing through the blue sky amidst an endless modern buildings-covered plain split by a few rivers all finding their origin in the logic-defying mountain.

“My ancestors had good taste, that’s definitely not something I can take away from them,” feeling amazed by both the sight itself and the meaning and history behind this mountain, Aven softly commented with a neutral face.

Pulling him out of his reverie, his phone rang out.

Picking up the call after confirming it came from a number he had called “ERA”, he had already expected it so he didn’t hesitate in opening the conversation, “Hello~ No, this is not the answering machine. Yes, I would really want to know where my hundreds of future sidekicks are.”

“All the appointments you asked for have been made, there is yet to be a single negative return to be reported. The location and time of the meeting will be the White Fish main restaurant for the entire afternoon of tomorrow,” ignoring his misplaced joke, the person on the other side informed him of the advancement of what he had asked.

“Marvelous, I thank you for your work Mr. Youknow, is there anything else? I have a whole ancestral mountain to explore so… Anyway,” interrupting his own jokes because he didn’t feel like continuing it, he waited for an answer.

“No, there is nothing else,” the male voice coming from his phone said.

“Okay, bye then~” Hanging up, Aven dropped his phone inside his travel gears box and forgot about it as he certainly didn’t need a GPS to know what direction to take to arrive at the Rainbow Mountain.

“Now… Where do I start? The southside violet gate? Yeah, sounds too cool of a thing to miss for my first time stepping inside,” flapping his wings, he began heading towards the most absurdly visible landmark he had seen in his entire life.

Flying above the beautiful city aptly named Elandia, the capital city of Eland that shone through the world as an extremely historically-charged city, he totally changed his mindset into that of a tourist.

Same as when he had first arrived at EMATE, at Blackdale IMC, and at the Forbidden Wall, the first thing he had to do was the one activity that allowed his curiosity to possess and control his body fully: Exploring.

And this time the only thing that had changed was the scale, because no matter where he had read about the Rainbow Mountain in search of interesting places to sightsee, one thing that always came out of it was how even reserving an entire week to tour the place wouldn’t be enough.

That fact, however, only made Aven more willing to take his time to slowly explore every corner of this mountain that was bound to become his home for more than just the short-term future.

Reaching the most external perimeter of the Rainbow Mountain after 20 minutes of flight which had allowed him to see the transition from urbanity to nature, he landed before the official modern-looking entry gate where he dropped a majority of his boxes, now useless as he had reached the most secure place of the planet.

Keeping with him only his self-defense box, his mess box, his provision box, and his electronics box, he felt light as a feather, clearly the most optimal state to explore new places light-heartedly.

“Ah~” Passing through the mostly symbolic outer perimeter security gate with his short legs amidst the steady flow of curious tourists and the confused gazes of the staff, he had followed the symbological act to the end and felt utterly satisfied at having done so, “Now, where’s this violet gate?”

Recovering his airborne status, he ignored the huge man-made trails that allowed any willing tourist to admire the man-made trimmed and beautified forest and vegetation in favor of paving his own way.

Exploration wasn’t something that could be controlled, at least not according to Aven’s own understanding of it.

The White eventually set, but as the Rainbow Mountain had long lost all traces of its belonging to the wilderness, all its trails and all its points of interest had beautiful lighting arrangements that Aven couldn’t help but praise internally.

The night-time Rainbow Mountain seemed to have fewer people, but it was only in comparison to the huge day flow. If this comparison was removed, then night and day were the same.

Due to all the conditions perfectly harmonizing with each other, from the air still being warm as summer, while it was reaching its end, was still peaking temperature-wise, to all the shops and buildings still being open and lively, the atmosphere at every point of interest and even on the huge trails felt like that of a festival.

Fully taking to this global mood, Aven, as a fairy, didn’t see time pass.

He met new people, bought a stupid amount of things just to give them away to random people when he was fed up with them, food items included, saw lots of historically important points of interest that echoed with his “Eland History” dynamic quest…

Even when he was fully focused on relaxing and exploring, he found inspiration at random times and had to stop to write down his thoughts before resuming his exploration.

The White rose again, making for a particularly beautiful moment as the sky-piercing Rainbow Mountain seemed to come back to life.

Early morning made for yet another scenery and mood, one Aven found enjoyable while not being the best, it was very different after all.

Time continued to pass until noon arrived and his phone rang out to remind him that he had an “appointment” to go to.

Stopping his exploration of his future home, he didn’t descend down the mountain but kept the same altitude and headed back towards Elandia, this time with his GPS turned on.

Arguably, the most important meeting of his life gathering extremely important people of Eland was going to take place at a random restaurant he had picked on a whim.

“Hehe~” And that fact made him laugh in derision while putting a big smile on his face as he flew across a seemingly endless sky.

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