The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 77: Chapter 75: Bike

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After spending 4 hours assembling the 2nd iteration of the IUM, Aven opened the huge gate that linked the production area to the assembly area and moved the tech-enhanced IUM to replace the 1st iteration.

The removal and replacement took a bit less than an hour, after which the now useless 1st iteration IUM was left standing uselessly on the side, its own creation having completely taken over its role.

Aven had planned for it to be disassembled and stored somewhere for an eventual museum exposition in the future, but that would only happen when he had the time to think about it as what followed the intense shift of IUM was a deep, thorough, and long test.

Each unit needed to be tested, the system had to be put to its limit, and Aven himself had to see how the energy flowed through the whole monstrosity, making sure no flow ended up discontinued at some point.

Energy engineering as a field wasn’t yet mature, but at the scale he was working on, obeying its paradigm became an obvious necessity to satisfy his perfectionist self.

Once he checked 3 times in a row that no problems in energy flows had appeared and that the integration into the building had been done seamlessly, Aven finally entered the ending period of his cycle.

Leaving behind the main location of this eventful cycle, he returned to the summit of the Rainbow Mountain where nothing short of utter anarchy made him forget about anything and everything.

His mentality of course had a part to play in him being nearly unaffected by what he had lived and the pain and panic he had experienced during all of it, but doing an introspection of himself had never been part of his plan.

It was just a waste of time, a time, behind FCP, was his most important resource, and as such had to be used in a way that left no regret behind.

That’s how he ended up playing chef before going to sleep.

“Another round?! You bunch of gluttons! Are your stomachs made of non-biological matter?!” He dramatically exclaimed as more and more ingredients floated out of the food reserve of this makeshift restaurant created on a whim by a familiar grade 5 fairy who was eating heartily everything that was given to him.

“I brought all the food! I’m entitled to it!” Storm Eland, the fairy capable of wielding a literal lightning storm with the strangest natural voice ever, acted as the fairy hivemind and peer-pressured Aven into accelerating his delicious food making.

“Food! Food!”

“Bring more!”

“The honor of the fairies is on the table!”

“Well said! On the table!”

“Under the table?”

Faced with this familiar and comforting wall of hungry peop- fairies, Aven really had no other choice but to obey, “I’m only a tool for your endless hunger, sigh… What a miserable life~”

“I can help if you wa-” A fairy took his personal drama a bit too seriously and stepped into the kitchen, he was clearly a newly arrived as all the clamoring fairies looked at him in pure unfiltered disdain the moment he did the most stupid action ever.

“Get out of my kitchen! You savage!” Aven explosively acted in the same way he had since he had taken over this kitchen, and threw all sorts of cooking utensils at the intruder, “How dare you step into my holy territory! I already suffered an assassination attempt today! Not a second one!”

“How dare he!”

“What an ignorant!”

“How bold of him!”

“He thought no one did that before him! Hahaha!”

The peer pressure instantly shifted from the pissed-off chef to the kind fairy who wanted to help, like the most chaotic divine overmind that only sought excitement without understanding anything of what was happening. It was only reactive, never proactive.

For another hour, the random festivity continued until Aven switched sides and left the kitchen to be claimed by other people as his exhaustion started making itself known.

Enjoying a personal table not far from Storm thanks to his effort, he enjoyed a blissful imperial lifestyle for the next half an hour, followed by a simple happy exit of the restaurant event to go perch inside a random bedroom tree house.

“Hah~” Crashing on top of a neatly made bed, the clamor from the restaurant event happening below him reached him, filling him with fuzziness and familiarity, “Why would anyone choose not to live this type of life? Right, Canopy?”

Still having some strength left in him, he claimed his contribution, wanting to see if having downed an entire Canopy team of a rogue branch by himself would earn him some points.


Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland

Dynamic Contribution: 2 142 000 FCP


“Oh, yeah~” Taking those 2 million FCP as unexpected supplements, he didn’t think about reiterating it until he truly became a death machine.

Not bothering to open his shop to do some math, he talked to himself for a bit more until his spiritual exhaustion washed over him with tsunami-level waves, uncontrollably swallowing him into warm darkness that he didn’t try to resist being brought in.

“What a… Beautiful not morning!” Opening his eyes, Aven felt super energetic for some reason, and it didn't take more than 5 seconds before he crashed into his bedroom tree house door, opening it and free-falling the second after.

His morning antics went on to last for 10 more minutes where he joined the still-standing restaurant below him and enjoyed a copious unneeded breakfast next to other fairies while also materializing a set of trinity cultivation resources.

Afterward, he took a flight path that took him directly to the Rainbow IRC and comfortably settled in the fully renovated and cleaned design area where he connected back to the building network and did a general inspection of everything.

“Looks fine to me~” Closing the general overview and diminishing the IUM information window, it was the turn of his FCP reserve to be checked.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland

Faction Authority: Violet Fairy

Faction Contribution Points: 28 855 750


“28 million,” he nodded to himself firmly upon seeing that number, “That’s enough time to comfortably set up the cultivation resources universalization and intensification project.”

His timeline for a project of such relative importance wasn’t measured in years or decades, not even in months, it was measured in weeks. And at his FCP expense rate, he still had 15 cycles to start neutralizing his expense.

“I still have 20 or so hours before all the parts for the 3rd iteration IUM are done, let’s make the best of it!” Using his unexplainable morning vigor and enthusiasm as fuel, he hyped himself and resumed his introduction episode video editing from where he had been interrupted yestercycle.

The world wouldn't wait for him, but he certainly wouldn’t reshuffle his plan in fear of another attack.

Each of his steps had a reason for their existence, and if he momentarily halted everything to focus on getting himself a working mechanical suit and a weaponry arsenal to truly translate his extraordinary grade 3 tech energy intensity into grade 4-equivalent power…

Then, not only would it be awesome, it would also postpone the right national circumstances which his other plans intended to slowly build up.

The Canopy couldn’t be taken down by one lone fairy. That was a fact. An undeniable fact.

And power had never been the only thing necessary to deal with it.

That’s why the all-sensors tech project existed.

The 3rd iteration of the IUM ended up being put online the cycle following the one where Aven faced a “negotiation team” of a rogue branch of the Bright Canopy.

This 3rd iteration, in the IUM project, the benchmark project of his initial steps in growing his influence and power, was designed to be the final one.

It was theoretically possible to push the degree of tech-enhancement of a 4th iteration a bit further, but the current version already thoroughly checked all the needs Aven had ever wanted from it.

A simple evaluation had allowed him to conclude that the whole IUM, without being actively infused, was already 1 217% tech-enhanced, a number that was slightly more than 200% above his current tech-enhancement limit using traditional tech-production through non-tech-produced machines.

All the explanation behind this phenomenon that had allowed him to push his resulting tech-enhancement by a total of 20% of what his maximum should have been was that the tech energy system… Worked like that.

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It worked like that. It simply worked like that.

A 4th iteration with this above-normal tech-enhancement degree would then add an additional 10% of his true average, and a 5th iteration made with a 4th iteration would add 5% more, a 6th iteration…

And such a cycle could have been perpetuated endlessly if Aven hadn’t needed the IUM to advance into the next stage of his development path as a production tech super doubling with the identity of an interdisciplinary genius.

“The 4th and 5th will come one day… But for now,” finishing setting up the new parts to produce on the main console of the 3rd iteration IUM, he turned around and looked at the dozens of “security” cameras and the one floating beside him.

“Hello again, dear viewers~” A glint of intense playfulness showed through Aven’s blue fairy-sized eyes that occupied a larger proportion of his head than in his human form, “This is where we’ll produce… The! Supreme! Perfect! Revolutionary! Rainbow IRC Excellence Bike!”

“So, let me first show you how I transmitted and translated everything I designed in the design area to this machine which will produce all the major structural parts and units making up the integrated production line for me~” Taking an instant informative turn, he neared and eventually landed on the main console.

He didn’t detail overmuch the IUM as he projected to dedicate an entire episode to it.

“Here, you can finally see the importance of the modelization steps as I already attributed a material to every component…”

Using a trustworthy and cheery voice, Aven didn’t delay the production initiation that much and after explaining the basics for 10 minutes, he proceeded.

“Now, you can hear the IUM leaving standby mode~ Ah, what a marvelous sound! It’s programmed to first make a security check of what it’s been told to manufacture, that will last for a few minutes before the production really starts~” He revealed with a big smile harboring his face, “Talking about that, come with me, I’ll show you where it all starts!”

Turning the camera away at that moment as he made his way to the back of the IUM, he fetched his phone to verify the script.

Once he was done reviewing what he had to say, to show, the tone he needed to use, the angle he had to use, and how short he had to make it, he arrived at the back area where he resumed his filming.

“And here we are!” He waved at the camera, “You don’t know how far it is compared to the main console, right? Well…”

Spinning elegantly, he lifted his head to look at a specific corner of the production area where a security camera was located and waved at it, “I’m here! Look, I’m so tiny! And it’s not because I’m a fairy! The main console is over there!”

Done with the funny and casual relocation, he went back on track, “Next to me is the main iron ore…”

Dedicating all his time to filming the entire true first episode of his video series in the same cycle, Aven filmed all the field parts he had scripted in the production area, moved to the recording area to film all the incrustation parts, and followed up with editing everything he already had.

When 6 hours later, the alarm he had set signifying all the parts for the bike integrated production had been produced went off, he finished editing a certain video segment before jumping from his comfortable fairy-sized overseer chair.

Chased by 4 boxes and a camera, he quickly reached the assembly area and continued recording more footage for his episode.

“Now, you’ll see for the first time what I meant when I said energy telekinesis is the greatest application of pure energy one can have!” Spreading his arm as he exclaimed, dozens and dozens of energy threads made the relatively much smaller, compared to the IUM, units making up the bike production line float in the air.

“Behold! The reason why I can accomplish the work of tens of people by myself!” Copying the assembly method he had used for the last 2 iterations of the IUM that he had already started to improve on, he added more drama to it by commenting on his action.

During the next hour, Aven balanced commentating and assembling to eventually end up with a completed, and most certainly working, bike integrated production line.

Moving it to the production area in the same way he had moved the IUMs, his energy seemed endless from all angles and he relentlessly continued acting the script, improvised on the fly when he felt like it, all while never slowing down.

Showing precisely how he planned and programmed for this new line to be seamlessly integrated into the production area, it only took half an hour before the bike integrated production line was put online.

“And now, it’s time for you, dear viewers, to tell yourself everything that is actively enhancing the production quality of this line! What did you learn from this episode? No, I certainly won’t give you any hints! Rewatch it entirely if you’re not sure about your answer~”

Acting the end of the educational part of the video, he was excited about the idea of arriving at the true-entertaining part.

Returning to the design room to pursue his editing of the episode he was in the middle of filming, he once again was interrupted around half an hour later by an alarm indicating the firsts perfected tech-produced bikes were out.

Sending a glance through a window that led to an opening in the middle of the Rainbow IRC, Aven knew the cloudless summer-transition weather was perfect for testing his bikes.

Using his phone, he sent a message to Drayce.

[Aven: Gather random cyclists, age doesn’t matter. I need some to film lifelike reactions to the bike I just finished. Tell them it’s a fairy inviting them! Abuse my species' influence! Tell them to bring their bikes along and prepare some refreshments.]

And a few seconds later, he got an answer.

[Drayce: It shall be done, your highness!]

“Hehe~” Loving the joke as it meant more than met the eyes, he started editing again.

“Hello everyone!” Breaking the ice without any warning, Aven, followed by a dozen bikes, 4 boxes, and multiple cameras landed on the open-air part of the testing area.

“It’s really a fairy…”

“I’ve only seen a few flying by.”

“Who would have thought…”


The small gathering of 14 people reacted in their own way to the arrival of a fairy, a legendary being with only a bit more than 2 000 individuals remaining across the whole Green.

“Yeah, hello, hello! Let me just set up the filming set, and I’ll be all yours~” Casually returning the greetings, all the freshly tech-produced bikes floating behind him orderly landed and the multiple cameras spread themselves all around the delimited testing ground.

“So it’s really to test bikes, what.”

“They look a bit weird though.”

“I don’t think my mom will believe me…”

Taking the situation as they should, the 14 civilians didn’t start trembling out of stress or fainted out of emotion, which was a bit regretful in Aven’s book…

“I’m finished, so hello once again dear biking amateurs or maybe even professionals if Dracye got lucky!” His social butterfly self took over at that instant, and the only thing he wanted to do was discuss with all these people who all probably had an interesting story to tell.

“I’m not in a hurry to start filming, but I can perfectly understand if some of you need to go at some point, so I’ll set a limit: 2 hours! I’m buying 2 hours of your time in exchange for one copy of this bike that you see!” Exposing his bargain, he showed how the whole situation was just a casual chance encounter.

“The reason you’ve been invited is that you know how to ride a bike, nothing less, nothing more~ And what I want to prove today is how godly the bike I designed and produced is. That’s it,” he explained and pointed at the bikes.

“I don’t need any fake reactions or useless praises, just ride! Feel the wind, feel the speed, and feel how this bike is the dream bike! For those of you without adequate protection, please equip some, I think you’ll be surprised by the speed you can reach,” keeping the same casual tone all along, it was like Aven didn’t believe for one second that things could go wrong.

“I’ll be working next to the refreshment stands, you can come to discuss if you feel like it, but at least do 1 lap with both your own bike and the new bike I’m gifting you. Have fun!” Dismissing everything in an instant, he left the ultimate door of social interaction open and then left those 14 to themselves.

“Well… That wasn’t what I had expected,” a confused woman said.

“First!” A guy became the first to head to the orderly row of bikes to pick one up.

“Should I start with my own bike or the new one?” A teenage boy asked.

“The new one, the old one, then the new one again. This way I’ll end up disgusted with the old one if it's as good as he made it sound,” one woman already had an opinion on the situation by calling her own bike the old one.

“Sounds like a plan…”

Without any supervision other than a few faraway security people, the 14 people gradually spread.

Some went to drink and eat a bit next to Aven who had already unsheathed his laptop but could easily discuss while working on his scripts, some equipped themselves with protection equipment, some went for a ride directly…

All the bikes had already been equipped with small cameras, so this entertaining part was mostly self-driven and only needed Aven to be there to show himself off.

And as he had expected…

“What the f*ck!” The guy who had taken upon himself the important duty of being the pioneer fell from his bike and only caught himself after a few awkward step-jumps.

He had been unable to adapt to the supreme wheel adhesion, exaggerated acceleration, and nearly absent pedaling resistance resulting from the perfect force transmission and the low gears he was using.

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