The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 95: Chapter 93: Peaceful Invasion?

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Infused with everything he could infuse it with, from knowledge to curiosity, Aven’s energy flowed from him to the integrated building called Rainbow IRC, replacing what was already there without fighting it as they were fundamentally one and the same.

Having had months to grind his knowledge application skill with exactly that single purpose in mind, he realized more than ever that compared to the amount of technical knowledge relevant to everything contained in the Rainbow IRC…

“I’m still far from even what could be described as a satisfying level of knowledge application skill, that’s so frustrating,” he complained, both to himself and to the viewers that remained behind to see him do nothing except sit still and mumble random things.

Assisted by his recent power up in the spiritual department following his acquisition of an officially recognized fairy instinct bloodline talent and an awakening of his essence stabilizer talent, he could mobilize more knowledge than ever.

Yet, it hardly helped him for one good reason he had always known: He was simply too young and hadn’t had the time to properly grow this foundational aspect of being a production tech super.

Between mobilizing all the knowledge relevant to dozens and dozens of integrated production lines he had pushed to the peak of complexity…

Adding all the knowledge relevant to the hundreds of various machines like tech turbines, computing units, and analytical machines used in the different areas…

Not overlooking all the knowledge relevant to building efficiency and structural integrity like the cable network and the numerous materials that made up the walls…

With so many targets to properly infuse with knowledge, Aven never really had to search far to find the best way to grind his lacking knowledge application skill.

“Oh well, it could be so much worse~” Accepting that he was lacking in this area, he pretended to focus again and shifted the camera so that it didn’t capture his face as he kept his eyes open and opened his quests window.

‘It's high time I see if I'm right. Which I of course am, right?’


Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland

Volunteering: Contribute to the stability of your faction without asking for anything in return. The more time spent and the harder the tasks, the greater the contribution.

Securing: Investigate and resolve problems occurring inside your faction. The more problems resolved and the more difficult their resolutions, the greater the contribution.

Innovating: Give your faction new ways to achieve its goals. The more impacting and practical the innovations, the greater the contribution.

Prospering: Allow your faction to prosper and develop in the most optimal manner. The more influential and impacting the changes you brought, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Fairy Mystery: Find out what happened to the hundreds of thousands of fairies that once populated Eland to fill a great failing in your faction’s history. The more clues found about this case, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Rogue Canopy: Unearth every branch and agent of the Canopy sowing chaos inside the area protected by your faction and neutralize them. The greater the provided help in that goal, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Abyssal Threat: Reduce the threat level of the abyssal life forms by either making sure nothing disturbs them in their deep waters or by decreasing their population. The more actions taken and the greater their impact, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Recover Infiltration: Your faction is being progressively invaded by a secret organization named Recover, its traces are hard to find to the point that only a few extraordinary survivors have been able to report its existence after they escaped its clutches. The more information found and the more action taken to resist that invisible enemy, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Emma Succession War: Minimize the impact of the Emma Empire’s succession war on your faction. The less impacted your faction is by the global consequence of that event, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Eland History: Help retrace the history of how Eland has been founded centuries ago to fulfill your faction’s needs for solid ancestry. The more concrete and proven each glorious historical fact is, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Contribution: Claim?


‘Huh… Wait, what?’

Seeing the renamed quest he expected but not in the location he expected it to be at all, Aven’s sure and certain attitude froze in its tracks.

‘So… It really is Recover. But it lost 3 places? Was I wrong on placement determining importance? But it’s not like there’s another to classify them. And it can’t be the opposite with the lowest one being more important…’

Confused, he could only continue thinking that there was a mistake or that he had seen wrong, but the quests window was still open and perfectly visible to his unblinking eyes.

‘How? Why? Is the name not scary enough? Is owning a grade 5 fairy part of it not scary enough? Is it linked to the sole fact that there are numerous solutions to resolve tampered-with spirit? Or-’

At that point, all the potential answers to the shocking twist collided against the reality that he was seeing, resulting in the only rational possibility that could explain this fall in the ranking of “importance”.

‘Your faction is being progressively invaded… Since when are peaceful invasions even a thing? Either that or Recover already controls more than half of Eland hence it's currently being subverted by a new order that doesn’t consider itself hostile.’

Forming more and more confusing conclusions as he went down the rat hole, Aven didn’t feel himself tilting his head to the side, and it was only when he sent a glance at the still very lively chat that he realized his oversight and corrected it wordlessly.

‘Anyway~ I’ll think about it some more later, after I’m done with reaching my new maximum tech-enhancement and initiating my absolutely-not-broken tech-production loop~’

His eyes moving again, this time to a small corner of a certain side screen his camera absolutely mustn’t capture or it would potentially allow his more observant zealots to feel something shady taking place in the background, his mouth twitched as he held back a savage smile.

‘How crazier can it possibly get?’

Ultimately ignoring the crazily rising pseudo-grade 5 tech-amplification brought by his new energy and the theoretical tech-enhancement percentage measured in real-time as his new grade 4 energy supported by his now awakened essence stabilizer talent washed away his old grade 3 energy, he reentered a knowledge-mobilization meditation state.

He still had a long way to go, that was for sure, but what he had achieved while still having a long way to go was more than enough to shock the world.

And he knew that.

A few days passed.

Unknown to all except the personnel working inside the Rainbow IRC and the highest ERA authorities, an information blockade was silently put in place to preemptively put a stop to the spread of any piece of information hinting at the achieved tech-enhancement or tech-amplification rate achieved by Aven’s grade 4 energy.

At the same time, all across the Eland Continent dominated by a single power known as the fairy nation of the 5 great nations, the Nation of Eland, strange movements and events began happening.

Previously occulted troop movements became noticeable by the more informed, key highways welcomed small armored convoys that soundlessly made their way to various cities, and certain important public figures were quietly sent on holidays of unknown duration…

All those events once linked to each other should have most certainly alerted the most strategic-minded people, but with all the capabilities of ERA now used to guarantee the relative secrecy and the good proceedings of the Canopy cleansing plan, few if any really dared make public their finding.

And in the middle of all of this…

“Are you all ready? I’m claiming! Claim~” A brown-haired, blue-eyed fairy wearing a ridiculously classy golden pajama put his fist up and exclaimed.


Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland

Dynamic Contribution: 67 410 000 FCP


“Bwahahaha! Bwahaha!” Maniacally laughing at the result of his first full cycle spent contributing since ascending to grade 4, Aven freely shared his happiness with the world, “Feel thrilled for me my world domination zealots, for my materialization capabilities have been increased by more than half! Hahaha! It deserves some music and a celebratory dance!”

Putting on some dance music, Aven improvised a gravity-defying dance that called for all his knowledge of dancing, visually pushing him to the level of an expert dancer even if he wasn't exactly at that level yet due to a lack of practice. But he was working on it day after day at every opportunity.

Reading a bit from his most zealous viewers, he found them mostly confused as they didn't have tangible numbers presented to them to feel excited about.

“You bunch of nerds~ Don’t worry about it and just take my word for it for now. I’ll release a special episode when I have the time to explain all my journey through the eyes of my innate ability,” dismissing their complaints, he made up a stopgap excuse he intended to see through in the future.

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Feeling like teasing them a bit nevertheless, he added, “If you want some crispy nuggets of info for a start though, then let me tell you only my direct involvement in something can allow me to be contributing in a way that my innate ability recognizes.”

“If I give you something, be it a mean, a resource, an exotic to research, a bunch of innovations, or whatever really… As long as it leaves my hands, it’s not considered as “me” contributing anymore, and that, gentlemen and gentlewomen, is why I still haven’t taken over Green. I need to do everything by myself!”

Giving away this relatively crucial piece of intel about the limits of his FCP farming stratagem, Aven really didn’t care about this fact being aired publicly now.

In a way, it even helped him finally come to terms with the fact that his innate ability didn’t allow for the existence of a positive feedback loop where he could create external sources of FCP that would eventually allow him to create more FCP sources exponentially faster as time went by.

His last experiment with the all-sensors moving batteries used to unearth lots of Canopy branches he had been the one to design and tech-produce had simply been the last nail in the coffin.

His FCP farming rate had always only depended on himself and his actions, not the future consequences of his actions, as paradoxical as it might sound.

Keeping his vexation regarding this final conclusion to himself, he opened his status to make an energy cultivation inventory of his 1st cycle passed as a grade 4 fairy.


Aven Amias

Faction: Nation of Eland

Energy Grade: 4

Energy Cultivation: 10 016/100 000

Energy Identity: Tech

1st Energy Specialization: Undivided Infusion

2nd Energy Specialization: Tech-Production

Physical Talents: Fairy Body (Purple Grade), Basic Energy Furnace Cells, Basic Condensed Body, Basic Inexhaustible Body, Basic Energy Immune Constitution, Intermediate Energy Life Constitution, Basic Titanic Constitution, Intermediate Energy Magnet, Intermediate Body Regeneration

Energy Talents: Fairy Energy Origin (Purple Grade), Pure Fairy Energy (Purple Grade), Fairy Affinity Resonance (Purple Grade), Advanced Tech Energy Affinity, Advanced Energy Sense, Basic Natural Energy Growth, Basic Self Revolving Energy, Basic Seamless Energy, Basic Excitable Energy, Basic Equalizing Energy, Intermediate Energy Photosynthesis, Basic Compatible Energy, Sensitive Energy

Spiritual Talents: Fairy Instinct (Purple Grade), Expert Knowledge Integration, Basic Tireless Spirit, Basic Armored Spirit, Basic Enhanced Awareness, Basic Spiritual Foundation, Basic Purified Spirit

Universal Talents: Awakened Fairy Bloodline (Purple Grade), Creative Instinct, Awakened Essence Stabilizer, Fairy Bloodline Resonance


“Okay~ Can someone in chat tell me what’s my energy cultivation growth speed if I got from 10 000 to 10 016 in the span of… 10 hours of party, 5 hours of sleep, 80 hours of work, and 2 hours and a half of relaxing?” He asked without looking at the camera, the answer already present in his mind.

“Yes, exactly~ You're all so intelligent, woah~ That’s 6 hours of continuous energy cycling to grow 1 grade 4 energy point,” he mercilessly answered his own question a few seconds later and asked the logical following one, “So how long will it take me to reach 100 000 energy points at this rate?”

“Yup! You can round the result to a freaking 540 000 hours!” Aven threw his phone against the wooden wall of his hanging treehouse upon reading that, “That’s 22 500 days or 62 freaking years! What the rainbow in my behind type of estimate is that!”

[Bruno10b: If I don’t awaken I’ll be long dead by that time… Whoa.]

[Orcus: Only 62 years?! How talented, frantic, and dense are your energy pathways and energy flow???]

[Mousefu: I’ll be a grandpa with 99 grandkids in 62 years if everything goes as planned~]

“I see that you all became cheeky now that you know my real world domination will only start in 62 years… Fret not! My plan doesn’t include waiting in any of its steps!” Reading the comments after recovering his phone by magic, he made a general counter he wasn’t too proud of but that did the job.

With that last interaction, he telekinetically moved the camera to a corner of the room where it would physically rest and observe him sleeping until a new cycle started anew.

“Well, wherever you are on this god-forsaken planet of ours, good night, good morning, hello, bye~”

A few days later, in a testing field of the Rainbow IRC surrounded by high-definition high-speed cameras.

“Behold!” Aven, wearing a female ceremonial rainbow dress, stood in the air like a cult leader making a speech, which he somewhat was doing, “All our efforts over the last 7 days have paid off! And I present you~”

Bowing down elegantly, he showed with both his hands the supposedly working prototype of a rainbow-spewing fountain he had designed and built under the eyes of his hundreds of thousands of loyal world domination zealots.

“The rainbow fountain! An invention no one ever attempted to make due to its uselessness for those really able to make it and the stringent conditions necessary to make it work through non-tech-enhanced conditions for those willing to pursue this pointless project!”

Finished with presenting the centerpiece product that looked like a proper architecture project due to the obscene amount of details present on the marble-like sculptures and the refined overall futuristic aesthetic appearance, he put his 2 hands together in a traditional respectful welcoming gesture.

“I’m your host for today, ridiculous-female-version Aven, and let’s not hold back anymore on turning this beauty on to see the result of the intermittent work done by my stupid-male-version~”

Not finding any excuse to postpone the test, the fairy wearing a dress neared a very obvious big red button switch and landed on it behind-first, “Humph! I’m so clumsy~ Pff!”

Failing at holding the start of a laugh at the end of the most catchphrase he came up with to remain aligned with the challenge his zealots had "forced" on him, his true self shone through his fake created-on-the-spot persona without any difficulty.

“Behold again! A freaking rainbow fountain that needs to consume more energy than a nuclear military warship to scatter enough water molecules and sufficiently powerful white light rays for it to work!”

Very overtly mocking the now activated beautiful fountain, he really hoped Arthuria was following and had changed the point of view to the dozens of cameras strategically placed to capture every development of this stupidly exciting project.

“Oh…” A few minutes passed before the first glimpses of various color trails began manifesting around the fountain, “It's really working…”

“I mean. It’s working! I knew it! There's no way it would have failed when I invested so much into it working! That’s the most natural and expected outcome!” Correcting his reaction smoothly, Aven crossed his arms and took on the cheekiest posture he could.

And from the reaction of his zealots, it seemed to have its effects even if it was lacking a bit of originality.

Doing a “good work pays off” session for the next 10 minutes, he ultimately got a camera that would continue broadcasting the actually functioning rainbow fountain while he returned to work.

“Well, this stupid project really got me delayed on some of my more serious projects… Not that I didn’t enjoy it, don’t make me say what I didn’t say,” reassuming a more serious attitude, he set the camera in a way that left him free to browse all his important messages without worry.

[Alain: Just finished assembling the 14th iteration, expected tech-enhancement is 5 484% following the loop-production loop table: 2.56 tech-production loop ratio times base 2 140% tech-enhancement. The updated Mark 1 fairy mechanical suit line is already scheduled to be tech-produced as soon as produced along with all the armament lines you requested.]

[Grald: With the recently arrived real wonder flower, we may have got a lead on what is necessary to naturally produce them… While it remains to be determined though, for now, it sounds like really bad news.]

[Arthuria: The all-sensors episode will be broadcasted in 45 hours. I've prepared to open the gates of the Rainbow IRC to Star Trail in 53 hours and will release the subsequent information package in 57 hours. As you asked, I prepared a blank emergency meeting you can either cancel or go through depending on “your mood”.]

“45 hours~” Raising his head to look at the camera that connected him to the world in a way the ancient would have never thought possible, he grinned, “My next propaganda episode will shock you, so make sure to watch it.”

And soon enough the reactions he wanted appeared in his chat, “Yes! Of course it’s oral clickbait! What else could it be? You’re all quick-witted, aren't you?”

Done with teasing them, he started answering some messages after making sure his keyboard was concealed so that his quick-witted zealots didn’t have the opportunity to reconstruct his messages.

A certain deadline was approaching fast, and while making a mistake at this time wouldn’t be dramatic like it would have been a few weeks ago, it would still hurt his non-existent ego to be part of “those who failed”.

So he typed and typed until he felt like doing something else and switched back to the main activity that could be done in this over-equipped design room.

It was time for him to pursue some civilian projects that appeared perfectly harmless.

You can find story with these keywords: The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], Read The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] novel, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] book, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] story, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] full, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] Latest Chapter

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