The Family Business

Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Hard day of training, part 2

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Chapter 25: Hard day of training, part 2

A stick flew, and hit Gregory on the ankle. The red head huffed, and went back to the beginning line. Filarion scanned his surroundings for his next victim.

Nathaniel sprang from the underbrush. Zaine doing the same from Filarion's other side. The elf finally realized that Gregory had been a sacrifice to catch him. He didn't have time to think. He rose the second stick in his hand, and was tackled to the ground.

"Off," Filarion said, as the two teens began to giggle. "Off with you, rascals!"

"Grandpa, you have to admit that the plan was solid," Gregory, the little git, walked calmly to Filarion, and placed a condescending hand over the rogue's shoulder. The red head patted it, and smirked down at the fallen elf.

"Sound? You gave up your crowd control for a single target! What is sound with that?" Filarion asked, and shrugged the two teens off of himself. He rose to his full high, and placed his hands on his hips.

"Never risk either the archers or the healers! It is a standard rule. Haven't you read the adventurer's handbook?" Filarion hissed, and the three shook their heads.

"We didn't make the cut, so we didn't get one. None of the adventurers at the guild hall wanted to give us one to read," Gregory said, and shifted from one foot to the next.

Filarion's eyes soften, and he took out his own copy of the handbook. Dog-eared, but no worse for wear. He handed it over, and nodded.

"Now, you have one of these. Read it. Training is postponed until you know the rules of the trade," Filarion told them, then waved some of the help over. The party of former assassins came rushing in.

"Guard them. I will go do some solo training," Filarion waved at his kids, and then went in the direction of the spot that Johnny had told him he would be training at. Filarion was itching for a spar. One that would get his blood pumping.

The elf was soon at a clearing, admiring the tank's naked torso, and the skin-tight leather jerkins.

"Are you going to stare at my ass for the entire day, or come over here, little leaf?" Johnny asked with a smirk.

"I was admiring your abs, not your ass," Filarion defended himself, and then walked to Johnny.

"I felt your eyes going down south. Don't lie to me," Johnny rose a finger at Filarion, as if he had caught the elf with a slice of pie, but his eyes were twinkling.

"Can't I admire your body? You are like a sculpture. A well-made one," Filarion's eyes traveled down Johnny's torso, and then even further down. "Happy to see me?"

"Sort of," Johnny grinned. He knew that for that was too soon. They had to forgive each other. But he had missed this banter. This pleasant back and forth that he could keep only with Filarion.

"How come I don't have to hide from your party?" The elf asked, and then placed a finger on his chin. "Did you tell them that you are doing solo training?"

"They didn't want me back," Johnny said with a shrug. "Said I was scum, to have made use of the mafia, and then testified years after. I think they are onto something."

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"Oh, Johnny," Filarion was by the tank's side in an instant. His arms wrapped around his beloved, and he held him close. "It is my fault. I lied to you."

"I was blind, but I think I wanted to be blind," Johnny countered. "You didn't so much as lie, as just didn't spell it out for me."

They stood in silence for a couple of minutes, then Johnny sighed.

"Look, I get it. It was something your family has done for eons. I know how hard it is to go against your family. You did it, though. I appreciate it," Johnny pecked Filarion on the lips, and then got himself out of the embrace. "Do you want to spar?"

"I thought you will never ask. Until first blood?" Filarion asked, and Johnny nodded.

"Don't hold back your punches — now. I want a fair fight," Johnny got his shield and sword out, and distanced himself from Filarion. The elf pulled out his two daggers, and grinned.

"Do you want to make this more exciting?" Filarion asked, and Johnny nodded. Mirroring the elf's wolfish grin.

"Whoever losses, must do the dishes for the other for a week," Johnny said, and Filarion blinked.

"I was thinking about a blowjob," Filarion said, a bit confused.

"Little leaf, get your mind out of the gutter. I like my suggestion. What do you say to it?" Johnny was proud that he didn't stutter. Outside, he was calm, but inside, he was flustered.

"Fine. Do the dishes, let us do this," Filarion charged, not giving Johnny any warning. He jumped over Johnny's head, and tried to nick his arm midair. Johnny held up the shield, and span around, rising his sword to try and scratch Filarion on the arm.

Filarion did a backflip, when he saw the sword, and landed on a branch. Then, he was back in the fray. They fought for hours, until finally, Johnny managed to bash Filarion in the stomach and fell him.

While Filarion was on the ground, Johnny prickled his arm gently, and watched as the first drop of red stained the elf's tunic.

"You are washing the dishes," Johnny said, out of breath.

"I guess I am," Filarion reached out, and Johnny took his hand. "Party with me and the kids?"

Johnny blinked at that. Was Filarion offering him this, so they could be close, or because Johnny had just proven himself?

"Are you certain? Won't they want to pummel me into the ground?" Johnny asked, and Filarion barked a laugh.

"I think you can handle three little ducklings," the elf got to his feet, and wrapped an arm around Johnny's middle. The tank mirrored him, and they both walked back to where the rest of the Leaf party was staying at.

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