The Family Business

Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Second wedding!

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Chapter 29: Second wedding!

The newlyweds were ushered to the forest. In a secluded place, by a hot spring. The place was verdant, filled with the singing of the birds, and the three teens liked it better than the temple and the old priest.

Zaine walked, and knocked on a tree. The tree shone, and then changed into a beautiful woman with green hair, and a golden gown.

"Lady of the forest, we bring two men who seek your blessing to be married," Zaine bowed at the nymph, and then pointed at Filarion and Johnny.

"There is much pain between them," Angeline, the nymph protector of the forest, said. "And they are already married."

"By a priest who didn't like them," Zaine continued on. "One who gave them his blessing only because of the money they gave him. If they are to be happy, then they need a blessing that comes from the heart, lady Angeline."

"I suppose that is correct," the nymph said, and then walked towards the two men. "Are you ready to forgive your elf, human?"

Johnny blinked at her. Had he not forgiven Filarion already? He had married him, had he not?

"I already..." he began, but the nymph held up a hand.

"Truly forgive. Not just let him back in your life because you don't want the flame that you two have for each other to be extinguished," Angeline said, and turned to Filarion. "You hold a lot of bitterness for your human. Are you ready to let it go?"

"Yes," Filarion didn't argue that it hurt, what Johnny had done to him. Still, he had it coming. He knew that.

Filarion turned to Johnny, and took the tank's hand in both of his.

"I have to admit that there was a time when I nearly listened to those around me, and hurt you," Filarion began, guilt dripping from his voice. "But I never let these dark urges rule me. I love you, Johnny. You are the first person who I have ever truly loved in such a way. Please, spent eternity with me."

"My parents," Johnny began. He figured that if Filarion found it in himself to be honest, then so could he. "They died, were murdered, and you had something to do with that."

"I most likely did," Filarion admitted, head bowed. "I'd make any amends you wish of me, just voice them."

"Nothing will bring them back," Johnny rasped, feeling the tears pool into his eyes. "They would have loved you."

Filarion's eyes snapped up, staring into Johnny's blue ones. Belladonna blue. With a certain warmth, that Filarion wasn't certain he deserved.

"We could find their killers, and..." Filarion began, but a broken chuckle stopped him in his tracks.

"No, what is the point? I searched for them all over. Remember all those long quests that I didn't tell you about? That was me scouring the countryside for them," Johnny told him, and shook his head. "They are either dead, or gone to greener pastures. Either way, out of my reach."

"If I may," Angeline interrupted them, and the two looked to her. "It takes great love to forgive something like that. Could the tree forgive the lightning that struck it? The clouds that produced it? Yet, the clouds would still roll around lazily above the struck tree, and give it shade from the sun."

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"Are you saying we have to just deal with it. Forget and..." Filarion snapped. A gentle hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Never forget. Forgetting your mistakes breeds new ones, of the same nature," the nymph told them, and then shook her head. "No, don't forget. Forgive."

"It is not so easy," Johnny murmured, and Filarion turned to stare at him with a broken expression. "Had it not been for Filarion playing at being a mafia boss, my parents might have been here today. At the temple. Watching me get married."

"To someone else," Filarion murmured. Speaking the unspoken thoughts of the tank. "You would have never come to me, if you didn't need to be strong."

Johnny looked down at his hand, still in Filarion's grip. That was the truth. His little leaf had been a means to an end. He had training grounds, which he let Johnny use. High-quality weapons. Top-notch potions.

"I think I know the problem," Angeline said, as she tilted her head to the side. "You are both drowning in guilt because you have used each other in one way or the other. Am I right?"

The two didn't dare to speak. Their silence was all the confirmation that the nymph needed.

"Well, forget about all that. You are a family now. With three great kids to look after. If you are not strong for each other, then be strong for them. Now, clasp your hands together, and I will bless you," the two did so, even though their gazes were anchored at their feet.

"May you be as free as a bird, as strong as an oak, as happy as a stream, as vibrant as grass," she placed her hands on each of their shoulders and squeezed. "May you be all that, and know forgiveness. For you are young still, and have many more mistakes before you."

With that, the nymph walked away. The hot spring bubbled gently behind them. The three teens nodded to each other, and then began to walk away too.

"Wait, where are you going?" Filarion asked, concerned.

"We won't be far. The hot spring is great," Zaine said with a wink, and then ran off into the distance.

Johnny stared at the steamy water, and undid the topmost button of his shirt.

"The water is great, huh?" The tank asked, and he looked into Filarion's face. "I don't believe we have ever done it in a hot spring."

"And we still won't do it," Filarion hissed, and pointed in the direction of the three teens. "They might hear."

"They are not toddlers," Johnny whined, but Filarion was unmoved.

"No fun time in the wilderness for you, Morrel-Elathana," Filarion snapped, but he too began to undress.

"So, we just soak up," Johnny hoped his disappointment was clear to hear in his voice.

"You will also give me a foot rub, and I will get the kinks out of your back," Filarion suggested, and Johnny grinned. They had been married for less than an hour, and were already behaving like an old married couple.

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