The Fateful Uchiha

Chapter 34: Chapter 32 – Promotions

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Jun opened his eyes, groaning in pain. Above him was a ceiling made of stones, and he felt familiar chakras around his bed. He had a splitting headache, a stiff neck, itchy eyes, sore muscles, and was drenched in sweat from head to toe. The teenager was exhausted. He didn’t remember how the fight ended.

However, he realized he must have lost seeing his condition. He wasn’t upset, just disappointed. He wanted to win. He felt a bit bitter about his defeat, but he was proud of himself.

“How are you feeling?”

Jun recognized the voice as Natsumi leaned over, appearing in his field of vision. Jun tried to get up, but Shiba held him down. He heard the cheers of the crowd. He realized they must still be at the arena.

“I’m fine. What happened?”

“You got hit hard,” Susumu answered solemnly.

He passed a hand covered in medical chakra over his head. Jun felt his migraine improved. Natsumi, who was struggling to contain himself, finally exploded with enthusiasm.

“It was great, Jun. The way you used your Raiton, the explosions, the hand-to-hand combat… that was so fun to watch!”

“But I lost…”

“Yes, you lost. But you were very close. Your opponent was out of chakra, and your last Futon broke his collarbone. He collapsed a few seconds after you.” His sensei explained.

Jun sighed.

“He was the last man standing, so the referee declared him the winner. You fought well, Jun. We’re all proud of you.”

He nodded.

The jonin relaxed a bit. He had been worried Jun wouldn’t take his loss well. Susumu ran his chakra over his comrade's injuries for a few minutes before smiling.

“You’re going to be fine.”

“Thanks, doctor. I want to see the rest of the tournament. Who else got to the final?”

“You didn’t miss anything. Kyo is going to fight against Michi.”

They helped Jun up before heading to watch the fight. Jun saw Kenji on another bed with two medical ninjas near him. When the Kumo genin saw the Uchiha, he raised an eyebrow and waved at him mockingly. Jun stopped and walked towards him.

He looked miserable up close. He was pale and drenched in sweat. His body was wrapped in bandages. Everyone tensed up as Jun got closer.

“If you came to make fun of me, just keep in mind I won our match.”

Jun was amused. His remark didn’t offend him a bit.

“Seeing your condition, it would be too easy to make fun of you. What kind of winner stays in bed like this?”

Kenji smiled and pointed at himself.

“You’re funny. Congratulations, it was a good fight.” Jun said, extending his hand.

“I would shake your hand, but I can barely move right now.”

“Ah sorry, I forgot you got beaten to a pulp.”

They both smiled.

“I’m glad you’re not mad at me. I enjoyed our match. You really pushed me to my limits.” Kenji said.

“I feel the same. Good luck for the final.” Jun said before leaving with his team.

Team 14 arrived in the stands. They managed to squeeze into a corner to witness the end of the match. Michi was in better shape than Kyo, so he used it to his advantage. The Uchiha was able to anticipate his opponent’s movements with his Sharingan. Eventually, Michi’s kunai struck Kyo’s thigh, puncturing an artery. The Kumo genin was forced to surrender to avoid bleeding out.

The finalists were known, Kenji from Kumo and Michi Uchiha from Konoha. The crowd cheered enthusiastically. When the two opponents faced each other; however, Jun thought that their fight wasn’t going to be as spectacular as the previous ones.

Kenji came out of the infirmary, wrapped in bandages. He was limping. He wore an armor plate over his shoulder and chest. His brief stay in the infirmary hadn’t allowed him to recover. However, it seemed like Kenji could put up a good fight when the battle started. He was surprisingly moving well than expected, avoiding most of his opponent’s blows. He used Genjutsu to attack the Uchiha, but it didn't work. Michi's Dojutsu allowed him to see through the various illusions.

However, the Kumo genin couldn’t keep it up for long. He was still injured after all. He couldn’t use his Raiton; he was at a disadvantage. Michi slowly began to dominate the fight. He easily cornered Kenji, but the latter didn’t give up. It was only after taking several blows to the chest that the Kumo genin fell to his knees and was forced to forfeit. The crowd stood up and applauded. He had fought well.

“The winner of the tournament is Michi Uchiha. Congratulations!” The referee shouted as he pointed at the Uchiha.

The audience roared enthusiastically. Even Jun applauded. He found Michi a bit creepy, with his cold air and his permanent silence, but he was a genin from Konoha. It was good that he won. The tournament being dominated by a genin from another village wouldn’t have a positive impact.

The crowd began to leave the stands; everyone was chatting away. Several people passed Jun and Natsumi and warmly congratulated them for their performances. Gai came to meet him and hugged him, sobbing in pride. Then, the teenager ran into Iruka and his teammates. Mizuki didn’t turn away dismissively this time. He was carried away by the current euphoria, like everyone else.

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Madoka Hyuga reassured Jun by telling him she wasn’t upset. She didn’t mind him utilizing a fake version of her clan Gentle Fist. The teenager felt better. He had been a little worried their friendship might suffer. Iruka was ecstatic. He had particularly enjoyed Jun’s explosive traps. He kept complimenting him.

Anko ruffled Jun’s hair so vigorously that it almost hurt his neck. Kurenai congratulated him. She liked his idea of planting so many explosive seals in the arena without being noticed. Even Kotetsu and Izumo made a detour to congratulate him. Jun felt Shisui pass nearby, but he remained hidden in the crowd. The Uchiha didn’t try to interact with him. Jun tried not to think about it.

His family finally joined in. Jun was once again immersed in a deluge of compliments, worried remarks, and delightful congratulations. They all headed out together, forming a big group.

“The announcement of the new chunins will happen this evening. We have some time to kill. Natsumi, Jun, you are the two heroes of the day. What do you want to do?” Shiba asked.

The genins looked at each other. Their stomachs simultaneously emitted a powerful roar. They turned back to their sensei, who had guessed their answer.

“We want to eat!” They declared.

Susumu glanced briefly at the group that accompanied them.

“Sensei, can you invite us for the occasion?” He innocently added.

After some negotiating, Shiba only invited his students as well as Jun’s family. It was a good meal in a reputable restaurant, famous for its grill. The atmosphere was convivial, and they began to chat happily, each telling their version of the exam. Shiba and Hazuki had hardly seen each other, so they got to know one another.

Jun found it oddly funny the way his mother and his sensei were talking. It was as if they were in a parent-teacher meeting. Shiba had a lot to say when his stomach was full, and he was relaxed. The jonin talked about his daughter, Aya, who was a year younger than Izumi and who lived with her estranged mother. He told them about the bets made with other jonins about the tournament’s outcome. He even confessed to them he was friends with the referee, Hizo. The latter was impartial, but that didn’t stop him from betting on his friend’s genins for this tournament.

After the meal, everyone went home. Jun was tired. He showered and tended to his wounds. Then, he crawled into bed and took a short nap. He needed it to recharge. He woke up a couple of hours later.

He read and spent time with Izumi, before being summoned to the Hokage building. When he arrived, all the competitors who had participated in the tournament were already present, accompanied by their jonin. They entered the Hokage’s office. The Sandaime was standing in front of his desk, dressed in his formal red and white robe. He had his hands behind his back and was looking at the genins attentively. A few chunins stood behind him. Jun recognized Izumo and Kotetsu, but also Hizo, the referee.

“Congratulations to you all. You distinguished yourselves during your battles and brought honor and pride to your village. The chunin exam ends now. Your entire performance was judged, from the start of the first test to the end of the tournament, to decide on your promotion.” Hiruzen commenced.

He scrutinized them for a moment before continuing.

“Miyamoto Hyuga of Konoha.”

The teenager in question took a step forward, standing very straight.

“You have demonstrated intelligence and talent. Although you lost your first battle in the tournament, your skill with the Gentle Fist and the leadership you displayed during the second test clearly show that you are ready to progress. I, hereby, promote you the rank of chunin.”

Someone handed him a green jacket. Miyamoto was visibly moved. He bowed, murmuring thanks, then resumed his place in line. The Sandaime moved on to the next person.

“Kenji of Kumo, You have shown your determination and versatility. You also possess abilities far beyond what is expected of a genin. I, hereby, promote you to the rank of chunin.”

They brought him a white Kumo jacket. Kenji briefly thanked the Kage.

“Fujitaro Uchiha, you displayed great physical skill. But you let your temper take over on several crucial occasions. Had you remained calm and kept your composure, you would have performed better. I cannot promote you yet. Keep working and improving yourself.”

Fujitaro’s scarred face seemed carved in stone, but his eyes burned with rage. He tilted his head a little, more like a nod than a greeting, and resumed his place without a word. The Sandaime remained imperturbable.

“Jun Uchiha of Konoha, you showed great leadership skills and foresight by being one of the first to triumph in the first two trials. You have proven to be talented, cunning, adaptable, and a level beyond what is expected of a genin. Therefore, I, hereby, promote you to the rank of chunin.

He was given the green jacket. He gave the Sandaime a beaming smile, bowed with gratitude, and took his place back in line. He was overjoyed.

“Akiko of Kumo, you have displayed great talent in Kenjutsu and Taijutsu. However, you showed weaknesses in the other ninja arts. You cannot be promoted yet. Keep working to improve yourself.”

The young kunoichi wrinkled her nose but seemed to accept the decision. She bowed before returning to her palace in line.

“Kyo of Kumo, you are comfortable using all ninja arts. But a careless mistake on your part almost caused your team to fail the first test. Your lack of experience penalized you during the second test. You cannot be promoted yet. Keep working and improving yourself.”

Kyo’s shoulders, which had tensed up as he stepped forward, relaxed slightly. Maybe he didn’t think he was ready either.

“Natsumi Maruno of Konoha, you demonstrated your talent in Bukijutsu and Taijutsu. But you’re still lacking in the other areas. I cannot promote you yet. Keep working and improving.”

Natsumi held back her disappointment and muttered her thanks.

“Michi Uchiha of Konoha, you have won the tournament, displaying your talents in many ninja arts. You displayed your intelligence and leadership skills in the first trial. You showed a great spirit of sacrifice during the second test. I, hereby, promote you to the rank of chunin.”

Michi silently accepted the jacket with a deep bow. Jun was beginning to wonder if the Uchiha could talk. The Sandaime didn’t keep them for long. He concluded the meeting with a few pleasantries before dismissing them. The jonins praised or comforted their students.

Jun put on his jacket. Natsumi seemed to be dealing with her lack of promotion quite well. She was better than Fujitaro, who disappeared with the Shunshin without saying a word to anyone.

The Kumo genins looked pleased. Akiko and Kyo were busy congratulated Kenji. They were circling around him, admiring his new jacket. Jun’s gaze met with Kenji’s. They both nodded, congratulating each other.

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