The Fateful Uchiha

Chapter 53: Chapter 51 – Karin

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Jun took four days to reach Konoha. He could have made the trip faster, but he stopped each night to rent a room to make the journey more comfortable for Karin. The girl didn’t talk much at first, so Jun had to break the silence. The teenager offered awkward words of comfort before talking about Konoha. He mentioned the Hokage and described him. He talked about life in the village, and things people like to do. He also told her about his family, his patient mother, his determined sister, and his smart little brother.

Karin cried until exhaustion the first two nights. On the third, she missed her mother so much it turned to anger. She was screaming, calling out to her mother. Her sobs shook her frail body until they became gasps of despair. She slept like a log that night, completely drained. The next day, she was very fatigued, sniffing sporadically. Her eyes were red; it seemed like she ran out of tears. It was in this state that they arrived in Konoha.

The chunins guarding the village gate were Kotetsu and Izumo. It worked in Jun’s favor. They knew him and immediately agreed to let him enter the village with no questions asked. Jun was a little nervous going to the Hokage’s office. He had rarely gone to see the Sandaime after a mission. It was Shisui’s job as the captain of the team.

When he arrived in the building, he let the secretary know that something had happened during the mission. The team had split up, and he was seeking refuge in Konoha for a girl named Karin Uzumaki. While they were waiting to see the Kage, Jun stretched his achy muscles and tried to put the girl at ease. Since they entered the village, she had been mute, tense, and frightened by all these strangers. And now, she stuck to Jun like glue.

They were invited to the Hokage’s office five minutes later. The old man was in the company of Homura and Koharu. There was also a man he recognized immediately, Danzo. It was the first time he saw him in person. Jun was confused; he didn’t know what the man was doing here.

He calmed his mind and reminded himself not to do anything suspicious. He bowed respectfully to them but only looked at the Sandaime.

“I’m here to make a report.”

The old man lit his pipe. His gaze lingered for a moment on Karin, who was clinging to Jun’s clothes.

“I’m listening to you.”

The teenager briefly summarized their first few weeks of the mission. Then he began to expand with more details about Miyamoto’s kidnapping.

“You abandoned your mission?” Danzo said dryly.

Jun’s heart quickened, but he answered calmly.

“We preferred saving our comrade’s life.”

“You still abandoned your task.” Koharu pointed out, squinting.

“We decided to prioritize our comrade’s life.” Jun insisted in a slightly colder tone.

“That’s not the point. Continue, Jun. What happened next?” I’m guessing you got Miyamoto back” Hiruzen intervened.

Jun continued the story. He described how they had recovered Miyamoto and their search for a healer. He mentioned she was an Uzumaki and a childhood friend of Kushina. At the mention of the Yondaime’s wife, the four straightened up, becoming even more attentive. Jun explained Ayuko’s situation and how she was being treated. He finished with her request to save her child. Jun insisted on the fact that he had accepted her request of his own will. He didn’t forget to tell them how they had decided to split up to allow Jun to bring the child to Konoha and report to the Hokage while the others would finish the mission.

The Sandaime took a puff from his pipe.

“I would like to talk to Karin alone now.”

The girl shuddered, tightening her grip on the jonin’s shirt. Jun didn’t move an inch.

“I promise her mother to watch over her, Lord Hokage.”

“I won’t be long, Jun. I just want to hear her side of the story.” The man assured.

Opposing his superior would only get him in trouble, but Jun still hesitated for a moment. He was careful not to look at Danzo, fearing he wouldn’t be able to control his facial expression. Instead, he squatted down facing Karin.

“Do you agree, Karin?”

The girl glanced at Hiruzen. She looked scared but also resigned. She was used to ninjas getting what they wanted eventually.

“I’ll be right behind the door. You can sense my chakra, right? As soon as you’re done, I’ll come back for you. We’ll go get something to eat afterward. What do you want to eat for lunch?”

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Jun hid a smile. She was an Uzumaki alright. Out of the corner of his eyes, the teenager saw Hiruzen and Homura smiled a little.

“We’ll eat ramen then. I happen to know a good place.”

He got up slowly. Karin seemed less frightened and made no movement to keep him. Jun bowed to the elders, turned around, and left the room. He closed the door behind him and leaned against the wall. Faithful to his promise, he didn’t move an inch.

The talk with Karin didn’t take long. But it was plenty of time for Jun to think about a number of things. Why did he have to show up a day the Hokage was meeting with Danzo and the others? Was he going to offer to take Karin into the Root? What about Homura and Koharu? Where would they lean to? And the Hokage? Was he going to be moved by Karin’s story? Or would he be swayed by Danzo’s narrative?

The door finally opened. Hiruzen had an amused smile. He had his hand on Karin’s shoulder, who was clinging to her stuffed animal. She seemed less tense than before.

“Karin expressed the wish to stay with you. Considering your promise, it’s the least we could do… Jun Uchiha.” Hiruzen said.

“Thank you, Lord Hokage.”

“Upon the return of your comrades, the special team will be officially disbanded. Until a new assignment is given to you, you are responsible for Karin. In a month, there will be an evaluation to judge your ability to take care of her and her desire to stay. The situation will be assessed at that time.”


“You may want to let your family know as well… That you’ve accidentally adopted a child…” He said with a smile.

Jun turned red. He realized he hadn’t really thought through things. He had imagined the village would care for her; he didn’t imagine he would be chosen as her guardian. He needed to buy a futon before tonight.

“Sure thing… I will do that. May I be dismissed now?”

Hiruzen nodded. Jun took Karin to Ichiraku, the famous ramen eatery. Naruto wouldn’t be there as students were still at the Academy at this time. On the way, Jun innocently asked the child how the discussion went when he was outside the room. Apparently, Danzo had suggested sending her to an orphanage or entrusting her to experienced ninjas. But the Sandaime had refused. Jun was reassured.

Karin was talking more now. After the past days she spent crying, she seemed to have come out of her shell. Perhaps, the possibility of being separated from Jun must have scared her. In any case, she was more relaxed. She was still shy and wary, but it was normal. Everything here was new to her.

Jun stopped a few times to introduce her to the people he knew. The first was Genma, whom he discreetly asked to tell his mother. Then it was Madoka Hyuga. They ran into Shiba Arata as well. His sensei gave him a look, expressing his desire for a long discussion to get the details of what happened.

Jun usually ate one bowl of ramen, maybe two if he’s really hungry. However, Karin devoured four. Jun knew she had been fed the previous four days, so it wasn’t because she was starving. What kind of stomach did she have? He thought about telling her about Naruto. They were bound to run into each other since they both love ramen.

The teenager was a little apprehensive about bringing Karin home. Well, it was more that he had no idea how to facilitate her integration into the village. But, he had worried for nothing. Karin relaxed more and more with each passing day. She seemed to have come to terms that her life was here now. Jun introduced her to everyone he knew. On the first day, his mom had left work early to meet them.

Jun was reminded how good she was with children. She gently introduced herself to Karin, then dragged them away to go grocery shopping. Karin was put at ease. His mom made her laugh. She showed her the apartment and told her where everything was. Jun was very grateful to his mom. He wouldn’t have been able to welcome the girl like that.

Izumi came home later, bringing Neji and Kazuma. They had probably been warned because they expressed no surprise when they saw Karin. Everyone was introduced to one another. Their mother invited Neji to stay for dinner, but he politely declined. They had dinner without him. And just like that, the Uzumaki girl became part of their lives.

Karin learned about their lives. The fact that Izumi was a genin and was part of a team… about Hazuki’s job and that Jun’s jonin status meant he would probably go on a mission soon. That Kazuma didn’t have a surname, unlike Jun and Izumi. They explained to her that Neji had his own family, the Hyuga clan. She learned about the Police, controlled by the Uchihas. Jun’s family explained and let her experience things gradually not to overwhelm the girl.

The teenager finally told her about Naruto who was younger than her. He explained that his connection to the Uzumakis wasn’t well known and that the boy knew nothing about the Uzumaki clan. Jun wanted the two to be friends but didn't force it on Karin. She would make her own decisions.

Jun found it weird having no other mission than to take care of Karin. But it wasn’t unpleasant. The girl didn’t require much attention. She was smart and discreet. She usually followed Jun everywhere. She was there and observed when the teenager sparred with Gai. Jun also worked on his Fuinjutsu and spoke at length about seals to Karin. The latter listened with fascination.

The teenager enjoyed her company. Karin wasn’t a complicated person. Sometimes, she was melancholic, but she was a child. At that age, one could adapt quickly. Moreover, she had a thousand things to distract her from her sadness.

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