The Finite Path

Chapter 10: Kadelast Region: Chapter 9

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"What is a Vespiquen doing this far away from their Combee hive?!" I heard ted yell as I jumped back to avoid the Vespiquens Fury Cutter. When I was far enough from the Vespiquen, Volt jumped in at let out a Discharge.

"Vespiquen!" She let out a scream while she was knocked away by the attack. Hearing the Vespiquen's command six of the nearby Beedrills attacking the Ursaring flew to her side. Four of them went after Volt while the other two stayed beside the Vespiquen to protect her. 

"We must stop the Vespiquen before she can gather more Beedrills to her side!" Ted said while ducking under a Beedrill charging towards the Ursaring.

"I'll take care of her guards, you focus on the queen herself." He glanced at me before nodding. 

"Volt clear a path for Mellie with Agility and X-Scissor!/ Millie Megahorn the Vespiquen!" Volt parried an incoming stinger with his glowing light-green pincer. Knocking away his attackers with his large pincers, Volt then charged forwards aiming at the Vespiquen's guards. The Beedrills protecting the Vespiquen tried to stop him but were swatted away. Taking advantage of the window of opportunity made by Volt, Mellie charged past the guards and straight toward the Vespiquen.

"Vesp! Vespiquen!" Seeing the upcoming attack, the Vespiquen shouted summoning tiny Combees from her abdomen to attack Mellie. However, Mellie endured the attack and headbutted the Vespiquen with her glowing horns, launching the Vespiquen away. Antony screamed and ducked down as the Vespiquen flew over him and into a tree. 

"Antony!" Hearing my voice he shakily got up and ran towards me. 

"Mom!" He yelled while jumping into my arms. "Mom I'm so sorry." He whimpered into my shoulder.

"Shhh, it's ok I'm here now." I could feel my shoulder getting wet, but I didn't have it with me to care.

"I'm sorry to uh, ruin the moment but I don't think it's the right time for this," Ted said as Volt swatted away an incoming Beedrill. I gave him a sheepish laugh while carefully putting down Antony. I glanced toward the Vespiquen and sighed in relief when I saw that she wasn't getting back up. However, the relief was short-lived as the Ursaring let out a furious roar. Despite the flow of Beedrills starting to slow down, the Ursaring didn't show any signs of calming down from her rampage. 

"Antony stay by my side and watch out for danger." He gave me a determined look before nodding. "Ted, do you think we can stop the Ursaring?" 

"I'm not sure, but I doubt she will let us go without a fight." He answered while shaking his head. 

"Then we have no choice but to fight. Quick Volt while she is still distracted by the leftover Beedrils, get above her with Agility ." Volt nodded before speeding forward.

"Circle around the Ursaring with Rollout." Hearing the order, Mellie curled into a ball and sped towards the foe. Volt weaved Between several Beedrills towards the Ursaring, dodging and occasionally getting hit by a Beedrill's stinger. At the same time, Mellie charged forward, rolling over anything that got in her way. While the two of them went forward to accomplish their task, Ted and I weren't idle. Because we had to avoid any Beedrills targeting us, however, while ducking under a stinger I noticed something odd. Even with my best effort to keep Antony from harm, there were many occasions where a Beedrill could have easily attacked him but ignored him to attack me instead. Despite the weird behaviour, I decided it wasn't anything to worry about as it's better if Antony wasn't attacked.

After knocking away several more Beedrills, the Ursaring finally took notice of Mellie speeding towards her. The large Ursaring roared, and with glowing white claws reached out toward Mellie. She tried to roll around the Ursaring but wasn't fast enough as two claws prevented her from moving forward. The Ursaring was pushed back a few inches before completely stopping with an angry roar. Before Mellie could uncurl to attack, the Ursaring raised a hand which burst into flames.

"Mellie!" Ted screamed as the flaming claw slammed against Mellie, launching her away and into a tree. Things got worse when we heard the Ursaring let out a painful cry. I could feel my blood freeze when I saw the subtle purple tint typical of poisoned Pokemon on the Ursaring. "SHIT! Why now!?" Despite the words he was using, I couldn't agree with Ted more in this situation. Where before it would take several attacks, now it took the Ursaring only a single strike to knock out any incoming Beedrill. "Mellie can you still fight?"

"Scoli." She gave out a pained cry before slowly getting up. 

"Just don't push yourself." Ted turned his gaze towards the Ursaring. "On my signal fire a Venoshock." While Ted waited for the perfect time to strike, I noted Volt's position. After a few moments of waiting, a Beedrill finally managed to land a hit on the Ursaring. "Now Mellie!" She let out a cry before firing a stream of dark purple liquid at the foe. Seeing it coming, the Ursaring slammed the Beedrill to the ground before turning to face Mellie's attack head-on. The Ursaring roared and blocked the attack by crossing her claws that gave off a metallic silver aura together. Being pushed back, the Ursaring dug her feet into the ground to stop herself from moving.

"Go Volt! Use Guillotine!" From above, Volt quickly descended with wide-open glowing white pincers. Moments before Volt could snap his pincer shut around the Ursaring, she lowered her arms and allowed Mellie's Venoshock to push her out of Volt's path. The Ursaring flew a few feet and slammed into a tree. Before Mellie could stop her attack, Volt flew straight into the Venoshock stream. Getting hit by the attack, he was also launched forward, but he managed to stop himself before he could hit the tree. However before he could get his bearings, the Ursaring slapped Volt out of the air and towards Ted. He screamed and ducked down, while Volt flew over him and into a nearby tree.

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"Volt! Are you ok?" 

"Vika Volt." He groaned while prying himself out of the tree. 

"Lena we need to get out of here, Mellie and Volt aren't in any shape to continue."

"Scolipede!" Mellie protested before stumbling on one of her injured legs.

"Sorry, Mellie but it's time for you to return." Before she could argue Ted pressed the button on her Pokeball, returning Mellie to her ball. "You two Volt." Before he could give any reply, Ted returned Volt to his Pokeball. "Lena grab Antony and let's get out of here before the Ursaring runs out of Beedrills to fight."

"Uhm Proffoser?" Antony asked while I picked him up.

"Hmm, yes Antony."

"I think there is a small problem with your plan." Ted tilted his head while turning his head to face us. "There is no more Beedrills." Both Ted and I slowly turned to face the Ursaring. I gulped when I saw the Ursaring surrounded by knocked-out Beedrills glaring at us, with no signs of any more Beedrills appearing.

"Ursaring!" She roared before charging toward us on all fours. Ted jumped back to the left while I jumped to the right while carrying Antony, getting out of the Ursaring's path. Avoiding Ursaring's attack, we managed to get a good amount of distance from her as she blindly slashed the surrounding trees. The pattern of us nearly avoiding getting hit but being unable to run away continued for a few more minutes before we heard the relieving shouts of help. 

"Quick Heracross Brick Break!/Pinsir X-Scissor!" Two Pokemon bursts from out of the trees behind the Ursaring, and attacked her while she had her focus on us. And from behind us a pair of two Rangers appeared, and from the purplish scratches and torn cloths they had to fight through several Beedrills to reach us. 

"Are you three ok?" A ranger with a dark beard asked.

"Yea but our Pokemon aren't in any shape to fight." The Ranger nodded after hearing my answer.

"Heracross and Pinsir are both on their last legs, so we better get out of here." Ted and I nodded. "Pinsir hold her back with Vise Grip!"

"Heracross you use Brick Break!" 

"Cross!/Sir!" Ursaring tried to escape but struggled to break free from Pinsir's hold, while Heracross aimed an attack on her legs. We heard the Ursaring roar in pain and anger as we started running. However, we didn't get far before we heard one of the Rangers screaming and a loud thud. Looking back we saw that the Ursaring had broken free and thrown the Pinsir at the bearded Ranger. Soon after the Ursaring grabbed the Heracross and threw them at us, we all jumped out of the way, while the Heracross flew past us. In my panic, Antony slipped out of my hold and tumbled a few feet away from the rest of us. 

"Ow." He groaned while rubbing his head.

"Antony!" I tried to get back up but froze when I heard the angry roar of the Ursaring. I quickly glanced back but was confused when I saw the Ursaring wasn't looking at us. However, I felt my blood freeze when I followed her gaze back to Antony who landed next to Ursaring's unconscious cub. "Get away from there!" I shouted as the Ursaring charged towards Antony. Before he could understand what was happening, the Ursaring was already in front of him with a raised claw. "No!" I tried to get up to save him but only ended up slipping and cutting my arm against the tree I was leaning on. However, before the Ursaring could finish her attack something sprung out of the shadows and tackled the Ursaring away from Antony.

"Lena!" I was startled to see Ted and a Ranger helping me up, while the other Ranger tended to the Heracross. However, what had my focus was the thing that saved my son's life.



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