The Finite Path

Chapter 5: Kadelast Region: Chapter 4

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--An Hour Prior--

"I think we're lost." Phantump, Fletchling and I have been walking for a decent amount of time, and the sight of Phantump pausing to look around had me doubting if they know where we were. Their startled look and rapid head shaking when asked didn't clear any of my doubts. On the bright side, Fletchling seems to find the thought of a Phantump lost in a forest very funny as they started chirping which sounded like a chuckle.

"Phan!" Phantump didn't seem to find any humour in the situation as they glared at them. Before pointing toward Fletchling and pointed toward the sky. "Tum Tum, Phan!" 

"Fletch! Fletch, Ling, Ling!" I wasn't sure what the both of them were saying but whatever Phantump said seemed to have greatly offended Fletchling. 

"Phantump, Phan Phan, Tum!"

"FLETCH!" They emphasize whatever they were saying by slightly lifting their injured wing.

"Phantump." Which caused Phantump to wilt a little bit. From what I can gather from their conversation, Phantump accused Fletchling of also not knowing their way around the forest. Which offended Fletching after which they said something that made Phatump angrier, my guess is they said something about them being lost at their home. Then Phantump must have argued why Fletchling isn't helping if they are so high and mighty. Fletching then responded by showing how they couldn't fly due to their injured wing, which caused Phantump to forfeit the win to them.

"That's enough you two, we shouldn't be fighting against each other." We then spent the next few minutes walking in silence. However, Phantump must have noticed something as they motioned us to follow them and then picked up their pace. Making sure Fletching is secure and comfortable in my arms, I chased after Phantump. I suspected seeing many things when I finally caught up to Phantump, but a small group of 3 more Phantumps wasn't one of them.

"Phan!/Tum!/Phan phan!/Phantump!" The Phantump(who I opted to mentally call Phan) who was travelling with us greeted the other Phantumps. Phan then pointed towards us and motioned us to come over to greet their friends(family?).

"Um hello?/Fletch!" I couldn't help feeling like my greetings sounded weak compared to Fletching's one.

"Phan!/Phan!/Phan!" The group of three Phantumps greeted back. While the four Phantumps talked I tried to interpret what they are saying, and from what I can gather from the conversation and the fact Phan suddenly got very excited something interesting must have happened. After a few moments of talking, Phan turned to face me and started to draw on the ground. Once they were done, Phan back up to show me what they drew. My eyes widened at the sight of 3 human stick figures, and a rough drawing of a dog with horns.

"You saw mom and the others?!" The three Phantumps happily nodded. "Can you lead us to them?" They looked at each other before nodding once again. With Fletchling in my arms, and Phan floating next to me, we followed Phan's family(friends?). As we walked Phan continued conversing with the other Phantumps while I try to interpret what is being said. However, I wasn't able to gather much from the conversation and what I did understand didn't make much sense out of context. However, their conversation was interrupted by shouting and the sounds of battle. Before I can suggest that we don't go towards the sound of battle, the four Phantumps looked excitedly at each other before dashing towards the sounds. I could only sigh as I ran after my only hope to get out of this forest before mom finds out I'm missing. Once I caught up to them I noticed that they are crouching behind some bushes, so I decided that I should follow their lead. 

'MOM!?' The sight of my mom along with the others fighting a group of Trevenants, who I can only assume are the parents of the Phantumps was quite shocking. "What's going on?" I whispered to the four. 

"Phantump," Phan whispered as they pointed up. Following their line of sight, it took me everything I had not to scream at the sight of several people bound to the trees. However, the sight of the people made it clear why mom and the others are fighting the Trevenants.

"Did you guys know about this?" They all shook their head. "What should we do?" They looked at each other, and it was clear none of them has any idea what we should do. As we sat there trying to stay hidden, I tried to think why the Trevenants would take the workers and how best we can resolve this situation. However, the sight of the biggest Trevenants aiming an attack toward us quickly halted my train of thought. It was only right before the biggest Trevenants were about to launch their attack did I decided on what to do. So after gently placing Fletchling inside a hole in a tree, I jumped out of my hiding place. "Stop!" I yelled as I tried to shield the workers with my body. 

"Phantump!/Phan!/Phan!/Tump!"  And from the sounds of it, I wasn't the only one.

"AMBER!?!/TREV!?!" I can only wince at mom's yelling. However before I can answer back, I had to cover my ears from the roar of the Trevenant's attack. Once I saw the attack ending, I took my hands away from my ears and immediately regretted the decision. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!/TREVENANT TREV TREV NANT!?!" Before I knew it, I was on my knees as mom started lecturing me. "Do you understand how much danger you were in?! Why are you even here, you should be back with kate and the others safe and away from danger!" During the lecture, I was forced to explain to mom how I got into this mess, which included how I willingly walked toward the forest and got kidnapped. A single glance towards the Phantumps showed I wasn't the only one being lectured. However, my scolding didn't last much longer as the Trevenants that were knocked out started to rise. While mom and the others got ready for another round of battle, and from the look on mom's face, she was ready to go all out to protect me. 

"Stop!/Phantump!/Phan!/Phan!/Tump!" Before any attacks can be thrown, the Phantumps and I quickly got between the two groups.

"Amber get over here!/ Trevenant Trev Treve Nant!" There was a tense silence before the ranger walked forward with his hands up to show he was empty-handed. But from the sight of the Haunter behind him, and from what I can remember about Rangers, he isn't as defenceless as he looks.

"Ok let's calm down, I think if we talk things out we can figure something out that benefits all of us." Mom and the large Trevenant glared at each other, then mom glanced towards me while the large Trevenant glanced towards the Phantumps before agreeing with the Ranger.

"Amber I need you to stay with Hawk as Ben and I talk to the Trevenants. And when we get home we are going to have a lengthy discussion about personal safety. " 

"Can I run to get something first?" I asked before she walked away.

"What do you need to get?"

"One of the Phantumps lead me to an injured Fletchling, which I was planning to help get home. And before I jump out of the bushes I hid them away inside a tree to keep them safe." 

"Ok you can get the Fletchling, but go to Hawk straight after. Do I make myself clear young lady?" I nodded before running back towards where I hid Fletchling. When I peeked inside the hole, I was greeted by them glaring at me. When I tried to get them out of the hole they chirped before pecking me. 

"Ow, what was that for?"

"Fletch! Fletchling Fletchling!" They chirped as they continued to glare at me.

"Are you mad that I left you behind?" 

"Fletch," They nodded.

"I couldn't bring you with me, placing you here was the best way to keep you safe!"

"Fletchling!" They chirped back when it dawned on me why they are so mad.

"Wait are you mad that I didn't let you help?"

"Fletchling! Fletch!"

"Your injured!"

"Fletch Fletch Ling Fletchling!" I could only sigh when I finally managed to translate what they trying to say.

"Look I'm sorry, and I know that you were just worried about us and wanted to help. But you must understand that I can't in good conscience bring someone injured into a battle. How about we agree that we're both in the wrong here?" They took a moment to think before nodding. "Great! Now let's get you out of this hole." After I gently picked them up, I walked to Hawk as the mom and the Ranger talked to the Trevenants.

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"What do you have here?" 

"An injured Fletchling that I'm hoping to reunite with their family."

"Fletch!" Hawk gave us a small smile, which quickly sour at the sight of the injured wing.

"What happened?" I shrugged.

"I found them with this injury, so I was going to bring them to the Pokemon Center when we get back to the city." Hawk frown as they continue to inspect the injury.

"How did you get injured and stranded in the forest? There aren't any Fletchling flocks near here, the closest one would be the one in the city."

"Fletch! Fletchling Fletchling Ling!" Hawk nodded, "Fletchling Fletchling Fletch! Fletchling Fletch!" 

"I see."

"Fletch Fletch Fletchling Ling Ling Fletchling!"

"Thank you for your explanation." Before they can start a new conversation, I gave a fake cough into my free hand, which got both their attentions.

"Can you explain what they are saying? I still can't fully understand what is being said and their lack of movement makes it hard to interpret the conversation using their body language." Hawk gave me an apologetic smile.

"Sorry Amber, I didn't mean to make you feel left out." Fletchling chirped an apology as well. "So to summarize he decided to fly one night, but got caught in a storm and injured their wing and leg crashing through branches. When the storm calmed down, Phantump found them and kept them safe in a hole in a tree. They stayed there for a few days until you found them there, and you know what happen next."


"You didn't know?" I could feel my cheeks heat up at that comment.

"Hey in my defence I forgot to ask!" I immediately regretted what I said when Hawk and Fletchling started to laugh. Well happily chirped in Fletchlings case. "Hey, it's not funny!"

"Hahaha, sorry Amber but I needed a good laugh after every that happened today."

"Well it's not funny, " I looked down towards Fletchling. "And I'm sorry for not asking." They happily chirped accepting my apology. Thankfully I was saved before I can embarrass myself anymore by my mom returning with the Ranger.

"So what's the verdict?" Asked Hawk.

"The Trevenant agreed to leave the workers alone, and even help regrow the trees afterwards as long as the lumberjacks stay out of their territories." Answered mom.

"Conkeldurr Constructions won't be too eager to agree with this deal, just because the Trevenants won't attack the lumberjacks, doesn't help when the forest is filled with ghost pokemon. Conkeldurr Constructions aren't known for their ability to fight ghost pokemon, with the fact almost all of the pokemon they use are fighting type." Mom can only sigh after hearing Hawk's comment.

"Yea but this is the best we can do."

"Conkeldurr Constructions will most likely demand the League provide help with protecting the workers."

"Those greedy f-," mom paused before sending me a glance. "People very greedy people just want free protection. All this wouldn't have happened if they just stayed away from the forest filled with pokemon they can't deal with. -Sigh-, well we did what we were asked, so the League can deal with the negotiations for all I care." Hawk nodded. "Well, let's get both groups of workers so we can get home before it gets too dark."

"Both? I thought they didn't separate the workers?" This time the Ranger answered Hawk.

"They didn't, a small group of Trevenants ambushed and captured the workers we left at the site while we were gone." Hawk nodded. However, before they can gather the workers I spoke up.

"What caused the Trevenants to get so angry?" The three adults looked toward me.

"What do you mean Amber?"

"I read Trevenants are protective of their forests, but I doubt cutting a few trees down would anger them enough to use a move like Solar Beam at the workers." 

"When did learn so much about Trevenants?" Asked mom with a raised brow.

"A trainer let me read their Pokedex, and one of the sections I read was about Trevenants." However in reality I was using my old memories, and the fact that all three of them are buying my excuse means that at least a part of it is true. And even if my memories are completely wrong, at most they would just think I missed understood what the Pokedex said. 

"One of the Phantumps was resting in one of the trees and got injured when the tree got cut down. Which understandably angered the Trevenants enough to kidnap the worker who did it. However, when none of the lumberjacks stopped the next day, the Trevenants deiced to just kidnap the rest of the workers." Explained the Ranger.

"Which the company will have to answer for because it should have been obvious that something went wrong when one of their workers went mission. The fact that they didn't report to the authorities when one of their workers went on a mission and only reported it after the rest was taken isn't acceptable." Added mom, while the other two nodded. 

After answering my question, the three adults woke up the workers and guided them out of the forest. The Ranger decided to stay for a bit longer to further hash out the deal with the Trevenants, while Hawk went ahead to report what happened to the League. And after bidding the Phantumps goodbye, mom, Fletchling and I drove back to the city.

'This wasn't so bad for my first adventure.' Was my last thought before I drifted to sleep with Fletchling fast asleep on my lap, as mom hummed a lullaby as she drove.

-[] Pov-

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