The First Store System

Chương 1078: (10) The Sixth Product(End)

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Chapter 1169: The Sixth Product(End)

"Open it!" Lily and Khaval rushed Aakesh after reaching the door.

Aakesh laughed, seeing the two in a hurry, but since he was also in a hurry, he didn't waste any time and pressed the key into the keyhole placed on the door.

Aakesh then let go of the key. The next moment, the glow around the key started to expand and soon it covered the entire gate. The process didn't disappear right away, but Aakesh had to wait a while.

Finally, the light slowly began to dim, and when it disappeared completely, the door was nowhere to be found. Aakesh didn't care about it and stepped inside the room.

The next moment, a large room filled with murals greeted his sight. No matter where Aakesh looked, there were paintings describing the effect of a skill.

As Aakesh was looking at one of the murals, he found his surroundings changing. The next moment, he was in the air engulfed in a white glow.

Aakesh's body was out of his control as he suddenly started to descend, and the glow around him began to intensify.

Not long after, he crashed to the ground, causing a loud explosion, destroying whatever was there in the range of hundred meters.

Fortunately for Aakesh, he was only experiencing it virtually. There was no pain involved in it.

The next moment, Aakesh returned to the store. He didn't look at any more murals and focused on what was in the room.

There were seven counters in the room, placed at a fixed distance of several yards from one another. The seven counters referred to seven cultivation levels, starting from Divine Transformation to Supreme Gods.

Each of the seven counters had five rows, defining the five types of skills. From the row at the bottom to the top, they determined: Offensive, Defensive, Movement, Supporting, and Combination.

These types were simple to explain as their name suggested. Any skill that had its sole purpose of attacking and causing destruction was an offensive skill. To defend, defensive skills. The movement type skills helped enhance the user's movement abilities. The supporting types skills were those that didn't directly help in any of the three upper types, like healing, buffs, debuffs, and many more. The combination type skills were those that draw on more than one type of skill to achieve their effects.

It wasn't the end of separation, as every row had seven shelves, referring to the seven levels of skills.

The levels were: Novice, Advanced, Expert, Master, King, Emperor, and God.

Any customer could buy any of the seven levels of the skills, but the higher the level, the pricier it would be, and the more difficult it would be to master.

Other than the counter, there was also a pillar embedded into the wall at the end of the room, making it look like a semi-pillar.

There was a compartment in the pillar that could hold a card and above it there was a small screen that was currently black. It was an Experience Device.

The customers could experience the effect of the skill after paying one percent of the total cost of the skill, irrespective of its level and type.

Aakesh stepped forward and approached the counter for the Divine Transformation users. Aakesh reached his hands into the supporting type skills row and the seventh shelf, and when he took his hand out, there was a card in his hand.

Aakesh focused on the card and read the details of the skill.

One-fourth of the card front was covered in an image, while the remaining three-fourths contained the detail of the skill.

[Name: Healing Touch

Type: Supporting

Level: God

You are reading story The First Store System at

Cultivation Level: Early to peak Divine Transformation

Effect: Able to restore limbs and regenerate organs; cure diseases and ailments; heal multiple people at once.

Description: The user channels healing energy into their hands, allowing them to heal wounds and injuries with a touch. It will only work on Divine Transformation users.

Price: Four hundred ordinary Sacred stones.]

As the skill name suggested, on the image, there was a hand glowing in bright light.

Aakesh nodded and then went to the semi-pillar. He then placed the card in the specified compartment.

Since Aakesh was the store owner, he didn't need to pay anything. The next moment, Aakesh found himself in a different place.

He was in a room, with three patients lying in front of him.

One bed contained a patient with his legs and hands amputated. There was a hole in his upper body, indicating that his lungs were taken out.

The second bed contained an ill patient, who seemed to die of a terminal disease.

The third bed contained a patient having both injury and illness affecting him.

The next moment, Aakesh's body acted on its own and he raised his hands.

The next moment, a bright glow appeared around his hand and soon started to engulf the first patient. His limbs could be seen regenerating through the naked eye.

Around a few minutes later, the man had returned to his peak. He then stood up from the bed, thanked Aakesh, and left the room.

Aakesh's body then repeated the same for the other two patients, and not long after, Aakesh was left alone in the room.

It wasn't the end as Aakesh\s legs moved on their own and he left the room. The next moment, a scene of several injured people and people infected with illnesses due to infections or other reasons was being brought toward Aakesh.

Aakesh raised his hands on their own, and the next moment, a bright glow appeared around both his hands.

The bright glow then started to seep into the injured and ill [patients. This time, it took some time for the treatment, but in the end, everyone was perfectly healed.

With that, the experience came to an end, and Aakesh returned to the store. As Aakesh had expected, no time had passed while he was experiencing the skill.

It wasn't the end, as the next moment, the screen lit up.


A/N: With this chapter, the mass release of ten chapters is complete. Thanks for supporting the book. If you think of details to add to the product, comment. Searching and creating new skills would be hard, so if you have some ideas about skills, do comment. If I like them, I will write them into the story.

A special thanks to Blac for the Pizza gift; it means a lot to me.

Thank you for reading the book!

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