The Five Elementalists

Chapter 12: 11. Leave It to Us

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11. Leave It to Us

- 21 Years Ago -

In a small hut located in remote terrain - hills stretching meters high and filled with trees and shrubs - a boy cheerfully walked down the slope to a valley consisting of a river flowing miles from one end to the other. With a beaming smile, he looked up at the sparkling rays of the sun passing through a thick layer of leaves and down to the boy.

Birds were chirping while small mammals scuttled around, collecting food and plants off the ground. The trunk of trees was no wider than a meter wide, and they stretched up nearly eight times the boy’s height.

As he kept running down the road, avoiding stumps and pebbles he might misstep, he looked ahead to see a person sitting on a white plastic box beside the river. A man in his late 70s watched the vast plain area before him without moving.

“Grandpa!” The boy shouted, waving his arm in the air to grab the man’s attention, who turned around to see a little child coming his way. Rocks and pebbles rubbed against each other, emitting crackling sounds from every step he made.

When the boy ran next to his grandparent, he sat down and watched the river in front of him. A flock of birds flew in the distance, bringing a calmer side of nature to behold.

“Wit,” he said. “Why have you come down?”

“Hm?” The child, named to be Wit, looked up at the man with a smile. “Whatcha doing?”

With a small laugh, the man replied, “I am just looking at nature. Hm… The water flowing, the birds flying, the sun shining, and hills and trees giving green, they are all very beautiful, aren’t they?”

“Yeah! I love everything a lot!”

Sharing glares, the man pressed his hand on the boy’s head and began stroking him. “You are just like your mother, always cheerful and sometimes serious. What a wonderful son you are.”

Letting out a small chuckle, the boy rested his head against the man’s side and watched the view before them as minutes flew by like seconds. Small gusts of wind brushed against their hair as tiny splashing sounds from the river brought a soothing touch to their ears. Even a smell like a morning breeze delighted their minds.

“Wit,” the man called out to the yawning child beside him. He looked up in curiosity to see a gentle smile looking back. “Remember that life is something that won’t last forever. Everything that you see, birds, trees, hills, and us, we all stop growing one day. So whatever you do, cherish every moment. Watch or play, do things that you believe are worth keeping. And when the time comes, you will see what the wonders that the memories you protected will do.”

The boy looked at the man with a still expression and nodded in response, “I will, father. Cherish. And protect!”

Wit began to swing his legs back and forth on the ground, rolling the pebbles underneath him side to side and watching him form a large leg print on the dirt.

A few minutes passed before the man spoke again. “I’m getting a little bit old to catch fish… Let’s go back and eat something else for lunch.”

When he got up from sitting on a plastic container, he pressed his hands on his knees to support his weak lift. With legs shaking to keep his body up, he slumped forward and placed one of his hands on the container to prevent himself from falling. But suddenly, as he tried to take a step, he got caught by one of the pebbles sticking out of the ground, catching his balance off guard and sending his leg plummeting to the ground. His entire body followed as he waved his arms forward, desperate to grab something.

And before him, the boy stood right in front with his back facing the man’s chest. Holding onto his arms and side chest, the man leaned on top of Wit, who caught his fall. As Wit kept his grandfather upright, he slowly walked forward, allowing him to keep his balance as he walked right behind him.

“Ha…” the man said with a sigh. “To think I’m at a time where I can’t walk properly… I should’ve brought the cane with me. Thank you, Wit.”

Wit looked at the man with a big smile, “It’s nothing! You said to cherish things that I like. So I’m doing that right now!”

The two headed back into the forest as they left the vast expanse of pebbles and rivers. While they approached a hill, they kept walking at a slow pace until the trees, once again, covered the sunlight above. With a slight inhale, the man said calmly, “Wit, you really are like your mother. She will be really proud of you, to have such a strong and loyal son. Grow lots, and live a happy life. It is what she wishes for you to have…”

- In the Soul Harvesting Tower (Level 29) -

Thinking back, father, it wasn’t long since we parted ways. And it wasn’t long since I met people that take killing as frivolous conduct. By sending the people to the wall or by capturing and sending them to the city, the world was never as bright as you said.

It was and still is hard to believe that a wall is trapping humanity in a circle, a wall we can never reach despite seeing mountains and towns. The wall is too far to even see, and to imagine a bigger world over the wall is what I hope to discover. If we are all trapped in this place, controlled and used by others for whatever reason they have, my faith in the future is very dim.

But ever since I met my group, my friends who worked alongside me all this time, I feel like there is hope. It brought me an idea of what would’ve happened if things were just a bit different.

If I didn’t have Remy, I wouldn’t have understood human thought. If I didn’t have Cassidy, I wouldn’t have understood the flaws of a human heart. If I didn’t have Mai, I wouldn’t have understood the capabilities of human desire. And without Morgan, Ted, and Lucas, I wouldn’t have understood the importance of teamwork.

Father, when you said to cherish and protect things worth protecting, is this what you mean? To make connections and face obstacles together, rather than surviving alone? Or to venture solo and be everyone’s hero while living in an isolated world? Whatever it was, your words brought me here in the present time. To see the power that a group can do… It is a wonder for me… Thank you.





Right above the clustered formation of men and women was a large Thornial Hunter watching them while releasing unbearable screeches. Right beside it came a rushing blow of 20 blazing blades, moving so fast that they were blurry to human eyes. Whipping through the air, they came crashing down to the ten people below.

But as the four casters from their group commanded with their loud voices, the orbs from each staff glowed brightly, shining like bright stars beaming with light. And out of each sphere came four tails of fire evenly separated around the ball, coursing away and waving outward like living vines. Aiming at the raining blades above, they spun rapidly, creating a small spiraling twister surrounding the sphere.

With the orange blades coming ever-so-closer, there was a loud hissing noise in the epicenter of the four spirals where the orb was. With explosive thrusts from each cast, balls of flames appeared and escaped through the spinning vines, unleashing a powerful barrage of firepower. Small masses of fire were shot hastily at the incoming blades as nearly seven were created each second from the staff. And with four of them, it became a clash between swords and flames.

As both sides approached each other at alarming speeds, the group watched the scene unfold with fear and a lingering hope for survival. When the tips came in contact with one another, the sky lit up with a bright flash of light.

As nearly half of the people covered their ears, each violent crash of both sides sent shockwaves vibrating their bodies and shaking their eardrums. Explosions were heard left and right. White and orange lights blinded their eyes. The ground shook while water particles in the air evaporated from the overwhelming destruction taking place.

A loud sudden whipping noise stopped next to Cassidy as if it struck the ground. In an impulse, she glanced beside herself while holding her staff high. There was a scorching blade the size of nearly half her height, and with it being almost two feet away from her, she squealed and backed away. Her stance faltered, causing the rapidly rotating stream of fire around her orb to lose its stability and driving the flames to shoot in random directions.

“Focus, Cassidy! Don’t let that scare you!” Wit shouted from below, kneeling while keeping Morgan and Ted around his arms. Sweating from the amount of fear he felt from the overwhelming destruction above him, he tried to keep his composure for Cassidy to recollect herself. “Don’t let any of those hit us! Protect us with all that you can!”

Whimpering in hopelessness, Cassidy stood back in her formation and focused on keeping her gaze on the explosions above her. With a couple blowing up right in front of them, none looked away and continued fighting back, hoping the raining blades would stop.

And after a few seconds, what felt like a minute, the storm of explosions ceased. The blades stopped falling. Even so, the Barrage the four had made continued to fire. Hurling over and beyond the enormous mass of smoke, the flames came crashing down onto the Thornial Hunter.

Blasts and were coming from where the monster was. Without the group being able to see what was going on from the cloud of smoke blocking their sight, they could only hear the violent screechings of pain coming from above. With blast after blast, fifteen balls of fire struck the Thornial Hunter’s body until the cast of Barrage stopped altogether.

Things calmed down, but the four people standing fell to the ground. They were caught by those sitting and were seen breathing heavily, as if their lungs were about to collapse. Remy, one of the four mages, succumbed to fatigue. His light-headedness almost caused his sudden blackout. But right beside him, Wit caught his fall and slowly lowered him to the ground.

Remy turned to Wit who looked relieved, but then he quickly turned to the front to see Cassidy falling on top of him. He caught her and saw her face dreaded with exhaustion. She was sweating profusely, her face pale, and she had no strength to move the slightest inch of her fingers.

“Cass’!” Remy shouted as Cassidy was unresponsive but breathing.

"Guys!" The group leader also called out as his two members fell unconscious right before him.

Wit, remembering a girl running away in fear, turned around to see if she was all right. In the distance, however, a body lay on the ground. A blade right was on top of her chest, piercing her flesh and pinning her down. She didn’t move or make any noise. She was completely silent.

Did it shoot one just to kill her? I thought she was away from its attack range! Damn it all! If I was just more aware, I could've grabbed onto her and kept her from running!

Suddenly, there was a loud thud from behind. The whole group turned sharply to face the direction where it held the Klertorimes. Right beneath the cloud of smoke was the Thornial Hunter resting in the center of the open field. It rattled its mouth as burnt traces covered its body. But there was something else that Morgan picked up while analyzing its twitching movement.

A piece of its leg is missing! Morgan saw the monster as he observed it before the smoke began to descend. That thud- It fell so harshly. That fall sounded like it did a lot of damage. Did one of the Barrage abilities hit its vital spot or its wings? Regardless, this is our chance!

“Everyone!” Morgan shouted, causing the people around him to stare at him intently. "We may have hit its wings! But it might fly back up after some time! This might be our chance!”

“How do you know it won’t fly anymore?!” The leader shouted in panic. “If that bastard flies again, how will we-”

“Shut up and do what he says!” Mai shouted while shoving him to the side. He fell against the fallen tree and grunted from air getting pushed out of his lungs. She slowly pulled her sword out of her sheathe and stepped forward without hesitation. Looking behind her to the rest of the group, she stared at Morgan with a stern expression. “This is where we come in, yeah?”

Morgan nodded without saying a word. Mai smiled back and turned around to face the Thornial Hunter once more. And shouting with all that she could, she called to everyone, “Let’s go! Give me your hand, people!”

The leader of his group did nothing but watch Mai march forward, sliding the blade across her fingers to spark a flame that surrounded the sword and herself. In fear, he sat on the log, keeping his balance by pressing against it.

Lucas stood up and followed after Mai. But then a voice stopped him in his tracks. “Lucas,” Wit called out, Lucas turning around in confusion. “Remain here and help get Morg and Ted out of this mess.”

“What?” Lucas said in confusion. “Let me help fight! I can’t just leave Mai out there alone!”

“Don’t worry,” he replied as he stood up while staring at Remy, asking him to continue breaking the log into pieces with all his remaining strength. He walked up to Lucas and patted his shoulder in confidence. “Leave this to us. I healed Remy so that he could try and remove some of the wood. Just keep company and try to push Morg and Ted out.”

“But that’s all-the-more reason why I should go and fight. If you healed him, you won’t have enough strength to fight as well as before.”

“Lucas!” Wit shouted, knowing that time was slowly running out. As he kept looking at Lucas behind him, he ran ahead to follow Mai. “Just do what I say! You, Morg, and Ted create the best teamwork, so save your strength until they are free!”

At a loss for words, Lucas could only watch him run ahead, leaving the collapsed members of his and the other’s groups alone. He looked at them on the ground, and Ted seemed to remain quiet to keep his pain from being more excruciating. Morgan looked around frantically, Cassidy collapsed, and Remy tried his best to remove the thick trunk with baggy eyes. The other group members were all drained from the Barrage they cast. So without any opposition, he stepped up to Remy and helped remove large chunks of wood away from Morgan and Ted.

“Mai!” Wit shouted from behind her. He pulled out his deep-sea blue sword and ran its blade across his skin. Sparking a flame to his sword with the orange river of light coursing through his entire body, he ran up to Mai and charged at the Thornial Hunter.

They jumped over collapsed trees and piles of broken sticks with leaves scattered in all directions. Running at full speed, they hastily entered the grounds of the open area, stepping over pulverized Klertorimes and sending dirt particles in the air. A pool of bright orange rays from above cast a beaming light that rippled on their bodies and the ground.

With the whole place bare of trees, Mai and Wit began their battle against the Thornial Hunter as it screamed and cracked its mouth with full-on anger.

One leg missing - on the right, Wit analyzed the monster while stepping closer to it. Still… Seven legs are still intact. One isn’t enough to do serious damage.

Wings are useless, Mai thought, running right beside Wit. But those hooks are still scary as ever.

The Thornial Hunter lifted both its hooks and kept them there for a brief second. And with brute strength, using his seven bent legs, it dashed forward and brought the weapons down to Wit and Mai.

They successfully dodged the attack, causing the weapons to whip in the air and pierce the ground. They dug deep and remained stuck a meter in.

Wit leaped to the side where his body was now confronting the creature’s main body. Mai jumped high in the air and right above the Thornial Hunter’s arm with her body spun upside down.

In preparation for a blow, Wit grabbed his handle with both hands, ready to cut its torso while Mai gripped her handle with one hand, aiming her blade at its arm. And simultaneously, they spoke with a sharp tone:



Strands surrounding their bodies like little streams of fire suddenly condensed on the blade, spiraling around and radiating enormous amounts of heat. With the swords wrapped in light, the blades clashed with the Thornial Hunter’s armored body.

There was a loud clang like a metal pole striking another metal pole. Wit’s sword slid across the tough exoskeleton while Mai’s got wedged into the monster’s arm joint.

Crap! Mai internally shouted as she held her sword firmly, bringing her momentum to a stop and falling right on top of the hunter’s arm.

Tch, Wit frowned at his failure to land a successful attack. His blade slid and touched the ground, dealing no damage to the Thornial Hunter. On his left, he could see Mai in a strange predicament, pulling her sword from Thornial Hunter's tough skin.

“Mai!” Wit shouted as Mai turned her head to him. “What’s the matter?!”

"My blade is stuck, damn it!" She exclaimed, watching him and the monster's two long scythes still held at bay from its deep penetration on the ground. “But it looks like-”

Suddenly, the Thornial Hunter roared and began aggressively shaking its arms. By swaying back and forth, its weapons were slowly creeping out of the dirt. Mai lost balance and slid down from its arm but kept hanging onto her blade to prevent her from falling.

“It looks like my attack didn’t do much either!” She frantically shouted, dangling like a loose thread with her sword being the only thing keeping her up on its massive arm.

But right above her, a sudden shadow of mass roughly the same size as the monster’s arm came rushing down to her. A weaponless arm struck where she was, causing her to let go and avoid the attack.

Crap! I forgot this thing has another two arms! Mai, a swordless girl with just armor left in her, frantically ran until she was considerably distant from the Thornial Hunter.

His blade blazing brilliantly from the intense flames encircling it, Wit fired more consecutive strikes. Back and forth he swung his sword. But every attempt ended in failure. He didn't even scratch the monster's armor.

He then turned to see the two large weapons slowly shaking loose. And facing the monster’s face, it glared at him with two large eyes filled with wrath like daggers piercing his soul. A wave of sweat crawled down his face.

At this rate, we can’t do a single thing to it! With the most powerful spells cast from four people to only lose one of its eight legs and wings, is this fight even possible to win?! Its hooks will be out of the ground soon enough! I have to do something!

“Wit!” Mai shouted from afar, who was impossible for Wit to see due to the Thornial Hunter’s large torso in the way. “Get out of here!”

After assessing his situation, Wit remained still, seeing what he could do to make the slightest dent in the monster's armor. His eyes strayed to the legs rattling and stomping the ground rhythmically.

That’s it, he panicked. It’s the legs! Cut the legs and it won’t move at all! Wings and legs, they’ll all be useless!

And right afterward, he ran beside the monster and right below its insect-like legs. With the blade at hand, he looked up and focused, shouting with his peak strength:


His bright, glowing sword clashed against the legs. There was a loud clang, ringing his ears and silencing his burning blade from its sudden stop. With the Thornial Hunter’s leg only being raised off the ground, his sword didn’t pierce even the thinnest part of its body. His weapon violently recoiled back and caused his posture to lose balance.

Hearing the screeches of the monster again as its weapons steadily inched out, he faced the legs once more and pointed his sword repositioned again:


Clang! Losing balance yet again, he sprang to his feet and shouted with uncontrollable breathing:


Clang! Another effort at a bare result. Wit rested the tip of his sword on the ground. He breathed abnormally as his body burned so hotly that he began to exhale large amounts of steam from his mouth. Gritting his teeth, making the white steam gush out in a tighter gesture, he looked at the monster in hopelessness.

Right behind him, he saw the large gleaming hooks in the air and off the ground. Before he realized it, the Thornial Hunter moved away at incredible speeds, bringing Wit to light. Having exposed him out in the open, it swung one of its scythes at him.

“Wit!” A voice came shouting from behind. Mai ran up to him at full speed with no weapons equipped. She side-kicked him away, and suddenly, the back of the Thornial Hunter’s scythe struck her back with extreme force. Though it barely scraped her, she ended up flying through the air until she landed far away on the damp ground. She fell unconscious, and without opening her eyes, she lay there motionless.

She lay collapsed on the ground in the distance. “Mai!” He shouted. "Mai, are you alright?! Talk to me! Mai!" There was no response.

Wit stood up in terror. The Thornial Hunter charged at Wit without any time for him to rest, swinging one of its hooks right at him. He jumped back alarmingly and impulsively raised his sword in an attempt to attack it once again, or rather, block its violent-moving scythe coming his way.

The monster then abruptly stopped its weapon near Wit and took another course of action. Wit was struck from the side by another set of arms in a split second. It pushed against his side and sent a sharp wave of pain through his body. The strike hit him so hard that, despite blocking, his arm fractured, a couple of his ribs broke, and he got shot in the air just like Mai.

Landing far away, he fell to the ground and slid across rocks and dirt until he came to a stop. In fatigue, he tried to stand. And to his realization, his sword got left behind from where he previously was before getting hit. His vision turned red from his cut forehead dripping blood down to his eyes.

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Panting excessively, he saw the Thornial Hunter roaring in the distance. Its mouth opened wide and its arms poised for another attack while giving a cold stare into Wit's eyes. Then it started to run at high speeds toward him. He tried to step away but slowly became nauseous, barely seeing the monster approaching him.

Damn it... I can't see it moving anymore... He said it in his head. At least I gave it my all. I really am following your footsteps, father. Father... It looks like this is my end. For all the things that I’ve done, I hope it was what you said for me to do…

The Thornial Hunter, just a few meters away and inching ever so closer, raised one of its weapons in the air and set it to aim right at Wit's head.

To cherish things, I saw great things out of it, and I didn't regret it one bit. And mother... Sorry. I won't be able to keep the promise. Maybe in the other life, I will-

The air slowly became dense. A light sound of whipping grew louder and louder. Hurling at incredible speeds, a weapon almost twice the size of Wit’s sword sliced the air and rushed at the Thornial Hunter’s large abdomen. And effortlessly, as the blade came in contact with its body, it penetrated its armor and pierced its flesh deep. Cracking open it revealed the monster's flesh, and a green mass of liquid began to pour out.

A familiar axe landed right on the side of the Thornial Hunter’s main body. And instantly, the creature jerked its upper body back and ran the opposite away from where the weapon landed. With the axe still in its punctured flesh, it faced the direction of where the attack came.

Wit, seeing with his blurry vision the monster coming to a stop, looked up and noticed three figures standing tall in the distance. With just enough sight to see who they were, he saw Ted, Morgan, and Lucas standing together.

"Sorry for the delay," Ted apologized with an angry look. “Big boy was out here in slumber. Morg, how strong is this beast?”

"Um, Thornial Hunter," Morgan replied. “A level 29 tree dweller equal in strength to one of the weaker dwellers in level 36. I think...”

“Any attacks we should know about?” Lucas asked while withdrawing his sword.

“Not that I know of. After a time of it fighting against Mai and Wit, I'm now confident that we took care of its ability to fly, the biggest advantage for the creature. Now it's nothing but sword's play.”

“So these creatures are one of the weaker monsters on level 36, and we’re currently on level 29,” Ted said with a grunt. “What a sour cheat.”

“Guys!” Wit shouted while gagging out bits of blood from his mouth. “Mai got knocked out…! She’s not safe!”

Right when he finished his screams of warning, something from behind him lifted his body and pulled him away. Wit turned his head back to see a man dragging him from the plain area. Without the Thornial Hunter looking back, they hid in the trees away from its sight.

"You," Wit called out after seeing a familiar face. “You’re the leader of your gro-.”

“It’s Seven,” he replied while keeping his volume minimal. “I also put your orange hair friend away from harm, so stay put.”

“I appreciate it, but g-go out and assist my men!”

“I’m sorry, dude, I just can’t and I won’t! Those three ordered me to stay away, so you can't make me anyways!”

And in sudden realization, Wit looked back at the three of them facing the Thornial Hunter. Seven was steadily healing Wit as he watched, from behind the trees, the wide open area lit by the orange light from above.

I must’ve hit my head hard… Wit remembered while looking ahead to see Remy lying with eyes closed next to Cassidy. Now I recalled why I ordered Lucas to pull back and assist Remy. To this day, I still question why they chose to be with us. If they ventured with only themselves, they would’ve been going lower in the tower at a faster rate than right now.

“Also it was a while back, but I’m sure you know too. Those three, they’re different. Something about them, I remembered. It’s the massacre that happened 14 years ago.”

Right… After all, those three are the ones who don’t hesitate to get their hands tainted with blood - human blood.

The Thornial Hunter yelled, shaking the ground and ringing everyone's ears. It stayed in place, waiting to see which side would take the initiative. Staring at Lucas, Morgan, and Ted, it stood still and observed.

Morgan studied the monster. After a few seconds, the only sound heard was the crackling of the mouth coming from it. There were no monsters nearby and there seemed to be no battles taking place around on their level since it was strangely quiet.

Thornial Hunter, Morgan thought. It is odd for a provoked monster to wait patiently like this. Does it have intelligence? Or is it seeing something that keeps it from attacking?

“Out with it!” Ted shouted, at last, bringing the two next to him full attention, bringing their stance lower and raising their swords out of their scabbards and into the air. Two axes and two swords. One axe stuck on the Thornial Hunter’s abdomen and one axe on Ted’s hand. “Hey, bug! If you’re looking for people of strength that give you the ride of your life, leave it to us!”

“We all understand what we’re doing, r-right?!" Morgan shouted, his blood pumping through his veins like wildfire and fearing the dangers awaiting them.

“Following the plan, just like what you said!” Lucas replied while lowering his sword to the ground.

"Feast on!" Ted roared as the three leapt forward and ran with all their might. As the Thornial Hunter did the same and lunged forward with its remaining seven legs, the battle commenced.

The thinnest part of its body: the legs, the neck, and the arms. From the left wing, Morgan stretched out away from Lucas and Ted. Those parts are the easiest to break.

I told Ted to throw the axe on its body both to do some damage. And since the axe shattered its body, there’s a chance we can kill it.

Lucas followed and branched out from the right flank as Ted faced the monster head on. Following Morgan on the other side, Lucas thought about the plan to take down the Thornial Hunter. And to kill it, we need to bring all of the advantages to our side and mostly favor Ted.

In a single move, Lucas and Morgan turned from their parallel path and charged at the monster's legs, which were restlessly moving as well as its abdomen. The hunter ignored the two and focused on Ted, the largest of the three. Striking with one of its scythes, Ted did the same, clashing both blades and recoiling from the forceful hit.

But to do that, first, bring its attention to me! Morgan struck first, landing a hit on the monster’s leg. A loud clang sounded as the blade failed to pierce its armor. The sword vibrated uncontrollably in his hands, causing a wave of discomfort in his body, and he walked backward a few steps to regain his stance. Wow...

Morgan pushed forward and struck his legs. And with enough force, a small crack appeared along the surface of the monster’s leg - a successful hit.

The Thornial Hunter jolted as a result and then jumped over Ted. It distanced itself from Lucas and Morgan after a lingering pain in its leg. Leaving a cloud of dust in the air, Ted watched it land behind him at a dangerously close distance.

Immediately, a scythe came Ted's way from the side. He turned and reached out his axe and shielded himself with the side of the blade facing the scythe’s sharp point. Both of their weapons struck together with devastating power, bringing out a burst of explosive sound like a shockwave to one’s ears. The Thornial Hunter's deadly weapon got blocked by Ted's axe, causing him to stumble back a couple of feet.

“How do you like that, sucker?! I can stop your attacks, ha! Quite impressive if I say so myself!” Ted grunted, his body slowly burning a moment later. The force of its strike and the power needed to stop it brought a surge of pain to his stomach and chest. In addition, he countered two of its attacks that nearly wore him out. Damn, that was one hell of a hit. If that did hit me, I would’ve been done for. Blocking one of its thingy is like blocking three of myself charging at me.

And a few seconds afterward, its other scythe came crashing down on Ted’s head. Rattling its face maniacally, the Thornial Hunter pressed all of its weight onto its second weapon.

"I'm leaving it to you, pals!" Ted shouted in hopes that his life was not on the line from the scythe inching closer.

“Oh, no you don’t!” Morgan ran right up to the monster and stood next to Ted with his sword behind. Ready to strike, with the tip of the scythe aiming at Ted, Morgan swung his blade and misdirected the hook a foot away from him. Digging into the ground a meter deep beside Ted, Morgan caught off balance and fell to the ground. Holy crap- The wind I felt from its weapon movement... That strength can actually cut someone in half. Usually, my hit would fling their attacks far, but this one- I barely kept Ted alive...

Ted kept holding onto his axe, protecting himself from the weapon pressing against him on the side. As a result of the monster's repeated pushing, Ted lost his strength in fending it off.

The Thornial Hunter has four arms: two for grabbing and the other two for its primary weapons. With one blocked by Ted and the other penetrating deep in the ground, two of its bare arms rose to the air. Morgan, who was still lying on the floor, noticed its shadow tracing on the ground below. It was almost a second way from pulling out another attack against Morgan and Ted.

Morgan whipped around in a panic to see Lucas dragging a weapon on the ground with both of his hands. While lying on the ground, he shouted at the top of his lungs, “Lucas!”

“I got it!” He yelled back. Lucas brought his entire weight forward and lunged his upper body down, bringing his arms up and throwing the massive weapon toward Ted. “It's all yours, Ted!”

And with the hook swinging down and being just a meter away from hitting the two, Ted grabbed onto his second axe that Lucas had thrown. Using the momentum gained from the toss, Ted swung it in full strength at the hook that he was currently blocking. Moving backward - causing the weapon to press forward - Ted struck it on the side and pushed it away from him and Morgan.

A loud thunk was heard between the weapons, but Ted continued to swing his axe around in a full circle. After pushing the scythe away, he spun and faced the two incoming arms from above, dragging the blade on the ground and raising it high for the next attack.

“Take this!” Like the sound of a large branch snapping in half, the axe broke through both of its arms. Blood splattered everywhere underneath the armor. The Thornial Hunter screeched in agony as it backed off while curling its body with the sliced portion of its arm falling to the ground.

With it crawling away, the two scythes withdrew from the ground and approached Morgan and Ted in a fast retreat. Ted used his two axes - one reclaimed - and shielded both of them until they could safely pull back. Morgan jumped and ran ahead first and Ted followed after, sliding the head of his blade across until meeting the scythe’s tip before making the sprint.

Coming together, grouping once more - Lucas, Morgan, and Ted faced the Thornial Hunter crossing its arms together and taking a defensive stance.

Morgan cheered internally with a smile. Success! Our biggest advantage is to return the axe to Ted. Since the axe is stuck in its abdomen, to get it out, it will inflict some pain on the Thornial Hunter. To make this up, or at least trick its mind to think something else, I hit a different part of its body to keep its mind occupied with my attacks. At the same time, Lucas pulled it back out and handed it over to Ted. The Thornial Hunter scared me when it jumped away from us… but things went well.

Ted laughed and looked at Lucas with a large grin. “That's my boy! Keep it going!”

Morgan watched Ted send his praises to Lucas with a blank stare. …What about me?

Suddenly, the Thornial Hunter screamed and charged at them with its weapons stretched out. When it struck both of its scythes at the three, they scattered, leaving the two spikes digging deep into the earth and raising a cloud of dust in its wake. Its frantic scuttling made its half-missing arms wail back and forth like a lifeless being.

“I’ll work with Ted to try and take out the legs! Morgan, when the creature is distracted, go behind where the abdomen is and attack where the open wound is!” Lucas shouted while running beside Ted.

“Oh- Got it!” Morgan replied while isolating himself from the rest. Ted’s axe couldn’t destroy its weapons even if he hit it as hard as he could. Those must be the hardest material out of its entire body. We gotta be careful.

The Thornial Hunter focused on Lucas and Ted running alongside each other. Raising its weapons once more, it struck down at them with killing intent. Ted abruptly stopped and blocked its path with his massive axes. Lucas sprinted ahead, jumped up on its arm, and began darting up it.

It violently shuddered in an attempt to make Lucas lose balance. Its rigid shell-like armor has joints with sharp edges that may prove harmful to his safety - once falling on its body, he may come across a sharp spike that would pierce the flesh of his chest. (Mai would've encountered it if she'd climbed up a few steps higher.) However, despite its efforts to brush him off, he managed to stay up and avoid all of the spikes and needles pointing up on its arms.

Lucas, unfazed, looked back with a dark-shaded face as his giant orange eyes illuminated the creature’s fear. A look of rage marked his gaze as he fixed himself on the Thornial Hunter's eyes.

As he climbed up its arm at an alarming rate, the monster roared. Using its other scythe, it swung right at Lucas. But he moved close enough to be almost an arm's length from its face. Before the hook could hit him, he jumped and landed right on its head, almost stepping on its two large eyes.

Without hesitation, Lucas raised his sword and plunged it from top to bottom, carving into one of its eyes deep until it reached nearly the other side.

The Thornial Hunter screeched at a higher pitch as if crying from agony. Its body shook in pain with its legs pulling back.

“Not so fast!" As the Thornial Hunter writhed in unbearable pain, Ted charged and swung both of his axes on its torso. Both of them cracked through the armor and pierced the flesh. And with a small arching hook that his axes had, he lowered them and twisted them. Just like that, Ted tugged with his axes stuck in his body no matter how desperately the wailing monster cried to be free.

Morgan ran underneath the Thornial Hunter and targeted the side where the missing leg was. Using the back of his sword, he swung his blade at its leg joints. One by one, they bent outwards. And with three legs crooked, the monster fell to the ground.

“Woah there,” Lucas said while looking down at the Thornial Hunter that screamed with all its strength. Again, he pulled his blade back and stabbed the other eye, impaling its vision completely and shooting out blood everywhere. As it cried ever so louder, Lucas said with his darkened face, “Hey, why are you crying? If you are asking for help, why not stay still and have me open your mouth wider so you can cry louder?”

His deathly stare at the monster was interrupted by a scythe coming from the side. He jumped back to avoid it and began falling on top of the Thornial Hunter’s main body. With spikes present in every part of its abdomen, Lucas took a deep breath while focusing on his body stance in midair.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his sword. This might be a good time to use the ability I’ve been practicing. Positioning his sword with its edge pointing upwards, he commanded with a calm voice:

[Sword Curve: Sunrise]

His sword flashed bright orange. His blade was spewing out small strands of fire. And in a split second, the flames stretched along the sword and to the tip. It reached beyond the weapon and out nearly a couple of meters far - lengthening the blade of his sword made of fire.

And with one flawless swipe, his extended sword sliced every spike caught in his attack. Slashing from right to left, like butter, it almost pierced through its abdomen and amputated two of its legs. Following that, his sword faded into an ordinary silver sword.

More murky green and yellow blood spilled out of its cut legs. Helplessly flailing its shortened legs, it continued to swing its weapons all around in panic.

Morgan ran to the back during Lucas’s devastating attack, running underneath its abdomen and out until he was behind the Thornial Hunter. And raising his sword, he struck right where the wound was - inflicted by Ted’s thrown axe. Digging deep and nudging his blade inside until his sword wasn't visible, the monster shook with excruciating pain while blood gushed uncontrollably.

With the Thornial Hunter on the brink of death, Ted forcefully pulled out his axes wedged in its armored body. He jerked out large quantities of its flesh and scaled exoskeleton.

Right on top of its abdomen was Lucas, standing there in plain sight as he watched Ted stare back with assistance. “My boy!” He shouted as he lowered his body for a jump. Lucas, in response, looked at the Thornial Hunter’s head a couple of meters high.

Immediately, he charged forward and made a grand leap to the level of its head. With all of his raw strength, he used his body and sword and pushed its head lower to the ground, bringing its neck and its upper body with him.

With the blinded eyes of the Thornial Hunter edging closer to Ted, he leapt to its head with an axe prepared to make a full swing.

“Game over, big fella!” And with the final sways of his axes, he struck its neck on each side. Then, a loud cracking and slicing sound rang. The monster’s distressed cries instantly stopped while its body wobbled until it fell to the ground completely. It landed hard with the plummet of its body tossing dust from the ground into the air. And at last, silence came.



- 10 Minutes Later -

Morgan helped Wit walk with his frail legs as he cried out, "Lucas!" With half of his face drenched in blood, he looked at Lucas in a surprisingly calm state. “We will be resting on this open area for safety, but as a request, could you be on the lookout for any monsters approaching? Morgan, Ted, and others who are awake and fine will do the same while I and those who took a beating will rest for a bit before returning home.”

Lucas, facing the massive corpse, turned to Wit with sweat shining on his entire face. “Oh, yeah sure. I can do that.”

Wit smiled at Lucas, who got soaked in his sweat. It looked like the monster had exhausted them quite much. What a relief - to think that they could get tired like this. Lucas, Morgan, Ted, we’ll make sure that we catch up with you guys some day.

He then looked at Morgan, who was helping him move, covered in dampness that darkened his uniform. Father, I remember doing something like this when I was younger. Supporting your walking from old age... how nostalgic.

Seeing Wit's warm smile out of nowhere, Lucas had no idea what to say and looked back with confusion. “Um, something on my face?”

“It’s nothing,” Wit replied as he tapped Morgan on the chest. Nodding, Morgan winked at Lucas while bringing Wit to face the other direction. Seeing the sudden reaction from Morgan, Lucas couldn't help but let out a burst of small laughter. The two walked away as Lucas turned back around to face the Thornial Hunter all alone.

So this kind of monster is as strong as the weaker monsters at level 36. Lucas bit his lips in irritation. Damn it… Are we going to hit another wall? We worked so far to get down here, and soon enough, we’ll be facing dozens of these creatures all at once. Was the book that Cassidy purchased not enough? And just how the hell did someone go down to level 42? The stronger these monsters get, the more questions fill my head. Where do these monsters come from anyways?

Scavenging around, he saw the head of the Thornial Hunter lying across his view. Both of its eyes were wrinkled and misshapen from Lucas’s sword strikes. Remaining motionless, he walked up to it and grabbed it by its antenna, lifting it with both hands.

Heavy, he grunted. If Wit said we'll be resting here, I might as well throw your head out of our sight.

Lucas walked away from everyone in the distance. They returned to where people collapsed, dragging or carrying them to the center field while averting their eyes from the fallen tree with a pool of blood underneath it. The leader, Seven, sat there with tears falling. Remy and Cassidy held each other up. Morgan held Wit. And Ted carried Mai's entire body effortlessly on his shoulders. Ted, however, seemed to be taken aback by the environment, as if something was amiss.

After carrying the head for a short distance until coming across a dense colony of plants and trees, Lucas unceremoniously tossed it a few feet away. Rolling for a few seconds as it came to a stop, he clapped his hands to remove dust from his gloves. After seeing the head a few feet away, he turned around and walked back.


A childlike voice suddenly sounded from behind him. It seemed as if a kid was gurgling while attempting to talk. Lucas stopped walking and quickly turned around to see where the voice was coming from. But to his confusion, he only saw trees and darkness.

“Is... Anyone there?” Lucas called out, but there was no response. He turned his entire body around and walked closer to the darkness to see if someone was hiding. I shouldn’t go deep into the forest like this. The voice could be all in my head…

Brushing against the plants and dead leaves on the ground, he walked past the Thornial Hunter’s head while keenly watching for any surprise attacks coming his way.

[̸M̸o̴m,̸ ̵w̴h̷a̵t'̷s̵ ̸f̸o̸r̵ ̸d̷i̴nne̶r̴?̴]̵

The voice got louder, and it came right behind him this time. Immediately, he turned around to see the monster’s head twitching on the ground. It softly moved its mandibles as if trying to chew something. Lucas’s heart began to race with his eyes widening.

[̴M̷o̷m̵,̵ ̷I̸'m̴ ̸sc̴a̵re̸d̴.̸]̷

Lucas kept looking at it, speaking as if it still held life in it. A head cut from its own body, it kept talking with the voice of a young boy shouting in desperation.

[A̵m̵ ̸I̴ ̴g̴o̸in̵g̵ ̸t̵o̶ ̴di̵e̵?̷ ̵M̷o̵m̵,̵ ̵w̶h̶o ̸ar̸e̶ ̶t̶h̷e̵y̶?̷ ̸I̶'̶m ̸s̷c̵a̶r̵e̸d̵.̷ ̶I̵ ̶d̷o̸n'̶t ̸wa̷n̴t̸ ̷t̷o̸ ̴d̸i̶e̶.̴ ̷I̸ ̴D̷O̷N̶'̴T̸ ̷W̴A̷N̸T̶ ̵T̴O̸ ̸D̶I̵E̸!̸ ̸I̷ ̸D̵O̶N̵'̵T̶ ̷W̵A̵N̷T̶ ̴T̵O̷ ̷D̵I̷E̶!̴ ̸I̷ ̸D̸O̸N̸'̶T̸ ̸W̶A̶N̶T̶ ̷T̶O̸ ̵D̴I̵E̶!̵ ̶M̶O̸M̵,̵ ̸H̷E̸L̶P̴ ̵M̸E̸!̷]

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