The Five Elementalists

Chapter 16: 14. Remember My Name

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14. Remember My Name

- The Next Day / Raenix Household -


Rosey’s hand glowed in an orange aura, and it grew brighter and brighter. In her palm a second later came out a small orb or fire about the size of a ripened tomato, jolting out of her skin and making a popping noise when released. Josh, who stood a few meters away from her, looked at the approaching fire with cold feet as it rushed towards him.

He shook with no intention of leaving the slow-moving ball of fire. A second passed by, and he kept watching the attack coming right at him. He made worrying noises with a slight fearful tone. “W-Wh-How-What-I-I’m-Uh…”

“Hon’, just move out of the way,” Rosey replied with a sigh.

With the ball of fire only a foot away from hitting him, Josh closed his eyes and embraced the incoming attack. He felt no strength in his legs nor did he have any confidence to keep his eyes open. Without hearing what Rosey said, he froze and waited for his demise.

As the flame touched Josh’s face, it pushed his head back in the slightest. It brushed against the tip of his nose and, like fuzzy dandelions, the small orange flares faded as they slid against his cheeks. He felt a warm feeling from it until it vanished in thin air.

After a moment of silence, Josh slowly opened his eyes to see his mother standing on the opposite side of where he was. Located at the back of their house, the two stood in the open field surrounded by a wall of clay. The field’s length was about the same length as their home - 6 meters across, forming a square. They stood on a bed of dry dirt as if it hadn’t rained for days. To their side where the house was, there were plants arranged in a line with fruit growing out of them. And in front of the door sat two figures, one large and the other small. Jisanne and Lucas watched Rosey and Josh work out in the field.

“Come on, why didn’t you dodge it?” Rosey asked. "Is your morning nightmare still haunting you?"

“I don't know...” Josh looked at his mother with a troubled look. He placed his arms around his back and grabbed onto his wrist. Rosey was unfazed by the child’s guilty body language.

“Let say this again. If someone were to attack you, what would you do?”

“Run away…”

“If a bad guy tries to stab you with a knife, you run and shout for help, right?”


“So, when I try to hit you with fire, think of it as a knife and dodge. If you can’t do that, then just run.”


“I’m going to hit you again, but it’s going to hurt more this time if you don’t move away, got it?”


Rosey aimed one of her arms with the palm of her hand toward Josh. He stood there sweating while her hand slowly glowed. And after a couple of seconds, Rosey began her next attack.


A small orb, just slightly bigger than the previous, released from her hand. The speed of its movement was the same, but Josh felt more energy inside of the ball. As the fire was approaching Josh at near walking speed, he began to hesitate once more. However, he had enough strength to feel his legs. With all of his strength, he jumped to the side and dodged the slow-moving ball that was still a meter away from hitting him. He lost balance and fell to the ground with a thud. His stomach hitting the floor caused his lungs to expel air from his mouth.

“What was that?” Rosey questioned her son who lay on the dirt with a squinty face. “But well done, you dodged it.”

Josh stood back up while brushing the dirt on his clothes. He coughed in the process. But without getting a chance to speak, he suddenly heard another incoming chant coming from Rosey. Or rather, it was a mixture of random words.

[Try this one]

Another ball of fire came out of Rosey’s palm and rushed towards Josh. However, this time, it was faster. Comparing its pace to the previous one, Josh saw it closing in on a meter every second.

“Ah-! Wha-Wha-Wha-,” Josh had no time to react. His last resort was to curl up his legs into a ball. He closed his eyes and hoped that his shortened height would keep his body from getting hit.

But then the fire came right at him with a full-on hit right to his face. Rather than a soft brush like the previous attack which struck him, this ball of flame lightly popped against his tender skin. The small burst caused his head to jolt back, loosening his curled stance to waver and lose balance. He fell backwards with his arms reaching out to catch the ground. His bottom hit first and then his hands.

“Ow!” Josh yelled upon hitting the floor. He opened his eyes and brought his hands up to his forehead. And when rubbing his skin, he felt an incredibly sensitive sensation emanating from the spot. There was a large circle of red underneath the skin.

“Focus on where the attack is coming from!” Rosey shouted. And without a second wasted, she launched another attack.

[Try again]

The same ball of fire came out of her palms and got shot straight at Josh. He sensed the same amount of energy and speed coming from it. Once again, he began to tense up and looked at the incoming attack in hopelessness.

“Don’t be scared!” Rosey encouraged Josh to stand up and dodge the attack. “Hurry and move away! You can handle fire!”

Josh heard his mother’s words clear this time. Feeling the energy coming from her - the strong voice of her confident and motivational mother, he quickly stood up and continued staring at the ball of fire coming his way. With just a meter away from hitting him, he stepped to the side. But this time, instead of falling, he kept his balance and stood straight up.

Feeling the wind rushing by, he saw the ball of flame moving away to his side and fading into nothingness. A small puff of smoke appeared, but as it got shot a few meters away from Rosey’s arms, it vanished into thin air.

“Good job, hon’!” Rosey applauded. “Before going any further, let’s try a [few more].”

Rosey launched another attack at Josh - same energy, size, and speed. Josh watched the ball approaching him, and he analyzed it more carefully as if he was seeing something life-changing. With it only two meters away, he quickly moved to the side with his entire front facing her. There was a slight lingering of fear on his face, but Rosey was more than happy and grinned to see her son adapt to their training.

"Wonderful..." Rosey whispered to herself, her heart filled with joy. Josh, not being able to hear what she said, waited for more incoming attacks that were soon to come.

After a little moment of praising him in her mind, Rosey shouted to him once more. “Nice job! Now, let’s see if you can [deal] with [these]!”

With a word of emphasis and commands, she summoned a ball of fire appearing out of the palm of her hand. From just one hand, two balls of flames came out and hurled toward him. They had the same size compared to the previous ones, but their speed increased a lot. Josh could see that the flaring orbs were moving twice as fast this time.

Josh saw one approaching his far left and one to his close right. In a swift move, he moved slightly to the left to get in between the two flames approaching him. Less than a second later, the flames swept past him and hit the wall behind. They vanished upon contact. Josh turned around to see where the balls landed, but he got interrupted by his mother shouting ahead.

“Let’s keep going. [One], [two], [three], [four], and- good luck!”

Like a miniature version of Barrage, four balls of fire erupted from her hand within a second. Four consecutive bursts of energy sounded in the air and Josh felt an overwhelming amount of danger approaching his front. All of them were positioned to cause his mind to coil in utter confusion.

Two aimed at his surroundings (one left and one right - at chest level) while the other two targeted his body (one on his center chest and one on his left knee).

“Aaah, h-how-,” Josh said hesitantly. With barely any time to react, he quickly leaped to his right away from the fire that was going to hit his left knee. To avoid the fast-moving flames, he sacrificed his stance. Thus, he fell to the ground chest first with arms stretched out in front. The attacks, though, missed him and struck the wall behind.

Through the course of his constant weaving and dodging, Josh’s body was beginning to heat up. His breathing got faster and his back, hair, and neck were sweating. But as he lay there on the floor with the sun shining from above, he quickly opened his eyes with full attention. Josh hastily collected his thoughts and pushed himself up from the ground. He dusted his clothes once more and faced his mother again but with a more prepared stance. The inevitable smile spread across Rosey's face.

Just under twenty minutes… She thought. That’s my big boy.

Rosey walked up to Josh, who was still expecting her to let out more hits and hugged him. Stretching her arms, she walked over to Josh and embraced him, pressing his head against her stomach. Josh’s eyes widened and his stance lightened from her warm presence. He felt the soft but rough material of her brown dress and her soft hands on his back that were keeping them locked in their prolonged hug.

“Wh-What is it, mom?” Josh asked with confusion. He raised his arms to hug her as well, for no apparent reason other than just wanting to do it.

“It’s nothing,” she replied. “I’m just proud of you.”

“Oh. T-Thank you, mom." Josh blushed lightheartedly after hearing her compliments. He grinned slightly with his entire face pressed against her stomach.

Suddenly, Rosey’s tone shifted. “So, why can’t you study as fast as you are training? Hm?”

Josh’s flushed face faded and was replaced by fear. His forehead, where he got hit, turned cold and his mouth became sour. There was something about that voice Josh couldn’t overcome. In his eyes, his mother was a scary being.

“U-Um… Study…?” Josh tried to think of what to say as he lifted his head to see Rosey’s face. And when he turned around, he saw a grin, eyes closed, and the entire face cast by a shadow from the sun beaming from above. It was the usual state of happiness, but he knew that Rosey felt otherwise.

“How many months- no. How many years has it been until you understood how to read and do math?”



“A-Ah.” Josh slowly loosened his hold on Rosey, but she continued to keep hugging him close. He laughed nervously. “Three years…? Heh… Hehe…”

“Oh. You’re laughing? Don’t be laughing now.”

“Huh…?” He said worriedly, thinking that he had said something wrong. But despite the persistent questions from Rosey, she stroked his head vigorously and stepped back. Josh’s hair turned to a jumbled mess, and he carefully brushed it back to its usual state with his hands. Afterward, he looked at Rosey who stood approximately four meters away, the same distance as before.

“Nothing to worry about,” Rosey said, closing the tense conversation to an end - for Josh, that is. “Anyways, hon’, let’s continue your training.”

“Oh. Okay,” Josh said while twirling his hair with his fingertip.

Rosey turned to Lucas, who watched the two from beneath their house’s rooftop. He was in an odd position that one might think would sore his back. He was sitting on the stairs that served as a path to their back door, lowering his back to rest on the steps, and gently spreading his legs for a comfortable posture. Jisanne was on top of Lucas' stomach, mindlessly flapping her arms up and down while watching Josh move in frantic motions. Her crimson eyes stared deep into Josh’s crimson eyes, who faced the two when Rosey turned in the same direction.

Two sides looked at each other, and Lucas suddenly jumped up. As if leaving his world of subconscious thoughts, he stood up straight while catching Jisanne who was tumbling to the ground from his unexpected movement. He then put Jisanne on her feet, while watching Rosey look back with something to say.

“Is something the matter?” Lucas asked.

“Are you sure you’re not going to train your son?” Rosey answered with another question.

“Not up for it today,” Lucas replied. “I thought we talked about this earlier in the day.”

“You don’t really say stuff like that. I thought you’d be more excited to train your son. He’s out of his shell now.”

“Yes, but there’s something in my mind that’s been bothering me.”

“Mind telling?”

“Um, maybe later. Still uncertain about it, and it’s complicated.”

After Rosey stared at Lucas for a few seconds, she turned to face Josh again who waited until their conversation ended. When her head turned, so did his. And both looked at each other once more.

“Forget about that old man, hon’,” Rosey spoke loud enough for everyone in the area to hear. She raised one of her arms and pointed it at Josh, who quickly adjusted his stance in response. “Let’s continue.”

Josh nodded. His body was tense, and his eyes were narrowed on Rosey. Lucas, on the other hand, stared at her with an offended look. Old man… You’re older than me, woman.

He then lies back on the inclining stairs with his arms folded beneath his head. Jisanne looked and slowly walked towards him. She placed both of her hands on Lucas’ stomach, bringing his attention to her and her red eyes. She waited patiently and quietly. Lucas grinned and lifted her above the ground. “Jisanne, you’re more beautiful than that woman over there. Look at you. You look so young and pretty. Your red eyes and calm attitude always-”

“Hey, hon’, let’s take a break for today. I have something important to do," Rosey walked up to Josh with an innocent look on her face. Her face shone with light as the beams of sunlight poured down. She stroked his head and patted his back with a convincing smile. But oddly enough, Josh saw a menace underneath the facade, causing him to nervously stare back.

Rosey then stood up and walked straight to Lucas who was still holding Jisanne with his two hands. He fixed his gaze on her when he saw her walking towards him with a smile of innocence on her face. And within a second of seeing the forceful grin coming from her, he instantly put Jisanne back down and sat up.

“There’s no way you heard me-”

“Come here, you little bastard.” Rosey grabbed the neck region of his shirt from his back and began dragging him to the ground. Moreover, he was forced to push himself up the rigid stairs due to the collar of his shirt strangling in front of his neck. She mercilessly pulled Lucas up the stairs and opened the back door in aggression.

“Wait…!” Lucas struggled. “You shouldn’t say those types of words in front of our kids…!”


Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain radiating from behind his neck. A second later, he heard steaming noises as if something was burning. He instantly felt the back of his neck burning along with his clothes that were getting charred to a crisp.

“W-Wait! You’re burning my clothes- Ow! It’s hot- Okay! Okay! I’m sorry! It was just playing around! Let me go!”

Josh and Jisanne watched the two enter the house in an odd way. Josh saw the veins in her arms pop into light as if she turned into a different person. He saw Lucas struggling like a weak man who had no way to counter her aggressive pulling. In all sense, it looked like the roles got flipped between Rosey and Lucas.

As the back door closed with Lucas’ voice screaming over the clay walls, Josh continued watching in silence. Leaving the two out in the field surrounded by a fence, the two listened to the noises from inside the house. And once again, in Josh’s eyes, he saw his mother be a scary being.


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- A Few Hours Earlier / District of Fordhrill -

With the sun barely showing itself through the horizon, in the middle of the Righteous League was the quaint town of Fordhrill. There were rows upon rows of buildings made of wood and clay. Some were two stories tall, but many were one story. The district was connected by linear roads to a variety of homes and markets. And in the town, blood covered everything.

Smoke rose in the air and flames from left to right were seen a mile away. Buildings were demolished. Some had corners completely torn out, leaving a large crater as if a massive boulder had smashed into them. Glass windows were shattered. Some rested on the floor in fragments. The interior of nearly every home and shop were dark, unlit, and lifeless.

But in the Central District of Fordhrill lay a large mass of men and women. Many wore brown and dirty clothes. Some were equipped with armor because of their strong physiques. Others were shopkeepers, wearing their usual aprons or clothes that had different looks compared to everyone else. But everyone, no matter who it was, circled a group of men in the center.

There were thirteen men dressed in heavy silver armor. Eight of them formed a large circle to keep the attentive crowd from closing in on them. The last five were in the center lined up in a straight formation, and they were standing behind five people who kneeled before them.

But there was one man who wore eerie clothes. He was dressed in a crimson red cloak with black colored rings ingrained on the edges – ankle, wrist, and hoodie. He stood in the center of everyone, walking around nonchalantly with his arms around his back. Half of his face got covered by his hood, leaving only a menacing smile underneath.

The mysterious man, being the commander, walked around the ten people – five armored men and five men and women dressed in light clothes. He stared at them while kicking the gravel. The five people kneeling looked back with fear, eyes drenched in tears, and hands tied behind their backs.

“P-P-Please…” One of the women among the five cried. “D-Don’t kill m-me…”

“Let us go!” A man shouted next, who was beside the desperate woman. “We didn’t do anything!”

Five armored men stood behind each person, and one of them was a little boy. About nine years old, he kneeled, hands tied, and head lowered. He wore a dirt-stained shirt with brown shorts. The blood coming out of his knees was covered with debris. His face, though tearing, had small cut marks that dripped blood to the side of his cheeks.

In the crowd, there was a scream from a woman. She pushed away everyone and made her way to the front, revealing her dreadful face and depressing eyes. Eventually, one of the men confronted her and pushed her back. In hopelessness, she reached out her arm toward the little boy, who lifted his head upon hearing her cries.

“My son!” She shouted in a shaky voice. “Let me go! My son is there! He needs me!”

“M-Mom…” The boy began to tear up. His mouth shook and his body leaned forward. “Mama… Help me…”

Suddenly, the boy felt a tug from behind. The man pulled him away and kept him strictly on hold. “Don’t move, son. You know what’s going to happen if you do.”

“Son!” The mother cried evermore. “Please kill me, if you must! Just don’t touch my baby! I’ll do anything!”

Hearing her desperation, the man dressed in a red cloak slowly approached the boy. The child looked up at the man, who showed no empathy.

“Hey,” the man said, crouching until his face met the boy. “A fine morning, don’t you agree? Is that your mother?”

The boy frantically nodded, powerless.

“I see... She must really love you. Another thing… Was the girl we took away your little sister?”

In response, the boy nodded while sniffing.

“Fascinating…” The man brought one of his hands up to feel his chin. “You seemed to also love your family. What an amazing boy you are. If you didn’t interfere with our work, I could’ve just let you go… Why were you trying to kill us?”

The boy refused to answer, his mouth shaking as he could find no words to answer with. He only stared at the man who slowly began to lose patience.

“Maybe you didn’t hear me. Just a few minutes ago, we put all of the kids on our ship and sent them away. You were one of many who could live their lives without worry. But instead, you tried to kill one of us with a kitchen knife… Why did you do that? Was it to save your little sister?”

Again, the boy didn’t reply. In utter fear, he only nodded and shook his head without reason. All he felt, or rather, all that he thought was capable of his powers right now was moving his head. It was as if his soul had left his body because his mouth was completely dysfunctional.

After a few seconds of trading looks, the commander stood back up and began to walk again. But right then, he commanded his men with a sharp and monotone voice.

“Kill them.”

Immediately, the people around turned away from the center, averting their gazes from the five kneeled men and women who fell completely silent. The boy, too, had a ghostly look to his eyes. The mother, upon hearing the words, pushed against the man with all her strength. “MY BABY! DON’T YOU DARE!” But the man was unfazed and kept pushing her back.

The five men behind them stared at each other and pulled out their swords. Sheathing their swords from their scabbards, they lowered themselves and positioned the blades against their necks.

“Wait.” Suddenly, the commander stopped all of them. He stood right in front of the man who was pulling the little boy by his hair, exposing his neck wide open for a clean cut.

The armored man looked back with confusion. But out of the commander’s sleeve, a kitchen knife appeared. With the handle pointed at the armored man, the guy said, “Use this.”

While staring at the commander's unfazed smile, the man put his sword back in his scabbard and grabbed the knife. And without a moment wasted, he said, “Get the job done.”

The five armored men readied their blades and placed the blade’s edge on their necks. Pulling their hair back and opening their necks wider, each of them made an aggressive swing. Digging the razor blade into their skin, they slit their necks open.

Everyone was silent, and the mother stopped crying. The five people kneeling fell to the ground lifeless. Her son’s face plummeted to the ground, eyes hidden in the dirt, and his neck dripping unimaginable amounts of blood. The people stood there in weakness, only to watch in shame and misery with their hands covering their mouths. The mother slowly fell to the ground with ghostly eyes.

A dark red puddle was growing larger and larger in the center of the crowd. The sun was slowly rising over the horizon, and the flames burning on buildings in the distance dimmed from the sunlight.

As he walked, the commander glanced at the five corpses lying on the ground. The five armored men stood up and cleaned their weapons. The one who held the knife threw it to the ground next to the boy.

But then, one of the armored men who slaughtered the people walked up to the commander. In formal standing, he confronted him with full attention. “Sir, apologies, but during our preoccupied mission, one of our men has sent words from our lord.”

“What is it,” the commander asked.

“‘As the election comes closer, we are instructing our Radians and Magians to find the child before the dawn of the Leaders' Round Table. Bring them to us without wasting a second.’ That is all.”

“The round table begins orientation in a month. Interesting… They are slowly running out of patience.”

“Sir, with all due respect, we began the search operation a year ago.”

“You are missing something very pertinent, dear: It’s the election overturn seven years back. Our lords were not in a favorable spot; however, our lords had imperishable advantages during the coils between other families. But in truth, power does rule above all else, and our Lords are inferior to those in the North.”

There was a disruption from the crowd, and the commander and the armored man turned their heads to hear gasps. Everyone who continued standing to watch the men and corpses dwelling in the center stared in all directions. Lost, everyone immediately turned their heads left and right to see the commotion happening everywhere. Half were screaming and running while the other half were in utter confusion.

“What’s going on?" The armored man said, turning his head and body in a full circle to see everyone evading the area. The commander, however, was well aware of what was happening. And he grinned underneath his red cloak.

Out from the crowd, in all directions, twenty men appeared with swords and staffs, dressed in leather or metal armor. From short to tall, skinny to fat, twenty enraged men with foul looks charged at the soldiers in the center. Half of them stared at the commander with murderous eyes.

With the sun beaming light down to the vast land, the twenty men who were evenly spread out quickly closed in on the commander and his soldiers. Their mouths released white steam particles as their bodies began to heat up, ready to initiate an all-out attack on the perpetrators. And one by one, every one of them commanded their abilities with voices of hatred and wrath:

[Fire Cast and Bend: Whiplash]            [Slice]

[Fire Cast: Split Propulsion]     [Sword Curve: Sunrise]

[Fire Cast: Barrage]             [Orange Touch]

[Fire Cast: Barrage]                 [Slice]

[Fire Bend: Spiral Flames]      [Sword Curve: Sunrise]

[Fire Cast: Detonation Five-Fold]      [Nights Plunge]

[Fire Bend: Spiral Flames]              [Slice]

[Fire Cast: Detonation]               [Slice]

[Fire Cast: Barrage]        [Sword Curve: Sunrise]

[Fire Cast: Split Propulsion]         [Orange Touch]

Swords and staffs began to glow, illuminating with large quantities of energy being poured into their weapons. The center where the commander and men stood became submerged in the dense flash of light.

Out of their blades and orbs, flames shot out at incredibly fast speeds. Some released hundreds of flying balls of fire altogether. Others began tipping their blades while focusing their eyes on the target before them. Flames spiraled like miniature tornadoes, bent like blazing whips, shot like bullets leaving the barrel, elongated like extended strikes, illuminated like the scorching sun, flared like in a feat of aggression, and burned like the darkness of one’s soul. There were hundreds of flames and ten blades of all kinds of abilities flying at the men. Outnumbered, the armored men looked around in fear as the citizens of District Fordhrill launched simultaneous unrelenting attacks at them.

“S-Sir!” The armored man next to the commander called to him in desperation. Without knowing what to do, he waited for his answer, who kept smiling with anticipation. Other men in the center tried to channel their abilities to counter the overwhelming amount of attacks, but it was too late.

But slowly, the commander raised his arm to the front. Stretching his hands out, he inhaled deeply and exhaled with white steam particles leaving his mouth. Underneath his hood, his eyes began to glow orange, and the veins in his arms and body illuminated. Though covering his identity, his entire body was radiating heat of unprecedented amounts to everyone around him. And quietly but confidently, he commanded his ability:

[In.D Fire Morph: Guilty Bloom: Coffinize]

The orange veins and hot radiation in his body suddenly got absorbed to the ground in a fraction of a second. All the illuminating energy from his body got sucked into his feet like tubes, sending it down into the ground.

Suddenly, under the earth came a low frequency of hums that coursed through the air. Everyone’s eardrums shook. Those twenty people and the armored men felt the overwhelming energy radiating from the commander as it channeled into the ground.

The floor suddenly shined brightly. Like a blooming flower, five orange petals shot out from where the commander was standing. The petals were made of magical light coming from out of the ground, and they were growing dozens of meters per second, spiraling as they extended. Within a few seconds, his soldiers and twenty men were standing directly on top of the glowing light.

The men were about a few feet away from landing their strikes. Nonetheless, the commander remained unflinching on his feet with a large smile on his face. With his arm still stretched out and his hand wide open, he said to the men approaching him, “Farewell.”

The commander then closed his hand into a fist.

Suddenly, the massive flower underneath everyone began to hiss and rattle. A second later, the five petals ripped themselves into twenty smaller petals. The light illuminating the flower quickly turned blood red as the shape of the delicate-looking petals turned sinister and frightful. The tip of each petal curled on the ground around each of the provoked men like vines as if a target was laid right below them.

From under the earth, a multitude of large containers containing hot liquid mass erupted. There were twenty of them, and they measured five meters tall. Each came out of the ground underneath the tips of the twenty petals, where the twenty men stood.

These boxes in the shape of coffins surged out of the floor at unreactive speeds, reaching their full height within a second. A large ray of hot lava emerged from the lids as they stood in front of the direction the men were running in. Instantly, without everyone having enough time to react, they ran inside the coffins that awaited them. At the same time, the lids were forcefully closed, trapping the twenty men inside each of the twenty boxes.

All of the abilities the men had cast instantly vanished. The light from their attacks dimmed and the only light shining on the landscape came from the sun, the blood-red flower, and the molten coffins.

Suddenly, the commander - who lowered his arm after his attack - and the armored men began to hear screaming noises coming from inside the coffins. There were some boxes shaking from people inside trying to escape. Every second that went by, the voices turned louder and louder, crying out in agony and suffering.

Smoke began to emit from underneath the lids. Everyone in the center could hear the cries of men inside the coffins all around them. There were a couple of men standing a foot from where the boxes were, and they heard screams of pain, resistance, and torment. Some voices of the victims began to gurgle from lava entering their mouths. The more they were inside the coffin, the more their bodies began to burn and emit smoke.

The screams subsided a minute later, and the fight ended. The coffins stopped shaking as they stood atop the ground with lava steadily cooling from winds gusting by. The armored men, who had not been affected by the attack, looked at the commander in terror. All of them were speechless, knowing that the commander had killed twenty people with just one attack.

People who crowded around them just a minute ago were nowhere to be seen, hiding in houses and behind buildings from the destruction that took place. As the coffins solidified into a solid black mass, the commander looked around the area. He saw a few people standing in the distance, his soldiers staring at him at a loss for words, buildings demolished, and five corpses lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

“Sir,” the armored man next to him spoke. “Are you, too… running out of patience?”

Ignoring him, the commander suddenly raised his arms to his sides. His chin was held high as he pointed up his chest in utmost excitement. The man stepped back and watched his commander laughing hysterically, shaking his head to the point his hood almost slid off. And in a loud voice, he shouted at all to hear.

“Avelentos! Is that all you’ve got?! Is that your best, the league of scum?! Show me your strength and make me feared! Why can’t you all do such thing of simplicity?! Stop being afraid and confront me. One by one, withdraw your weapons and feed me your anger!

“And as for you, hero, come out and stop hiding! Come out and give me a life-worthy fight! You are the god of this city, so retake it! Show me your power! Show me your anger! Don’t hide from me, because I will find you! My name is Vandol, and you will remember my name!”



[In.D Fire Morph: Guilty Bloom: Coffinize]


Ability’s Catalic Scale - Not Calculated


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