The Flower that Blooms in the Moonlight

Chapter 11: 10

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Chapter 10

"When is this first noted?"

"I've sent you an alert as soon as we've confirmed sightings, Alpha."

Severus is beyond pissed.

He and Brandon were in the middle of a conversation when he received an update from one of the border sentries that there were two rogues who had attempted to trespass into their pack land, but were now, thankfully, under custody.

If this had happened on some other day, Severus wouldn't feel obliged to meet the mutts in person right away.

So, he ordered his Gamma to check the other borders, too.

It's possible that this is just a form of distraction from the real deal, and isn't an isolated case.

Right now, they're in the underground prison where rogues and other pack criminals are detained.

The bars are made of pure silver, enough to fatally injure werewolves who think they can get out as long as they're strong enough to bend the bars.

Sadly, though, that's just wishful thinking.

In the end, all they'd get was pain and misery.

They would fall into a state of hopelessness, and soon, lose their will to live.

"Were they hostile?" Severus asked while staring down at the bodies of the involved rogues with a stony expression.

A poisoned needle hit their jugular vein which made them pass out. The needle was dipped into high concentration colloidal silver beforehand, so it didn't take long before the substance took effect as it invaded the rogues' internal system.

"They did try to lunge at us, Alpha. It seemed to me they were looking for a way."

His eyebrow furrowed. "A way?"

"Yes, they were restless—overly anxious. They weren't even paying attention to us in the beginning. It was clear that their goal was to penetrate our defenses, and go deeper into the territory. And when they finally saw us as a hindrance to that objective, that was the only time they made a move on us, Alpha."

"Were they civil enough to talk?"

"They didn't state their purpose, and there wasn't a room for negotiation right from the start. We tried asking them to shift back into their human form, but none of them listened," explained the border patrol, cold and stoic.

When it comes to rogues, there's no such thing as 'too harsh'.

Most of them have an unstable state of mind, making it difficult to follow their thoughts.

That's the reason why they're considered as dangerous creatures.

Once they've gone mad, reversion is no longer possible.

However, there's a certain type of rogue which is more cunning and deadly—the ones who can still think and act perfectly fine, despite their chipping away sanity. They're the rogues whom you can have a normal conversation with. They can make you think that there's nothing wrong with them, and it's easier to believe their lies.

Severus preferred to believe that this was just one of those typical rogue attacks that aimed for public chaos, but it was too much of a coincidence for this to happen, right when his pack was on a celebration.

Besides, they have these rogue cases under control for months.

There hadn't been a single attempt until now.

"Shall I finish them off?" His pack warrior looked resolved. The man had been at this game for decades—the idea of killing werewolves without, at least, hearing them out wasn't a ground for hesitation anymore. With his experience, making a decision concerning rogues had become simple.

Even if their purpose meant no harm, but they tried to hurt one of the pack members…

They had sealed their own fates.

Severus clenched his jaw. "Do whatever you want. Just make sure they stay alive."

The pack warrior was stunned by what he just heard. "Alive?"

That's… strange.

More often than not, Alpha Severus orders their execution after he has seen their faces.

The Alpha determines their sentence just by having a look at them, and every damned rogue who makes the mistake of crossing River Severn meets the same frigging ending—and that's death.

It has always been the same for everyone.

So, what makes those two rogues an exception this time?

'Is the Alpha, perhaps, planning to interrogate them first? But that's… highly unusual.'

Severus doesn't look happy with his decision either. "I need them alive for now." Normally, he wouldn't do this. Rogues aren't very cooperative beings. Threats don't work on them—unless the safety of their mates is compromised.

Many rogues are mate-less though.

It's one of the driving factors they've gone rogue in the first place.

"But you'd save me some time if you could get them talking."

"I'll see to it, Alpha."

The underground prison is packed with growling werewolves, begging to be let out.

One of their basic needs is to shift, and go for a run regularly. It's the best way for them to relieve stress after all. Their pent-up frustration is what makes them aggressive, and impossible to deal with.

It's how their wolves become more feral.

Desperate cries can be heard everywhere, and their eyes—you can see how anxious they get just from seeing the man parade himself on them arrogantly.

Rogues hate Alphas in general.

They know how dedicated pack leaders are to their pack, and biased against lone wolves.

Alphas are with great pride. They often refuse to admit their mistakes, and are overbearing.

And rogues specifically hate that part of them, especially those who were former pack members who ran away for a reason.

In this region, Alpha Severus is quite the name.

Everybody has heard of him—his feats, his reputation, and the kind of pack warriors he produces.

Smaller, neighboring packs look up to River Severn; the pack they all want to be.

With this being said, it goes without saying that there are also groups that want nothing, but their undoing.

Packs can only stand out if they do things the unconventional way.

In this case, Alpha Severus has attracted the attention of many by being harsh and unforgiving—not only to enemies, but his own pack members as well. His pack warriors wouldn't be as strong and with a solid foundation as they were right now if it weren't for tough love.

Then, if he's already that way toward his own pack, what more if it's toward… rogues?

He has a reputation about that matter—one that remains unchanging through the years.

Alpha Severus has never shown rogues even the tiniest bit of his mercy.

He proceeds to eradicating them immediately no matter what their excuses are.

Telling him that you've accidentally trespassed into his territory while you're on the run from the living nightmares that are haunting you down won't work either even if it's the truth—that you have your own enemies that are after your life.

You may have successfully run away from them, but death still awaits you at the end of the day.

River Severn Pack is far from perfect.

Its system also gets criticized by its own pack members, though this isn't done audaciously.

River Severn also had former pack members who embraced the rogue life now.

And they all held… sentiments.

Alpha Severus is despised as much as he's admired.

"Free me…!"

"Your locking us up reflects your cowardice."

"I want to shift… Please let me out of here… My space is too cramped… I can't shift in here."

"Once I've managed to get out, I assure you that I'll enjoy tearing you apart…!"

Severus felt his jaw tick.

This is why he never frequents this specific place in his pack.

The werewolves down here are always asking for a death wish.

Why would he indulge them in their desire when his pack was throwing a party?

Why would he taint his hands on the day he was supposed to take it easy?

Severus had been holding it in for quite some time now. He was trying not to let their words get to him, but these animals were relentless.

They wouldn't give it up.

They couldn't.

Each werewolf that was behind bars bore a deep resentment toward him.

He was the very reason why they would spend the rest of their lives inside a small room.

"I will kill you, especially the ones that you hold so dear…!"

A loud, ferocious snarl echoed and reverberated across the prison that made every existing werewolf in there cower in fear, some whimpering while showing their necks in submission.

The screams and cries died down—just like that.

Severus' eyes turned bloody red, his fangs peeking from between his lips ominously.

"Your days are already numbered," he hissed, his wolf threatening to surface. "Making it shorter only benefits me. Don't be in haste, mutts."

The prisoners flinched upon hearing that word.

It's a taboo word in the World of Darkness, especially their kind.

But they couldn't even react properly.

They couldn't express their anger even if they wanted to.

Their fear had completely taken over their senses—they were sweating buckets.

And most of them found it hard to breathe due to the overwhelming aura radiating off him, an Alpha's spiritual pressure.

Werewolves of no significant standing can never withstand that.

At any rate, everyone was aware of it—that their limbs were paralyzed, that's why they couldn't get up.

Perhaps, it's their instincts.

Their instincts knew that they wouldn't stand a chance if push came to shove.

Their first instinct, of course, is to safety themselves from immediate harm.

It's always about saving your own life.

They know they can't provoke the Alpha any further.

Severus' wolf observed the prisoners one by one with a keen eye. It doesn't take lightly when it comes to family. A certain mutt in here had the audacity to say that he would harm his loved ones, and the voice was of a man. His wolf also noticed that even the prison guards had recoiled in horror.

Just because they're his pack members doesn't mean their wolves won't be affected.

A wolf is able to distinguish an Alpha when it sees one.

Severus' lips curled into a sneer, and with one last look, he marched over toward the exit panel, his footsteps heavy and imposing. No one dared to raise their heads to look at his retreating figure, his pack warriors included.

Somehow, they feel like the Alpha is going to know if they so much dare as to peek at him.

'Brandon? Report to me at once!'

Severus' wolf felt agitated.

It still hadn't calmed down, and it certainly wouldn't anytime soon.

'Rogues are a pain,' his wolf snapped.

'I know.'

'Then, do something about their existence.'

'We can't kill them just yet. I have to confirm something.'

'They aren't going to respond to you! I don't understand what you're hesitating for, Severus!'

'This can't just be a coincidence. Did they think my territory was going to be lax on this particular day? They were obviously trying something.'

'So, what are you waiting for?'

'There's still silver in their system…' Severus' face darkened considerably. 'I won't enjoy making them talk in that pathetic state.'

His wolf huffed. 'Your being composed amazes me. Someone from your goddamned prison has threatened our mate and pup!'

'It was out of spite. You knew they could never do it—not in a million years.'

Severus has yet to receive an update from his Gamma. His conversation with his wolf has already ended, yet Brandon still hasn't replied back. The most important thing right now is they're able to alert all sentries about the situation.

That news is certainly going to force them awake now.

The border patrols are now in the zone.

Even with his careful steps to not startle his men didn't stop them from sensing his presence almost right away. The pair greeted him briefly before they went off into separate directions. They knew how dire the current situation was, not to mention that many distinguished guests from different packs were present at the party right now.

This incident could ruin their reputation in a blink of an eye.

River Severn… being this vulnerable?

Do they even deserve the tenth seat?


Finally, it was Brandon's voice.

'You haven't been in contact. Where were you?'

'My squad is still here at the northeastern border, Alpha.'

Severus' steps halted. 'You're out of breath,' he pointed out, wary.



'We have a situation, Alpha.'

'Yes, we do,' he replied, irritated. 'You're talking funny, Brandon. Your squad may be at that border, but how about you?'

'I'm…' Brandon sounded breathless. 'Ha…'

Severus didn't feel good about this, but his patience prevailed. He was going to wait for his Gamma's complete report first before taking action. He needed a full context of what exactly was going on.

Damn it.

Severus was cursing in his head repeatedly.

For sure, 'that' frigging game is still ongoing.

He left his Beta with his mate because if he was going to entrust his family's safety to one person, there was no other perfect person but his second-in-command.

His strength was next to his after all.

Severus wouldn't be requiring the man to fight if things went upside down.

His order shall remain absolute.

They're to run away, and save as much pack members as they can.

'There… were rogues… here.'

'Give me a count, Brandon.' Severus signaled the sentries nearby, and through his fingers alone, he was able to deliver them his message—to send a back-up squad to the northeastern border.

Because as soon as they recognized the hand gesture, his men were on it.

'Seven…? Eight…?'

'What's your status now? Where exactly are you?'

'I'm sitting on a branch high up in the tree, Alpha.' His breathing was stable now.

'So, you managed to escape them? Your back-up should arrive in no time.'

Severus couldn't get himself to say that he was glad Brandon was safe.

They don't really talk much about cringey stuff like that.




Severus' face crumpled into one of confusion. 'Don't you need it?'

'I don't…'


'I'm going to have to apologize, Alpha. To be quite honest, I wasn't able to wait for any of your further instructions. I already… went to kill them all, so there's no need for back-up. Based on my calculations, there should be ten of them, and I just climbed up the tree for assistive vision. This part should be safe now. Should I mobilize another group to get the other borders checked?'

'Hang on…' Severus stood still. 'You said you killed them all…'

'I did, Alpha.'


'My squad was there, too. I took care of the half.'

'So, your heavy breathing…'

'It was due to the rush. I really went high up the tree. There's no movement now, Alpha.'

'Were you able to talk to any of the rogues you handled?'

His Gamma was silent for a moment. 'There was one…'


'I'm guessing he was the ringleader. He kept saying it was for the greater good as if he was trying to convince himself. I believe… he had gone mad.'

'That seems like it.'

'How hostile were they?'

'They actually weren't at first. They didn't pay attention to us until they realized that they wouldn't make it deep into our land without facing us.'

That explanation…

It sounded very familiar.

If Severus wasn't mistaken, it was the same as what the other sentry had told him earlier.

There's a pattern here.

'Are you sure you've scoured the area thoroughly?'

'I'm positive, Alpha. Place for rendezvous?'

'I'll inspect the borders one last time. We'll meet at the playground.'

'How about the party? Your presence is needed there, Alpha.'

'I know, but that isn't the top priority right now.'

'This was all too sudden. The attack was random.'

'I know…' Severus clicked his tongue, pissed. 'That's why we've hold two of them captive in the meantime.'

'Oh, they're about to experience… hazing.'

'You should go back to the party first. If, in any case, Xyla asks, don't lie to her—just try not to be detailed. I'll explain everything to her later. So, who's watching over the kids right now?'

'There are guards in the pack house. They should be fine.'

'And… Amber?'

'I've already asked a pack warrior to monitor her while I'm away, Alpha.'

Severus heaved a huge sigh. 'I'll go ahead now.'

'See you later, Alpha.'

That was handled rather quickly.

This is why he would always prefer Brandon's company than his Beta's.

Brandon is a good leader.

He could command the pack warriors anytime, and they'd do his bidding without further questions.

Severus believed him when he said that there was nothing left of those rogues—for now, at least.

However, his wolf badly needs to go for a run, and moving along the border is the perfect excuse for it.

Besides, it shouldn't be that bad because in that way, he could reaffirm his Gamma's statement regarding the situation with the rogues if he went to personally checked the borders.

Severus didn't waste any moment, leaping into the crisp air as he shifted into his mighty, pitch-black wolf magnificently. Cold winds brushed against his thick fur as he sprinted through the forest, his gaze dim and more focused than usual.

Leaves danced along with the wind and his astounding speed, swaying with grace and the promise of the dark night.


It was nothing but the singing of crickets and cicadas as the sounds of this very hour.


Nothing in particular stood out to him.

And the bracing scent of forest pine and cypress…

It was the typical.

Small branches of wood cracked under his paw every time he'd pick up his pace, his weight pounding hard against the ground he zoomed on, grasses lied flat. It looked like there was no attempt of breach on this side, so he went faster—if that was even possible at this point, to reach the other side of his territory.

Severus is doing this for two main reasons: first, it's for the pack safety, and last… to save face.

He'd never let anyone bring River Severn down by catching him off-guard on the day that was crucial for his pack. He didn't work on building his pack's name over the past years out of responsibility as an Alpha.

Of course, he has goals, too.

That's why he will never show mercy to anyone who stands in his way.

They'd better be prepared for the consequences of ruining this night.

"I'll have to excuse myself, Sir Alaric," Amber informed the man in a small voice.

She needs to hit the restroom as soon as possible—not only to relieve herself, but also to allow her lungs to breathe in some fresh air once she leaves the area.

Amber could feel an oncoming headache, and that was due to the hellish sensation of the urge to vomit.

"Why?" the man asked, his gaze calculating. "Am I no fun for a company?"

Amber shook her head. "That's not it, Sir. I… I'll try to return as fast I can." Her smile looked pained.

After she's finished with her personal business, she will make sure to look for the Gamma Chief to tell him everything that she knows of Sir Alaric.

She feels like she has to—without any delay.

Now, she understands why she doesn't feel very confident in the man's presence. Before the 'Bad Wolf' game started, he was introduced once more.

A Werewolf King representative…

That's a prestigious role in the whole Akkad.

That's the reason why he looks strong.

And that must also explain his bravery to meet Alpha Severus' gaze.

He's a man that the Werewolf King trusts a lot.

Amber dashed into the nearest establishment she could see without waiting for Sir Alaric's reply. She was her own person, and figured she didn't have to ask his permission for something like this. She just needed to inform him as a sign of respect.

Also, she was flustered when he asked him why she wanted to excuse herself.

Amber couldn't answer that question.

It was embarrassing to talk about.

Besides, it was a subject he shouldn't be interested in.


"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

Amber mumbled her apologies, but her legs didn't stop from running. It might be rude of her to do so—but she also didn't bother to look at the person she bumped shoulders with.

Amber couldn't concentrate anymore.

Left? Right?

Should she enter a random restaurant after all?

'Is that even okay?'

She might get kicked out…!

Amber passed by a comfort room earlier, but she saw that people had to fall in line, and she didn't want to do queue jumping.


Amber didn't think she could wait anymore.

She chose the simplest restaurant along the street, and stood outside its glass door, her eyes pleading—and teary. One of the waiters noticed her, and asked if she needed anything, but she just shook her head while pointing to the concierge behind the counter.

It was a lady.

"Do you know the kid?"


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"She's looking for you."

"Is she lost?"

"I don't know, but she looks about to cry."

"Maybe her parents have made a reservation here, and are already inside?"

"Should I invite her in then?"

"That's not necessary. Let me talk to her."

Amber didn't mean to listen in on their conversation, but her heightened hearing overheard it nonetheless. She fidgeted nervously on her toes, hoping that they had the heart to permit her to use their restroom.

Amber felt sick to her stomach, and the game that she had witnessed earlier just exacerbated that feeling.

One minute later, the concierge went outside, and gently pulled her along to the cornermost outdoor table. The lady asked her if she knew someone from the inside, or if her family had a booking to the restaurant tonight, and she just got lost…

Amber shook her head to all her questions, and went to explain her predicament in a polite manner.

By the time she's done telling her everything, the concierge looked offended.

Her face looked flushed as if she couldn't believe what she just heard from the child.

Then, the lady urged her to find her parents, and shooed her away afterward, leaving a confused Amber behind.

'Her tone changed,' Amber thought to herself.

The lady was friendly at first.


When she went to explain that neither she nor her family was a prospective customer, the lady showed an entirely different side of her.

Amber vaguely recalled being told to 'bug off' because standing outside their business without the intention of buying would only bring bad luck.

Hot tears filled her vision, but she held them in quite well.

The lady was back behind her desk inside, but she still went on rambling things about her.

She really looked displeased, and even ranted to the waiter. "If that girl doesn't leave in ten seconds, I want you to drag her out of my sight."

"Don't you think that's too harsh? What was that about anyway? I thought it was a girl thing, that's why she asked for you," said the waiter.

"Huh? If it was that simple, why would I refuse to help?"

"I don't know… I'm just as confused as you. I'm sorry to say though, but I won't manhandle the child as you ask. She hasn't done anything bad to deserve such treatment. Is she hungry? We have leftovers at the kitchen. We can give her a small portion—"

"Shut up! Go back to serving our valued customers!"

"Just a fair reminder. Don't frown too much. You'll scare potential customers away."

"Shut. Your. Mouth."

Amber still caught that even after she started walking away.

But she tried not to dwell on it because, in a way, she was also in the wrong.

She can't just appear out of nowhere, and spring up on any person that she needs to use the toilet.

Naturally, she would catch them off-guard.

'I'll have to run back to the pack house…'

That's the remaining option for her.

Amber took a deep breath, and then… ran—like it was her lifeline.

Her bladder was ready to burst anytime, and she was getting goosebumps all over for enduring it.

Amber was too absorbed in her simple goal that she didn't notice there was a man, standing in the middle of the road.

Like a creep.

And he was staring right at her.

"This smell…" Amber whimpered quietly. "Sir Alaric?" Her throat constricted. All she could do was whisper.

The man smiled, pleased that she recognized him right away. "Hi there, Amber."

Amber felt her knees wobble at the sight of him.

She couldn't ask why he was here—and how?

Such questions would definitely offend him.

She can't afford to offend the Werewolf King representative.

He's a very important person to this occasion.

"Were you trying to escape, Amber?" he questioned, curious.

"Escape?" she repeated, confused. "Why would I do that?"

"Oh…" Sir Alaric looked at her intently, and as if he saw what he wanted to see in her face—he nodded to himself, satisfied. "So, you weren't?"

"No, Sir…"

"You can smell it, can't you?" He took a step forward, and tilted his head in amusement. "The smell… my smell…"

Amber stood still, her teeth clashing. "Yes, Sir…"

Why is he asking this now?

His grin widened after hearing that confirmation. "Don't you think it's amazing? I was wondering who could detect my scent, and it turns out to be a mere child." A maniacal laugh escaped his throat. "How do you do that?"

She looked puzzled. "Just like what others do…"

"No, Amber, no…" Sir Alaric stalked toward her cautiously. He was watching her each and every move like a hawk. "Those 'others' aren't able to tell. They can't. You're the only one…"

"Please don't lie, Sir Alaric…"

"I don't… to future members like you."

Future members?

He held his hand out. "Come with me to the Capital. I have a feeling that you'll thrive on that region. The King can grant whatever your heart desires, Amber. He can make the impossible possible." Sir Alaric giggled like a kid. "You're considering it! I can see it in your eyes. The offer is quite tempting, yes? Of course, we're talking about wishes…"

"What… can he do?"

"What do you want the King to do?" His eyes glinted maliciously, reflecting his thoughts. "You've got to have at least one wish, haven't you? Come on, child. Tell me."

Amber's hands were trembling now as well.

She already forgot that she needed to pee.

Her focus on the man before her never wavered.

She was afraid that something was going to happen if she let her guard down even for one second.

Something unpleasant.

His words sounded promising, but for some reason, she couldn't bring herself to let loose, and accept his offer so easily.

Amber wants to see her Papa.

And it's not even a wish at this point.

It has become a goal.

And this man in front of her is offering an easy way out…

Who wouldn't feel tempted?

Amber may be clever, but at the end of the day, she's still a child.

She can still get swayed by empty promises.

Except that…

She won't.

She may be a child, but at the end of the day, she's still clever.

His invitation had only made Amber grow more wary of him. "You aren't the Werewolf King representative, Sir Alaric, are you?"

His grin froze as soon as he heard her question. "What did you say?" he hissed lowly. "Are you challenging my identity, pup? My authority?"

Her answer left her lips automatically—like a robotic response. "There's nothing to challenge if you aren't the real thing, Sir Alaric." Amber remained glued on her spot, her palms cold.

She knows that with only one wrong move, it's over for her.

What can she possibly do when she's stuck with an impostor on a dark, empty road?

Apart from screaming her lungs out… what else?

She could only hope that her voice would reach anyone's ears.

Mindlinks are for people who have already shifted, and can communicate with their wolves.

"Is that taunt I hear?" His top lip lifted to reveal his beastly fangs this time. "You're scared, Amber. That's right. You should be scared for offending an esteemed guest. Your Alpha might never forgive you." Sir Alaric cracked his knuckles, but this time… he wasn't doing it behind his back. "I thought I already had you when I mentioned the Capital. Don't you want to make your wish come true?" His eyes were twinkling in mischief. "But before that, you must tell me what your heart desires the most right this moment, Amber."

"…come on."

"Give me an idea."

"Please don't come any closer, Sir…"

"Why not?" His orbs danced in amusement.

He was enjoying this.

He was loving the confusion on her face.

"Because you're making me uncomfortable."

"Ouch." He feigned hurt. "Is that how you express your gratitude toward my wonderful offer?"

"You aren't the Werewolf King representative…"

"You keep saying that…" he mused, his body rigid. "What proof do you hold for you to utter such slander? Now that I think about it, you aren't as timid as you look." Sir Alaric licked his lower lip. "You have guts."

"If Sir Alaric is truly a representative from the Capital, you won't call him 'The King'."

Alaric blinked at her, twice.

He doesn't understand what the child is saying, but it's amusing.

"You're stalling, I presume?"

'He missed my point.' Amber began to panic.

Her deduction was correct after all. 'He's not the representative.'


A word from the Midlands' ancient language.

If Sir Alaric was truly from the Capital, he would know it.

They don't call the Werewolf King 'The King', 'His Majesty', or 'Sir'.

They call him Rego.

In their ancient language, it means… 'The Absolute Being'.

Amber happened to read it from one of the history books she borrowed from Alpha Severus' collection.

And no…

It hadn't been taught at school yet.

This man was dead-set on inviting her to come with him to the Capital.

He kept saying things which could trigger children's gullible side.

He was hoping that she would say 'yes' without giving it a careful consideration.

Amber has now formed the conclusion that Sir Alaric is after her.

He mentioned the Capital in hopes that she would be thrilled to visit that hallowed place.

And he actually wasn't from the Capital, so he lied.

He lied because he wanted to get his hands on her.

But… why?

Amber swallowed the lump in her throat. "What do you want from me, Sir?"

"The Capital is looking for—"

"No, they won't covet young trainees this way, Sir Alaric…" she spoke, more guarded. "Alpha Severus won't like this once he finds out."

He stifled a laugh. "He's a fool for not noticing, but I can't really blame him, you know?" His gaze on her deepened. "After all, he's not a Santiago."

"H-huh?" Amber stuttered, her heart hammering hard in her chest.

Did she hear that right?

Did he just say… Santiago?

"Oh, my. You look flustered now. I was actually starting to enjoy our little… debate."

She glowered at the man suspiciously. "I'm not going with you," she exclaimed.

He gave her a blank stare. "Is that your final answer?"


"Engk." Sir Alaric flung a silver dagger her way—one that she didn't see coming. She was late by a second, so the weapon cut her cheek, it bled heavily in an instant. "Wrong answer."

'He didn't hold back…' Amber was petrified.

The silver dagger would have impaled her right in the face if she didn't try to dodge it.

He was going to kill her!

"Awh…" Amber moaned in pain.

When the silver dagger touched her cheek, it felt like a sting at first.

But right now, her skin feels like burning, her neck and clothes covered in blood.

And her cheek is starting to feel numb!

"Was that enough for an eye-opener, Amber Santiago?"

"You're…" she trailed off, studying his features, and committing them all to memory, "the bad wolf, aren't you?"

That game…

They shouldn't have started it in the first place.

This man's goal was to watch the pack member harm each other using pride and competence as a pretext…!

"Might as well admit it since you aren't going with me…" Sir Alaric shrugged nonchalantly before he looked her dead in the eye. "You're a Santiago. If we can't use you… neither can this pack. I'm sorry, child. You've made your choice. You'll have to die tonight."

Amber was having a hard time to process everything.

She was trying to fix her gaze on him, so that she could evade his next attacks. She couldn't trust the man to play fair after he launched that weapon without any warning.

However, her mind was becoming hazy.

A simple cut on her face wouldn't make her faint, but Sir Alaric didn't just use any ordinary weapon.

The effect of silver in her system is what's making her feel lightheaded.

'This isn't good…'

Amber thinks she's going to pass out.

She tried to stop the bleeding from her face, but a portion of her skin was torn off. She couldn't touch the wound either because she was sure that it was going to hurt like hell.

Lying on her back would probably help, but it wasn't the best idea right now.

She would be full of openings if she did that.

There's no telling what this man will do to her.


"Hmm?" Sir Alaric said teasingly, his orbs rejoicing at the sight of blood and her anguish. "Have you changed your mind now?"

"How did you know I was a Santiago…?" Amber managed to squeak out.

And what did he mean by that?

Use her?

For what?

Her mind was overwhelmed right now.

"Look at you…" He placed a finger under his chin while eyeing her current state. "You aren't even crying after that dagger has pierced you."

Amber nearly stumbled as she fought to maintain her posture—her balance. "I… It's just a cut."

His jaw ticked.

'That's it? That's her reason?'

She's treating his attack like it's nothing?

"I used force, you know? I had put force!" he gritted out. "The fact that you're a child, and still standing after that experience… I can't be mistaken. Who fathered you? Leviticus? Ares?" His gaze gave her appearance a once over, he was thinking. "Or Cain?"



'He knows Papa…'

Her lips quivered. "How do you know about our clan?"

"West Crescent is huge. Yalova knows."


"Ah…" Amber felt more unsteady when the ringing in her ears suddenly came back.

Why now…?

"Are you feeling it now? Silver really is… something."

"And that's not even half of the pain your clan had to experience in the face of—"

"Shut it."

"What did you say?" He let out a dangerous chuckle. "Why are you covering your ears? You don't want to hear it that bad?"

Amber squinted her eyes at him.

'What is he saying…'

His lips were moving, but she couldn't hear a word he was saying.

The ringing intensified, making her screech in frustration. "Ah…! Stop!"

"Huh? I'm not even talking—"

"Silence!" Amber roared, her eyes closed she wasn't able to see the man's reaction.

Alaric felt… gutted.

'How old is she again?'

But her voice…

"Have you—" Alaric's mouth parted when the small girl looked up at him, her gaze steely.

Like a glowing silver.

"What the fuck…?"

"Didn't I tell you to shut your mouth, Sir?"

His face reddened in anger. "Ha…!"

"Don't move," she whispered—as if she was shushing a kid. "Six."

"Six?" Alaric lifted a brow. "Your injury is making you hallucinate now, huh?"

"Six moves."

Alaric pursed his lips together. "What about it, Amber?"

He vaguely noticed that the child was no longer wincing in pain.

And she wasn't covering her ears now either—as if she had finally gotten over something.

On the outside, she looked… icy.

There's something about her not moving from her spot that unnerves him.

'Is this some kind of a bluff?'

This pup seems to know how to buy time for herself.

Unfortunately, that's not going to save her.

He should go over there already, and snap her little neck quickly to get this over with. If this gets messier than it already is, he will lose his advantage.

By now, Severus' lackeys are probably looking for this child.

Alaric noticed the exchange of glances between pack warriors earlier, and it sounded like their Gamma Chief was going to return to the field.

It was a good thing that this little Santiago made a decision that would isolate herself from the surveying eyes of Severus' pack warriors.

Amber isn't moving or anything.

She's just watching him—intently.

The cold had reached her bones, but her gaze was like a hot fire.

Alaric had already begun strutting toward her pretentious form when she noticed her mouth moving.

She was counting.

"Three moves," she stated, her expression stoic.

"And then what?"

"You'll get killed."

Alaric burst into laughter, his smile sarcastic. "By whom?"

Once again, silver hues flickered in the child's eyes. "By me."

"Your eyes…"

"Let me go, Sir Alaric. That's going to be our deal."

"If you're going to propose a deal, you have to offer something that holds quite a great value." She really is a child—so naïve. "What do I get in return if I let you live, Amber?" Alaric was just curious, that's why he asked.

Is it considered foul if he's keeping her hopes up?


The Santiagos must be extinguished.

She must be the remaining survivor, right?

"Your life…" Amber spoke in hushed tone. "You get to keep your life, Sir."

"I'll let you walk away, and I'll get to live," he repeated, slightly amused. "How dull."

For some reason, he couldn't look the girl in the eye anymore. A voice inside his head was restraining him from doing so. Hence, he settled on boring holes through her forehead. "You're a Santiago. You've got to offer me some… treat."

"Don't just stare at me! Damn it!"

Alaric sighed deeply. "How about we play and hide seek? I can even give you a sixty-second head start if you want."

She shook her head—and she looked rather… dismayed.

Her arrogance was pissing him off.

Alaric was planning to deliver a quick death, but now that he was all riled up…

It's no longer possible.

"If I don't find you in twenty, you're free to go." He was grinning.

He couldn't help it.

This child, who was about to bet her own life, was the same child who said she was disgusted with the game he introduced to their pack.

How ironic.

"And since I'm giving you a head start, you'll have to let me at least choose the direction you'll run to." He bit his lip in anticipation. "Okay?"

Amber chortled a little. "Predictable."

'This pup…'

'I'm going to have fun breaking her bones…!'

Alaric clenched his teeth. "Southwest," he spoke lowly. "Try not to trip over your own foot. You can't focus with your injured face after all."

"Thank you…" She smiled softly, "…for the reminder."

And with that, she took off.

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