The Forgotten Princess Wants to Live in Peace

Chapter 7: 7

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Ch 7

“I heard that your brother has not been caught. I am going to find him and bring him with us.”


Louie was born to Stella and Ron. Is he going to take Louie like that? Why?

 Eluana’s doubts deepened.

The Duke of Spess bent down to meet her gaze.

“The sword that broke the Crown Prince’s treasured sword, was not made by Ron Vita.”

              “If it wasn’t made by dad, then who made it.”

The Duke of Spess, watching the child lie, felt his throat getting tight.

“You would think you made a sword, but that handle and that blade are alchemy.”


Eluana’s eyes widened.

Khazar said the same thing. Eluana’s gaze turned to the iron bars of the next cell. The iron bars that were cut and bent into pieces were talking to Eluana.

The Duke of Spess’ gaze also landed on the bent iron cell.

“Yeah, it’s an alchemy ability.”

Eluana’s eyes fluttered.

“Do you really believe that a regular iron sword could break a sword that had been mixed with mithril? And a sword that a dwarf made for the Imperial Family on top of that? I’ll ask again. Where is Ron Vita?”

Eluana bit her lips. The Duke of Spess already believe she was the one who made the sword. But she couldn’t let Ron Vita’s death escape her mouth. Her weakness will be caught.

“I don’t know. He went on a trip.”

Despite the obvious lie, the Duke of Spess did not show any reaction. While he remained silent, Eluana focused on the revelation that the sword is alchemy.

Regis was able to claim that it was magic because of the common sense that iron is weaker than mithril. But if it was alchemy, then that’s a different story.

I’ve heard that Elixir made with alchemy can even save dying people. It is said to be a rare ability that is only passed down to a few in the Duke of Spess family.

Now it was clear. The reason why her biological father suddenly appeared.

‘it’s probably because of the alchemy ability.’

The word “precious ability” means that it is worthy of being used that much. Rather than when I couldn’t figure out why he wanted to take me, I’m relieved.

Eluana said with bright eyes.

“am I useful? Then please find my brother Louie. If you treat Louie well, then I will become a more useful person.”

The Duke of Spess’ eyes sank heavily.

“I can clear the false charge.”

At that time, Eluana’s gaze was solely directed at the Duke.

“if it is revealed that this sword is alchemy, the charge of using magic will be cleared. Even the 1st Prince will pay the price.”

“is there a price?”

Realizing that the words that he would pay a price had reached Eluana, the Duke extended his hand again.

“Come with me.”

It was a sweet deal.

“Will you really find Louie and bring him?”

“Of course. I swear on my name.”

Expectations and anxiety swirled together. There’s no choice. If she could get out of prison and see Louie again, she would even hold hands with the devil.

Eluana Vita gladly placed her hand on the Duke’s.

“I will follow the Duke.”

Eluana decided to trust her mothers’ eyes. The man her mother loved wouldn’t be so bad.

Eluana got up using the Duke’s hand as support and turned and left the cell. At that moment, the Duke’s eyes noticed something and went cold.

The back of her clothes was stained with blood.

“Are you hurt?”

“yes? What are you talking about…”?

“It looks like there is a wound on your back.”

Startled by the sudden loud voice, Eluana turned her head. The Duke’s gaze was on her back.

“Oh, you’re right.”

“Who laid their hands on you?”

“His majesty, the 1st prince”

Eluana managed to correct what she almost said as the first prince ‘bastard’ or the first prince ‘son of bxtch’ and ended with ‘Your Majesty’.

“we need to start treatment”

The Duke held out his hand again. He meant to support her, but Eluana hesitated.

“I can walk alone”

Sensing the reluctance on the young Eluana’s face, the Duke lowered his hand and turned around.

“okay, then follow me.”

The Duke walked ahead with a stiff face.

From the moment he heard that Eluana had been beaten, Regis couldn’t be forgiven. He walked a little faster because he thought he would put pressure on the child.

Eluana, on the other hand, was engrossed in other thoughts.

Ron said there were three powers in the Empire. The pro-imperial faction centered on the Emperor, the aristocratic faction centered on the Marquis Pegimul family, and the Duke of Spess family with power equal to the other two.

Eluana didn’t know politics, but she knew that the Prince’s broken sword is a serious matter. If the accusation of using a magic trick is cleared, then the responsibility rests solely with the 1st Prince. Because of this, the Duke’s family may have to crush one of the 1st Prince’s supporters, the Marquis Pegimul family.

Is my alchemy ability worth taking on such a political challenge? I hope so.

Eluana went up the stairs. Was it really okay for her leave like this? She was worried but had no choice since the Duke was the one leading the way.

As we went up the stairs, we saw an iron gate that marked the entrance to the prison. The servant who oversaw guiding of the Duke of Spess opened the door immediately.

The Duke, who had just gone through the door asked the attendant.

“Where is the Prince now?”

The moment Eluana took a step outside following the Duke, a strong wind blew. The night sky could be seen through his fluttering hair. The stairs embroidered in the black night sky twinkled and whispered to Eluana.

              Poor thing, You can’t run away from your fate anymore.


Louie shook his head and opened his eyes. A blue sky could be seen through the wooden planks. A wind blew from somewhere and ruffled his pink hair that had been hardened with mud.


Louie, who was lying in a shack with only half the roof left, widened his eyes. The figure of Eluana, who was being dragged by her hair vividly came to mind.


He jumped up and looked around, but Eluana was nowhere to be seen. Instead, Khazar was laying over by the blazing fire.


Louie crawled over to Khazar. He shook his body, but Khazar did not move.


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Louie’s voice was full of anxiety. He carefully placed his hand on Khazar’s forehead. Louie was startled by the ice-cold body temperature.

“you can’t be like this. Hyung, you’re not dead, are you?”  

You can’t die, we must find my sister. Louie didn’t even know where this place was.

Louie began to cry and looked around again. The shack was not only half a roof but there was also only half the wall. He could see the river flowing through the wall.

“you mustn’t die.”

Khazar’s lips twitched, and a cracked voice leaked out.

“I’m not dead yet.”


Louie’s eyes widened.

There was a little hope in his eyes when he realized that Khazar was still alive. But that hope was soon overshadowed by anxiety.

Khazar did not speak or move again. He didn’t even open his eyes.


He called but there was no response. Tears fell from Louie’s eyes.

“don’t die Hyung”

No matter what

“don’t die”

Louie sobbed. He didn’t make a sound amid his fear and sorrow.

Khazar focused again. He was fine until he was swept along the river to the desired location. He was limited to igniting the bonfire by squeezing out his last bit of strength.

After creating the minimum survival conditions, Khazar lost consciousness. And when he came to his senses again, he was unable to lift a finger.

The problem is that there will be trackers.

“Go up the road behind the shack. After a full day’s walk, you’ll come to Yonezu Village. Go to the ‘Counting Stars’ inn and ask for help with my name. Tell them I’ve been poisoned.”

When he heard Khazar’s voice, Louie opened his eyes and listened. Khazar spoke and let out a rough breath.


“Louie must go alone. Can you do it?”

It wasn’t a matter of whether you could do it or not. Louie understood that it had to be done.

“I can do it, Yonezu, Counting Stars. Poison.”

Louie recalled an important word from Khazar’s words. What is poison? Anyway, it should be delivered as is.

Khazar didn’t say anymore. He knew he had to start soon but couldn’t slow down.

Louie took five gold coins from the satin pocket around his neck and shoved them into the pocket of Khazar’s trousers.

Two days round trip. In that time, Khazar could have woken up or have been discovered by someone. It seemed more helpful to have money than not.

“I’ll be back Hyung. Just wait”

I said one day, but at a child’s pace it could take two days. Considering we had been chased for several days without eating properly, there was a chance he wouldn’t make it.

However, if he does, the way to live will open.

‘is the problem me?’

It seemed difficult to hold on until the child called someone. The progression of the poison was also problematic, but there would be trackers. There’s no way the slave trader who transported Khazar to Aden would just go back.

Now he had no choice but to leave it to the will of heaven.


Regis swallowed his saliva. A lightning bolt called ‘Duke of Spess’ fell on the imperial villa. He suddenly came and in and looked for Ron Vita. The sword he made was alchemy.

When Regis, who became embarrassed, briefly explained the situation, the Duke asked with a piercing look.

“Where are the children?”

Regis, overwhelmed by the momentum, had his servants guide him to the first child. When he mentioned the second child ran away, the Duke glared at him.

Above all, the word ‘alchemy sword’ caught my mind. 

Regis snapped his finger, and the man standing behind him leaned in closer.

 “Is there anyone missing from the family of the Duke of Spess?”

 “The Duke’s uncle Sir Redon ran away from home 38 years ago.  He has not since returned to the family.”

” Is it possible that Ron Vita is Lord Redon’s child?”

Right now, it is very likely. A few years back, the Vita family went bankrupt. He may have bought the identity then.”

I had an ominous feeling that things were going wrong.  Without knowing it, they threw the children into prison and beat them.

“Has Khazar passed over to the Belua Kingdom?”

“Our people are chasing them.  Good news will come soon.  “

“I have to hand over Khazar to the princess somehow. The kid who ran away with him should be buried somewhere so that the duke can’t find him. No bodies must be found.”


Regis stared at the man who answered faithfully. Jay of ‘Deep Night’ one of the three major intelligence groups of the Empire. He spent a huge amount of money from his mother’s family to recruit him.

“it’s worth the money”

Jay bowed his head lightly and went outside. A servant with a pale face came in.

“what’s going on?”

“The Duke of Spess has brought Eluana Vita out of prison. He’s asking to see you now.”

“let him inside”

Regis crumpled his face. It was difficult if they were the bloodline of Spess. It would not be great to fall over a beating. He put on a kind expression.

“How have you been?”

“I have a favor to ask, Your Majesty”

“from me”

“I left quickly and did not bring anything with me. Travel expenses are required, and I’d like to use the magic image orb in the imperial villa.”

“you may use whatever you need”

Regis was relieved that he did not mention Eluana’s condition and moved quickly.

Instead of requiring the blood of the imperial family each time to use the video sphere, it could be used semi-permanently without mana. Regis went into the room next door and stood in front of the transparent marble on the desk. Then, he put his finger on the bottom. As he released his hand, feeling the unpleasant sensation of thin needles digging into his finger, light entered the video sphere.

The Duke of Spess nodded towards the servant who had followed him.

“Would you please take your servant”

“yes, yes. You should be comfortable on the call. I will go out too.”

When Regis gestured, and the servants flowed out like a wave. Regis would naturally follow along.

“Your Majesty, could you please stay a little longer? I have one more call to place.”

“oh yes”

Regis awkwardly stood behind him. As soon as the Duke touched the video sphere, a loud voice erupted.

“Duuuuke! Where are youuu?”

The Duke answered briefly


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