The Former Glory of the Fallen Princess, The New Beginning !

Chapter 11: Chapter 9 – The daily life of two heroes

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Slowly walking in the inn corridors, Alice was carrying the sleeping Yuna on her back.

"You really push yourself to the limit Yuna... You can't even walk by yourself !"

Tired by her journey Yuna was only able to react with a mumble.

"Sigh... Alright I get it, you don't need to answer and I don't understand what you are saying anyways..."

All the way to Yuna's room, all the merchants in the inn were trying to talk to them. The further Alice went through the long corridors of the inn, the more crowds gathered around them. The path became more and more difficult. For a long time, Alice wandered the halls looking for Yuna's room. When Alice finally found Yuna's room, she rushed to it.

"FINALLY ! We can finally rest...Wait this is the first time that I came here ! And we are only two there... Yuna is sleeping and no one can see us right ? She wouldn't mind if I stole one kiss are two right ? And I carry her all the way ! It would be like a reward right ? I work hard you know ! And... And... hum... She fooled me when we got rewarded ! It's all her fault !"

When Alice got closer to stole a kiss, she notice that something was off. Behind Yuna instead of her usual tail, something really fluffy and thick was dangling. The fur was in her usual colors but the shape was definetly different. Yuna's ears were also different, they was now longer than usual. But for an unknown reason, Yuna seems more natural like that.

"Wait... Now that I look closely, the pattern of her fur looks strangely familiar... Have I seen this fur somewhere ? Something is wrong... Maybe if I use this, I can get my answer... ⌈Blood reading⌋!"

Before biting Yuna's fingertip. As her fangs broke through, Yuna's blood began to flow profusely. And as soon as the first drop made contact with her tongue, a feeling of ecstasy filled Alice's mind. But with each passing second, something new spread through her body and an unusual sensation was felt.

"What is this sensation?"

Slowly, this strange sensation seemed to become even more real to her it was as if she was living in a dream.

 The further she drink, the clearer and clearer the dream became. 

When the dream became clear enough to look at, Alice saw a little girl, alone and covered with wounds, lying next to a completely uprooted tree. Exhausted and unable to move, bitterness invaded this little being. This child, who seemed to be only 5 years old, lost everything that was dear to her in an instant.

Then suddenly, for some reason, everything had gone black and the environment start to slowly fade away before returning to the reality.

"Is this really a dream ? It's more like a memory… Is it because of the link between us ?"

It was so real that she could even be embedded in this vision. She could feel the wind blowing on her skin, the smell of the ashes, the wetness on her cheeks, the grief and then the anger Yuna feel at this moment. 

⌈Scanning Complete. ⌋

⌈ You're now able to see the status of your target ⌋

⌈                                                                                                                                                                                                     ⌉


    Name: Kitsuyume Yuna (Lv.11/50)                  Race: Sacred Two-Tailed Fox-kin

   Age: 20                                                                   

   Job: Mystical Archer

   State: ⌈Severly Exhausted⌋ 


 Hp:  (2,33/s)              Mp: 20/8600 (2,4/s)

 Atk: 1200                               Def: 950

 Int:2400                                Dex: 1900

⌈ Elemental Arrows (Lv.3)⌋ ⌈ Mystical Shot (Lv.2)⌋ ⌈ Spirit Trail (Lv.4) ⌋  ⌈ Disarm (Lv.2) ⌋ 

⌈ Anatomy Vision Lv.3 ⌋  ⌈  Focus (Lv. 3) ⌋ 

Passive Skills:

⌈ Acrobatics (Lv.4)⌋  ⌈  Odorless (Lv.3) ⌋   ⌈ Bloodlust Reduction (Lv.2) ⌋  ⌈ Bow Profiency (Lv.4) ⌋ 

⌈ Shortsword Mastery (Lv.4) ⌋  ⌈ Trap Sensivity (Lv.2) ⌋  

Race Skills:

⌈ Disguise (Lv.2) ⌋  ⌈ Charm (Lv.2) ⌋ ⌈ Will-O-Wisp (Lv.1) (New)⌋


  None                                                                                None

 Orus, the Invisibility Cape (Legacy Items)        None



 Bow of the Ancient Time (Equipped)             

  Quiver (54/100, Enchanted Arrows)

 Enchanted Shortsword    (Equipped)

⌊                                                                                                                                                                                                ⌋

"Well... I was wondering why the systems called you Kitsuyume Yuna when we got our reward... But, I understand your choice now... "

Deep in her thought, Alice say. "The Kitsuyume huh, I didnt expect this... So, this is what happen to them. I need to notice my familly of this matter as fast as possible."  before looking away sadly.

As Alice was about to leave the room, something tiny and soft pulled her from behind.

"Yuna ?"


Before she knows it, Yuna has already lured her to her side and was already hugging her like a plush toy. 

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"Wait what are you doing Yuna ? Stop it ! Let me go ! "

After some struggle, Alice finally gave up and let the thirsty Yuna use her as a body pillow. Before falling asleep too.


The next day


"Hey Yuna ! I have a great announcement for you ! Listen, the Guild wan... Heh ?"

In front of Iris, two goddesses were sleeping next to each other in the same bed, the worst being the sight of Alice's beautiful body with bite marks everywhere. Even on her most sensitive part... Naturally, some wild thoughts was flashing by and her jealousy was quickly building up, with rage and hatred Iris jump on Alice, litterally. 

When Iris land on Alice body, the crushing mass of her, wake Alice up instantly.

"H... Ho... How can you do that to me Alice ! After so many years with me, you prefer to choose a newbie with an unknown background and only 1 week of acquaintance as your dearest one ? Are you kidding me ! You even do it on her own bed, in the official inn of the guild, with the curtains opens and on the first floor ? How outrageous ! At least if you really, really want to do it you know that I'm always ready for you ? Why would you choose her ?"

With bloodied coughing Alice justify herself, "It's not what you think it is... I am the victim here... She *cough* she kidnap me ! SHE used me as a body pillow and a late night snack... I'm innocent ! I swear !"

"Then, if what you say is true. Tell me. Why you and Yuna are naked ?"

"I can also explain that ! Please, let me go I'm dying under you..."

Deep in her thoughts, Iris was pondering the pros and cons... 

"Alright… Then, in the name, of the friendship between your mother, the former mage of the hero's party and I who was also part of the hero's party as an archer. I will believe you and I will bestow you the liberty."

"Thanks you."

"But at one condition. The condition to return my feelings with the same feelings, and become one with me."

"I take back what I said, you stubborn elf. I will never date you old hag, and I will never fell for this trap ! It's not because my mother reject your feelings that I will replace her ! After so many years you still hadn't given up ?"

"Yes ! And I will not give up until I get you or your mother, the age doesn't matter when our love is real"

"What are you talking ? I will never date you ! How many time  do you want me to say it ?"

With so much ruckus, it's Yuna's turn to wake up. Without going unnoticed, her fluffy silver tail and the long fox-ears on the top of her head start to twitch. With one arm stretch out she take a look around her before locking her sight on Alice and Iris. 


"Hello~ Iris, Alice. How are you doing and why are you there ?" with a tilt of her head.

"Good morning  ! I'm fine."

"Good morning, Yuna.  Everything is okay on my side, but there is only one thing I have a problem with."

"What is it ?"

"There is a perverted vampire next to you."

"Eh ? Well... She is just naked ? Where is the problem ?" while looking at Alice.

"You are too !"

"I don't really mind..."

In shock, Iris gave up... Before burning the image of Yuna’s beautiful body in her brain then moving to the next point.

"So... hum, I'm here to give you in the name of our guildmaster our thanks. Even if you already refuse the necklace of honor, the Great Five think of an different reward for Memories Bloom. And… they came up with the idea of a personal base like the previous heroes for your party. As the leader of Memories Bloom, you are free to choose where you want them to build your HQ, the materials use and the style of architecture. They only need your agreement." 

"For real ? An HQ now ? During the meeting, I clearly precise that I don't want any reward !"

"Sigh... Always so far-sighted Esir... Our Guildmaster already did all the paperwork for you Yuna. Everything is already prepared, the plot, the material you can use and there is also three different scheme of your house etc. You can’t really choose right now."

"But, I'm still a rookie in the guild. I join only a few days agos ! Don't you think that it's a little too early for me ? An HQ ? The highest distinction in our kingdom ? Don’t he understand what I’m feeling right now ? It's simply too much for me !"

"You are the next generation of hero, you are an ⌈Mystical Archer⌋, you defeated an A-Ranked threat, what's more a floor boss as only a C-Ranked Adventurer."

"Hey Yuna. Don't you think that sometime, get some attention is great ? It's a golden opportunity to gain more fame ! As an adventurers party, everything is based on the trust the people place on our team. It was the same for the necklace. I won't stop you if you choose to decline this offer. But I think that, it's a waste. And even if you want to decline you can’t really do that at this point.

"Even my adventurer rank is a joke... When did I became a C-Ranked Adventurer ?"

With insistence Alice look right into Yuna’s eyes.

"Alright, I get it… But I will not back off for the necklace !"

"Then everything is settle, please sign on this paper Yuna."

"Yes, right away" before taking an ink feather out of her bag.

"Thank you Yuna, but I have something to ask you… 

"What do you want to ask ?"

"Well it’s a simple question. Weren’t you a Cat-kin ? "


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