The Founders of Eternia

Chapter 10: Chapter 9 Goblin Wards and Lightning, and Elfess Stroll and Leaf, Attacks!

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Chapter 9

Goblin Wards, Lightning, and Elfess Stroll and Leaf Attacks!

Raythiel and Star stared at Manuel, the summoner's angel. Zip reacted by grabbing the goblin and chucking her out one of the windows. Then she pushed Raythiel as hard as she could towards the front of the wagon. She wasn't sure what a magic surge was, but Zip was pretty sure she didn't want to find out right now. There was a splat as the half naked goblin girl fell into a mud puddle outside the wagon, in view of Tira and the rest of the caravan, who were listening to her warn them about goblins invading. Tira's speech to frighten the young elves, Manuel's shouts of warning, and a goblin flying out of a window, along with a nicely timed flash of lightning, briefly illuminated an airborne goblin. There was also a dramatic roll of thunder a moment later, which had some predictable results.

"The goblins are flying in and attacking!" "Lightning bolt attack!" cried random people in the gathering. Everyone, including Tira, ran for cover.

Raythiel, who is normally very athletic, stumbled into Manuel's arms from the push. The angel grabbed her and flew away from the campsite. There were more cries of flying goblins, and several rocks, pans, bowls, and other objects hit Manuel as the young elves tried to defend themselves with whatever was at hand. Manuel landed on a nearby roof and told Raythiel to cast a spell to calm the magic down. She didn't really understand, but she cast a healing spell to counter the friendly fire hits the angel had taken.

"What is a power surge?" said Raythiel.

"The goblin cast magical wards against you with everything she had," said Manuel. "You were partially inside her ward's range. Wards can't activate in that condition. If the ward situation does not resolve quickly, by the ward being able to activate because someone moves, for example, the magic doesn't have anything to do. Magic is unstable in that condition, and the magic will be active without any sort of control. We call that a wild surge; it can be really dangerous."

"Why did you just tell me to move?" complained Raythiel.

Manuel replied, "Because the others were not really in danger; you are first level, and no offense, but it is like a gentle touch might kill you. I was sort of afraid I would squish you by grabbing you."

"Ok, I know I am fragile, but I have more hit points than Allie!" complained Raythiel.

"You have fifty percent more!" said Manuel. "Three instead of two! Like I said, I could accidentally squeeze you too hard and kill you. That surge most likely wouldn't have killed Zip or Star, but it could have killed you instantly. Do you see the problem?"

"How did you know to rescue me?" said Raythiel, trying to change the subject.

"I was told to fly around with my ability, magic sight up, and as a result, I saw the surge and flew down to try to get you to go beyond her wards. Throwing her out of the window was ok, but more distance is better with your class being the same and all, so the range can be larger. Plus, the process had already started," replied Manuel.

"It looks like they have calmed down; let's get you out of the rain before you die from a sneeze or something," said Manuel.

"I wouldn't die from a sneeze; it would take at least three!" joked Raythiel.

Raythiel wrapped her arms around the angel instead of vice versa so she would not die accidentally, and Manuel flew her back to her wagon.

Meanwhile, Zip, since she felt responsible for throwing the prisoner out a window, pulled her wet rain gear back on to go retrieve the goblin. Zip told Star, "You try to calm everyone down, Star. That angel scared the Woodling out of me; I'm sure they need to be reassured as well. Actually, tell me that first."

Star gave her best comforting "Yoshi, yoshi" and a head pat to Zip, sighed, and put her wet gear on as well. She hurriedly put it on, and the water soaked her shirt; it was also difficult to breathe due to the moisture in the air; and the thunder didn't help her nerves, and she wondered who would soothe her?

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