The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 145: CH 138

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The Gold Star was the Gold Star of Great Blankness, and the Gold Star encroaching upon the sun meant the Great Blankness was encroaching upon the sun. It indicated war and national difficulty, indicated decline, even an usurping of the throne.

The Tang text Observances in Kaiyuan stated that a comet across the North Cup was an imperial palace emptied, as well.

The North Cup referred to the regent, while the appearance of comets has been a portent for calamity since ancient times. An imperial palace ‘emptied’ pointed to the Emperor leaving the palace, the imperial buildings not having a monarch to oversee them. For that reason, it was only when the Emperor fled the place in a rush would the palace be ‘emptied’.

The two celestial phenomenons were not any good omens, but them actually appearing in quick succession a few days apart was really made the imagination go rampant.

Since time immemorial, Emperors had superstitious belief in astrology. Court subjects also loved to use astrology to convey their own wishes, like using a comet’s appearance to persuade the Emperor to have diligence in governance and a love for the commonfolk. Some Emperors had even decreed of their own crimes because of it, hoping that they could receive Heaven’s pardon.

This instance was no exception. Once the phenomena appeared, every level of society immediately boiled over. Before the Imperial Observatory could issue a comprehensive statement, censors had already sent successive memorials up expressing their varying viewpoints on the two celestial events. The most spoken-of thing amongst them was none other than scaring the Emperor into not leaving the palace.

However, because they had all been too rushed to advise the Emperor, their presented memorials had no one, unified statement, to the extent that they each spoke in their own distinct styles. Lacking in energy, the Emperor felt fed up upon reading two books’ worth of them, and tossed them right to the side. What spare mental power did he have to read all of them to the end?

Compared to listening to his subjects’ opinions, he preferred to listen to the views of certain people.”

“State Master of Far-Reaching Benevolence, our heart’s panic has been difficult to calm these days!”

While the Chenghua Emperor said this, he was askew in his chair, narrowing his eyes as he looked at Ji Xiao’s high-monk air given off by a red-gold kasaya and calm aloofness, an envy that couldn’t be concealed in his heart.

Were someone to bring out a picture of the Emperor that had been painted a few years ago, they would discover that he was now much thinner, his status appeared to have shrunken a bit in result.

Still, the worse his health became, the more he actually believed in fake Daoist alchemy, without suspicion. This seemed to be a defect of all regents, whether wise and strategic or not.

“Unrest of the heart is all due to inner demons causing mischief. Your Majesty, your body contains the value of infinite gold, and evil forces do not dare to come near it lightly; where could inner demons have come from?”

The Emperor let out a long sigh.

Looking at people of the current era, he wasn’t too old, as it wouldn’t be until after next year that he hit forty. It wasn’t too difficult for him to be the Emperor; following his ascension, everything had generally gone satisfactorily. The issue of children that had vexed him in earlier years was now fixed. There had been various human- and nature-made calamities, but his subjects had been able to resolve them skillfully, with even the Tartars defeated until they were too afraid to invade again. There had never been another incident of foreign forces invading the city, like his father or uncle.

Even so, he was filled with melancholy. As his health grew frailer by the day, that melancholic feeling grew more intense. Now, he could finally understand how the First Emperor of Qin and Emperor Wu of Han of history, regardless of how brilliant and talented they had been, had also somehow become obsessed with immortality alchemy. A monarch had all the wealth of the land, and whatever they wanted was what they got, yet they still had no say in their lifespan. When all things were in one’s grasp with only one thing that couldn’t be held onto, one would become even more uncomfortable.

Especially with the recent celestial events.

Thinking of that, his expression show a tinge of unease alongside his mood. “You must have also heard the recent, highly unusual star phenomena? Our inner demon… stems precisely from that.”

“What you speak of is the Great Blankness encroaching upon the sun, and a comet going over the North Cup.”


All the Emperor felt was his heart leap at hearing those two phrases. Not only was he beyond unwilling to speak of them, but he wasn’t even willing to hear of them.

Ji Xiao put both hands into an añjali mudrā gesture. “The Heavens bequeath signs, showing the auspicious and the not. This matter is highly unusual, and needs to be discussed at length. The Imperial Observatory specializing in watching the stars, and Court subjects are full of knowledge; they must have said as much.”

The Emperor waved his hand, somewhat impatient. “We are tired of hearing what they say! They each say different things, we are not sure who to believe! Some say the Great Blankness going over the sun is because war will come this year, and some say it is because we want to leave the palace that drew the comet over the North Cup as a sign from the Heavens. A true joke! How many times has it been heard of before that because an Emperor wished to leave, he drew the unhappiness of the Heavens? Is that saying that Emperors should just remain in the palace all their lives?”

Saying so, he trained his eyes upon Ji Xiao again. “For that reason, we wish to hear your opinion. Could this really be a portent given to us by the Heavens?”

“This meager monk does have a different view,” Ji Xiao answered calmly. “The two cosmic signs coming so closely together should not be regarded as separate. They must be interpreted together.”

“Oh?” The Emperor’s eyes shone. He had never heard a statement like that before. “We are willing to hear the details of that.”

“Have you ever heard of a passing guest star, Your Majesty?”

“Guest stars are stars beyond the norm. Whenever one exits the Heavenly palace, it must have an odd decree.”

Ji Xiao gave a nod. “Yes. It stands to reason that the Great Blankness is not any sort of guest star, but compared to the sun, it becomes one. Therefore, the Great Blankness encroaching upon the sun has the meaning of a guest seizing control from the host. The same logic also goes for the comet across the North Cup, as it is akin to a guest superseding the host. Treasurer Shufu of Zhou once said: In less than seven years, Song, Qi, and Jin’s rulers will all perish in rebellion.”

Him having been able to get into the Emperor’s graces and be titled a State Master hadn’t solely relied on him using a couple mystical magic tricks, of course; he could also be described as well-read in the classics.

As expected, the similarly-read Emperor understood at once. “Those are words from Zuo’s Commentary.”

Ji Xiao nodded. “Correct. Therefore, the Great Blankness and the comet are two events that can actually be said to be the same thing.”

“What does that mean, exactly?” the Emperor hurriedly asked.

Ji Xiao focused his gaze in looking back. “Heaven’s machination cannot be divulged. This monk’s statements end here. Your Majesty is a thoroughly learned, erudite man of Heaven; you must be capable of reaching an understanding. Since ancient times, every beginning of a reigning family’s calamity has started from a guest superseding the host. The Heavens had already given warning, so please head it cautiously, and observe the utmost of caution.”

The more he hesitated to speak, the more the Emperor felt this too deep to fathom, and beguiling.

After Ji Xiao left, the Emperor dismissed his attendants, then remained alone in the massive palace hall, thinking strenuously.

A guest superseding the host, the guest star encroaching upon the host. Who was the host? The Emperor, of course.

What of the ‘guest’? Was it that someone was thinking of rebellion?

That wasn’t likely. A lesson had been learned from Tang’s provincial segmentation and Song’s value of the civil over the martial; ever since the Great Ancestor’s founding, the conditions for civil officials to revolt and military officials to stage a coup no longer existed. Furthermore, the world was not in chaos right now, so if anyone tried to rebel, he would only end up attacked in a group.

The sole threat would be feudal princes, but after Yongle, that threat was also completely wiped out. Even if feudal princes wanted to have their own troops, they could only cause harm to their locality at most, not being a threat to central governance.

If none of those above things were it, what could it be?

The Emperor bowed his head, his indistinct figure reflected in the polished tiles’ surface.

He took a deep breath as a faint hint of shock slowly arose in his heart.

Could it be…

“Could it be that he’s made up his mind at last?”

Unbeknownst to the Emperor, someone, somewhere else, asked that question.

The one asked chuckled darkly, a smile upon his fat, bloated face as he rubbed his hands together. “It looks like this time, even the Heavens are aiding us!”

After Wan Tong said that, he saw that the other two did not have the same happy expression, and his laughter died a bit. “What? Do you Solons not feel this to be a good thing?”

“As I view it, the State Master’s words alone still won’t force His Majesty to make up his mind,” Wan An answered. “After all, the Crown Prince has done no major wrong…”

“How is this not a major wrong?!” Wan Tong straight-up cut him off, not having the least bit of reservations towards the other’s Head Vizier status. “He attracted a comet! How is that not terrible?! Clearly, even the Heavens feel that letting Zhu Youcheng be the Crown Prince is a massive mistake! I want to see what excuses those people have this time to protect him!”

Wan An smiled bitterly. “Little brother, it’s only a celestial phenomenon. However it’s explained, isn’t it still up for a human to decide upon?”

“Yuanweng, are you shrinking back right before the end?” Wan Tong asked, displeased. “Don’t forget that you claimed relations to our Wan family long ago! If you actually do wait until the Crown Prince ascends, the first one to be purged will be you, the Head Vizier!”

He scanned Wan An and Peng Hua, gloomy. “I can say it like this; my sister and I are both irreconcilable with the Crown Prince, her more so. He’s a profound hypocrite! My sister is enemies with him, yet he still plays respectful with her. If these people let him gain power, we will not spend our lives peacefully! No matter what, we cannot let him sit on that throne!”

Seeing that this scene was a bit deadlocked, Peng Hua smoothed things over. “Brother Wan, that isn’t what Yuanweng meant. He’s only worried that with His Majesty’s benevolence, the State Master’s words would only make him suspicious of the Crown Prince, at most. It might not compel him to staunchly depose him. When the times comes, at others’ urging, he might change his mind again.”

Wan Tong huffed. “Yuanweng, you’ve been a Head Vizier for so many years, and you can’t even control the mouths of those censors? As I recall, a few years ago, they were all too afraid to go against us. Why did they get more courageous these past two years?”

Getting his weak point jabbed, Wan An was a bit discomfited. “Is that not because that old fox, Liu Cottonflower, is opposing me, where he ended up swiping Tang Fan and that group?” he replied, bitter. “You don’t need to instigate me. How could I not want the Prince of Xing to inherit the Great Unity? It’s just a shame that my authority as a Head Vizier is incomparable to Prime Minister of Tang and Song! However, if His Majesty ever shows a hint of deposing the Crown Prince now, the Cabinet will tear itself apart. Once the Cabinet sets an example, those censors will have no apprehensions in swarming forth, which will be a genuine headache for us!”

Peng Hua sighed as well. “Right. There is nothing Yuanweng can do, Brother Wan. Our Great Ming has paid high attention to the standings of the wife-born and eldest ever since its founding. Now, the Crown Prince is the eldest, so his title is proper. As long as those people can hold onto that point, he will not fall from where he stands.”

Wan Tong disapproved. “The censors can’t do anything! Send a few of them away on punishment, and the rest will be too scared to speak! Putting how hard their bones only appear to be, when Ji Xiao was welcomed into the palace a few years back, didn’t several people jump up and down denouncing him? And what was the result? His Majesty sent Lin Jun to prison, and the others went quiet! Tch— at the end of it all, they don’t want to die, turning their ships along with the wind’s direction!”

“If no one takes the lead, they will indeed be a group of headless flies. Once someone does, then, as Yuanweng said, the rest will immediately come up in waves. That would be the real trouble. Even if they speak drivel, His Majesty still would not be able to overlook their opinions.”

“Then strike down the one that stands up!” Wan Tong said, malicious, then looked to Wan An. “Who opposes us in the Cabinet right now? That Liu Cottonflower guy?”

Wan An shook his head. “While Liu Ji does make a lot of things hard for me, he’s accustomed to watching people set his dishes down, and he doesn’t go against His Majesty. Therefore, as long as His Majesty reveals his idea to depose the Crown Prince, he probably won’t openly oppose it.”

Wan Ton became somewhat impatient. “Who else? How about you speak clearly?!”

Despite Wan An having claimed relation to the Wan family to cozy up to Consort Wan, he despised men like Wan Tong, who rode on his sister’s skirts to climb upwards, from the bottom of his heart. On top of that, he was the Head Vizier, yet Wan Tong relied on his sister’s spot in the Emperor’s eyes to speak to even him without any sort of politeness. This dissatisfaction had been in his heart for a long time, he had just never said it out loud.

Penghua yet had keen eyesight; seeing Wan An’s inward unhappiness, he took over with a laugh. “Zhengyan and I are insiders here, of course. Apart from that, those in the Cabinet that will not speak with us as one piece are none other than Liu Ji, Liu Jian, Xu Pu, and Tang Fan. Xu Pu is a people-pleasing noble of slow words; even if he does oppose it, he won’t be able to argue much. No need to place importance onto him. It’s only Liu Jian and Tang Fan that are slightly worrisome. Liu Jian is quick-tempered and typically aggressive, while Tang Fan is talented in words and can turn black into white. They have their hearts set on the Crown Prince, so they will inevitably argue for him on solid grounds. Also, many of Tang Fan’s same-year peers are censors in the scholarly circle. All of those people converged together would be a sizable force.”

Wan Tong’s impression of Tang Fan still lingered on that minor censor from many years ago, forced to go into the East Palace for teaching, then forced to abroad for assignments. It wasn’t that he didn’t know Tang Fan was in the Cabinet, but the other was now on the bottom rung. Reasonably speaking, he basically was no threat to speak of. Who could have imagined that now, when everyone that would be a hindrance to deposing the Crown Prince was laid out, Tang Runqing would occupy his own niche?

Peng Hua knew what he was thinking by observing his expression, and he spoke to warn him, “Brother Wan, don’t forget that it was entirely Tang Fan’s ‘award’ that Shang Ming was sent to sweep floors in Nanjing. Learn from precedent; Tang Runqing is not to be taken lightly.”

“What ideas do you two have?” Wan Tong asked.

“In order to prevent more things happening as this stretches on, this needs to be a quick battle with a quick conclusion. That conclusion cannot be repeatedly delayed to the extent that it’s left to the Cabinet to discuss. It would be best for His Majesty to wield executive power to decide on his own, then issue the edict for the Crown Prince’s deposal directly. At that time, the wood would have already been used to build the boat, and no one would be able to say anything.”

Wan An shook his head. “That won’t work. He isn’t the type. He has never made lone decisions in his life.”

Of those who understood the Emperor best in this world, Wan An was certainly included. He knew very well that if the Emperor was someone that insisted upon his own way, he would never have been fond of Consort Wan, nor would he have blankly watched as she lethally poisoned Crown Prince Daogong. It was precisely due to his soft personality that he would be too indecisive, and favor a woman like her.

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“With how His Majesty acts, if he wants to depose the Crown Prince, he would definitely summon me to talk about it, first,” he analyzed. “Then, he would have me go probe word on the wind amongst the Court officials. Once their opinions are evaluated, he would then come to a decision.”

Wan Tong was vexed. “That’s a damned ride! It’ll be dragged out to a year-and-a-half of wrangling by then, If His Majesty has an incident during that, won’t the Crown Prince’s succession a matter of course? We don’t have much time. This is an urgent matter!”

Peng Hua smiled. “Don’t worry. I still have a plan.”

“What plan? Say it, quickly!”

“Since His Majesty cannot come to a decision, we will help him make one.”

He spoke through about his plot.

After hearing it, Wan Tong was joyous, slapping his thigh. “Great idea! We’re going to force the Crown Prince onto a cliff, set the fire, and make him have nowhere to go until he jumps of his own volition! When the Cabinet follows up on it, we’ll see what His Majesty has to hesitate about! Those censors will have nothing to say, too!”

Wan An was still hesitant. “But, the rest of the cabinet…”

Wan Tong grew impatient. “They each harbor their own ulterior motives and aren’t of one mind! What are you afraid of?! I’ll lend a hand, so don’t keep hesitating!”

Seeing Wan Tong’s smug look, as well as Peng Hua’s scheming demeanor, Wan An knew that the two had already made up their minds, and could only clench his jaw. “Fine!”

Wan Tong then laughed, clapping him on the shoulder. “That’s good! This can only succeed, not fail. As long as the Prince of Xing can become the Crown Prince, we’ll make it big. Just wait until you sit on glory and wealth, Yuanweng!”

Not long after the conversation between the Emperor and Ji Xiao, on the twelfth month, twenty-third day of the twenty-second year of Chenghua, Vice Observer of the Imperial Observatory, Zhao Yuzhi, commented upon the star phenomena. He claimed that the omens of the comet over the North Cup and guest star encroaching upon a host possibly referred to the East Palace.

This was the first time anyone had clearly linked the two as correlating to the Crown Prince.

Zhao Yuzhi’s statement was akin to a signal; before the Emperor could issue a response, and before the Court officials could react, the Imperial Observatory reported once more that a comet neared the sun.

A comet nearing the sun, as it went, meant a realm in great chaos, a military coup burgeoning, Court officials scheming for the Son of Heaven’s demise — and was that not the hope that the Emperor would die a bit quicker, so that the Crown Prince could ascend?

Who could bear such an enormous cap set upon their head? Even if others said nothing, the Crown Prince couldn’t sit still.

He quickly sent a memorial apologizing, saying that he was of scant talent and virtues, and only wished to abdicate so that someone of virtue could have it, thus conserving his father’s health, the Great Ming at infinite peace.

Him aside, all the officials successively sent memorials arguing that they had absolutely no rebellious thoughts, as the world could see. It was just like how someone denounced would apologize and defend themselves, then avoid suspicions by remaining at home. Said person might not actually be guilty, but it was necessary posturing to express their attitude and standpoint, lest they give anyone a handle on them.

After the Crown Prince’s apology memorial was presented, the Emperor should reasonably issue a decree of reassurance expressing that the celestial events were not credible, the love between a father and son should not be shaken, and so on.

However, what was unsettling was that this time around, the Emperor did not give the slightest bit of expression.

With no choice, the Crown Prince sent an apology memorial again. It was still akin to throwing a stone into the ocean.

Now, only a fool would not be able to tell what the Emperor’s stance was. He was clearly unhappy with the Crown Prince, wanting to push the boat along the water.

Everyone was confused and uneasy.

At this time, the Gold Star’s transit across the sun appeared, but only after a few days had just passed.

The situation was developing so rapidly, everyone was unable to react for a minute.

Tang Fan was no exception. He was certainly very bright, and a bit more meticulous than others, but that didn’t mean that he could accomplish what others cannot.

The star phenomena was in response to the Crown Prince. He apologized. That was a justifiable response.

The Emperor did not issue a response to that. That was what he was free to do. He didn’t say he was going to depose the Crown Prince, either. No one could say anything.

For those reasons, when Wei Mao came on Wang Zhi’s order to find him to ask him for a way out, he could only smile bitterly. “Is your Eunuch Wang taking me for a temple Bodhisattva that grants every wish? What plan could I have?”

Wei Mao also smiled bitterly with him. “You can think of something still, right? Eunuch Wang said that the situation is urgent, and His Highness the Crown Prince was forced to apologize in a memorial. Someone ought to step up and give His Majesty an out, as only that will resolve this deadlock. You’re a Solon, you should be able to do that!”

Wang Zhi’s original words had definitely not been that warm, but Tang Fan was used to it, shaking his head. “If His Majesty wants to depose the Prince now, none of you would need to say anything, as I would send a memorial stopping it directly. The bad thing right now is that His Majesty hasn’t said anything. If I speak out, won’t I only anger him instead?”

Wei Mao did not understand these governmental problems, as he was only responsible for passing words along, and he grew perplexed hearing this. “What should be done, then?”

“Without a doubt, the Imperial Observatory making that statement was because someone was giving directions behind them. Why else would they point straight at the Crown Prince? He’s out in the open, the other is hidden; that is a disadvantage that cannot be changed, and why they will conspire against him repeatedly. For right now, it’s best to not say or do anything. Calmly watch for change and wait for this storm to pass before we speak again. Go back and tell Eunuchs Wang and Huai that they must not beg for mercy for the Crown Prince to the Emperor, else they will only overstep.”

“While you’re at it, tell Wang Zhi that Tang Fan is busy enough every day. Don’t keep pestering him with things he can solve himself.”

Wei Mao didn’t need to look back to know who this was. Who else could freely come and go from the Tang study?

Still, he had to turn to cup his hands in respect. “Greetings to you, Count Sui.”

Sui Zhou nodded slightly. He was still wearing the Brocade Guard qilin uniform, yet walked over to help Tang Fan with rubbing his temples like it was natural.

The Ministry of Justice had been busy as of late. Peng Yichun was the department Minister, but he wasn’t very decisive in personality, leaving many things counting on Tang Fan’s judgement. Each member of the Cabinet also had a pile of things to do, added on with the fact that the Cabinet frequently forgot the rule of time during discussions. Over time, sitting for a long while each instance caused him a headache.

The moderate pressure made him relax at once, lightly closing his eyes.

Wei Mao wanted to say something still, but under the menace of Sui Zhou’s look, he could only shut his mouth and quietly withdraw.

Sui Zhou didn’t call Tang Fan’s attention to it, not ceasing his ministrations until he sensed that the other’s skin was not so taut. “Is it any better?”

“Yeah.” Tang Fan opened his eyes and smiled. “Every time I get an awful headache, you always massage it away in no time. You need to teach me that skill, because if this old problem flares up while you’re not around, what will I do?”

“That won’t ever happen.” Sui Zhou rejected that conjecture readily, tone mild, then turned the subject around. “When I entered the palace today, the Empress Dowager questioned me about the star phenomena.”

The Emperor hadn’t responded to the Crown Prince’s apology memorial; everyone that wasn’t an idiot had quickly realized something was amiss. Star phenomena were beyond comprehension, so who could guarantee that the appearance of a disastrous star had absolutely no relation to the Crown Prince?

Just like how Tang Fan had said, even if everyone wanted to help the Crown Prince speak, the Emperor had expressed nothing right now. What could they even say?

Thus, they could only be quiet.

However, that silence was destined to not last too long. Beneath the tranquility, a dark undercurrent surged, awaiting for a certain moment to blow up.

“What did she say?” Tang Fan asked.

To him, Sui Zhou did not need to avoid taboo. “She cares for the crown Prince, since she helped raise him. But she can only play a small role; similar to His Majesty having deposed the Empress, the Dowager cannot stop him.”

Tang Fan sighed. “I get the general sense that this isn’t that simple. Is His Majesty really going to depose the Crown Prince over a scant few prophetic words?”

Sui Zhou had no response.

The Crown Prince had truly done no wrong, but his existence in and of itself was an eyesore to certain people.

The Wan party was going all out. This was only the beginning.

“I hope this storm passes as soon as possible,” Tang Fan concluded.

And yet, when he said this, he did not anticipate that an even bigger storm was about to come.

The translator says: The ‘Great Blankness’ is technically just ‘Great White’, but I couldn’t stop thinking about sharks… I went with something that sounds ominous, instead.

The author’s mini-theatre 1:

Pertaining to the mystical use of the open door between households…

Tang Maid (terror-stricken): Master, when this maid passed by your study last night, I noticed that there looked to be two figures in your room!

Tang Fan: It’s fine. There’s no ghosts.

Tang Maid (fearful): But the last time I woke up in the middle of the night, I seemed to hear a talking voice in your bedroom…

Tang Fan: It’s fine. I was sleep-talking.

Tang Maid (confused): Ah? Do people pant while sleep-talking?

Tang Fan: …

The author’s mini-theatre 2:

Wang Zhi: Do you know why I sent you, instead of going myself?

Wei Mao: Is it because this subordinate answers to your seniority?

Wang Zhi: No. It’s so that I wouldn’t be blinded by those two fooltots.

Wei Mao: …

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