The Fox’s Path

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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Here's the second chapter, all ready to go! Once more, dear readers, please enjoy!


The Fox's Path (Chapter 2)


Elite Shade


The trio made their way to what Taylor assumed was a clothing store. She was proven to be correct, as she was immediately dragged down one aisle after another being given various articles of clothing by Lily, who kept declaring that each would look absolutely cute on Taylor, while also grabbing herself some items. This happened, all the while Shaun was reminding Lily about what their Mom had said. When the stack started to get heavy is when Lily rushed them over to the changing rooms and ushered the dumbstruck vixen into one.
Setting the clothes down, Taylor gave a weary sigh, and resigned herself to trying them on.

Maybe this is all just a dream, she thought without very much conviction after forgetting about the tail hole in the miniskirt as she tried to take them off, instantly bringing back memories of the sharp pain from earlier when she pulled on her own new tail.

After the skirt, off came the shirt, and once again she was standing before a mirror in nothing but the blue panties with the white heart on the front. Taking a moment to steel herself, she then began going through the pile, finding a pair of jeans to try on. They were pretty average looking, until Taylor noticed that they had a rhinestone butterfly over the right back pocket. Since this was the least girly thing that she had been handed, she sighed once more and began to put them on.

They were a little tight, but not uncomfortable. She grabbed the only T-shirt in the pile and pulled it over her head. It was a light green, and only after she had put it on did she notice that it had some writing on the front. In big bold letters was the phrase "Proud Zaulto Girl!"


However, Taylor had no recognition of the characters that made up these letters. This was a completely different language!

"Hey, what's taking you so long?" Lily asked as she opened the door and poked her head in.

"Lily! Give her some privacy!" Taylor heard Shaun yell at his sister in exasperation, causing Lily to quickly duck back out and close the door.


Of course Taylor then heard Lily's loud response.

"You're one to talk 'Peeping Shaun'!"

Taylor smiled at that, and decided to head out of the changing room.

"So, what do you think?" she asked a little self consciously.

"That looks great on you!" Lily exclaimed. Shaun just stared and blushed.

"Earth to Shaun!" Lily said, waving a hand in front of his eyes after he didn't say anything for a couple of minutes.

"Y-y-you look great!" he stammered out after being snapped out of whatever reverie he had been having, making Taylor blush as well.

"Ugh... boys! C'mon Taylor, let's see you in something else now!" And they were like that for almost an hour, with Taylor trying on each outfit that Lily had picked out, and her coming out to show them.

Is this what girls really do? Taylor asked herself as she stripped down for the one thing she had yet to try on, the dress. It was blood red, with a long slit up the left side.

Really? Am I really going to do this? she thought. Well, I guess it won't be that different than the skirts I've been wearing.

She just stood there, hold the red dress up for the longest time, standing in just her panties, trying to work up the courage to put it on.

"C'mon Taylor! Hurry it up!" Lily said as she popped her head in after slightly opening the door. Taylor froze and her tail bushed out in shock.

"Wait a minute!" she said. "Taylor, why aren't you wearing a bra?"

Taylor said nothing and just continued to blush.

"Oh, did Molly not leave behind any in your size?

"W-w-w-well, uh!" Taylor said awkwardly while looking down.

"Oh well," Lily said with a shrug. "Hurry on up and make my brother drool some more in that dress already."

"Lily, I swear to Azscore!" Shaun's voice rang out.

Lily ducked her head back out while Taylor was left wondering about Azscore. Then she looked back at the dress.

I've already worn skirts, I guess that this isn't much different.

After a few moments of trying to figure out how to put it on, she managed to pull it over her head. Smoothing it out a bit, she stopped to look at herself in the mirror.

Please let this all be a dream.

Taylor took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Wow!" Lily said while Shaun just stared openmouthed.

"Do I have an eye for fashion, or do I have an eye for fashion!" Lily said proudly. Taylor's face turned at least twenty shades of red beneath her orange fur.

"Well, that settles it!" Lily said while crossing her arms. Shaun and Taylor just looked at her confused.

"Everything looks perfect on you! We're getting it all."

"What! But this dress alone must've cost a ton!"

"Hey, mom said that we need to help you get a new wardrobe, and that includes something to wear to the spring formal," Lily said matter-of-factly.

Spring formal?! Taylor was about to ask.

"I can see it now," Lily began while clearly lost in her own little world. "You enter the gym and everything and everyone stops in their tracks. All of the boys stare with lust, and all of the girls with pure jealousy. Then you are swarmed with all of the boys clamoring for your attention. But, as the slow music starts, you see the one you were looking for the moment you entered. As you stride up to Shaun, he nervously asks you to dance. You take each others' hands and hold each other close. You look into each others' eyes, and share your first passionate kiss."

"LILY!" Taylor and Shaun yelled in unison, receiving dirty looks from a couple of clerks while Lily just giggled happily at their blushing faces. Taylor and Shaun couldn't make eye contact.

"Oh, having a new little sister to play with is going to be sooooooooooo much fun!" she said making Taylor blush even more and duck back into the dressing room. She quickly pulled the dress off and started pulling on the outfit she came in with.

"Lily! You have some serious boundary issues!" Taylor heard Shaun say.

"Oh come on Shaun, I'm just playing."

"Yeah well, you take it too far sometimes."

"Okay, okay, I'll lay off... for now."

"Ugh! You're impossible!"

Taylor couldn't help but smile at their bickering once more. She then gathered up all of the clothes she had just tried on and walked out of the changing room. Lily wouldn't let her put anything back, insisting that this was going to be Taylor's new wardrobe. After they paid for their purchases, Lily picked herself and Shaun out a few clothes as well, they started walking towards another store. On the way, Taylor kept noticing a lot of males staring at her. She also heard some whistles and catcalls from behind. When they entered yet another clothing store, Lily then loudly noticed why.

"Taylor! Everyone can see your panties!"

"What?!" she checked. In her hurry to get redressed in the changing room, she must've forgotten about the tail hole, and now her already short skirt was flipped up in the back showing off her bright blue panties to anyone who cared to look. She was mortified as she quickly fixed her skirt.

"Soooooo, what're we doing here?" she asked in part trying not to think about what had just happened, and in part genuinely curious as to why they were in another clothing shop.

"Well," Shaun said in an attempt to help the embarrassed fox out while shooting his sister a look as she tried to open her mouth, "Mom also said to get you a couple new uniforms for school."

"Oh. Right," Taylor said smiling her thanks to Shaun, who smiled back.

After a few minutes of determining her size, they purchased five short black skirts, and five white button down shirts with a navy blue trim around the hem, sleeves, and collar.

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Just like in an anime, Taylor thought while blushing some more. After they left the store for school uniforms, Lily started to drag Taylor towards a lingerie shop, until she was stopped by Shaun and Taylor combined. Reluctantly, she agreed to head on to the food court with them. On the way there, Taylor kept noticing a large male Lion staring intently at her with a smirk, walking in the same direction as them.

Are my panties showing again? Taylor thought as she checked. Then, she blushed as she realized what she just said internally.

My panties.

Noticing that Taylor seemed to be distracted by something, the twins both decided to give her some space as they picked out a table for the three of them.

"We'll go hit up some stands," Shaun said as Lily already walked away. They had decided that the bags were best left under the table. "Is there anything you want in particular?"

"Some pizza sounds good to me?" she responded after a moment of thought.

"Alright then, we'll be right back," Shaun smiled at her as he left.

Taylor sat there thinking about the events of the day, and hoped once more that it was all just a dream. Then, she realized that someone was sitting next to her. She looked up to see the grinning face of the lion who had been staring at her earlier.

"Well hello there beautiful," he said in a deep rumbling voice while flashing her a grin.

"Uhm... hello," Taylor said unsure about what to do but trying to remain polite.

"So what's a pretty little fox like you doing just sitting here alone?" he asked as he looked her up and down.

Oh crap, Taylor thought as she realized what was happening.

"Heh, well I'm actually here with some friends who'll be back any minute so..." she said nervously.

"So what?" he asked with a smile as he firmly put an arm around her waist and lifted her into his lap.

"What do you say you and I get outta here and head somewhere fun?"

"Uhhh....actually I can't, as I said my friends will be back any minute, also could you please let go of my waist?" she said as she wriggled out of his lap. Never once did he lose that smile, nor did he remove his hand from her waist.

"Excuse me!" the lion's attention snapped up to see Shaun standing in front of them staring daggers at him.

"Yes?" he answered annoyed at this intrusion.

"I believe my friend just asked you to get your hands off of her," he said with a low growl. The lion stood up and towered over Shaun. To his credit, not once did Shaun look away or flinch as the two males stared at each other for a while. Then the lion started to back away.

"I guess you and me are gonna have to have our special little date together some other time foxy," he said as he walked away, flashing her a grin. After he left, Shaun immediately sat down next to Taylor and began checking her for any marks or injuries, despite her protests that she's fine. Once he was satisfied that she wasn't hurt, he scooted a bit away, and started blushing when he realized that both of their tails were wrapped around each other slightly.

"Sorry about that," he said after untwisting their tails.

"No problem, thanks for that by the way. That guy was really creepy."

"Yeah, that creepy guy is Barry. He goes to our school."


Taylor then noticed that Lily had sat down across from her, and that a big box of pizza had been set in the center of the table.

"Looks like Shaun's got some serious competition now," Lily said lightheartedly.

"Lily, now's not the time," Shaun said seriously.

"Okay," Lily said chastised.

They each grabbed a paper plate and started to take some slices. After a few moments of silence, the three started to lapse into happy conversation. The twins explained to Taylor about their school, and talked about various friends. They then moved onto music, with the twins looking at Taylor curiously when she described her favorite bands.

Apparently AC/DC never existed in this world, she thought.

Then the conversation took a weird turn as the twins started talking about recent monster attacks and the upcoming trip to the Badlands.

"What are the Badlands?" Taylor asked.

The two wolves just stared at her for a few moments to see if she was trying to be funny. Sensing her sincerity, they looked at her even more strangely.

"You don't know about the Badlands?" Lily asked her. Taylor just shook her head.

"Uhhh... okay then. The Badlands are the areas immediately south of Risen City. There's a huge wall separating us from the Badlands near the southern border, well the wall and the fact the Badlands are all inside this massive canyon. The Badlands themselves are a strange place with weird vegetation and creatures. There are actually a lot of dangerous monsters that live out there, and recently, they've begun appearing inside the city limits."

"Really?" Taylor asked, wondering what the monsters looked like.

"Yeah, and so far, no one knows how they're getting in," Shaun piped in. "Although the Sages are working on it, and will probably find a solution soon," he said reassuringly.

"Sages?" Taylor asked.

"Yep, we've got our own Mage's Guild. And it's affiliated with our school!" he said, suddenly excited.


"Hey Taylor," Lily whispered while checking to make sure that no one was looking. Satisfied that she wouldn't be caught and had Taylor's full attention, she extended her paw, and made a small white flame start in the center of it. Taylor was amazed, and Shaun was panicked.

"Lily, put that out!" he hissed at her. "You know we can get into major trouble if we're caught using magic without the permit!"

"Oh calm down!" she whispered back annoyed. "No one saw!"

"You'd better hope not, you've already got two strikes this semester, one more and you're going to summer classes!"

"Fine!" she said in a huff, crossing her arms.

Okay, so this is definitely a dream! Taylor thought as her heart ponded inside her chest.

"So, what kind of magic have you studied Taylor?" Shaun asked, clearly intent on getting the conversation going again despite Lily's sour mood.

"Oh uh, I haven't studied any," she said unsure if this was something she should keep to herself.

"Really?" the twins asked, now both focused on her.

"Y-yes?" she answered.

"Woah, I've never met anyone who's never learned any magic before," Lily said. "Where did you go to school?"

"Nowhere that taught magic," she said simply, blushing now as Shaun stared at her.

"Oh, I get it now. You're from one of those fundamentalist compounds!" Lily said, her tail wagging in excitement at figuring something out about their mysterious houseguest. "Oh wow, I've never met anybody who was raised in a cult before!"

"Geeze Lily! Maybe you could be a little less insensitive!" Shaun said making Lily tuck her tail between her kegs and her ears go flat.

"Sorry Taylor," she mumbled.

"It's alright, really," Taylor said.


"It's looking like we should get back, the monster attacks only happen after dark," Shaun said as they took the extra slices in the box with them along with the shopping bags and headed home. As they crossed the street on the path that they had come earlier, Taylor gazed at the setting sun, and used that to determine south. She looked, and saw a gigantic structure off in the distance.

That must be the wall that keeps the monsters out, she thought to herself. Mostly.

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