The Free Man; Over the Sea

Chapter 10: Chapter 9

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It wasn’t long though before something else happened…

Pauletta and Bethany had gotten a lunch prepared, just about ready to eat with everyone still there, when Bethany felt really sick.

“It’s not…Right.” She said, before she felt like she needed to rush towards the outside or somewhere where she could…

It was what she thought too, she vomited out the back, where Pauletta followed her.

“I’m sorry you had to see this, Aunty.”

“It’s ok, sweet child. Why do you think I was asked to come in by your mother?”

Bethany looked up at Pauletta, still feeling sick. “I don’t know.”

“My dear, use your head!” Pauletta didn’t let go of Bethany’s hair, seeing her still look…Sick…

Bethany couldn’t think of anything else as she once again was forced to empty more contents of her stomach.


“Is she ok?” Cid asked.

“Don’t come out here!” Bethany yelled back.

Pauletta did a knowing smile and said to Cid, “She’s alright, we’ll be back in soon.”

“Ah, I don’t feel so good, Aunty…”

“Perhaps I should get a doctor?” Cid said, making it obvious he hadn’t left yet.

“You two really are silly. The queen noticed you are late with your cycle. I was called in just in case you were pregnant, to help you.”

“…Pregnant? Are you telling me, this is pregnancy? They way I’m feeling is pregnancy!?” Bethany had read up this, all this information was there, she just never really thought that it would happen this quickly! Not only that, she also didn’t like feeling this sick!

“It isn’t confirmed yet dear, you are only late by a couple of days.” Pauletta shook her head though, already quite sure that the Princess was indeed carrying a child.


On the other hand, Cid was still, just like that of Benjamin and David who were standing right there with him…

Benjamin finally gave Cid a pat, “It seems you might be a father soon Cid.”

David blinked and hid his face…Ah, he can’t forget that he had gone that far with a woman too…

He doesn’t even know what Erin thinks of children…

It seems they might have to talk about it sooner rather than later…

“Is there a David there?” They had been so stunned to the idea of Bethany’s pregnancy that they hadn’t even heard the knock on the door…Well the front door was a good few metres away as well too…

Uh? That sounded like Erin!

She was here!

David spun around and went to the door, seeing her already having come inside. He didn’t care if Erin had come in rudely at all and Benjamin and Pauletta didn’t even see that she had, so that small action got dissolved very quickly.

Instantly they were in each other’s arms and Erin giggled, “They look at me like I’m their god now! Haha!”

David laughed at her and hugged her again.


Since their ship was in port, Erin had punished the crew by treading, making them unable to hold onto anything but have to stay above the water. It’s fine if you do it for a short amount of time but the crew had been doing it for…More than just a while…Not only that but if a land dweller came up to a certain part of the dock, they’d see them there…It really had been quite embarrassing!

But it seemed that the crew had understood why they choose Erin to be their captain once again.

She had, once again, put everyone on the same side and made everyone work together. It was probably because they didn’t want to get punished again!

Being let go, it also reminded the crew of the good things that they had when Erin was indeed the captain. And one was, she let them do what they wanted when they were docked.

Of course, if she heard of something too drastic, one might be pushed overboard or marooned on an island but most of them just liked to drink, be merry and find a nice lass to spend time with…

The men understood why one can’t do something too drastic, because that meant that their livelihood might be in danger…In fact, since they were in port and not out at sea, Erin’s crew did pay more attention to what they did simply because they may not leave if they didn’t! You got to remember that their home was the boat and if they weren’t able to go home, well, one could be capable of a number of things…So, the biggest worry was just making it back onto their ‘home’ before the captain sets off for sea!


Pauletta heard the noise of what was going on inside but still didn’t leave Bethany, who seemed to have stopped now. Cid on the other hand was in a bit of trouble. He wanted to be there for his friend, but his wife seemed to be in more of a predicament…No…It was him…

They really just got married! He’d only just gotten used to married life! He was happy with the way things were, but this was whole other change!

It was more shock, that got to Cid, then any bad feelings. The princess had come up with them having a child before, so it had already been talked of…And, if it was indeed that made her happy…

“Are you happy Bethany?” Cid asked.

Bethany knew that she had already stated that she was a bit unhappy, with feeling so sick, but with Cid’s light voice, she didn’t want to make him think that she hated it, “…Yes.”

Bethany wiped her face with whatever Pauletta gave her and went to walk into the house again.

Seeing Cid staring at her, she smiled back, “It’s quick but I’m sure it’ll be fine!”

Cid shook his head and sighed, “I hope so…”

Pauletta shook her head too, the children really were all grown up now.


Just a few more steps away, Benjamin came to be in front of Erin…

“Your name is Erin?” Benjamin asked.

“Yes.” Erin said, still holding onto David.

“I hear you have even been married before.” Benjamin stated, watching her.

Erin looked away briefly and then nodded, “…My family sold me to marry a man ten years older. After a few years of torture, he then sold me into slavery. The start of my pirating days was when I ran away from what was supposed to be my ‘owner’.”

David did not expect Erin to tell them her life’s story!

Feeling her hold onto his shirt tighter, David smiled. She was nervous. His woman was nervous…

It only told him how special he was to her, that she was trying more than normal for his parents…Even the King of the country didn’t get this!

Pauletta, having helped the princess wash her mouth out, came out to this story and went straight to Erin, taking her spare hand into hers. “Oh dear, that’s terrible.”

Erin looked at this mother figure and felt strange when her hand was covered.


David watched Erin, fascinated. He didn’t care if she would get angry or yell. He felt like he could just about accept any king of action from her…Which was weird.

Benjamin felt bad. He’d made this poor girl tell them her sad story just because he had been judging her…

“I don’t regret being a pirate.” Erin said, now not sure what else to say.

She had no idea what it was like to have normal conversations. Most of the time her pirate buddies would talk about anything, even the most intimate of things that makes one blush…She knew that it was different with these land dwellers…


It wasn’t just Erin that didn’t know what to say, it was everyone else.

So…The next thing that came to mind was…Eating.

“I will finish getting lunch prepared then.”

Bethany would have normally followed Pauletta, except she now moved closer to Erin.

“Do you want something?” Erin asked her, a bit uncomfortable.

“I used to wear males clothing, I think it’s more comfortable.”

Erin nodded at her, “It is.”

“Did you meet my sister-in-law?” Bethany asked.

Erin frowned, “Sister-in-law?”



Erin smiled, “Yeah. She went through a window.”

Bethany stopped, “…A window?”

Nodding, Erin then went into a more detailed story upon how she had met with this ‘sister-in-law’ that was also the ‘Queen’ and ‘Her Majesty’.

As Cid, David and Benjamin watched these two women talk, they had a feeling that they would get on…And quite well…

Bethany was an extrovert, she could be quite loud and liked to express her opinion…Erin just did whatever she wanted and for some reason, it felt like a friendship would probably form…

“Was it real then?” Bethany asked, pulling Erin to the chair to sit.

“No.” Erin said, then laughed, “Not in the least!”

Bethany laughed, covering her mouth. “Do you tell them?”

Erin shook her head, “We just say that they look prettier!”

Bethany fell into more giggles, which helped Erin laugh more too.

David looked at Cid, who looked back at him, and one could tell they had a question on their face.

Should we separate these two!? It almost felt like they were letting two witches be together and that they might one day rule the world…


Bethany really was trying though, and she really did like Erin, but she felt so awful that she looked up at Cid and put her hands out.

“What’s wrong?” Cid was there in an instant.

Being pulled up, Bethany rubbed her forehead against him and mumbled, “I feel bad…”

Pauletta got up too, making a decision. “You three have lunch, someone needs to get seen to by a royal physician.”

“Will they give me something to help me feel better?” Princess Bethany asked.

Pauletta looked at the Princess and sighed, “Sweetheart…Just the trip back to the palace will probably make you feel worse.”

Cid nodded at Benjamin and picked up the princess, “If I don’t see you…Stay well, David…Erin.”

Princess Bethany waved a hand and mumbled something no one understood.

“What’s wrong with her?” Erin asked. It had been fun talking to her.

“Probably something we should talk about.” David whispered to her.

“Is it?” Benjamin stared at his son, making David look away from him.




It was some time later that Erin and David walked into the King’s throne room.

“Lots of treasure here.” Erin stated.

David smiled at Erin but then lost his smile to see Elton wasn’t there.

“His Majesty will be with you shortly.” Said someone from the side.

David nodded to him, not recognizing him at all. He hadn’t known too many maids and what not here to begin with, so he no longer thought about it.

“You might as well tell him that if he makes me wait too long, I might just take something here of value…Or break it…” Erin was already walking over to a side table, picking up a vase.

“This room seems so much easier to deal with.” The King stated, walking in from another room, but he had indeed heard what Erin had said.

“Your Majesty.” David stated, bowing before him.


“It’s confirmed…” Was all Elton could say, anything else seemed too much to continue with…

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David took a moment to understand, “The princess?”

The King just nodded.

“Congratulations.” David stated, hiding a laugh. It seemed that the King was finally understanding what it might be like to have a family.

“What’s going on?”

The King looked over, to find Alison in thief attire, walking in from the same place David and Erin had walked in from, and frowned, “Why are you…”

Alison interrupted him, “I’m here with the thieves that have decided to join you.”

Elton, for the second time in a day, was stunned silent.


Alison took pride in silencing him, the thieves had finally…Finally, made up their minds…They really were in no rush…At all…

It was annoying actually…

She had wanted this gift to her husband finished weeks ago, but it was only just now that the thieves were willing to join were all finally together and ready to do whatever she wanted.

“Hey ho, prince, do you remember me?” One of them asked, stepping forward.

King Elton narrowed his eyes at him, “You escaped the prison.”

“Ah, prince, it…”

Elton interrupted him, “I am no longer a prince, I have become this country’s King!”

The thief stopped and shrugged, “King.”

Erin had stopped looking at the vase as soon as she heard the word ‘thieves’ and was greatly entertained at this moment, not wanting to say a word…How long will it last though…


David watched as the King looked at Alison, “This is your secret?”

Alison nodded, wanting to go to him, yet the thieves still didn’t know that she was in fact the queen…

She wasn’t sure how’d they’d take it!

“Yes, Your Majesty, I wanted to help you with your desire of obtaining the thieves to help you with other countries.”

Elton frowned at her, it seems she was acting different. Could it be that the thieves didn’t know?

Sighing, Elton put his head down in defeat. His sister was officially pregnant, making him somewhat speechless, a pirate wanted to steal from him if he, the king, made her wait too long and now his queen wasn’t acting like a queen.


Erin smirked, then pushed the vase over, yet making it look like it was a mistake.

The crash of the vase hitting the floor got everyone’s attention and Erin took a few steps away from there.

“You alright?” David instantly asked.

Erin nodded.

Elton felt himself getting angry!

It wasn’t like the vase meant anything to him, but he had this certain feeling that Erin did that on purpose!

‘Get to the point’ was written everywhere right now!

“…Erin…Have you decided upon helping with defence of the seas of Commorda?” Elton asked outright, waving his hand to get someone to clean up the mess.

Looking back at Elton, Erin shrugged, “If it looks like fun and has more of a gain then a loss, then perhaps.”

The thieves smiled at this answer…In fact, half of the thieves couldn’t help but like the woman that demanded the King’s attention like this!


Elton wanted to punch something!

Holding in his anger, he went silent, then looked at the thieves.

Erin slowly started walking to yet another table…

David watched Erin completely, unable to stop a smile on his face.

“If you drop another vase, I will let the thieves…” Elton suddenly came up with an idea…

Erin went to state something back to him in return but found herself following the King’s gaze to the thieves.

Now it was Erin to start getting angry, what was the man thinking!? He can’t be thinking that he’d make her take thieves! They were like enemies!


Elton let out a laugh as he finally came to a conclusion of his thoughts. It felt almost like destiny!

“You will head out to Melya.” Elton stated, finally looking back at Erin.

“You are ordering me around?” Erin asked, raising her eyebrows.

Getting off his seat, Elton walked down to Erin and smirked at her. “You broke my vase.”
“I did not!”

“Liar!” Elton stated, staring at her in a dare.

Erin went to continue her lies but suddenly looked away, “Fine.”

Finally, Elton felt like he had an idea on how to bargain with this pirate…It seemed she didn’t do anything for free but seems to like trading! Well, she did learn a thing or two from Ulrich…

“Take them to Melya.” Elton said, now daring her to refuse.

Erin shrugged, “I said fine!”


“Why are we going to Melya?” Chad asked, stepping forward.

Elton looked over at them and smiled, “We had two people head over to Melya near two weeks ago, with the intention to help prevent slavery and I’m sure more…I am betting that the monarch will change! I want you to go over there and cause troubles to the current monarch and help the two that left.”

Chad smiled, “You want us to cause troubles? How Kingly of you.”

David smiled as well, this was the Elton he knew…

“It may be an interesting journey, make sure you are ready for a long term stay there.” Elton continued, “But you…” He pointed at Alison, “You are not going!”

Alison could only nod.


“She’s the one that got us all together, why can’t she go?” Chad stated, it seemed like he was like the voice at the moment for the thieves. The rest of them had stayed silent but didn’t mind the way things were turning out.

Elton stared at Alison, the room going quiet.

Shaking her head quickly, Alison looked down. She really had no idea how these thieves would act if they knew that she was the queen, so she didn’t want him to tell them!

“Do you know of your mission?” The king asked the thieves in front of them.

They all seemed to know, nodding or shrugging, some of them not really paying much attention, instead looking around at the room.

“What do we get in return?” One asked.

Chad turned and laughed, “What do you think?”

“…Do we get to keep the spoils?” They asked, almost like they thought it was ludicrous.

Elton sighed, “Yes, for now you can keep the spoils but there’s a line…Don’t get caught and don’t do anything that will put this country in danger of going to war! Do you understand!?”

They nodded, almost like little kids looking forward to going to their rich friend’s house…

“Good, so the fact that I want my queen to stay here doesn’t change your mission!” Was all Elton stated, going over to Alison and taking her hand, “Now sit on your chair!”


Alison turned towards the thieves, to see all of them stunned to her sudden status.

Two of them laughed out, watching her sit down on her dedicated chair in the room.

“Allie, you are more amazing than I thought!” Chad said.

“Don’t call her that!” Elton stated aggressively.

Chad looked away from Elton, he didn’t want to worry about him, so he won’t bother. Why waste time going against the King when they could be on their way soon!

Another crash got all their attention!

Erin once again stepped aside and acted like it was an accident.

‘Hurry it up.’ Was written everywhere for Elton…


Even though she meant to hurry up the conversation, Erin disliked now that nothing was said for quite some time.

Does she need to tip another one over?

As she put her hands behind her back and took one step towards the next table, she heard a thunderous voice, “Don’t you dare!”

“What?” Erin looked at him innocently.

Elton looked at David and said, “Last chance David and I’ll be the one to kill her!”

David couldn’t help but understand, Erin was being rude and undermining the King, he didn’t want her to be killed.

Bringing her to the middle of the room, David held her hand to help keep her there.


“Do you remember Robin and Amil? Go to Melya, with the thieves, and met with them there. Help them in anyway you can to overthrow the monarch. I would like to see this countries kin returned and slavery abolished! Do you understand!?” Elton glared at Erin mostly, upset that he’s let her get away with everything. Now he just wanted them all to be gone!

“Very well, Your Majesty.” David stated, bowing, hoping Erin hadn’t ruined their relationship.

Why did she act this way?

Taking her with him, Erin looked back and then suddenly stopped. Turning back to the King, Erin went to talk, only for Elton to interrupt her, “I’m not as lenient as you think I am, Erin. Because you are my friend’s lover, you have some weight, but it seems you’ve already stretched that to the limit! If you want to stay with David, I suggest you act better the next time we met!”

With that, Elton walked off in a huff, his clothes emphasizing his haste. Alison could only give Erin and the thieves a half smile and a shrug, before following after the King of the country…


David pulled Erin along, waving at the thieves as well, and then whispered to her, “I know why you did it, but did you have to push him so hard?”

Erin looked at him and then away, “He is a King…Yet, if he can’t handle me then should he be?”

David stopped and looked at her.

She was right.

Even if she acted the way she did, Elton should find a way to deal with her…Erin had tested him, she was seeing what kind of King he was. Was she even seeing if he was worthy of her loyalty?

“I love you.” David blurted out.

Erin stared at him in astonishment.

After a short moment, she smiled, “I love you too!”

“Awe, such a sweet moment!”

Both Erin and David turned to see Chad, the chatterbox, looking at them so dreamily.

“Get on my nerves…” Erin started.

Chad interrupted her, “Oh, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem, little pirate!”

Erin suddenly smiled at him, so innocently that even Chad went quiet, not sure what was to happen next. How could such an innocent smile make him feel like he should be worried?

David shook his head at Chad and in the next instant, Chad was being pulled by the ear towards the dock.

“Hey! Let me go!”

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