The Free Man; Over the Sea

Chapter 8: Chapter 7

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“Is it wrong of me to assume that you are a pirate?” Elton asked Erin suddenly.

Erin shrugged, “Not really.”

Elton then said, “Where is your captain?”

Erin folded her hands over her chest and looked at him, “She is right here. What do you want?”

Narrowing his eyes, Elton glared at her, “I meant the real one in charge.”

Erin stared at him in contempt, then turned and walked away.

“Hey!” Elton stated, following after her. “I asked you a question!”

Following her into another area, Elton saw David touching his legs…

“What’s wrong? Your Majesty…”

He was in the middle of massaging his legs when both of them walked in after the other.

“I just wanted to know where the captain was, she never pointed him out and just walked away from me! Is this how pirates act!? They are not welcomed if this is how they are!” Elton let out his frustrations.

“You disrespected her.” David stated, trying to sit up as properly as possible.

“Disrespected!? What about her disrespect towards me!?” Elton said, trying to keep his voice down.


“She is the captain!” David said back, glaring at him.

Elton stopped and went quiet again.

Alison sighed and pushed Elton out of the room. “You idiot!”

Elton felt weird. He was upset!

David had been hurt and can’t walk and then taken away…Nothing was going his way!

Alison put her hands to his face and looked at him, “Calm down. You are starting to look silly.”

Elton looked down, knowing that she was right. He had to act his part. “I haven’t seen him…”

There were two people in his entire life that made Elton care, and one of them was David. David had the courage to be himself in front of him and that made Elton see the good in having a friend…He had missed him. Missed the person that would sarcastically say ‘Your highness!’ and run away from him. He missed their talks on how he would make the country whole and how he would get back at his father…

What was worse, was that he felt like David wasn’t coming back!

Alison interrupted him, “I know…So, just take a few breaths in and then think about it again.”


Actually, there were very few times that Elton showed so much emotion. Then, on top of that, he hardly understood those feelings…

He felt guilty that he hadn’t saved his friend, after putting him in danger back when they were trying to find evidence of the previous King’s crimes. Now, he felt worse because David had been in danger a second time and he still had not been able to save him! On top of that, David had gone through something where he’d lost the use of his legs!

“Stop it!” Alison said, “Didn’t you hear him, he said ‘Soon’. Let’s just talk to him before we get upset or mad, alright?”

Elton frowned, he hadn’t heard that. But she was right, perhaps they could help David walk again…

Finally, Elton felt like he was returning back to himself.

That’s right! He still needed to get the pirates on his side too!


Walking back in, to suddenly stop once again, Elton saw David so openly kissing the one he wanted to talk to!

Not used to such an opened intimacy in front of him, Elton turned around and left.

Too much had happened in such a short time!

Sitting down on a bench, he saw the archer come up to him and bow down…Her performance wasn’t very good, but it did state she recognized him as the monarch, “Rise.”

“Your Majesty…” Robin took a deep breath in and tried again, “Your Majesty, if I was a runaway slave, what is it that I must do to be pardoned?”

A slave?


He had been making sure slaves don’t exist in Commorda since before he was King. This meant that she could be from another country…

Elton looked at her and asked, “You are from Melya?”

“Indeed, Your Majesty.” Robin stated, still bowing her head. She had never been in front of royalty before…She actually didn’t even like royalty, considering what they had done to her home country…

“Are you wanting to become a citizen of Commorda?” He asked her.

Robin looked up for a moment, “I am not sure, Your Majesty. I just…”

Looking back down once again, Robin once again gained courage, “I was going to go back and…”

More courage needed, Robin told herself, “I was going to go back and try to help the poor in Melya…”


Elton took a moment to think of this. It seemed she wanted a pardon from him, so that she could go back to free and help others…Or was she saying something else?

Elton saw his men close by and then looked back at Robin. “Tell this King your idea.” Elton stated, curious of this potential service…

Robin went to talk but couldn’t, she couldn’t tell him her thoughts…They were…She wanted to shake the foundation of the monarch in Melya, which was pretty much treason! How could she say that to another countries King!?

Shaking her head, Robin just couldn’t do it.


“I became a slave once in Melya.” Another female voice said.

Turning to Erin, who was leaning against the main pillar of the boat, Elton then turned back to Robin.

Robin already knew this about her captain, so didn’t say anything.

Erin sighed, “You are leaving?”

Robin nodded, even though she was still in front of Elton, not her captain.

“I remember once you wanted to go back home.” Erin said, moving to Robin and squatting to be right in front of her.

Robin looked at her and said, “I left, I ran…But I have something to give, and…”

Robin held onto her bow tight, and everyone around her could see what she meant when she said that she had ‘something to give’. She meant that she was going to fight…

Looking up at Elton, Elton wondered why suddenly he became so important…

Erin smiled at Robin and got up, “And fighting back might not be so bad, uh?”

Robin looked up at her captain and smiled.

Elton smiled too, “Great! I was hoping for that!”


He had hoped to free some of Commorda’s kin that had been sold into Melya for some time but could only do so in small ways…Until now!

Both Erin and Robin looked at the King of Commorda and Elton looked behind them.

Getting up and walking to the several who followed to keep him save, he looked at them and said, “Who doesn’t have family?”

A few bowed their heads, while others still kept looking at him.

“Who would be willing to help on a long-term expedition to go to Melya?”

“I will.”

Surprised at the quick volunteer, Elton looked at the one who said that and frowned, “New?”


You aren’t new…Just new to the guards chosen to follow me on this day…

“How can I trust you?” Elton wasn’t even talking about Robin now, he was just talking about right at this moment, would this person be willing to save him…

“You can’t.” the man said, then looked directly at the King, “But I have reasons of my own to go there!”

Elton couldn’t help but be pleased, “You will accompany Robin here, she seems to be just like you!”

Robin stood up and looked around the King, at the soldier type man who nodded at the King. “Very well.”


“Didn’t you used to be Advisor Ricks spy?” Elton suddenly said to the man who agreed to go.

He was quite curious on what he would do if things were out in the open. Because this man was not new at all!

The man looked back at the King, “Yes.”

“Tell me why.”

The man suddenly showed a sign of worry, making Elton narrow his eyes at him, “Speak.”

“Even I don’t know why…I was trying to get information from him.” The man said, bowing his head.

Elton sighed, he felt like there was some truth and some lies in that.


It happened everywhere though, where people used other people for their own benefits. He did it too, it seemed like a natural thing. The biggest question was if this man was still loyal to Advisor Rick or not. Perhaps he could help get him information, if it was that easy to gain his loyalty…

“Then tell me your reason to go to Melya.” Elton asked, hoping to find another way to what this person was up to.

“I am also from Melya.” The man said, once again looking straight at the King.

What courage, Elton thought. To look at me like this.

It was pretty normal to never look a King straight in the face like this but this person…

Silence entered the area and all but Elton started to feel edgy, even Alison.

Was it because he was the King? Was it because he was certain of himself? Whatever it was, King Elton knew how to make people hold their breaths and hang onto his words. Plus, he was a pretty good King so far. People seemed happy to listen to him and behave…


Elton was a complicated person, and at this moment, no one knew what was going through his mind.

“Robin, you have my pardon for being a runaway slave. All I can give you is my seal on paper stating this, but it does not mean it will work in Melya. My advice is to try not to get caught! Do you understand?”

Robin nodded, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Elton turned back to the volunteer, and continued, “…What is your name?”

For the first time ever in his life, the man wanted to use his real name…Even if it was this one time, “Amil.”

Elton stopped for a moment. That name was familiar…Where had he heard that name before!?

It felt like he knew it for sure, that if he could just think for a short time, he’d know!

As Elton felt sure that that name was familiar but couldn’t pinpoint where it was from, the rest of the people looked around in silence.

“Like our lost prince.” Robin stated openly, staring at ‘Amil’.


The man looked at her but gave nothing away.

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Elton widened his eyes, yes, he thought, that’s it!

“Are you the lost prince?” Elton asked.

Such a direct question, the man thought. But he just wasn’t ready for anything to do with his identity…Not in the least. Why did he state his real name like that? Had he been that scared to lie to royalty?


But he was royalty! He shouldn’t have done it! He just didn’t really have time to think with everything that was going on! As it was, his knowledge of who he was, was still quite recently known to him. Having thought and thought about it, he became a bit obsessed about the information but still had no idea what to do about it…

Everyone was waiting for any kind of answer from the man, but he did not do anything. He couldn’t say no, and lie, but at the same time…

“You can go.” Elton stated suddenly.

Everyone was startled to the sudden change.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” The man said, directly moving out of the area towards Robin.

Robin didn’t know what else to do though, they were on boats after all…

Should they just jump off and swim?


Elton felt almost sure that the man was indeed the lost prince. He was about the same age and looked like his father. The same name, and not knowing who he was so he had gone to the advisor somehow.

And since Elton felt this way, it was already settled, the prince needed to go back home! What Elton liked to know was, was Amil going to take his throne back? If so, how was he going to do it? If he could help Amil now, then Amil will be in his debt! And, with the chance that Amil wasn’t the long-lost prince, then nothing is lost…
“We’ll take you to shore.” Elton said, turning back towards where David was. “I just got to talk to this idiot in here first.”

Alison shook her head, “What idiot.” She muttered under her breath!

Robin looked at the queen of Commorda and wondered how she can act the way she does and get away with it…

Alison saw her looking at her and smiled, then winked.

Robin felt like she must be dreaming…The queen looked like a mischievous child!


Erin had more courage than Robin as she stood next to Alison and said, “I liked how you went through the window.”

“Me too!” Alison said.

“I like you.” Erin said openly.

Alison laughed and said, “I like you too! What’s it like being a pirate?”

She honestly couldn’t help herself! Having put an arm around Erin, her other hand went into what looked like a pocket and pulled something out.

“Captain!” Robin said, pointing at Alison.

Erin saw that Alison had taken something and glared at Alison.

Alison half smiled and gave it back, then looked at Robin, “Dibber Dobber!”

Robin suddenly saw what she did and immediately got onto her knees again out of fright!


Alison sighed and pulled her back up as the apologizes cascaded out of Robin’s mouth.

Putting a single finger on Robins mouth, Alison stared at her, “Shh.”

Looking back at the room, Alison moved her head to see better and sighed in relief. “Phew.”

If she had made enemies with pirates as well today, it really would be bad!

Robin was a bit confused, but Erin wasn’t. She just put what Alison stole back into her pocket and didn’t care. “I like being a pirate because I feel like I can do whatever I want.” It really was like a snide comment for that very moment!

Alison nodded, but…Knowing that she was already in trouble, Alison stopped and decided to be good from now on. Elton wasn’t one to say something and not follow through, she really did have a punishment coming later…It just a matter of how much punishment now…

Ah, to be a pirate, Alison thought. A thieving pirate…


Suddenly Alison felt something get removed from her and she found Milo in Erin’s hand.


“A mouse?” Erin said. She wasn’t like a thief and was able to get away with just taking something without it getting noticed, but she had been curious. “Are they easy to take care of?”

Alison got Milo back and grumbled.

“Are they?” Erin asked.

Alison sighed, “Depends. Milo seemed attached to me but I’m sure normal ones would run away without a cage.”

“Milo is a nice name.” Robin said, smiling at the mouse.

“David is a nice name.” Erin said.

Both woman and a man looked at her, really, she was the captain here?

It was so obvious that she was infatuated with David that Alison felt happy. “I’m happy for you!”

“No need, we can be happy for ourselves.” Erin stated easily back.

“Are you naturally a nasty person?” Alison asked.

Erin shrugged, “I’m me.”

Robin smiled at her captain but stopped when Alison looked at her, “Is she like this all the time?”

Erin smiled at Robin and the man saw it. It seemed that Erin was just playing around.

Women could be scary sometimes…



“Good.” Elton said back to David’s quick statement about his legs and how he’s already feeling them again.

David looked at Elton and rolled his eyes, “Just say it…”

“When are you coming back?” Elton stated, having waited to ask.

David shook his head, “I’m out, can’t you see.”

Elton narrowed his eyes, “You were the best.”

David again shook his head, “My life will be here now.”

“And if she goes against the law?” Elton asked.

Sighing, David said, “I am still staying by her side. It was almost like Christmas…And my birthday for like years. I’m at sea, I’m practically married now, I’m not coming back…”

Elton knew it and wasn’t surprised in the least…Well, at least he tried. “Very well. I do suggest you talk to your parents once before leaving though.”


“How are they?” David asked, looking down.

“Waiting.” Was all Elton said.

“Fine, when I can walk, I’ll go see them.” David said back.

“When you can walk?” Another voice suddenly said.

David saw Erin walk in looking at him, then ask “What does that mean?”

“It seems you’ve been…” Elton started.

“Shut it!” David said back aggressively, taking Elton completely by surprise!

Always getting me into trouble! David thought.

Erin was proud that David held his own!

But then, “It was you that saved me, yes?”

David made a face, “I did bring you above the water…”

Erin smiled at him so brilliantly that he shut up too.


“He was poisoned.” Elton said, bringing them out of their world.

“Get out!” David yelled. He didn’t want Erin to know!

“I’m just helping!” The King tried to say as nicely as possible.

“Poisoned?” Erin said, looked from the King to David.

David looked at Erin, then at Elton. He shook his head at Elton and then looked at Erin, “The books that I was reading, the materials that you got for me…”

Erin finished it, “You were looking for…An antidote…”

David nodded at her.

He didn’t want her to know! He didn’t want her to feel aggrieved for what that man had done to him!


Erin looked down and took some deep breaths in, then left. She…She must have figured it out…

“Get out.” David said calmly when Erin left, leaving only the King and him in the room.

Elton didn’t think he’d done anything wrong.

“If you want to stay friends and have my loyalty, never do that again.” David said looking straight at Elton. It was the last time!

“What, you think it’s better she doesn’t know?” Elton said back.

“I don’t care! It’s not your story to tell!” David yelled back.

“You know I hate lies, David.” Elton stated harshly. After all, his father was a top liar, hurting people and their families just for some money.


“Lies? You tell me to go into the black market, so I do. Then you tell my father! What is that called!? Lies?”

Elton suddenly stopped, losing his anger. Suddenly he understood, well at least understood why David was upset about that time…

Perhaps he had gone too far…

“…I’m sorry…”

He’d apologized twice now…Once to Alison, and now to David…And both of them deserved it…

David could barely tolerate the King’s presence right now. If his legs would work properly, he would have chased after Erin…But he couldn’t…

Elton expected more than silence for apologizing but didn’t say anything.

“I’ll go talk to her.” Elton said, leaving straight after.

“Don’t, Your Majesty, it might make it worse!” David said, but it still didn’t stop Elton as he continued to leave.

Great, David thought, his love life is ruined now! Fantastic!

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