The Gal Is Sitting Behind Me, and Loves Me (LN)

Chapter 13: Volume 1 - CH 3.3

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The next day. Sandai felt that the time passed by faster than usual; as he was taking classes quietly as usual, it instantly became after school..

“…That’s all. All right, all dismissed. Scatter,” the class teacher Nakaoka announced the end of the homeroom and listlessly went to leave the classroom while yawning. Each of his classmates were also leaving, starting with those who got club activities, committees, or stuff to do.

Sandai also began to pack his textbooks into his bag in preparation to return home. Then from the seat behind Sandai, Shino grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back along with the chair with a jerk.


“It’s after school!”

Srrt—the sound of the chair being dragged across the floor echoed powerfully and attracted the attention of the classmates still in the classroom.

Sandai as well, he looked at Shino while repeatedly blinking his eyes wondering what was happening.

“It’s after school, y’know〜. You remember, right?”

“…No way I’m gonna forget a promise made just yesterday. I clearly remember the talk about going to your workplace together, Shino. It’s just, our relationship is still totally not known at school, so for now we’re gonna go out of the school separately and then…”

“Then let’s go!!”

Shino forcibly pulled Sandai’s hand and kept on moving.

Given that the only people at school who certainly knew their relationship were Shino’s friends and their classroom teacher Nakaoka, it goes without saying that they attracted attention from the rest of the school.

Though, just like Shino had pointed out before, there seemed to be no small number of people suspecting it, so a part of them could be heard saying, ‘I knew it,’ but…

“Hey look.”

“Are you serious…”

“Well they’ve been rumored a lot for some time now.”

“Wasn’t that just some misunderstanding? And so that’s why the rumor went away pretty fast.”

“That’s true, but the sus feeling continues, y’know? I mean, sometimes they were also staring at each other. And that’s not just once or twice, but again and again.”

“You saw them staring at each other many times…? Why are you witnessing something that’s only happening occasionally like that?”

“I liked her, alright? I liked Yuizaki, that’s why I was always watching. I knew even if I didn’t like it. And it’s not just me, the guys who were watching Yuizaki.”

“You were always watching…? And there are others…? What’s with this school? Does it have a stalker infestation?”

“That guy, he’s Fujiwara-kun from Yuizaki-san’s class, isn’t he? He’s plain so I don’t remember if we might’ve passed by each other, but on second look, he’s a pretty cool looking guy, huh.”

“And apparently Fujiwara is really kind… wait, I think it was Yuizaki-san who said that. I feel like I heard she said something like that the very first time the rumor started. Well, that means she’s caught an excellent hidden gem.”

He could guess what was being said; it was ‘Those two…’ stuffs

“I wonder if actually showing our relationship at school would surely make it spread out gradually… Just kiddin’! The truth is I can’t hold it anymore. And I also want you to be aware that the initiative is on me, Sandai~.” Shino stuck out her tongue and smiled mischievously.

Although dumbfounded, Sandai quickly understood the situation.

In short, Shino wanted to say that Sandai’s way was slow; as well as saying that as the one taking the initiative regarding their lovers’ relationship, she got the right to revise that.

Sandai was being hit by a considerable selfishness, but it being done this brazenly was just so refreshing that he felt no desire to complain.

They went out of the entrance, out of the school gate, and onto the sidewalk. And while still being led by the hand by Shino, they arrived at a block a little off the city center after about thirty minutes.

Although away from the shopping district, it was a place with a fair amount of pedestrian traffic.

“It’s that one.” What Shino pointed at was a cafe of an antique-style exterior with a calming atmosphere; that seemed to be her workplace.

Somehow… It sure is an atmosphere the ladies seem to really like.

Sandai got some bad feeling, and unfortunately, it came true; once inside, all of the customers and employees were women only.

On the blackboard by the counter that suddenly entered his view was written with: ‘Everyday is 30% off for ladies♪’ along with drawings of cute deformed animals.

“What an amazing place…”

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“You think so?”

“It’s all women here.”

“Well I’m not good with guys, so…”

Although it might get misunderstood when they were together, Shino was basically not good with men. Choosing a part-time job with a high percentage of women like this was obvious.

Although Sandai could understand it, he felt timid at this overwhelming, away disadvantage feeling.

“Go take the seat at the back there.” Then Shino just left her own standing-stock-still boyfriend and disappeared beyond the door written with: ‘Employees Only.’

For the time being… Sandai hurriedly moved. On the way, he got suspiciously looked at by the female customers. Though, “Ah, excuse me,” he said, lowering his head and cutting his way through.

And then, “…Nn?” Feeling eyes on him upon taking a seat, Sandai restlessly looked around.

Then he noticed a number of female employees staring at him through the gap in the employees-only door Shino had just entered.

“Shino-chan says she brought her boyfriend, but… it’s that?”

“Shinopi said it’s that seat, so isn’t that the case? Hmm but it might be a bit of a letdown. I just didn’t think it would be background character-ish like that~.”

“He’s plain but sure is a cute guy. Isn’t the ‘background character-ish’ because you’re making your own too deep of character as a standard? Like those twirling ringlets or I guess chocolate cornets… that hairstyle is just too intense.”

“How cruel! These aren’t chocolate cornets! This hairstyle is cute! I’m taking an hour everyday getting it done, you know!? Boohoo!! Waaa waaa!!”

“I’ve told you not to make fun of this girl’s hairstyle. She’d immediately cry.”

“Sorry sorry. That hairstyle sure is cute.”


“But well, Shino-chan herself is surprisingly a serious girl, so considering that, I guess it might be just inevitable for her to choose a guy like that.”

“That’s for sure… wait urgh the assistant manager, since when did you…”

“What? Got a problem?”

“No Ma’am.”

“Then good. Now someone hurry up and bring out the boyfriend privilege.”

“Go, Chocolate Cornets. It’s cute so go.”

“Uwh… I’m telling you it’s not chocolate cornets… wait do you really think it’s cute?”

“I do so just go.”

He couldn’t tell what they were saying because of the physical distance. But still, even Sandai understood that they were holding curiosity.

Perhaps Shino had already told them about Sandai. So they should be coming out to observe out of curiosity.

I guess… I can’t tell them I want them to stop staring. They’re Shino’s colleagues, and if they think that I’m a man with a troublesome personality, I suppose it’s possible it would make it hard for Shino to stay working here.

Sandai decided to just keep his mind empty. Then a waitress with a hairstyle like chocolate cornets walked up to him.

The girl who looked about the same age as Sandai and Shino gently placed a small cake and a cup of tea on the table.

“H-Here you go~. Enjoy~.”

As Sandai was a little bewildered by being presented with something he didn’t remember ordering, the girl spoke up in a flirty-like voice while hiding her face with the tray. “Shinopi’s Boyfriend-kun… I’m correct, right?”

“That’s… right, but… what’s with the cake and tea by the way?”

“This is a boyfriend privilege~. We serve it to our employee’s boyfriend for free, limited to once a day.”


“And so I’d like to ask about all sorts of things between you and Shinopi… ah no not good, I’ll get yelled at if I do a voyeur-like thing like this… Well, Shinopi will soon introduce you anyway, so just wait until then, okay? Then later,” the girl said in rapid fire, and then left in a small run going, “Hya~,” while still hiding her face with the tray.

She was a somewhat bizarre girl, but that aside, the cake and tea seemed to be free as some kind of a boyfriend privilege, so he decided to accept it.

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