The Gamer Ninja

Chapter 1: Tutorial

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[You have become a 'Gamer']

[Your life is now yours.]

[A god has 'Accepted' your request. You are being rebuilt.]

[The Gamer System has updated]

[V 1.02 Loaded]

[Stats have been rearranged]

[Strength: How physically strong the Gamer is.]

[Endurance: The Gamers Stamina, and how much stress the Gamers Body can take before giving out.]

[Dexterity: How well the Gamer can use his body as a whole, directly affecting flexibility.]

[Wisdom: The Gamer's instinct, ability to 'perceive' what is hidden.]

[Intellegience: Capacity to learn and to comprehend, does not directly affect how 'Smart' the Gamer is.]

[Luck: A stat that only takes effect inside the 'Dungeon's added in V 1.01. Effecting quality of gear, and quantity of consumables found. The Gamer is more likely to find hidden items within the dungeon.]

[Body reconstruction completed.]

[New name registered 'Ichiro Fuji.']

[Pulling memories of 'Ichiro Fuji' from records.]

[Memory loaded, playing.]


Ichiro had a 'Normal' childhood despite the life of his parents, both ninja. His mother had stayed with him until he was 4 years old, and then his parents would switch out of active duty to take care of him. Learning what his parents could pass on to him given the laws governing what Civilian families were allowed to teach before the Academy

Ichiro took to everything he was taught well enough, his parents were proud of him and when he was registered into the Academy, he studied well, only a good career as another ninja

Ichiro learned a level of Kenjutsu 'Swordsmanship' from his parents, both having different styles. Whereas his mother focused on speed and a quick kill. His father's swordsmanship was better for long engagements, meant for clashing swords and fighting against an opponent blade to blade.

He was naturally talented in both aspects of each of their Kenjutsu which made his parents gush and brag to their small group of friends that directly involved their own teammates.

On the dawn of Ichiro's tenth birthday, he received news that both his family members had died under 'Mysterious circumstances.'

This had driven Ichiro into a depressive spiral, having stopped taking care of himself, stopped putting effort into school, as well as having slowly cut contact with his family's friends.

The only thing he had continued to do was maintain his body and mind, but never push himself, never grow.

When it came time to Graduate, due to his failing classes and near nonexistent attendance. He was 'Failed' admitted to be able to retake the test in three years.

He failed to graduate at the age of 13, when he got that news, he didn't care. He simply remained in bed like always, and simply rolled over.


[Memories finished.]

[Optimal target, lack of family, friends, bonds. Integrating new record]

[New record loaded, welcome Gamer.]

[Would you like to accept the Tutorial?]


[Note you can think of your answer, say it out loud, or press the screen.]

A pale hand lifted in the darkness of the void, pressing Yes.

[Tutorial loading, please take a deep breath.]

The 'Form' did just that, inhaling a long and slow breath until he couldn't hold anymore air before slowly releasing it outwards.

As he finished, the scene around him changed, first a dark room, before a scene began to build itself around, slowly allowing light into the room as it built the scene of a forest around him.

Despite how 'Real' the scene appeared, there was still a clear indication that he was inside a room, a large room, but still a room.

A clearing in the middle of a beautiful forest, the sun in the sky but just out of view.

As the scene finished the 'Room' around him began to slowly open up, the definitions of it vanishing until he could feel the ground beneath his toes, smell the scents and feel the warmth of the sun beating down onto him.

He was formless, without clothes, without feature. He was simply a doll given shape, but he could still feel with his white colorless hands, could still breath and see despite having no features that allowed it.

Slowly he began to feel the 'weight' of his own body. It continuing to increase until it stopped.

Despite having no muscle or appearance saying he did, he could feel the strength within his fingers, all the way to the core of his body, how even without a form to this body, he could feel it's strengths and the training it had been put through, dulled. But still there.

A clear mechanical voice spoke out, genderless in nature.

[Tutorial loaded. Confirming Gamer has become accustomed to simulation.]



[Welcome Gamer to the 'Tutorial World']

[Time will not pass within this realm, and it will not end until you decide you're ready.]

[Choose a category to load.]


Using his featureless hand, he pressed on [Information.]

[Information loaded, starting Tutorial.]

[Welcome the Gamer to the information Tutorial, here you will learn information about the system and its many functions.]

[To start out, your system is something only you can see, even Gods have no ability to see your system screens or functions, only you yourself can interact with the system.]

[The system can interact with many methods, the primary being Thought, Touch, and Verbal.]

[The system's main function is to assist you in life, and your goal in life. It has no higher purpose than to serve you to the best of its abilities.]

[The system offers a base amount of features including. Status, Inventory, Journal, Shop, System Settings, and Music Player.]

[Each of these selective features has additional features built-in, please say, think, or press on Status.]


A screen appeared before him, showing the formless and featureless Doll he currently was, as well as what looked to be a blurred image behind him.

A lot of things immediately jumped out at him, there were multiple tabs in this one window, the one he was on was 'Information' and that's what it did, it shows his information such as his name, stats, and how his body state is.

There were a few tabs such as Equipment, Skills, Titles, and Achievements.

[As you can see, there are many things on this single screen, along with additional tabs.]

[Starting from the first screen, this is your 'General' Status, it shows your stats, any active buffs or debuffs, the condition of your body, as well as how much HP and Mana you have remaining. It will also show a small portrait showing your appearance as 'seen' by others. The Blurred image is your body that you will receive once you've completed the tutorial.]

[The second tab, Equipment is where you can adjust the appearance of your equipment, either to 'Hide' it from viewing or to change its appearance into something else. It is additionally also where you equip your items, and all equipped items information will be shown.]

It switch to the tab automatically, and a large 'Portrait' appeared, showing the entirety of his body, there were no equipment slots, but there was 'Available Equipment' which had a very generic-looking ring inside the smaller additional box.

[Please divert your attention to the smaller box labeled 'Available Equipment', and select the ring.]

He mentally pressed the ring's icon, and a menu appeared with three different options.


[Please select 'Equip.']

Doing just that, the ring appeared on his finger, lifting it up he examined it.

[You have equipped your first accessory. You are limited to how much you can equip, however it is determined by your Endurance, which can also be seen as an 'Equip Load.']

[You can wear as much as you want, but eventually, things will get in the way, and it will become harder and harder to move.]

[Please select 'Info' on the ring.]

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There was now nothing in the Available Equipment section, and looking back to the equipment screen showed the same portrait as before, but with just a ring. It had a small '1' next to it, and when he focused on that ring and the same menu appeared as before, however now instead of saying Equip, it simply said unequip.

Mentally clicking on info, a screen appeared with an image of the ring, to the right it had the name of the ring and a description of what it was exactly.

[Simple Ring]
A simple ring which was given by the system. Adds a small regeneration effect.

[As you obtain, find, or loot additional items that can be equipped, you will notice some have additional effects, requirements, or even possibly a stat limit]

[Additionally, as you gain more knowledge and a better understanding of equipment, and obtain skills able to 'Identify' you can unlock more detailed information, such as the possibility of a history of the object, and even what materials have gone into making it.]

[Some items will have durability attached to them, but since this is a gift from the system it has no durability and can't be destroyed unless the user discards it.]

[Some items, such as this ring. Has an additional effect, this small regeneration effect is applied to all who wear it, however, its effects are different for others who do not have the system.]

[Your regeneration required no additional resources such as food, nutrients, and other sustenance. As long as you have this ring equipped you will regenerate lost health, and damage.]

[However, if you were to give this ring to another person, it would speed up the healing their body naturally provided, which would increase the number of resources they would need to consume. It is recommended the User use items with care.]

The equipment screen minimized everything but the main Status screen, still on equipment.

[Please switch to Skills.]

Doing as the system said, he raised his hand, clicking on the skill tab.

It already had skills inside the tab, such as Leaf Sticking, Chakra Control, Meditation, Kenjutsu, Shurikenjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu. Along with multiple smaller skills such as Cooking, Cleaning, Noodle Making, and a few other skills not worth mentioning.

[Your skills tab is a place where you can view the skills you have obtained. Along with generalized information about the skill, and your current mastery of the skill.]

[All skills have 'Skill Mastery', stronger skills will take longer to master, whereas easier skills will be much easier to master.]

[Skill Mastery had added bonuses depending on the level. Due to Version 1.02 being loaded, damage values have been removed.]

[Please bring up Kenjutsu.]

Clicking on the skill, another screen appeared with the name of the skill, and a percentage next to it. Along with a description

[Kenjutsu 14%]
Mastery over the 'Blade' Kenjutsu directly determines how effective you are at fighting with swords of varying types. The higher the mastery, the higher the skill in using blades.

*10% Mastery Bonus: It is easier to keep ahold of your sword.
*5% Mastery Bonus: Swords keep their edge for longer.

Once he finished digesting all that information the System spoke out.

[Now that you have learned how skills work, more information will be available later. For now please switch to the titles.]

Switching over, he noticed he had no titles.

[Titles are gained through many things, whether it be missions, personal achievements, fame, or other sources. Some titles are for show, other titles can give bonuses depending on the title.]

[Currently, you have no titles, so one will be given to you.]

[Title acquired! 'The Gamer']

[Please select the Title called 'The Gamer']

Clicking on the title, a description appeared like a drop-down menu.

[The Gamer.]
You have been officially declared the Gamer!
All stats increased by 1

[Some titles must be equipped to have their effects activated, but most titles are passive boons.]

[Now that you understand a little about how Titles work, please move on to the last menu Achievements.]


Despite his doll-like appearance, he still had a voice, it was young but still soothing, and it was starting to sound deep already.

The Achievement screen appeared, empty as well.

[Anything the System deems as an 'Achievement' will appear here. Such events can be completely random, or large milestones in your personal journey. Some Achievements can even come with additional gifts.]

[Now that we have finished exploring Status, please simply say, or think 'Menu'.]


The previous screen vanished as another one appeared, it having all the ones from before listed.

[Select Inventory]

He clicked on Inventory, bringing up a window with a seemingly endless amount of small boxes, near the bottom of the window looked to be a currency tab.

[The inventory is an endless space you can store objects, equipment, items, consumables, and materials inside. It will also hold your currency.]

[The inventory can have tabs as well, to make it easier to locate certain items. A search bar is also provided.]

[Items in the menu can also be clicked on.]

A piece of wood appeared in his inventory, it looked like a circular log, a normal-looking game item.

Clicking on the wood brought him another dropdown menu 


The information was, really simple.

[Wooden Log.]
A wooden Log, from a tree. Can be used as a material.

When he opened up crafting he noticed the only thing he could do was break it down into planks.

[With the inventory explained, and the User has already figured out its functions, please go to your 'Journal.']


Instead of a screen, a worn book appeared in front of him, flipping multiple pages before landing on a page with only two entries.


[As you may have guessed, this is where you will find any missions you have currently, either from the system or other sources. As well as where you can note down information you would like to keep at hand. The journal is 'Infinite' so you can have as many notes, or quests as you please.]

[Once you have completed a quest, a new entry will appear as 'History' and it will show a general description, and breakdown of the quest.]

[The shop is currently locked until you have reached Level 10, but it is exactly what you might think.]

[A place where you can sell items to the system itself, or put them up for auction for others in the many universes. Items will have a base price and an 'Auction' price. Selling at the base price will offer immediate payment, and the item vanishes instantly. An 'Auction' item will be put up onto a global auction board that is within the shop screen. It will be taken from your inventory, and until you either remove it from the board or accept a deal, it will remain with the system.]

[There are obviously Pros and Cons to each choice, it will be left to the Gamer to make those choices himself.]

[Shop Currency is simply called 'Shop Credit.' or simply SC for short. Any type of currency, or item can be converted into SC, as well as SC can be used to convert into currency.]

[Moving on from the Shop Menu, please note that there are many settings within System settings, as the entirety of the appearance of the system, and how it interacts with you can be customized. Please take your own personal time to look through the settings at another time.]

[Directing your attention to the 'Music Player' it was added on your request. All songs that have existed, will exist, and from all planes of existence are available to you. Please note that the System is aware of how this can be used and is only available to you because of your request. Please use responsibly.]

[That finishes the Tutorial for the System, please discover additional features and in-depth uses on your own.]


How'd I feel writing this?

Like I was forced to sit through a tutorial, and despite me mashing the hell out of the confirm button, I was getting nowhere faster.

Huge info dump of a first chapter, and honestly for those not new to Gamer Fanfics it can be skipped.

I still added it because I felt like I should at least put something in to help explain the system a little bit to those who might not understand, to just avoid the dumb questions later... Still going to get them anyway, but you know. I tried.

Any questions, concerns, or requests? Just let me know.



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