The Gamer

Chapter 14: Chapter 14

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The constructions in Lhazar began, Jon was satisfied with that, he was still in the wolf guard, his fortress was impenetrable although the merado was not.

Sansa and Arya arrived a few days ago, he informed them of the negotiations, it was the first time they had obtained territories without fighting.

Something contrary to most of their territories won with a large number of victims.

Lhazar was a strategic point against the slave cities.

That although they were not enemies.

Nor allies.

There was a lot of bad blood between the Starks and Targaryens.

The rebellion among other things.

But they don't know the mad king's daughter.

Whether he was like his father or brother they did not know.

Prevention before an attack was the best.

Jon walked through the market, he had been very entertaining with Arya the night before, Sansa was a bit busy lately.

He felt that something was wrong.

I turn to see a man approaching.

He didn't look like a Dothraki or one of his men.

He felt uneasy at the sight of it.

He was dressed in a black cape, his face could not be seen and something very warm for the heat of the mountain.

He got too close for Jon to notice that something was wrong.

At his side two others also came but without coats.

He saw the gleaming knives in their hands and knew they were coming for his life.


He hadn't fought in a long time.

He moved so fast that he knocked out the first before drawing his sword.

The other two lunged at him, but Jon easily evaded them.

I kick the third.

A scream was heard, the guard was called with that.

But the emperor had everything under control.

The man in the cape drew his sword, Jon moved quickly, punching him unconscious, the other two men ran but the guard arrived and arrested them.

-Take them to the dungeon, I want to know who sent them? -ordered the boy.

The guards nodded.

Jon watched as they were led away.

-Arya will have a job-


Ornela gasped loudly as she resisted from her position.

This was in the momentary throne room that had the guard fortress of the wolves.

She was without clothes bent over a table.

Jon her emperor trailed behind her, his pants lowered as he leaned over her and rammed her hard.

The attack was somewhat successful, while Arya was interrogating the men, the boy took advantage of the time with some casual sex.

The girl gasped when he finished.

Jon sighed and came.

"Oh that was great," he mused.

The girl panted still fell to the ground tired.

"Good job, Ornela," he told her.

She felt pleasure through the mark as she nodded, they heard the door slam and she quickly pulled up her pants.

Ornela also put on her dress but she was still panting and tired.

Arya walked in and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

Jon brushed it off and the girl told him what she got from the killers.

Jon listened to Arya's report.

Assassins sent by new Ghis.

The boy raised his eyebrow.

Old Ghis was a city in ruins, new Ghis was instead a small island.

-Apparently survivors of Astapor, Yunkai and Meeren have gathered there, they created a pretty good fortification to defend against Daenerys Targaryen- said Arya.

Jon was thoughtful.

"Reasons?" he asked.

-Slaves of course, apparently with the intervention of the empire in Yiti and now in Lhazar, the flow of slaves collapsed- she answered.

Jon smiled.

-Well, ok…Because we're not going to visit the city of slavers- he said maliciously.

Aria smiled at him.

-Nothing better than declaring a war to start the day- she laughed.

Jon looked at her with a smile and motioned for her to come closer.

She did and won a kiss on the lips, Arya laughed.

"Well, do I send letters or to the bedroom?" She asked when she felt her husband's hands a little below her waist.

Jon laughed.

-We can send letters tomorrow- I clarify surrounding her waist and I take her to the room.


Harry Potter arrived with a garrison of five hundred soldiers, plus another five hundred that Jon would take, the forces of New Ghis would be around five thousand, it was a good test.

He would go advise Jon.

Although the emperor does not need it.

He also wanted him to start training in different arts of war.

His magic was useful.

But there are magical barriers.

It required learning to use the art of siege engines to take castles.

Learn to command fleets too.

Potter would ask him to do so in this battle.

He had to evaluate how well he was doing.

That I needed to improve.

And then what would be your next steps.

Taking New Ghis would have a couple of consequences.

Firstly, with Lhazar as their territories and in a few weeks Nueva Ghis was a sample that they had rolled through territory to the bay of the slaves.

Daenerys Targaryen wouldn't just sit by.

Harry Potter knew it.

He would attack or trade.

I did not know that.

Reports of them are rare to some extent.

The Targaryen girl freed the slaves of the slave bay, but killed the vast majority of masters.

She was pious and terrible at the same time.

Some teachers were burned alive.

Others crucified.

I didn't quite understand why.

If he wanted the cities, he could not free slaves.

There was also the possibility that he did it to win her love and thereby her loyalty.

It was possible.

Daenerys was a strange opponent, she had power, but she didn't use it fully.

Unless of course he doesn't control the dragons - he thought.

It was another possibility.

But the information did not indicate that he controlled them or not, he kept them in his pyramid, there was no information about the dragons after his conquest.

Harry denied he couldn't think about it anymore.

Until I have information at least.

There was also the theme of Westeros.

His spies according to Ron stopped giving him information over a year ago, he sent more but they didn't pass him on either.

There were two possibilities.

They either died or changed sides.

Potter believed it was the first option.

That meant the Lannisters were more skilled than he thought.

Or that someone else was playing the game.

Varys the spider?

Potter was sure.

He didn't like magic and was an elite spy.

The last he heard from Westeros was that Olenna Tyrell was planning to contract her granddaughter in marriage to Joffrey Baratheon and that Robb Stark married a Volatina even though he was contracted to marry a Frey.

"Without information there is nothing to do," Potter mused.

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Teachers stood nervously outside the city with a flag of truce.

Jon arrived and brought the three assassins with him.

These were confused, except for some who did not know how to pretend and seemed nervous.

-Your assassins failed, hand over the city, your heads, and I guarantee the protection of your families- he told her.

They began to say that they were innocent, that Daenerys Targaryen sent the assassins.

But then Jon brought a man.

One of the teachers blinked at him.

He was the leader of the clan of assassins they hired.

Marks of torture were seen all over his body.

"Was it them?" he asked.

"Yes Emperor!" he said with fear.

Jon turned to look at them.

"Lies," said one.

"Twenty-four hours," he told them.

-They have twenty-four hours to turn themselves in- he finished.


Jon watched the battle with interest, he had arrived with a fleet of a hundred ships to intimidate the teachers.

He was taking care of eliminating most of his fleet, while Arya and Sansa attacked the armies by land.

Harry Potter supported his sisters.

Jon watched more and more ships arrive.

About five hundred ships was the total of the enemy forces.

Jon watched from the deck calmly.

He could see the ships falling before his, being boarded, he threw a fireball at one that got too close, it burst through the sails and set the entire ship on fire.

He was bored.

The masters' mercenaries did not seem to be good sailors.

At least not that good.


Arya watched as Sansa used her Haste on her soldiers as they mercilessly attacked the enemy mercenaries.

They were a class of soldier slaves called the Unsullied, skilled spear wielders in black leather armor.

Arya knew that Sansa went up a level in battle, reaching level 13 with 3 skill points.

Pain - said the girl.

Another Unsullied fell to the ground writhing.

Arya smiled with pleasure at her suffering.

I had missed this.

Some unsullied came to her, her soldiers confronted them.

The girl threw a saber on the neck of one of the slave soldiers and felt a gleam in her eyes, she reached the level up room.

arya stark

Skill Points: 4

level 10

Health: 550/550

Mana: 950/950

Physical abilities: Low

Magic Abilities: Low

Current Magics:

Black Magic level 3

The girl pressed skills.

You have four skill points.

You can improve magic skill


Do you want to improve black magic to level 4?


I press yes.

You have selected Black magic.

Do you want to spend four skill points to get level 4 Black magic?


She pressed yes, and she felt as if her whole body ached, her muscles cooled, then heated, she felt dizzy, wanted to vomit, and felt choking, and finally felt normal, she opened her eyes and saw the computer.

Congratulations you got Black magic level 4

Black magic

Level 4

Spend 200 mana.

Poison Aura: Poisons whoever touches the user. It lasts 5 minutes.

Arya nodded against pain that only worked on one person at a time, this aura was much more useful.

The girl left the room.


Jon looked at the last two hundred ships to attack, of his hundred ships there were seventy left, but they had finished with more than three hundred.

The boy planned to wipe them out completely.

"Queens Sansa and Arya have taken over, they're heading for the gates," Harry Potter informed him.

"Then I'll finish here," he said.

Jon walked over to the ship's rail and concentrated his mana, focusing on the sea water.

Hello - he whispered.

A twenty-meter wave appeared in front of him on the water and Jon watched as all the remaining boats were swept away, leaving only a few.

I make it to the skill up room, reaching level 18 with 3 skill points before exiting and turning to Potter.

"Tell them to wait for me," he finished.


Jon watched as the siege engines hurled incendiary rocks at the gates.

He had to admit that the gates of New Ghis were tough.

Even after several minutes of being hit by giant rocks they held on.

Normally he used his magic to destroy the gates.

But Potter told him that he should get experience on the siege engines since in the future it might be that the gates can resist his magic, it was preferable to get the experience now.

The boy meanwhile concentrated on finishing off the mercenaries that were coming towards him.

A basic strategy.

Pepper spray first.

He liquidated a couple.

Then it attracted others and a ball of fire destroyed them.

He followed the same strategy until they adapt and then he changed it.

His men used to see him fight alone and support him when he needed to rest.

A stable of Dothraki hit the Unsullied from the right.

Sansa and Arya on the left.

The boy continued with his strategy for a few minutes.

The crash of rocks hitting the stone door could be heard throughout the battlefield.

Screams coming from the enemies near Sansa and Arya.

They had a stone golem supporting them, courtesy of Harry Potter.

Jon turned to see more mercenaries coming.

Wall - he invoked.

When he appeared, the immaculate ones, confused by not seeing him, were distracted and with a quick extraction he made them fly into the air courtesy of pressurized hot water coming out of the earth in the form of geysers.

Jon's eyes sparkled as he reached the white room, he reached level 19 with 4 skill points.


Arya launched her attacks with force as the enemies fell, her sword was green by a strange aura everything that hit sickened and fell to the ground in convulsions.

His sister Sansa leveled up protecting armies she got level 14 with 4 skill points.

While she kept attacking and attacking the soldiers at the gates of New Ghis.

The stones fell one after another without mercy.

The girl could see how the door cracked.

He already wanted to go in and take his revenge for the killers.

A light flashed and Arya reached the level up room, reaching level 11 with 1 skill point.

He left the room when he heard an explosion.

I look at the doors as they fell.

The woman watched with a smile as the Unsullied tried to defend the now open gates and the Dothraki pounced on them.

-Take the city!- I hear Jon.



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