The Gamer

Chapter 25: Chapter 25

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Jon launched his attack on Lys's ships.

The battle started a few hours after he arrived.

There were no negotiations.

They weren't necessary.

The boy rode on a giant eagle that swooped down from the sky toward ships.

Meanwhile a dozen fireballs hit the enemies.

They set fire to ships.

Arya and Sansa supported with boats.

They were to defeat the great fleet of Lys.

Four hundred warships.

The number is quite high.

They did not exceed six hundred of the empire.

Much less with the giant eagle that attacked at great speed on the ships.

Wave - he launched.

A tidal wave appeared in front of him, taking with it more than a hundred enemy ships, pushing them towards the island.

Jon laughed at the breach it opened in the enemy zone.

His eagle swooped again.

The boy felt a sparkle in his eyes, he went up a level, reaching the level up room, he was level 42 with 6 skill points.

Jon smiled seeing that the gap was being used by his warships, some of them had already reached the shores.

Arya and Sansa bragged that they were into them.

"I'll let them take the city themselves," he said.

Jon rose and continues to attack the ships.

Lys was nothing.

Good sailors perhaps, the occasional commander, but nothing more.



Sansa and Arya couldn't believe how weak the defenses were, the girls reached the doors made of wood, not even stone.

It was a very weak city.

If he compared her to Volantis or Meeren, they far outclassed them.

His soldiers were mostly archers, the occasional swordsman.

Arya watched as more and more came only to die from her poison aura.

He had killed about twenty soldiers around, not counting the ships before he reached the level up room.

arya stark

Skill Points: 7

Level 28 (0/30)

Health: 1450/1450

Mana: 2750/2750

Physical abilities: Low

Magic Abilities: Low

Current Magics:

Black Magic level 6

The girl pressed skills.

You have seven skill points.

You can improve magic skill


Do you want to improve black magic to level 7?


I press yes.

You have selected Black magic.

Do you want to spend seven skill points to get level 7 Black magic?


She pressed yes, and she felt as if her whole body ached, her muscles cooled, then heated, she felt dizzy, wanted to vomit, and felt choking, and finally felt normal, she opened her eyes and saw the computer.

Congratulations you got Black magic level 7

Black magic

level 7

Summon Familiar: Random (spiders, vampires, bears, wolves)

Spend 850 mana.

The girl left the room and watched as large stone balls with Valyrian fire flew to the doors and they exploded.


Sansa watched her sister fight with a smile on her face.

He rolled his eyes.

He felt that he tired more easily.

It was the pregnancy, maybe she should have stayed in Volantis.

But the hatred he felt could only be placated with blood.

And the soldiers of Lys were a good target.

I watch men come to heal.

He quickly sent out his Regen, and healed them.

There wasn't much more trouble, and he watched as Arya kept attacking and attacking.

Jon reached for her.

He had taken care of most of the ships.

A couple of commanders surrendered to him.


The girl raised her hand.

Tower of light - cast your favorite spell.

And a small column rose healing everything around it.

The girl felt a light in her eyes.

I get to the level up room.

sansa stark

Skill Points: 7

Level 28 (0/90)

Health: 1450/1150

Mana: 2750/2750

Physical abilities: Low

Magic Abilities: Low

Current Magics:

White Magic level 6

You have seven skill point.

You can improve magic skill

white at level 7.

Do you want to improve white magic?


I play yes.

You have selected White magic.

Do you want to spend seven skill points to get level 7 White magic?


She pressed yes, and felt as if her body became hot, her hands cooled, her eyes were flooded with a light that forced them to close, for a few moments she endured the discomfort, and finally she felt normal, she opened her eyes. eyes and saw the computer.

Congratulations you got White magic level 7

White magic

level 7

Spend 1000 mana.

Cure Diseases: Cures any disease.

Sansa watched with interest before leaving the place.

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-My queen, the machines are ready- said a soldier.

Jon let Sansa handle it.

"Shoot," she said.

"Once the gates are destroyed, take the city," Jon ordered.

His wife looked at him.

This nod.

She did not say anything.

-I'm going for Arya, that the soldiers win their prizes- said the


Jon looked intently at his prize.

Her name was Fleur Delacour, she was a beautiful twenty-eight year old woman, she was tall and slender, long silver hair that fell to her waist, large deep blue eyes, fair skin.

He had claimed her as his the night before after the conquest of Lys, the boy couldn't help himself when he saw her.

She was the daughter of the leaders of Lys, she had a younger sister who was ten years old, named Gabriel, who would be a hostage for the time being, until she got a compromise.

Jon put the subordination mark on Fleur on her left thigh, she was a quick learner, the mark was only used once, after an explanation. And Jon was able to train her hard all night.

His mother and father were put in prison momentarily, possibly they will eliminate the father and marry the mother, he would decide later.

By the army.

There have already been thirty wedding requests.

It was not a legend that the most beautiful women of Essos were in Lys.

Fleur was without a doubt one of the most beautiful among her concubines, with an innate beauty that only Daenerys had, a body that only Daphne possessed, a passion that she only saw in Sakura.

It was without a doubt a combination of the best he had and now it was his.

Jon looked at her again, she was still asleep in the big bed, naked as she was after her night of passion.

Meanwhile her sisters chose to do what they did best.

Arya questioned several soldiers.

It didn't take long, it didn't even require torture.

Apparently the Lysaños were resigned.

Not to mention that the red priests of Lys joined the battle for the empire almost immediately, as Kiravara said they would.

Sansa hung out with the commoners, healing them of illness and injury, as good policy.

But Jon wouldn't waste any time.

A week, maybe two, he would wait for Missandei and Daenerys to arrive before moving on to the next city.

I make a couple of decisions about them.


Daenerys arrived with her best friend Missandei, and the high priestess of the god of fire, Kirvara at the makeshift throne room in Lys, the city was beautiful, as much as Meeren, but much smaller.

He had spoken with Sansa and Arya on the way and learned of the quick conquest and that the emperor had plans.

I watch trying not to raise an eyebrow at the throne.

Missandei was impartial.

Kiravara looked at everything with interest.

Jon Snow sitting on it, on his lap a woman a few years older than her, beautiful, light-skinned, slender, long silver hair with blue eyes.

She was wearing the classic nightgown that she and Missandei were given to her the first night they became bed warmers for the emperor, very short that did not even reach her thighs, its front part also revealed half of her breasts in a very low neckline. pronounced, but while hers was pink and Missandei white, the new girl's was yellow.

Jon had a hand squeezing her left thigh, the girl didn't seem to want to say anything, either because of the humiliation of the situation or because the emperor ordered it.

Daenerys felt a strange pleasure to see another in that position, as if she was grateful that she was not the only one who had that kind of attention from the emperor, she still remembered well a little over a year ago that her position was similar, the emperor enjoyed have it on his lap and play with it even in important meetings.

Jon watched them enter.

"My emperor, the reforms of Volantis are under way, Lord Maegyr is preparing everything for the expansion," Missandei reported with a bow.

Jon nodded and Fleur gasped.

The hand that was squeezing her thigh released him and was now squeezing her right breast. Daenerys tried not to laugh, she was sure the other bed warmers laughed at her in Meeren when she was in the new girl position.

-The Dragons are ready, Meeren is ready, Yunkai and Astaport too, the markets are flourishing- indicated the former queen of Meeren.

-Very well the expansion will start soon- he indicated.

The girls looked at him with a question.

What to do now?

Jon saw them and continued with his orders.

-Daenerys returns to Meeren, prepare an army, you will be supported by armies from Yunkai and Astaport, I want her to go conquer the basilisk islands. She doesn't need to have survivors, only seedy mercenaries and pirates dominate them, I want to create a port there, it will be one of the surveillance points, in the future- he indicated.

She nodded.

Jon turned to Missandei.

- Missandei your mission will be crucial too, Yiti and Assai will support you, I want you to join Sakura Haruno, conquer Ulos, Sothoryos and Naan- he said.

"Should I conquer my own homeland?" I ask uncomfortably.

Daenerys looked at her in horror, she couldn't deny her emperor anything.

But the pain did not come, Jon did not order the conquest, he asked for it.

Jon nodded.

-The citizens of Naan have been victims of slavers and still are, we are the best they can ask for protection and my markets will help them, not to mention that I already have my reward from Naan- he clarified looking at her.

She blushed at that.

I kneel.

Kiravara looked at him.

-I plan to conquer Thyso immediately, but apparently they have more men than Lys and they are better navigators, right, precious?- he said to Fleur, squeezing her breast more tightly.

"Yes emperor," she said, all blushing.

Kirvara raised an eyebrow.

-I want something new, an example that makes it clear how serious I am with those who attack me, I want them to prepare a curse, something that makes Tysho feel so weak, that he takes the city in a matter of hours- he said.

This one was thinking.

-Difficult but not impossible the Thyasos are greedy, they always have been, with enough sacrifices, we could put a curse on gold, if we can put a ship with a few chests full of cursed coins, the soldiers will pass it on to other soldiers, the port and people- she said.

The boy nodded at the idea.

"Animal sacrifices?" he asked.

-Humans- indicated the priestess.

It was a rule, no more human sacrifice.

"Only this time Kirvara," he said.

The woman understood him.

It's nodding.


The red priests were using enemy soldiers from the prisons for the curse, about a hundred sacrifices.

Arya prepared the whole plan.

It would be simple.

Mind control on some enemies.

These would take the ship and die at the hands of Thyso's soldiers for the treasure.

These would take him to the city.

They would wait a few days for the curse to take effect.

And they would attack.

"Like poison," she whispered.

She smiled and saw Gabriel looking at her, Arya asked Jon for it as a reward.

The boy wasn't sure.

Was very young.

And he planned to contract her in marriage in the future with some ally.

But Arya wanted her as a companion, not a bed warmer.

She offered her hand and Gabriel took it.

She was similar to her sister but only twelve years old, Arya liked the peace that the girl gave her, she has waist-length platinum blonde hair and black eyes, but Arya liked her innocent smile.

It made him forget what happened in the north.

Gabriel found herself as Arya's lady-in-waiting in a much larger role than Fleur's with the Emperor.

He had a duty to be with Arya, so that she calms down.

And it did.

The fact that she was as beautiful as Fleur was another plus point.

After all, this one is twelve, but she would grow up.

Arya caressed his right cheek.

The girl smiled at him.

"Shall we eat?" Arya asked.

She nodded and took Arya's hand.



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