The Games Of Mage

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Sirens Roaring

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(Galerna Agathias)

Professor Lupine was a master mage, he was a man of tall stature. His skin wasn't that bright, but there was a scar on his temple. It looks like the wound has dried up and left a scar that is difficult to remove. In addition, Professor Lupine looked different from most of the people who lived in the Valley of the Hills, unlike Professor Lupine who had slightly tanned skin, neither dark nor light.

  However, I could see, observing closely, underneath his messy and unruly black hair. Professor Lupine is the most genius mage teacher, even the mayor praises Professor Lupine's genius. From what I've heard, because of his genius, he can sleep and eat for free in this small town, in exchange for teaching at the Academic Hall.

  My relationship with Professor Lupine is not just teacher and student, he is like a second father figures to me. Taught me various things, especially when I was fifteen years old, exactly one year ago. I have a lot of difficulty with the foundation of magical power.

  Of the ten disciples who have formed the foundation of magical power, I am the slowest. Lyra was the only female student whose foundation of magical power was extremely fast. At that time I also experienced frustration and pessimism.

  "You are the most diligent student in the Academic Hall. But don't forget Galerna, you are a student who never gives up," Lyra said encouraging me. While I was training alone, forming the foundation of magical powers, Lyra who was always there to accompany me, and Professor Lupine always had an easy and practical way of learning for me.

"There is no need to rush into the foundation formation of magical power. Lerna, you are unique, not found by any children. Your magical powers are the strongest and remember, how I was so attracted to you the first day you entered the Academic Hall."

  When I meditate, I cross my legs on the wooden floor, with my eyes tightly closed.

  I live up to all the events that I have been through. Those memories came flooding back, the first time I took part in the registration session for the Academic Hall, when my hand touched the crystal ball, the ball glowed brightly. The prospective students of the Academic Hall were amazed, to the point that some couldn't even close their mouths, because they were so shocked.

  That start was luck for me getting into the Academic Hall, but luck wasn't on my side. I'm having difficulty with the foundation of magical power. I was upset and angry, very poor, embarrassed by my already poor family, and had to fall into a mud puddle.

  However, Professor Lupine always gives me the best direction and teaching for me, with Lyra who always accompanies me. So that in the end, I can form the foundation of magical power.

  Feeling a strange sensation coursing through my body, my two arms stretched forward. The radiant blue light that is so cool floated in the palm of my hand, and my tied hair fluttered by the wind.

  After a year of me cultivating the magical power foundation, I entered the next stage. Developing spiritual power. My spirit power is among the weakest, but my magical power is the strongest open room, under a shady and dense tree, which provides shade for me and the five students who are taking part in Professor Lupine's class, including Lyra. The girl whose hair was braided came forward, practicing how to cultivate spirit power. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, those slender eyes were perfectly closed, concentrating.

"Feel your soul, as if you have a second sense. The ability to see things that the eye cannot see. Feel the natural energy around you, feel it, and imagine it. Then, what have you obtained after that? Unite natural energies into your body, which will later form spirit power in the body." Professor Lupine walked around Lyra who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, hands behind her back. The man looked very serious observing Lyra who was meditating and sometimes the man would explain about the power of the spirit.

  "Magical power cannot be balanced without spiritual power, spirit power in our body which is called spirit. Mage has two powers, spirit, and magic." Look, as the man conjures fire in his palm. Small flames, then disappeared again.

  "Fire is an element and giving rise to it is called magic or 'magical'. Mage who has fire magic will be able to survive in a very extreme winter. With the fire that warms their bodies."

  I listened carefully and occasionally scribbled in the old book I had brought with me, taking notes on everything Professor Lupine had explained. Unlike the other five students, they mostly listened, sometimes they preferred to joke, thinking what Professor Lupine was saying was just wind up. They think the smartest.

  Just be honest. They sure are. David, Warren, Kate, John, and Isabelle, the five of them were the most outstanding children in Academic Hall. Living in the city, unlike me and Lyra who live far away from the city, up in the hills. The five of them lived in the city, down in the valley.

  Professor Lupine is one of five teachers at Hill Valley Academic Hall, a teaching genius the mayor of Hill Valley is very proud of.

"Developing spirit is very easy. Professor, you don't need to explain to us." David, the messy blonde-haired teenager stepped forward. Leaving Lyra who had not finished meditating, of course, the girl was very upset. In the end, the girl relented and sat beside me with puffed cheeks.

  "That messy-haired kid is so arrogant," Lyra said, crossing her arms over her chest, and glaring at David.

  "He should be proud because David is talented."

  "You shouldn't have to praise him. He's going to have a big head, Lerna."

  I smiled a little seeing the annoyed look on Lyra's face, remembering Gisella when she was annoyed.

  Complimenting the messy-haired teenager? Of course, I'm not praising him, but David is talented. He easily cultivated spirit power to the next stage, just by meditating for a while, it didn't take long, he easily cultivated spirit power to Level 2. Right now, I'm the only one who is still at Spirit power Level 1 . Lyra was already one level above me.


By noon, the scorching sun was right above my head. Time for recess, me and Lyra back into the classroom. They brought lunch from home, just like me. Mother had prepared venison and a piece of toast for me.

  Looking for a comfortable place to have lunch, choose a shady tree next to the Academic Hall building that provides shade. Opened the box with food, two slices of venison, and some toast that whet my appetite.

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  When the meat was ready to enter my mouth, my eyes were fixed on the girl with braided hair in front of me, who was looking at me very closely. I could see it in his eyeballs looking at my lunch box.

My little smile, seeing Lyra's cute behavior. "Mom brought two pieces of venison and some toast. You must be hungry."

  Lyra smiled happily and accepted a piece of venison and toast, sitting beside me with her mouth full of bread and meat.

  "Mama doesn't cook food, food ingredients run out. So he had to hunt in the forest for a long time. Didn't have time to bring me food."

  The girl was very voracious, biting into the venison with ease. I saw it, there is a feeling of pity for the girl. Lyra only lived with her mother, the girl lost her father figure.

  "When will your mom come back?"

  "I don't know. Mama has to hunt on the border of the Valley of the Hills, there's no money and no food for the next few days."

  Even though my life was pretty sad, it was pretty much the same as Lyra's. We live in the countryside, the distance between our village and the city is not that far. But there is always a gap among the people. I realized that when I got older. Not only in the Valley of the Hills, but in several other cities in the Kingdom of Andalus.

  A very large empire and a vast territory. The Valley of the Hills where Lyra and I lived was at the edge of the kingdom's territory, on the border with the district of the enemy kingdom. In the city, I could see four-wheeled vehicles and two-wheeled vehicles passing by, even though I saw, the vehicles looked dull.

  After lunch, Lyra and I returned to the classroom. It was just me and Lyra, the class was so empty and Professor Lupine always made excuses for David and his friends skipping class in the middle of class.

  A son of the mayor can do whatever he pleases. Especially skipping school and playing games.

Sirens echoed through the city. I know that voice very well, the last time it sounded was seven years ago.

  The siren's sound was like a trauma that would never completely go away. My hands were squeezed so tightly, Lyra was so tense and her face was so pale. Reminiscent of the terrible events that the girl experienced, losing her father figure right before her eyes.

  "You guys get out of here as soon as possible. Help the townspeople to flee to the bunker, I'll be with some Mage Troops to secure the town."

  I held Lyra's hand, leaving the class. Some students also came out of their respective classes, their faces panicked and scared. The adults directed the children to evacuate.

  My feet were quick, carrying Lyra down the stairs, along with the terrified students. At the exit from the Academic Hall, Kate, the girl with the red hair and freckles, ran over to Professor Lupine in a hurry.

  "Professor…." The red-haired girl's breath roared very quickly.

  "Kate, help Galerna and Lyra to evacuate the people."

  "Listen to me first, Prof." With her breath rushing so fast, Kate managed to keep her breathing as normal as possible. "Me, David, and the others. We play in the north valley. We saw Horace's Empire's Mage army, they were there. Three companies of Mage troops and military. David and I got separated trying to escape."

  This was the worst from the attack seven years ago, even the scale of troops from the Kingdom of Horaces was more than before.

  Will there be a big war between these two kingdoms who have been enemies for a long time? Is this the peak?

  "Mama. Mama is at the border in the northern valley, she is hunting there."

The girl let go of his hand and ran through the crowd of panicked townspeople. I panicked too, trying to catch up to Lyra.


  A large vehicle almost hit me, luckily Professor Lupine pulled me away from the soldiers and mage who were already preparing to drive away the enemy troops. My eyes looked toward the cloudy sky, besides, I could see an iron creature floating in the sky.

  The enemy airship was in the distance, looking like the silhouette of a blackbird hovering in the distance. North valley, that's where Lyra lives.

  "Do not go. It's very dangerous there," said Professor Lupin.

  My wrist was held by the man. "Lyra is over there. David and the others are also still in the northern valley."

  "I and the others will be evacuating the residents in the northern valley. You better evacuate everyone to the bunker."

  My mind is in a mess right now, I'm in a very panicked situation. On the one hand, I'm very worried about Lyra and on the other hand, my sister and mother are in danger too.

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