The Genius but Weakest Demon Tamer Wants to Return Home ~ Separated from His Strongest Servant, He Was Sent to an Unfamiliar Land~

Chapter 7: 6

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 Chapter 6: It's Really a Terrible Scam



The sun had already passed its zenith. However, the target of the request I received this time is not too far away, so I should have enough time. Humming a tune, I went around to the back of the guild and headed to the "Runner" rental office.

"It's a good day for a fresh start, don't you think?"

"Yes...I suppose so."

"Actually, in my hometown, we borrow rabbits for long trips. This is my first time using an inorganic life form called a Runner."

I spoke cheerfully, but Amu seemed to be in worse shape than before.

Nevertheless, everything had gone smoothly up to this point.

Saya-san was very kind. The facilities at the Raven City Guild were well-maintained. There was also the wonderful encounter with Amu. The exotic townscape was very stimulating, and the items in the shop attached to the guild were all new and interesting. And, the ring sold for more than expected.

There are still challenges, but those can be considered gradually.

The rental cabin was lined with sleek, silver, dinosaur-shaped magical machines called "Runners." "Runner" is a general term for vehicles that the guild lends out.

For explorers who often travel far, securing means of transportation is essential. Therefore, many explorers who cannot secure their own means of transportation borrow trained vehicles from the guild. The type of vehicle varies depending on the country, but in Raven City, it seems to be an inorganic life form (by the way, in the kingdom, it was a rabbit called Slip Rabbit).

While Slip Rabbits with their round eyes and comfortable long hair are wonderful, this beautifully refined form is also magnificent.

I handed the loan receipt that I received from Saya-san to Amu and left the procedure to her. Amu looked surprised when she saw the loan receipt.

"Oh, you brought the fastest runner?" she exclaimed.

"I asked for it," I replied.

"What?! There's such a system!?" he exclaimed.

I didn't know if there was a system or not, but I was able to get consideration because I asked. It seemed that negotiating was not something that Amu did often.

She had managed to get by without it, showing the difference in ability between species.

Shortly after, Amu brought in a single runner.

It was two meters tall, resembling a dinosaur, and its streamlined body suggested that it was specialized for running. Deep intelligence could be glimpsed from its eyes.

"Amu, what's this person's name?" I asked.

"Huh!? Name!? seems to be Safari," Amu replied in a hurry, checking the loan receipt. It was arrogant to borrow someone's help without even knowing their name.

I smiled and greeted Safari, meeting his eyes.

"Safari-san, nice to meet you . My name is Phil Garden," I said.

"!?" Safari's head twitched. Amu stared at me, seeing me using honorifics suddenly.

Inorganic life forms are vastly different from organic life forms. Their skeletal structure is made of metal, their core is the culmination of mechanical engineering, and their brain is a mere four-square centimeter chip. Therefore, just because they share a similar form to organic life forms, such as the reptilian type which may not possess intelligence equivalent to humans, cannot be relied upon based on appearance alone.

Bowing the head and making eye contact while speaking slowly is the key to conversing with these types of magical machines. Lowering the tone of voice and speaking in a whisper is also effective.

"I have a small problem that requires me to achieve the subjugation of fifteen D703 model ants and obtain fifteen sets of antennas, which are proof of subjugation, within today. Could you lend me your assistance? We would like for you to transport us to the activity area of the D703 model ants in the Cloak Plains. Round trip."

"?! Phil-san... that's..."

"Amu, be quiet."

Amu was about to say something but was stopped. I am currently speaking with Safari.

Safari closed his eyes and considered my words carefully before slowly opening them.

" long will it take?"

"Did the runner just speak?!" Amu asked incredulously, staring at Safari as if she had seen something unbelievable.

Of course, it can speak. The language ability of magical machines can be "added on" later. It's strange to think that they can't hold a conversation.

"Well, let's see... I would like to have about five hours, including travel time to the Cloak Plains, round trip, and time to subjugate them."

"That's impossible. First of all, the Cloak Plains are two hundred kilometers away from here. It will take two and a half hours one way."

"I see..."

I received a rental ticket from Amu and confirmed its basic performance. It was indeed described as capable of reaching a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

The round trip takes five hours, and with the time for the hunt considered, it will require at least eight hours... it's taking too much time.

I observed Safari's entire body once again.

Its four legs made of dull-colored metal are for running faster, while the silver claws are for gripping on unstable ground. Its body is covered in fluid lines from head to tail, with scales-like patterns. There are small nozzles on the heels of its four legs, designed solely for running, from the tip of its head to the tip of its tail.

Inorganic life forms are clusters of information. Having confirmed this, I nodded slightly.

Amu, look at me.

Observation will be your strength. This is how negotiations work.

"Safari, are you from the lineage of the mechanical dragon Lux?"

"!?... What are you talking about..."

Safari's eyes widened.

There are broadly two types of inorganic life forms. One is created by their manufacturer's hand. The other is generated without human intervention through the machine maintenance function that some magical machines possess. And Saya-san is the former, while Safari's structure is undoubtedly the latter. Such entities are often referred to as having a lineage of superior individuals.

I don't know the exact circumstances, but the procurement department of the guild that hired Safari as a runner must be quite skilled.

"Mechanical Dragon Lux Dragger. One of the five L-rank inorganic life forms in the world and the oldest of the thirty-two species of mechanical dragon that are scattered throughout the world, becoming the ancestor of the machine dragon species. And among them, you are a machine dragon specialized in speed. Is that correct?"

"If so, what does that mean?"

Its eyes were staring at me. I asserted naturally.

"If so, your specs should not be limited to a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. Even the slowest and heaviest turtle dragon species have a basic speed of about 125 kilometers per hour. There's no way that you, who are specialized in speed, would be inferior to that. The hole designed behind your four legs is an acceleration mechanism, isn't it? Depending on the accessories or age deterioration, it wouldn't be strange if it was five times or more than that of the turtle dragon species. That's correct, isn't it?"

Both knowledge and communication begin with interest in the subject. You cannot learn something you have no desire to know.

For a moment, Safari assessed me with a scrutinizing gaze, but eventually nodded in agreement.

"Hmm...So, you're Phil, a machine mage. You seem to be well-educated. ...As you said, I am a proud dragon of the Lux Dragula lineage, with a basic performance eight times faster than that of a sluggish turtle - exceeding speeds of 1,000 kilometers per hour. However, there is one thing you seem to have forgotten," Safari said.

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"What is it?" I asked.

For the first time, Safari smirked and made a face that seemed like he was about to laugh.

"One thing you have forgotten, is that I have to carry not just myself, but also you and that woman on my back."

Ah, I see... I certainly didn't consider that point. I smiled and replied.

"Oh, right. I forgot about that...If we were to ride, how fast could you go? About an hour and a half round trip?"

"Phil, you said it earlier, didn't you? 'This is the first time I've seen an inorganic life form runner.' Very well, I'll show you the lineage and specs of Lux's lineage and Sprint Dragon. How about taking about thirty minutes?"

What an amazing speed. He had just said two and a half hours earlier... I tapped Amu's shoulder to quiet her  muttering and made an additional request to Safari just to be safe.

"Please drive safely. Let's speed up after we leave the city," I said.

"Understood," Safari replied.




As someone who prided themselves on their speed, the safari's movement speed was quite impressive. The scenery flowed by in an instant, yet hardly any shaking could be felt, probably because it was designed that way, but the power of the runner seemed far superior to that of Raven City.

Outside the city, a wilderness spread out. Machine wreckage was scattered everywhere, and on the horizon as far as the eye could see, there were abandoned factories.

While waiting for supplies to be replenished by Amu, I had gathered some information, which was simple but sufficient. The ecosystem around Raven City was completely dominated by inorganic life forms. Magic machines mimicking animals and plants each had their own territory and were rampant, completely eliminating other species. The abandoned factories scattered throughout the wilderness were once created by these magic machines for "reproduction," but explorers had struggled to destroy them.

It was truly a mysterious place. Normally, it was impossible for magically created machines made by humans to escape control and enter the wild, unless it was due to an accident. That they spread and changed the ecosystem to this extent was a story that was hard to believe.

Although the magic machines were powerful, the metal parts that could be obtained from their remains were expensive, which was also a reason why explorers gathered in the area.

It was a troublesome place, but if I had to say that, the kingdom was also a difficult place for me as a beginner explorer, unlike in the past. I was no longer a beginner explorer now, as long as I could discern the characteristics and move carefully, I should be able to overcome it.

The only problem was Amu Nightmare, the new and reassuring companion who was sitting behind me.

Amu had not said a word since leaving the city. The eloquence she had when she convinced me was already lost, and only a negative aura that made me tremble was pressing against me.

The "aura of fear" that contaminates the minds of others is instinctively emitted by malignant spirit species. However, it should also be something that can be easily suppressed during normal times. If that cannot be done, then Amu should have been caught by now.

The fact that this control is not being exercised indicates - psychological instability.

The fluctuation of power due to emotional instability is very large for spirit species. Therefore, even after enslaving Alice, I paid close attention to her mental care.

Although faint, Amu's aura was getting stronger as we advanced.

Her current condition is - quite bad. It greatly exceeds my relatively lenient expectations.

"Oh, look, Amu. There's a giant mechanical creature over there. Depending on the model, there might be a cockpit. Maybe we can ride it?"

"Yes, maybe..."

I spoke to her several times in a cheerful voice, but her response was lackluster. I could feel the fear she was suppressing from her voice.

This is quite educational. This is what a malignant spirit species looks like when it comes down to the human realm.

Alice was originally a demon - an enemy of humanity. Whether for better or for worse, she originally emitted a strong radiance. When they opposed the world, they were at their strongest.

But Amu is different. This child is - not good enough.

Too... weak. Her intellect is not bad, and her species is satisfactory, but her will is weak.

Night demons are not a declining species by nature. This child must have come this far, being swept away without being able to take advantage of any opportunity.

Excessive self-consciousness is not a bargain. She is useless.

Of course - as it is, but.

"Safari-san, please stop here for a moment."


I stopped safari-san a little before the designated point I had set as our goal.

Am slowly got off. Safari didn't argue with my words because he understood my intention but Amu didn't say anything because she probably didn't realize that this point was outside the territory of the target monster due to her head not having the map. It was poor of her as a former explorer.

I had noticed since I saw her waiting at the meeting place but Amu was completely hesitant.

Her complexion was bad, and her arms were shaking. And she didn't have enough composure to notice that.

The battle record of Amu Nightmare (since spiritual and fairy species don't have second names, they are referred to by their species name) that I received from Sayo-san was already terrible. She hadn't succeeded in any requests lately and was on the verge of having her qualification as an explorer revoked. On top of that, she was neglecting even submitting her plans.

It seemed that she had become like when she was in a party with F-ranked explorers in the past. To be frank, there wasn't a single good point.

She was a complete accident. The only thing that was high was her species rank, which was a bargain.

I understood Saya-san's advice. It was obvious that we would fail if we continued the subjugation like this. That was bad.

I had planned to calm down a little before starting, but I had no choice but to adjust a little.

Fortunately, adjusting the Nightmare's species was quick compared to adjusting a living or fairy species.

I sat down on the remains of a metal box lying around.

"Safari-san, could you please be on guard around here for a bit?"

"Phil Garden, I am a runner, anything other than that is outside of my duties. I refuse."

"It won't take long, please."


I called out to Amu.

Amu approached me nervously.

We hadn't entered the ant territory yet, but the outside was a danger zone. I had to finish quickly.

"Looks like we can't see its figure. We need to search for it--"

"Amu Nightmare. Do you have something to tell me?"

I gave Amu a faint smile and looked at her intently.

You can find story with these keywords: The Genius but Weakest Demon Tamer Wants to Return Home ~ Separated from His Strongest Servant, He Was Sent to an Unfamiliar Land~, Read The Genius but Weakest Demon Tamer Wants to Return Home ~ Separated from His Strongest Servant, He Was Sent to an Unfamiliar Land~, The Genius but Weakest Demon Tamer Wants to Return Home ~ Separated from His Strongest Servant, He Was Sent to an Unfamiliar Land~ novel, The Genius but Weakest Demon Tamer Wants to Return Home ~ Separated from His Strongest Servant, He Was Sent to an Unfamiliar Land~ book, The Genius but Weakest Demon Tamer Wants to Return Home ~ Separated from His Strongest Servant, He Was Sent to an Unfamiliar Land~ story, The Genius but Weakest Demon Tamer Wants to Return Home ~ Separated from His Strongest Servant, He Was Sent to an Unfamiliar Land~ full, The Genius but Weakest Demon Tamer Wants to Return Home ~ Separated from His Strongest Servant, He Was Sent to an Unfamiliar Land~ Latest Chapter

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