The Girls Who Traumatized Me Keep Glancing at Me, but Alas, It's Too Late (LN)

Chapter 2: Volume 1 - CH 1

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Posted on April 17, 2022by Soafp

Translator: Soafp

Shoyo High School. First year, class B. That’s my class.

For first-year students who have just entered high school, introducing themselves to their new class is an important event that will determine their future. Whether to play it safe or make a spectacular high school debut, the classmates who were now in the same class were staring at me with a stern gaze, wondering if “I was a friend or a foe.”

But there was no need to worry. I’m a harmless, innocent, shady guy!

The selection of the school caste has already begun. I’d like to try to get a big boost here, but I have no intention of taking that kind of risk. I had a perfect plan to play it safe and make an ironclad appeal as a person with little presence.

I knew this very well, but even so, what came out of my mouth were words to the contrary.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I’m quitting school.”

I spoke impulsively. The air was frozen, and everyone was stunned.

It can’t be helped. I felt the same way. When I turned around, I saw that my homeroom teacher, Sayuri Fujishiro, had also pulled a face.

She was very young to be a teacher, having just been assigned homeroom for the first time this year.

“A-are you alright?”

Why is this teacher so nice? Although her language is blunt, her facial expression conveys that she is truly concerned.

I can only thank the miracle of having a wonderful homeroom teacher.

“No, I’m sorry. I just experienced the unreasonableness of the world that I can’t help and said it impulsively, but I have no other intention.”

“It would be a stretch to say not to worry about it. ……..”

Why the hell are they in this class!

I didn’t want to face them if I could help it, but I could only think of them as a mischievous divine coincidence. I couldn’t accept the reality and went through the class roster over and over again. As a result, my eyes went dark and my possessions were cut in half. I thought, ” This is too much of a scam” Of course there was a reason for this sudden outburst, but I can’t mention it here.

“My name is Yukito Kokonoe. I aim to be the “shady little guy” in this class. I’m going to spend most of my time pretending to be asleep, so I’d appreciate it if you’d recognize me as a kind of airhead and stay out of my life as much as possible. I am a bighearted person, so I don’t mind if people talk about me behind my back. But who would talk to a shady person like me? Hahahahaha!”

I try to laugh with a straight face. My classmates had already turned away from me. It seems that they more than understood what I was trying to say by my impeccable appeal. Being understanding is the secret to surviving in life.

“Oi, don’t be so quick to ruin away the first year of school!”

“It’s all right, Sensei.”

“A-about what?”

“I’ve already ruined my life.”

“What the hell wrong with you?!? You’re so realistic, you’re scaring me!”

Casual, uninvolved appeals. In reality, I would have had a future with my classmates, enjoying our school life together, but now that my plans have collapsed in an instant, all I have left to do is to stay quiet like a clam in the shadows. I’ll start taking it seriously next year. Maybe.

“At any rate, Kokonoe, I understand that you are a problem child. “

I am outraged by Sayuri Sensei’s unbelievable statement.

“I’m a well-behaved person, did I do something wrong! You and I are friends, right?”

“You and I aren’t getting even close for an hour!”

“After all those kind words you said to me earlier!”

” Don’t put on the boyfriend act! And you’re too serious, you’re scaring me!”

“It’s okay as long as it’s you, Sensei.”

“I’m just barely tolerating it myself, damn it. “

Ha! I unintentionally got into a farce with Sensei.

This is not the time for this. It is not my intention to stand out. When I returned to my seat, I found a fresh and handsome guy sitting next to me laughing.

He looks like he’s going to be the center of the class, but this guy?

“Hahahaha, you’re funny!”

“Do you have eyeballs? It was a safe greeting. “

“…… Safe? But still, it’s going to be a fun year with you around.”

My first impression of him was set on the annoying guy with the main protaganist attribute. As the other classmates proceeded to introduce themselves, I started up an app game on my phone, and in the morning

I loaded the code I had just bought at the convenience store and immediately went to work on paying the bill. There’s no way I’m going to pull a hundred charges and have the bomb go off.

What is the 3%! After the school caste selection ceremony was over, I was playing the gacha, and the refreshingly handsome guy next to me was there.

“Yukito, let’s exchange contacts, shall we?”

Suddenly he called me by my first name, a move only a handsome guy can pull off with ease. It was hard to believe that we were the same species.

“You’ve come on to me like a bat out of hell, haven’t you, Tanaka?”

“Stop joking! I’m Kouki Mihou, didn’t I introduce myself to you earlier?”

“Sorry, I didn’t get any of that.”

“Seriously, what are you doing here? You’ve been skipping around too much on the first day……..”

I was not really listening to anything at the time, but I was curious as to why the fresh and handsome guy who introduced himself as Kouki was talking to me.

There is nothing to be concerned about.

“Did you even hear what I just said? What are you doing talking to the king of the shadows, the shady characters in the middle of a cathouse like me? I’m going to live my life licking the bottom of the school caste in this class.”

“I don’t know what’s so shady about you, but you stood out to me. I can’t remember anyone more interesting than you. Oh well. Let’s be friends, okay?”

What is he talking about? I mean, he heard my perfect pitch, and he’s like, “Let’s be friends.”

He must have some kind of an agenda to say something like that. At any rate, I stared at the fresh, handsome man in front of me. And then I realized something.

He is trying to enhance his own main character attribute of being a refreshingly good-looking guy by putting me, a shady guy, next to him. Yes, I am a Mob.

“Mihou, what an evil man you are, but perhaps you’d rather hang out with someone who approaches you with an open mind than someone who doesn’t know what you’re thinking.”

“I feel like I’m being ridiculed, but I’m pretty sure there’s something wrong with you!”

“So, what do friends do? Do I have to pay for it?”

“Don’t say things that make me nervous all of a sudden! What happend to you in the past?”

“I never thought this would ruin my capuchin plan…”

“Let me tell you, my first impression of you is probably that you’re a total jerk.”

“Well, no problem. Kouki, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“O-ou. Suddenly you’re back to normal.—- What a kind of attitude. —- Well, that’s okay. Anyway, best regards from now on!”

Suddenly the handsome smile almost flashes. My soul is about to be purified, but at least he’s a good guy, so I correct my impression in my mind.

“By the way, Yukito, what are you doing after school?”

“Ha? What’s up?”

“Uhm you know, we’re in the same class now, so I’m thinking of having a get-together for those of us who can go to karaoke. Kokonoe, are you coming too?”

As I was talking, a girl started talking to me from behind.

She was wearing a fluffy bob cut in a rich color that suited her perfectly.

Organizing an event, she is a strong communicator. No exaggeration to say that she is my rival in the middle. Snake and mongoose. I will have to settle this one by one. Beware of this one.

“A king? No, you’re a girl, so a queen. Can I call you Elizabeth?”

“My name is Kana Sakurai, but why Elizabeth?!?”

“It’s just mutual —— But why did you decide to invite me?”

“I saw you two talking, and you didn’t seem so bad.”

When I looked around, I saw several of my classmates gathered behind Elizabeth, who had spoken to me. Were they members of the participating group? I looked around quickly at the faces and decided. It can’t be, it’s hell. It’s filled with murderous intent, like a village in a magical world.

“I’m sorry, Sakurai-san, but I can’t go today because I have something I have to do. Thanks for inviting me. Enjoy yourself for me.”

“I see. Too bad, but I can’t help it! I’ll invite you again!”

“Yeah, I’m looking forward to it.”

I get out of the frightening classroom where I am still looking at each of them. It was true that I had something to do. My mother is going to be late coming home today, so I have to prepare dinner.

But most of all, I didn’t want to be with these girls.

“No, no, no Kokonoe-kun, being shady …..?”

As she gazed at the back of Yukito Kokonoe, who had left the classroom in a fluid fashion, Kana Sakurai was troubled by the impression she had of him, which was so strange.

“I think it’s rare for someone to be able to say that so casually…….”

“But was Yukito always like that? I don’t know what happened to him—-“

Kouki Mihou was also following his back with his eyes. To be honest, he had no expectations. It was a total coincidence. A day-to-day life that was not enough.

He thought it was going to be a boring school life, but it seems his fears were unfounded. The guy he unexpectedly met again had changed a lot, but the change was completely out of character.

It makes him wonder what has happened to him so far, but even so, his expectations are higher now.

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“Well, let’s get going.”

Thus began a social gathering of classmates, but no one knew yet that it would cause a disturbance.

Twelve people gathered for karaoke. In fact, one-third of the class participated in the event, but it was worthwhile for Mihou and Sakurai to take the initiative and call out to all their classmates, so that no one was left out.

The participants are well balanced and not clumped together in one group. The group headed for the karaoke bar, where they took two rooms and enjoyed socializing as they pleased.

“I mean, what was that all about Kokonoe-chan?”

“Yes, yes, I wanted to hear it, but I’m sorry I missed it.”

After an hour or so, when both parties’ wariness of each other had gradually faded, the subject of the Yukito Kokonoe suddenly came up.

The conversation between Miki Mineta and Kana Sakurai, both of whom look like gyaru, are joined by Kazunari Takahashi and Kouki Mihou, who say they were aces in their junior high school soccer team.

“He’s definitely a dangerous guy. It’s impossible for him to suddenly declare that he will leave school after introducing himself.”

“Don’t worry, Kazunari. Yukito is a funny guy.”

“Mihou, you like Kokonoe a lot. Is there something about him?”

“There were some things that happened a long time ago.”

“Eh, you know each other?”

“No, I don’t think he remembers me, and this is the first time I’ve had a direct conversation with him. But I know he’s a great guy.”

“Mihou, you’re a good at sport, right? If you say that, does that mean Kokonoe is athletic?”

Many of his classmates already knew that Kouki Mihou was an all-around athlete. Soon after entering the school, seniors came all the way to the classroom to invite him to join their club activities. Gym class has not yet been held, but even so, there are things that can be sensed.

“Did you play basketball in middle school, by any chance?”

Suddenly, a voice interrupts from another direction. The voice belonged to Shiori Kamishiro, her long hair pulled back in a ponytail and her height over 170 centimeters, which is tall for a girl, her large breasts showing her presence even from above.

“Huh, do you know me?”

“I don’t mean to imply that, but I just thought that maybe you knew Yuki.”

“Ah, right. Is Kamishiro a basketball player by any chance?”

“Yes. I was in the same junior high school as Yuki. I used to play in the women’s basketball. ……..”

“Heh, I see. Do you know why the Yukito didn’t come at that time?”

“Sorry, I can’t talk about it. “

“…… I see.”

Sakurai and the others watched with interest as the two engaged in a conversation that had some sort of implication.

“Kamishiro-san, did you get along with Kokonoe-kun?”

“….It’s the opposite. I’m being hated by Yuki.”

“What what? Kamishiro-chan, what happened?”

The cheerful atmosphere that Kamishiro had been displaying was now gone from her face as she spoke with a downcast look on her face. For those who have talked to Shiori Kamishiro before, it was a strange sight.

“Yuki didn’t show up today because of me, I’m sure.”

“You got it wrong. The only reason Yukito didn’t come was because of me.”

The sharpness of the voice tore at the air.



The intruder who suddenly appeared with the exact same words was Hinagi Suzurikawa, who is quickly establishing herself as one of the twin peaks in the class along with Kamishiro. For some reason, she too had a dark shadow cast over her, a complete change from her usual mood.

“Are you two acquainted with Kokonoe-kun?”

“What the hell, tell me first. What’s he like?”

The two of them looked at each other, as if they did not hear Takahashi’s question.

“I’m sorry, Kamishiro-san, I was just wondering, what do you mean it’s your fault?”

“Suzurikawa-san, what is your relationship with Yuki?”

A sword-like atmosphere that one would not expect from a social gathering surrounds the party.

(Hey, heey! What’s going on here?)

(I don’t know! Those two and Kokonoe-chan know each other, but is there a reason?)

The two did not seem to be bothered by the whispering and chattering going on here and there.

“What have you done to Yuki……”

While Mihou was laughing by himself, the social gathering suddenly started to get awkward.

[Shiori PoV]

Yukito Kokonoe was a member of the basketball club when he was in junior high school. The boys and girls both use the gymnasium for club activities, and they also interact with other members of the same club. But that doesn’t mean I know all of them.

When he was a freshman, I knew nothing about Yukito Kokonoe.

It was not until the summer of my second year that I, Shiori Kamishiro, became interested in him.

I don’t know what happened to him. I don’t even know when it started.

But from about that time on, his basketball skills began to improve rapidly, and it wasn’t talent or anything like that.

He got better because he practiced more than anyone else. That’s all there is to it. Yukito Kokonoe became absorbed in basketball. He played as if he was trying to escape from something.

He was the only one who stayed after school and did it all the time. Sometimes he was the only one practicing during summer vacation. Not only at school. I once saw him practicing on an outdoor court set up in a park.

I was the tallest of the girls and was a strong power forward.

At that time, I was not very enthusiastic about club activities. The team was not strong enough to aim for the top ranks in tournaments.

The school had not always been that focused on athletic clubs, and team members, both boys and girls, enjoyed club activities in moderation.

But he was different. He was the only one who was obsessed with the ball and kept shooting it toward the basket.

As if driven by something, as if trying to forget something. Perhaps inspired by this, the men’s club activities soon began to include an enthusiasm and seriousness that had never been seen before. He had also become a top-class player as a point guard.

The expectation that with him in the team, they might be able to aim for the top in the tournament was changing the basketball club.

He looked amazing. Someone who can influence others with just a very honest attitude of admiration. He is not like me, a halfway decent person. I was envious of him, dazzled by him, and wanted to watch his back forever.

I was worried about him, but at the same time, I could not take my eyes off him, and before I knew it, I had begun to talk to him.

After a while, we became so close that I called him Yuki, and our conversations increased.

We began to talk casually outside of club activities. It was a very enjoyable time for me, as I had never had many friends of the opposite sex before.

He was so kind and generous, and had such a sense of perspective that it was hard to believe that he was one of my schoolmates.

He was an important person who made me feel at ease just by talking to him. I can clearly see that now. I was already attracted to him at that time. However, at that time, I was not mature enough to honestly admit my feelings.

I couldn’t sort out my feelings for the first time, I couldn’t hold on to them, and I approached him with ambiguous feelings and told him how I felt.

And I did that as a result of turning away from my feelings. In hindsight, that was my whole mistake, I should have never approached him in the first place. I should have been content to watch his back from afar.

In the end, I betrayed him in the worst possible way, hurt him, and took everything from him.

“I am Yukito’s childhood friend.”

In the silence that does not suit the occasion, Suzurikawa told them.

“Is it possible that Yuki has changed because of you?”

“Yes, but what about you? What did you do to Yukito? Speak up!”

“I, I—“

“Stop, stop.”

Sakurai, who could not help but notice the seriousness of the exchange, intervened.

“Today is a social gathering! Right? Can’t you two get along?”

“Haa. I’m leaving”

“I’m sorry for spoiling the mood, Sakurai-san. I’ll be in the other room.”

“W-What do I do with this atmosphere?”

The air in the room was thick with a sense of uneasiness as the two left the room.

“Come on, Kazunari. Sing something.”

“Eh, you’re going to dump on me?”

“I’ll ask Kokonoe-chan in detail next time. “

“This atmosphere is definitely not going to be good for anyone….”

The classmates were in no mood to enjoy karaoke and were completely distracted by what had happened to the mysterious three.

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