The Gnome and the Eldritch Horror

Chapter 1: Chapter One – An Eldritch Entrance

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“Ahah-” Rosa chuckled, nervously. “Uhm, w- what did you say your name was?” She asked, eyeing the softly rippling portal.

The tentacles softly swaying shifted slightly, Rosa suddenly feeling their focus move to her. “I am known by many names my dear.” The soft, almost sultry voice reverberated in her mind. “You, however, may call me Cinder. It is as good as any.” Cinder whispered. Their slightly feminine tone adding a hint of mischievousness to their response.

Rosa struggled to suppress a soft shiver running down her back, biting at the inside of her lip to focus. The suddenness of the invasion into her bedroom had caused chaos, the red headed gnome having tripped in an effort to hide her naked body beneath the covers of her bed.

“Did- did you come here for a reason?” Rosa asked, slightly intimidated by the mass of muscular tentacles, glowing softly blue.

“Of course my little gnome!” Cinder let out a soft laugh. “I came here to have fun. With that, Cinder rolled forward, tentacles whirling into motion as they slowly crept out of the tear in reality behind them.

Rosa suddenly tore her eyes from the steadily emerging body, stomach churning with nausea at the short glimpse into the swirling blues and purples beneath the surface of the portal, eyes suddenly very dry.

Blinking away the spots left in her eyes, Rosa didn’t notice the mass of tentacles pop out of the hole in her wall, which closed like a gaping wound suddenly healed shut. Rosa jumped in panic when a slightly slimy appendage suddenly pressed itself against her wrist. “Wah! O- oh, sorry Cinder, I was distracted…” She trailed off, looking down at the creature.

Now that they were detached from the wall, Rosa was able to get a better look at their body. Cinder was a mass of wrist thick appendages, covered in a mottled pattern of various hues of blue. Somehow Cinder appeared to be nothing but tentacles. Rosa shifted her head to peek into the centre, and through the shifting mass, she caught a short glimpse of deep blue, roiling and burning into her eyes.

“Oh, that was a mistake honey.” Cinder sympathised. Rosa immediately felt bile rising in her throat, the nausea she’d felt at the sight of the portal returning a hundred fold.

Suddenly uncaring for her nudity, Rosa leapt from her bed, short gnomish legs working overtime as she dashed across the room, throwing open the door to her bathroom. As the sounds of retching and splashing filled the room, Cinder rolled themself across the floor, inspecting the gnome’s room.

The room was sparsely decorated, little more than a bed, a small ensuite, and a desk. The desk was by far the most eye-catching of the three, scattered with small springs and gears, as well as a couple of very pricy looking mana gems. Currently, one of the mana gems was socketed into a sturdy looking leather harness, which had several golden traces to distribute the magic, but no clear use.

Cinder was pulled out of their investigation by the sound of running water as Rosa washed out her mouth. Spitting down into the sink, Rosa stood, face slowly reddening as she realised that she was standing fully naked in front of someone in her bedroom.

“Ah- I- I’m sorry!” She squeaked out, her arms flying up to cover her large (at least relative to her frame), breasts and crotch. “I didn’t mean to do that!”

In response, Cinder chuckled softly into her mind, “Oh dear, you don’t need to worry about being naked in front of me. I don’t see like you mortals, clothes don’t have an effect on my sight.” Cinder revealed. “I’m also able to see what’s happening in your body. I can tell this is turning you on.” Despite the fact that they didn’t have a mouth, Rosa was able to hear the smirk in their voice at the squeak that drew from her.

“Uhm- I- I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Rosa denied, unconvincing even to her own ears. “I’m- I’m going to take a shower! Th- then we can talk!” She stammered out, before fleeing into her bathroom.

Looking down at her naked body, Rosa tried to calm the fire that was her cheeks, a hand quietly drifting down to between her thighs, and finding a pool of wetness that she couldn’t deny, even to herself.

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