The Gnome and the Eldritch Horror

Chapter 4: Chapter Four – A Shopping Trip!

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Rosa twitched in place on the ground, legs seemingly filled with jelly. “Oh, wow, that’s not exactly what people mean when they say come inside, not that I’m complaining.” A sultry voice teased her from above.


Rosa’s eyes flicked wide open, mind clearing from the fog of an impressively intense orgasm. Above her stood a very attractive, and very naked succubus, hand held out to help the gnome to her feet.


Flushing thoroughly, Rosa reached out daintily, not quite brave enough to make eye contact with the smirking woman. “Uhm- I- Sorry about that Miss!” She squeaked out, drawing her hand back and quivering slightly on weak legs.


“Hah.” The succubus softly chuckled. “Oh, it’s no problem at all. I’ve never seen such a cute gnome, especially with that delicious face you made when you were cumming your guts out. Let me guess, you wanted some vibrators you could fit under your clothes?” She continued, delighting in the way Rosa fidgeted nervously in place, blush travelling down past the neckline of her jumper.


“Uhm- I- I just-” Rosa started, before Cinder quickly jumped into her mind. “Ooh, ooh, get some of those! We could have a lot of fun with them!”


The succubus, taking Rosa’s sudden silence as permission, wrapped one arm around the flustered gnome. With the difference in heights and her lack of clothes Rosa struggled to think of anything other than just how close her face was to the other woman’s ass and slit.


Smirking down at the distracted gnome, the saleswoman led her along in the crook of her arm, light touches all that was necessary to have Rosa obediently following her. “Well, why don’t we do introductions pet? I’m Ryleri, although I normally go by Riley, you can call me that, or Mommy, Mistress, Ma’am or whatever else takes your fancy, hmm?” She giggled, hand gently cupping the gnome’s face far below her, staring deep into her blue eyes, her own soft orange eyes twinkling mischievously.


Rosa eeped, the sudden eye contact and intimate touch sending her heart hammering. “M- my name’s Rosa. I- I study magitech…” She trailed off, suddenly feeling self-conscious of her social skills, who transitioned from sex toy talk to majors?


Riley let her hand drop from Rosa’s cheek, “Oh? Looking for inspiration for your next project?” She asked, looking up to the wall in front of them.


Suddenly Rosa realised that whilst she had been distracted they had meandered over to the wall decorated with a plethora of ‘adult toys’.


“Ooh, what about this one?” She held up a curved crystal carved into a phallic shape, a couple of inches long and connected to a set of rather skimpy panties. “It vibrates if you push a little mana into it, but can be turned off at will, it’s connected to this controller here so someone could toy with you all day long!” She said, switching to a sing-song tone at the end. From the way she held up the toy, which had a mana gem embedded into the bottom, and grinned at Rosa, the succubus was more than happy to imagine herself holding the little carved remote that came with the vibrator.


“Ooh, I’d love to see what she does with you~” Cinder added, happily piling onto Rosa’s rapidly heating face. “Or maybe I should keep you all to myself…” They mused softly.


“Ah- Uhm, I- I’ll think about it Miss!” Rosa squeaked, thighs softly rubbing against her squirming underwear. “B- but I mainly came here for clothes! N- not that there’s anything wrong with your, uhm…” She trailed off, too flustered to say the word.


“Oh? Nothing wrong with my fuck toys you mean?” Riley innocently batted her eyelashes at the gnome’s embarrassed nod. “But if you wanted clothing, I’d love to dress you up, my own little gnome mannequin!” She practically squealed with excitement, a pit of unease opening up in Rosa’s stomach.


Soon enough, Rosa found herself shut in a small changing room, an armful of lacy and skimpy clothing. She had just about managed to convince Riley that no she did not need ‘assistance’ changing, more due to the fact that it’d be hard to explain the softly squirming tentacles that made up her underwear than the fact that she’d be undressing in front of the already naked succubus.


Despite, or maybe because of, her half-hearted protests at showing off the barely-there outfits to the succubus, she had insisted, claiming that she needed to be absolutely sure that the gnome would be irresistible.


Pulling off her sweater, Rosa sighed in relief, hands immediately jumping to her agitated breasts to itch them, at least, that’s what she’d claim. Soon her mini skirt followed, revealing a soaked Cinder happily suckling slowly on her folds.

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“Mmm, you might be my favourite treat!” Cinder exclaimed.


“C- Cinder, you’re going to need to detach for this!” She hissed, “N- none of these clothes are going to allow you to hide under them.” She flushed at the idea of the completely pointless ‘clothes’ that she had been given, only a handful covering the crotch, and even fewer covered it in opaque cloth.


Cinder hummed in thought. “Well, there’s one easy fix for this. I could just go inside you properly?” They offered, “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it even more than I will!”


Rosa turned completely red at that. “N- no! Absolutely not!” She rejected, hands going down to forcibly remove her ‘underwear’.


Despite her best efforts, Cinder made no move to budge, and after a while Rosa huffed and straightened, and Cinder spoke again. “Hmm, you aren’t behaving, maybe I should come up with some way to punish you.” They mused, Rosa’s eyes widening at the ominous sentence.


Before Rosa could make a move to protest, a single tentacle unwrapped from the bundle, elongating in less than a second from less than three inches long to a foot, then two. The now intimidatingly large tentacle shot up her body, wrapping itself around the back of her neck and covering her mouth.


Rosa whimpered against her new, surprisingly effective, gag. “Now, since this is your first time misbehaving like this, I’m going to count out three strikes.” Cinder continued, movement continuing at Rosa’s peripheral vision.


“One.” Cinder whispered. A long, thin, appendage smacked against her left butt cheek, a flare of pain drawing a muffled groan from the gnome, eyes widening in surprise and no small amount of arousal.


“Good girl. Two” Cinder purred, fully aware of the way their words sent her stomach fluttering, followed by another flash of heat, this time through her right cheek. At this point Rosa would have collapsed to a heap of quivering flesh if not for another dozen tendrils shooting out to the thin walls of the dressing room, entirely suspending Rosa from the tentacles wrapped around her thighs and neck.


“You’re my good little slut aren’t you?” Cinder muttered, a sultry voice in her ear. In response they received an eager but dumb nod in response, a bright light in the gnome’s slightly teary eyes.


“That’s what I thought. Three.” Cinder replied, a sense of finality in their tone. This time the flash of pain went horizontal, cross both of the previous welts in one slash. Rosa’s legs fully gave out, her core clenching as she keened into the improvised gag.


Slowly Cinder set the exhausted gnome down, slumping her against the side of the room gently and embracing her in their best imitation of a comforting hug.


“I’m sorry if that was too much Rosa, I hope I didn’t take it too far.” They apologised, their previous confidence melting as a pit of anxiety swallowed them.


That anxiety was quickly assuaged by an energetic shake of the gnome's head. “N- no that, that was… fun.” She whispered, one hand reaching out a softly running across the monster's appendage. “J- just maybe next time at home? Or with warning…” She trailed off, blushing at her confirmation that there would be a ‘next time’.


Slowly, with the assistance of a slightly sheepish Cinder, Rosa returned to her feet. “Uhm, y- you can g- go in if you want…” She trailed off. “I- I’m happy for you to do it.”

“Alright, if you’re sure.” Cinder cautiously checked, “You’re going to want to take a seat for this though dear.”

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