The God Butcher

Chapter 2: Chapter 1 The encounter

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Omniscient POV

In a dark space a red orb was floating aimlessly. The red orb is unconsciously releasing huge amounts of bloodlust that would kill some of the weak willed being.

Murmurs could be heard near the red orb.

‘Is this the afterlife ‘

‘I thought I would go to hell ‘

‘I hope they go to haven ‘

As if remembering something more bloodlust start coming out of the red orb.

‘That bastard! Couldn’t he just take the thing that they wanted?! Couldn’t they just kill me?! Why killing them too?! ‘

As the red orb was releasing bloodlust and yelled his questions. A calm and peaceful voice was heard.

“Hello there little man.”

The red orb shocked tried to turn around and see who was talking behind him. Behind him he saw a white room with desk and being sat behind that desk.

The person was wearing a black tuxedo with a white shirt and black classical shoes. But the difference between him and a normal person is his face, it was featureless.

“Come and sit.“ The same calm and peaceful voice is heard. As he finished talking a chair appears in front of the desk.

The red orb listened to the being and start floating to the desk. As the orb approach the desk it slowly transform into a middle aged man but he reteint the red color.

The middle aged man was vary tall he is at least 195 centimeters. The man has mid-length unruly hair and a thick beard. The man wears a shirt that can’t hide his bulking muscles.

After he finished transforming he arrived at the desk and sat dawn.

“Who are you ?” Asked the man in a deep voice.

“Me? That’s a good question. I am everything and nothing at once. I can be a god.” As he finished his sentence his body transformed in a body made out of blinding light.

“A devil.” He again transformed his became dark red, horns sprouted his head, a tail from his tailbone, leathery wing from back and feral grin with shark like tooth on his face.

“But you can call me GameMaster.” He finished saying as he returned to his first form.

“Then why am I here?” The man asked again.

“Again you ask a good question. For you to get your revenge of course.” Ah he said that a huge amount of bloodlust begin spreading from the red man.

“Ho, ho calm dawn and take back this bloodlust little man.” As if his words were laws the man took back his bloodlust and was forced to calm down.

“Now that you are calm we can continue our discussion. Let’s take a look at your story and why I decided to let you have your revenge.” As the words left his mouth a book with ‘Caïn Abel Graal’ written on it appears on the desk. He flipped open the book and start speaking still with his calm and peaceful voice.

“Born to an American man and a French woman, born out an act of rape, left a the orphanage at birth.” The being start reading.

“Oh that were it get interesting. Start torturing animals at the young age of 5, by the of 6 he already killed a few dogs, cats and even some birds. Stoped the animal killing spree because no more animals were coming to the orphanage.” The continue reading the book as the man listen.

“By the age of 10 you already had thought of killing humans and at 18 you did it you finally killed a man. After 12 years without killing and 8 years since you were thinking about killing a man. You noticed something, you enjoyed that feeling, the feeling of superiority and strength, you enjoyed the sight of seeing that man bleeding out.” He flip the page as the man continue listening.

“In the search of a new victim you feel in love. That woman made you control your bloodlust, you didn’t want to see that woman sad, for that you decided to never kill a human again. But you are a born killer you can’t control your bloodlust for long, and you knew that so you decided to be a butcher. Even if it can’t calm you down completely it would help to control yourself. And you continued that lifestyle for close to forty years.” As the being continue reading the book the man still listen.

“Few of the worth thing to mention, you not only killed cows, sheep, hens or pigs you also killed some exotic animals like tiger, lion and even bear to sell to some rich people with weird taste.” The book is coming to an end.

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“Finally getting killed by Sidírou and coming to me.” The being closed the book, the man looked up.

“How are they?” Ask the man with a bit of pain in his voice.

“They died and their souls destroyed.”

As he said that the man had a look of grief and pain.

“Why ?” The man asked with pain in his voice.

“Because they fear what you could achieve.” The being responded.

“Who are ‘they’ and why they fear me? I was a butcher all my life, the only wrong thing I did was to kill a human and nothing else I even restricted my impulses, do you know how hard it was ? But I still did and much more, I did everything to make them happy. And now they are gone killed by that bastard making it look like it’s a fucking privilege to be killed by him.” He started with a question and the more he talked the more he raised his voice.

“Of course I know how hard was to restrict your impulses. That a perk of being omniscient, I know and feel everything in this universe. ‘They’ are Gods as for why they fear you, it’s because of your inborn skill. And don’t rise your voice against me I don’t like that.” He said the last sentence with an infinite amount of malice that became visible as a dark being with white eyes looking at the man.

The pressure was so strong that it started dissipating the man body becoming less visible  by seconds. 

After a few seconds that seemed hours to the man the being started speaking.

“I will let you off this time.” As he said that the malice disappeared and the man body becoming visible again.

“What is the price for my revenge?” The asked this time in a cold and emotionless voice.

“Ha, finally we’re getting there.” He said with a laugh. He snap his fingers and a pack of papers appeared before him.

“You can read the contract. And sign if you’re ready to accept the condition.”

The man read through the contract. After he finished reading it he started speaking.

“How you will help me get revenge? It doesn’t say in the contract. And what do you mean by ‘eternal servitude’ do it mean even after death?” He asked.

“I will give you the tools to get your revenge and yes, it means even after death.” The being responded.

“ I basically sell my soul for tools that I don’t even know if it works.”

“I’m sure you will surprised to see the and you know what I’m gonna give you a unique magic skill. So… are you ready to get your revenge.” 

“I’m ready but I have one last question why are you helping me?” He asked his final question

“Few reasons actually. One of them is entertainment because life when you are omniscient is boring. Another is because they became annoying by changing the future and if I make a move to kill them the entire universe will go dawn as well because of a pledge between universe. And this universe need a champion to protect it from external threats. Do it answers your questions?” He asked.

Them man nodded as he took the papers and looked around for a pen before he find one he felt dizzy and his signature appeared on the paper and the paper dissolved in fire.

“So what now?”

“You will get reincarnated in demon body and will get the tool to get your revenge. Are you ready?”

“I am.”

“Then go and get them.”

As they finished talking a vortex appears suck the body of the man in it.

As the silence enveloped the white space the table disappeared but the being remained alone.

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