The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 19: 19

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Xiaoya really wanted to just take her phone and call Lu Xiaobei at that very instant, but she was afraid the other girl would be so mad she'd even blow her off. Xiaoya wasn't afraid of what Lu Xiaobei would say to her, she was scared that she, herself, won't say anything and irritate Lu Xiaobei even more.

Lu Xiaobei: "Why do you ask? Are you disappointed?"

Recently, there have been too many classes, so it made Lu Xiaobei's energy levels rather low, an as a result, she simply twirled her pen while staring out the window, only putting the effort to make a note under the topic once she heard something of use.

With Xiaoya explaining: "The library is a lot more quiet than when I'm at home."

"No." Xiaoya replied simply.

Xiaoya the stated: "After school today, I need to go find Captain."

Hearing this, Xiaoya hesitated for a while, then answered, "That's not true..."

First pacing from one end of her room to the other, Xiaoya then rolled from the head of her bed to the bottom. Finally making up her mind after much difficulty,.

"So would you like to go home after studying here in the library first?" Lu Xiaobei asked.

"What are you thinking about then?" Lu Xiaobei questioned her once more.

However, after swiping on her phone, she saw the time displayed on there was eleven-thirty.

Yet, as a result, Lu Xiaobei was also considerate enough to not only delete the post herself, but also not let the others tell her. Xiaoya was so moved both her eyes grew teary. Her goddess hadn't abandoned her. "Yeah, I know."

Realising it after the fact, from her expression, a shocked Mo Yichen then asked: "Xiaoya, do you actually know how to coax the truth out of somebody?!"

Xiaoya the stated: "After school today, I need to go find Captain."

It's already this late. Captain has a healthy sleep schedule so she's probably sleeping. Waking her up again now wouldn't be good.

Her words making Xiaoya feel moved. Although she wasn't the person who made the post, in addition to before she had gotten to know Lu Xiaobei, she would often lap up any pictures with her goddess, thank the original poster; thank the commentor who shared the beautiful pictures, the exam papers, and links to the imitation clothes on taobao (even if it seemed as though some strange things got mixed in); and never posted any breaking news of her own. But... it was definitely wrong for everyone to post topics and share information like this without Lu Xiaobei's permission.

Xiaoya the stated: "After school today, I need to go find Captain."

Xiaoya: ...huh?

So with her horribly entangled emotions, Xiaoya went to bed, tossing and turning all night. When the next day, because of this, she had to force herself to revive her battery then drag herself all the way to class.

So with her horribly entangled emotions, Xiaoya went to bed, tossing and turning all night. When the next day, because of this, she had to force herself to revive her battery then drag herself all the way to class.

But Xiaoya only mumbled, "No, I don't... I didn't know." The phone didn't contain anything particularly important, since they only knew each other for a few days before Lu Xiaobei had let her play with it. Lu Xiaobei also didn't seem obsessed with the phone either, because after it got stolen, she even declined to go report it to the police from the start. So why would Lu Xiaobei go through all that to get the phone back then...

Later that night, after Xiaoya was done with her bath and laid in her bed, there was an unread message on her phone.

Lu Xiaobei: "Why do you ask? Are you disappointed?"

"Why are your under eye circles so dark? Did you not get any sleep last night?" It's been a week since the new school term began, and the other students in the class thought Mo Yichen was indifferent to everything and seemed to treat her school work no different than tasks to be completed. Truthfully, Mo Yichen was as meticulous as they come. It being to the point where Xiaoya only having traces of something wrong was enough for her to take notice.

Lu Xiaobei's gaze fell slightly, her thick lashes resembling a pair of fluttering butterfly wings, "When I was little, I always wished for there to be someone waiting for me after school."

After she said this, for some unknown reason, Xiaoya's face now bore a light blush as she said, "I'll wait for you."

Her words making Xiaoya feel moved. Although she wasn't the person who made the post, in addition to before she had gotten to know Lu Xiaobei, she would often lap up any pictures with her goddess, thank the original poster; thank the commentor who shared the beautiful pictures, the exam papers, and links to the imitation clothes on taobao (even if it seemed as though some strange things got mixed in); and never posted any breaking news of her own. But... it was definitely wrong for everyone to post topics and share information like this without Lu Xiaobei's permission.


Xiaoya nodded: "Mhm."

Lu Xiaobei: "Why do you ask? Are you disappointed?"

Yet, as a result, Lu Xiaobei was also considerate enough to not only delete the post herself, but also not let the others tell her. Xiaoya was so moved both her eyes grew teary. Her goddess hadn't abandoned her. "Yeah, I know."

Xiaoya hesitated for a while, and after she made sure there was no one around them, she replied, "It's about the thing last night with Captain."

First pacing from one end of her room to the other, Xiaoya then rolled from the head of her bed to the bottom. Finally making up her mind after much difficulty,.

With Xiaoya explaining: "The library is a lot more quiet than when I'm at home."

Lu Xiaobei: "Oh that? I asked the original poster to delete it."

Black Technology

Understanding her message, Lu Xiaobei sent her back a nod in return, and with that Xiaoya skipped away.

With Xiaoya explaining: "The library is a lot more quiet than when I'm at home."

"Aright, just let me take a look here. You kept a lot of my pictures, huh? Looks like you didn't reduce frequenting that post at all." Lu Xiaobei kept holding the phone high as she looked through the images.

"You know about it already? Geez, Captain even urged me and Xiang Yi to not tell you." Mo Yichen said in return.

Xiaoya wanted to snatch back the phone, saying, "Hey! That's mine!"

Her words making Xiaoya feel moved. Although she wasn't the person who made the post, in addition to before she had gotten to know Lu Xiaobei, she would often lap up any pictures with her goddess, thank the original poster; thank the commentor who shared the beautiful pictures, the exam papers, and links to the imitation clothes on taobao (even if it seemed as though some strange things got mixed in); and never posted any breaking news of her own. But... it was definitely wrong for everyone to post topics and share information like this without Lu Xiaobei's permission.

At first, Xiaoya thought about saying something about the phone incident, but then recalled Lu XIaobei never wanted her to know about it, so in the end simply kept her mouth shut.

Xiaoya the stated: "After school today, I need to go find Captain."

"You know about it already? Geez, Captain even urged me and Xiang Yi to not tell you." Mo Yichen said in return.

Observing Lu Xiaobei's expression, Xiaoya breathed out a sigh of relief once she realised Lu Xiaobei didn't seem to be angry.


Yet, as a result, Lu Xiaobei was also considerate enough to not only delete the post herself, but also not let the others tell her. Xiaoya was so moved both her eyes grew teary. Her goddess hadn't abandoned her. "Yeah, I know."

Mo Yichen: " she especially contacted some people, increased the police force, and even destroyed a few dens which specialized in the disposal of stolen goods. But after it still wasn't found, she directly employed the use of 'black technology'T/n: it just refers to highly advanced technology. It's a term originating from the manga/LN Full Metal Panic!. All that used up enough money to buy the phone a hundred times over. It was even the first time in my life I ever saw someone who has money spend so much of it. You could basically write a book called 'How to go from a Billionaire to a Pauper' based on it".

Observing Lu Xiaobei's expression, Xiaoya breathed out a sigh of relief once she realised Lu Xiaobei didn't seem to be angry.

Xiaoya erased the place Lu Xiaobei pointed to, then closed her homework book, asking, "You're here?"

Mo Yichen: "Are you incredibly moved because of it?"

"No." Xiaoya replied simply.

Xiaoya nodded: "Mhm."

After winter camp, Xiaoya's academic achievements didn't advance by leaps and bounds, but she did cultivate some good study habits thanks to Lu Xiaobei. So instead of waiting idly she cracked open a book and worked on some problems.

Mo Yichen: "But, with how she handled that matter, Captain didn't go abut it the right way either."

Xiaoya thought it over carefully, then answered honestly, "It'd be really hard for me to stick to it, though."

Hearing this, Xiaoya hesitated for a while, then answered, "That's not true..."

Xiaoya remained silent, wanting to refute her, but never expecting Mo Yichen to add: "In the beginning, Xiang Yi and I told her that if she didn't get the phone found and returned, she should just buy back an old one since it'd be hard for you to tell the difference. But she refused the idea and said she couldn't lie to you like that..."

Seeing Xiaoya didn't answer, Lu Xiaobei said, "It's getting late. Pack up your stuff so we can get going, alright?"

Yet, as a result, Lu Xiaobei was also considerate enough to not only delete the post herself, but also not let the others tell her. Xiaoya was so moved both her eyes grew teary. Her goddess hadn't abandoned her. "Yeah, I know."

But Mo Yichen just waved her hands while her face now had a look of understanding, "Making friends with someone like Captain is a lot of pressure, isn't it?"

However, after swiping on her phone, she saw the time displayed on there was eleven-thirty.

Later that night, after Xiaoya was done with her bath and laid in her bed, there was an unread message on her phone.

Realising it after the fact, from her expression, a shocked Mo Yichen then asked: "Xiaoya, do you actually know how to coax the truth out of somebody?!"

Xiaoya, on the other hand, hung on to Lu Xiaobei's neck while her lips curved downwards to express her grievance.

"You were really focussed. I've been watching you for a good while now," Lu Xiaobei replied.

Hearing her reply, Lu Xiaobei said, "In return, I'll walk you back home." Then added the following after being well-accustomed to Xiapoya's character, "It's just because I don't get much exercise these days, so I might as well accompany you on a walk."

Xiaoya nodded: "Mhm."

Xiaoya remained silent, wanting to refute her, but never expecting Mo Yichen to add: "In the beginning, Xiang Yi and I told her that if she didn't get the phone found and returned, she should just buy back an old one since it'd be hard for you to tell the difference. But she refused the idea and said she couldn't lie to you like that..."

Realising it after the fact, from her expression, a shocked Mo Yichen then asked: "Xiaoya, do you actually know how to coax the truth out of somebody?!"

Understanding her message, Lu Xiaobei sent her back a nod in return, and with that Xiaoya skipped away.

However, after swiping on her phone, she saw the time displayed on there was eleven-thirty.

Xiaoya: ...huh?

Xiaoya erased the place Lu Xiaobei pointed to, then closed her homework book, asking, "You're here?"

Mo Yichen: " she especially contacted some people, increased the police force, and even destroyed a few dens which specialized in the disposal of stolen goods. But after it still wasn't found, she directly employed the use of 'black technology'T/n: it just refers to highly advanced technology. It's a term originating from the manga/LN Full Metal Panic!. All that used up enough money to buy the phone a hundred times over. It was even the first time in my life I ever saw someone who has money spend so much of it. You could basically write a book called 'How to go from a Billionaire to a Pauper' based on it".

What Mo Yichen just said made Xiaoya feel as though she was playing 'red light, green light, one two three'—leaving in a daze, unable to move an inch.

Xiaoya: ...huh?

Xiaoya: "No."

But Mo Yichen just waved her hands while her face now had a look of understanding, "Making friends with someone like Captain is a lot of pressure, isn't it?"

Lu Xiaobei the hooked her finger under Xiaoya's chin, asking, "Are you upset?"

"Hey—" Lu Xiaobei suddenly pointed at Xiaoya homework book, dragging it, "The answer for this problem is wrong."

What Mo Yichen just said made Xiaoya feel as though she was playing 'red light, green light, one two three'—leaving in a daze, unable to move an inch.

Mo Yichen then frowned a bit, asking: "But how did you even find out about this? I thought Captain hid it all really well."

"Aright, just let me take a look here. You kept a lot of my pictures, huh? Looks like you didn't reduce frequenting that post at all." Lu Xiaobei kept holding the phone high as she looked through the images.

"So would you like to go home after studying here in the library first?" Lu Xiaobei asked.

Xiaoya: "No."

The colour of the tiles lining the school's railings were faded, and on top of it was a chirping sparrow. From there, a bit further from the classroom, was a snooping girl, popping her head in and out peeking her way.

So with her horribly entangled emotions, Xiaoya went to bed, tossing and turning all night. When the next day, because of this, she had to force herself to revive her battery then drag herself all the way to class.

Lu Xiaobei the hooked her finger under Xiaoya's chin, asking, "Are you upset?"

Xiaoya: ...huh?

What Mo Yichen just said made Xiaoya feel as though she was playing 'red light, green light, one two three'—leaving in a daze, unable to move an inch.

Having heard this, as expected, Xiaoya no longer pushed the issue, but instead went on to ask, "Captain, about the post incident yesterday..."

Mo Yichen: "But, with how she handled that matter, Captain didn't go abut it the right way either."

Lu Xiaobei: "Why do you ask? Are you disappointed?"

It had already been three years, so the third year teachers had long lost the will to ask Lu Xiaobei to answer any questions. Furthermore, despite Lu Xiaobei seeming as though her mind was wandering, she was never careless in anything she needed to do. So every time they thought a chance to toss a question her way to embarrass her, they'd be the one who'd end up being hit in the face.

Xiaoya really wanted to just take her phone and call Lu Xiaobei at that very instant, but she was afraid the other girl would be so mad she'd even blow her off. Xiaoya wasn't afraid of what Lu Xiaobei would say to her, she was scared that she, herself, won't say anything and irritate Lu Xiaobei even more.

Realising it after the fact, from her expression, a shocked Mo Yichen then asked: "Xiaoya, do you actually know how to coax the truth out of somebody?!"

But why would she be so nice to her? Why?

At first, Xiaoya thought about saying something about the phone incident, but then recalled Lu XIaobei never wanted her to know about it, so in the end simply kept her mouth shut.

Mo Yichen: "Are you incredibly moved because of it?"

But Xiaoya only mumbled, "No, I don't... I didn't know." The phone didn't contain anything particularly important, since they only knew each other for a few days before Lu Xiaobei had let her play with it. Lu Xiaobei also didn't seem obsessed with the phone either, because after it got stolen, she even declined to go report it to the police from the start. So why would Lu Xiaobei go through all that to get the phone back then...



But why would she be so nice to her? Why?

"Haa..." Lu Xiaobei sighed. It didn't make much difference if she listened to that part of the lesson or not, but if she moved, a lot of people would no longer focus on the class, and something like that wouldn't be good.

"Hey—" Lu Xiaobei suddenly pointed at Xiaoya homework book, dragging it, "The answer for this problem is wrong."

Was it because of her? Was it because she didn't want her to feel guilty?

Xiaoya really wanted to just take her phone and call Lu Xiaobei at that very instant, but she was afraid the other girl would be so mad she'd even blow her off. Xiaoya wasn't afraid of what Lu Xiaobei would say to her, she was scared that she, herself, won't say anything and irritate Lu Xiaobei even more.


Why was Xiaoya here? Lu Xiaobei stopped twirling her pen and placed it on the table, instinctively thinking of getting up, before the realisation she was still in a class hit her. Sweeping her gaze over the classroom, Lu Xiaobei's eyes met the girl at the neighbouring desk who glanced at her secretly...

It's already this late. Captain has a healthy sleep schedule so she's probably sleeping. Waking her up again now wouldn't be good.

It's already this late. Captain has a healthy sleep schedule so she's probably sleeping. Waking her up again now wouldn't be good.

But why would she be so nice to her? Why?

"Why are your under eye circles so dark? Did you not get any sleep last night?" It's been a week since the new school term began, and the other students in the class thought Mo Yichen was indifferent to everything and seemed to treat her school work no different than tasks to be completed. Truthfully, Mo Yichen was as meticulous as they come. It being to the point where Xiaoya only having traces of something wrong was enough for her to take notice.

But Lu Xiaobei was still a bit taller than her and so held the phone high. "I said I'd give it to you, but you didn't want it."

The colour of the tiles lining the school's railings were faded, and on top of it was a chirping sparrow. From there, a bit further from the classroom, was a snooping girl, popping her head in and out peeking her way.

Xiaoya erased the place Lu Xiaobei pointed to, then closed her homework book, asking, "You're here?"

Xiaoya the stated: "After school today, I need to go find Captain."

Luckily, Xiaoya noticed it was still to early for the class to be dismissed, so she motioned to Lu Xiaobei to meet her at the library behind the school.

Xiaoya hesitated for a while, and after she made sure there was no one around them, she replied, "It's about the thing last night with Captain."

Yet, as a result, Lu Xiaobei was also considerate enough to not only delete the post herself, but also not let the others tell her. Xiaoya was so moved both her eyes grew teary. Her goddess hadn't abandoned her. "Yeah, I know."

Lu Xiaobei: "Oh that? I asked the original poster to delete it."

What Mo Yichen just said made Xiaoya feel as though she was playing 'red light, green light, one two three'—leaving in a daze, unable to move an inch.


Xiaoya nodded: "Mhm."

The colour of the tiles lining the school's railings were faded, and on top of it was a chirping sparrow. From there, a bit further from the classroom, was a snooping girl, popping her head in and out peeking her way.


"Hey—" Lu Xiaobei suddenly pointed at Xiaoya homework book, dragging it, "The answer for this problem is wrong."

"No." Xiaoya replied simply.

Fourth class of the afternoon.


Later that night, after Xiaoya was done with her bath and laid in her bed, there was an unread message on her phone.

A snooping girl?

Recently, there have been too many classes, so it made Lu Xiaobei's energy levels rather low, an as a result, she simply twirled her pen while staring out the window, only putting the effort to make a note under the topic once she heard something of use.

After she said this, for some unknown reason, Xiaoya's face now bore a light blush as she said, "I'll wait for you."

Xiaoya, on the other hand, hung on to Lu Xiaobei's neck while her lips curved downwards to express her grievance.

Hearing this, Xiaoya hesitated for a while, then answered, "That's not true..."

Observing Lu Xiaobei's expression, Xiaoya breathed out a sigh of relief once she realised Lu Xiaobei didn't seem to be angry.

Lu Xiaobei: "Why do you ask? Are you disappointed?"

After she said this, for some unknown reason, Xiaoya's face now bore a light blush as she said, "I'll wait for you."

"What are you thinking about then?" Lu Xiaobei questioned her once more.

It had already been three years, so the third year teachers had long lost the will to ask Lu Xiaobei to answer any questions. Furthermore, despite Lu Xiaobei seeming as though her mind was wandering, she was never careless in anything she needed to do. So every time they thought a chance to toss a question her way to embarrass her, they'd be the one who'd end up being hit in the face.

But Xiaoya only mumbled, "No, I don't... I didn't know." The phone didn't contain anything particularly important, since they only knew each other for a few days before Lu Xiaobei had let her play with it. Lu Xiaobei also didn't seem obsessed with the phone either, because after it got stolen, she even declined to go report it to the police from the start. So why would Lu Xiaobei go through all that to get the phone back then...

Mo Yichen: "But, with how she handled that matter, Captain didn't go abut it the right way either."

Xiaoya rested a hand on the table, and Lu Xiaobei reached out, taking hold of it, her gaze fixed on Xiaoya as she spoke. "Then how about you wait for me here every day until my classes are finished?"

The colour of the tiles lining the school's railings were faded, and on top of it was a chirping sparrow. From there, a bit further from the classroom, was a snooping girl, popping her head in and out peeking her way.

Fourth class of the afternoon.

Xiaoya erased the place Lu Xiaobei pointed to, then closed her homework book, asking, "You're here?"

Yet, as a result, Lu Xiaobei was also considerate enough to not only delete the post herself, but also not let the others tell her. Xiaoya was so moved both her eyes grew teary. Her goddess hadn't abandoned her. "Yeah, I know."

Xiaoya rested a hand on the table, and Lu Xiaobei reached out, taking hold of it, her gaze fixed on Xiaoya as she spoke. "Then how about you wait for me here every day until my classes are finished?"

However, after swiping on her phone, she saw the time displayed on there was eleven-thirty.

With Xiaoya explaining: "The library is a lot more quiet than when I'm at home."

Xiaoya, on the other hand, hung on to Lu Xiaobei's neck while her lips curved downwards to express her grievance.

A snooping girl?

"What are you thinking about then?" Lu Xiaobei questioned her once more.

Why was Xiaoya here? Lu Xiaobei stopped twirling her pen and placed it on the table, instinctively thinking of getting up, before the realisation she was still in a class hit her. Sweeping her gaze over the classroom, Lu Xiaobei's eyes met the girl at the neighbouring desk who glanced at her secretly...

Was it because of her? Was it because she didn't want her to feel guilty?

"Haa..." Lu Xiaobei sighed. It didn't make much difference if she listened to that part of the lesson or not, but if she moved, a lot of people would no longer focus on the class, and something like that wouldn't be good.

"So would you like to go home after studying here in the library first?" Lu Xiaobei asked.

Having heard this, as expected, Xiaoya no longer pushed the issue, but instead went on to ask, "Captain, about the post incident yesterday..."

Xiaoya, on the other hand, hung on to Lu Xiaobei's neck while her lips curved downwards to express her grievance.

Luckily, Xiaoya noticed it was still to early for the class to be dismissed, so she motioned to Lu Xiaobei to meet her at the library behind the school.

With Xiaoya explaining: "The library is a lot more quiet than when I'm at home."

Fourth class of the afternoon.

"No." Xiaoya replied simply.

You are reading story The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling at

Understanding her message, Lu Xiaobei sent her back a nod in return, and with that Xiaoya skipped away.


"No." Xiaoya replied simply.


"Why are your under eye circles so dark? Did you not get any sleep last night?" It's been a week since the new school term began, and the other students in the class thought Mo Yichen was indifferent to everything and seemed to treat her school work no different than tasks to be completed. Truthfully, Mo Yichen was as meticulous as they come. It being to the point where Xiaoya only having traces of something wrong was enough for her to take notice.

Xiaoya wanted to snatch back the phone, saying, "Hey! That's mine!"

"Hey—" Lu Xiaobei suddenly pointed at Xiaoya homework book, dragging it, "The answer for this problem is wrong."

"So would you like to go home after studying here in the library first?" Lu Xiaobei asked.


Xiaoya: ...huh?

"No." Xiaoya replied simply.

"What are you thinking about then?" Lu Xiaobei questioned her once more.

"So would you like to go home after studying here in the library first?" Lu Xiaobei asked.

Her words making Xiaoya feel moved. Although she wasn't the person who made the post, in addition to before she had gotten to know Lu Xiaobei, she would often lap up any pictures with her goddess, thank the original poster; thank the commentor who shared the beautiful pictures, the exam papers, and links to the imitation clothes on taobao (even if it seemed as though some strange things got mixed in); and never posted any breaking news of her own. But... it was definitely wrong for everyone to post topics and share information like this without Lu Xiaobei's permission.

"Hey—" Lu Xiaobei suddenly pointed at Xiaoya homework book, dragging it, "The answer for this problem is wrong."


Lu Xiaobei: I just took a pic.

Xiaoya: ...huh?

Yet, as a result, Lu Xiaobei was also considerate enough to not only delete the post herself, but also not let the others tell her. Xiaoya was so moved both her eyes grew teary. Her goddess hadn't abandoned her. "Yeah, I know."

However, after swiping on her phone, she saw the time displayed on there was eleven-thirty.

Realising it after the fact, from her expression, a shocked Mo Yichen then asked: "Xiaoya, do you actually know how to coax the truth out of somebody?!"

Mo Yichen then frowned a bit, asking: "But how did you even find out about this? I thought Captain hid it all really well."

After winter camp, Xiaoya's academic achievements didn't advance by leaps and bounds, but she did cultivate some good study habits thanks to Lu Xiaobei. So instead of waiting idly she cracked open a book and worked on some problems.

Xiaoya the stated: "After school today, I need to go find Captain."

At first, Xiaoya thought about saying something about the phone incident, but then recalled Lu XIaobei never wanted her to know about it, so in the end simply kept her mouth shut.

Xiaoya thought it over carefully, then answered honestly, "It'd be really hard for me to stick to it, though."

Xiaoya really wanted to just take her phone and call Lu Xiaobei at that very instant, but she was afraid the other girl would be so mad she'd even blow her off. Xiaoya wasn't afraid of what Lu Xiaobei would say to her, she was scared that she, herself, won't say anything and irritate Lu Xiaobei even more.

Xiaoya erased the place Lu Xiaobei pointed to, then closed her homework book, asking, "You're here?"

Mo Yichen: "But, with how she handled that matter, Captain didn't go abut it the right way either."

"You were really focussed. I've been watching you for a good while now," Lu Xiaobei replied.

Xiaoya really wanted to just take her phone and call Lu Xiaobei at that very instant, but she was afraid the other girl would be so mad she'd even blow her off. Xiaoya wasn't afraid of what Lu Xiaobei would say to her, she was scared that she, herself, won't say anything and irritate Lu Xiaobei even more.

But Lu Xiaobei was still a bit taller than her and so held the phone high. "I said I'd give it to you, but you didn't want it."


"You were really focussed. I've been watching you for a good while now," Lu Xiaobei replied.

Why was Xiaoya here? Lu Xiaobei stopped twirling her pen and placed it on the table, instinctively thinking of getting up, before the realisation she was still in a class hit her. Sweeping her gaze over the classroom, Lu Xiaobei's eyes met the girl at the neighbouring desk who glanced at her secretly...



After winter camp, Xiaoya's academic achievements didn't advance by leaps and bounds, but she did cultivate some good study habits thanks to Lu Xiaobei. So instead of waiting idly she cracked open a book and worked on some problems.

Xiaoya the stated: "After school today, I need to go find Captain."

With Xiaoya explaining: "The library is a lot more quiet than when I'm at home."

Understanding her message, Lu Xiaobei sent her back a nod in return, and with that Xiaoya skipped away.

Xiaoya remained silent, wanting to refute her, but never expecting Mo Yichen to add: "In the beginning, Xiang Yi and I told her that if she didn't get the phone found and returned, she should just buy back an old one since it'd be hard for you to tell the difference. But she refused the idea and said she couldn't lie to you like that..."

Xiaoya nodded: "Mhm."

"So would you like to go home after studying here in the library first?" Lu Xiaobei asked.

Xiaoya rested a hand on the table, and Lu Xiaobei reached out, taking hold of it, her gaze fixed on Xiaoya as she spoke. "Then how about you wait for me here every day until my classes are finished?"


The colour of the tiles lining the school's railings were faded, and on top of it was a chirping sparrow. From there, a bit further from the classroom, was a snooping girl, popping her head in and out peeking her way.

Xiaoya hesitated for a while, and after she made sure there was no one around them, she replied, "It's about the thing last night with Captain."

"Hey—" Lu Xiaobei suddenly pointed at Xiaoya homework book, dragging it, "The answer for this problem is wrong."

Xiaoya thought it over carefully, then answered honestly, "It'd be really hard for me to stick to it, though."

But Mo Yichen just waved her hands while her face now had a look of understanding, "Making friends with someone like Captain is a lot of pressure, isn't it?"

Why was Xiaoya here? Lu Xiaobei stopped twirling her pen and placed it on the table, instinctively thinking of getting up, before the realisation she was still in a class hit her. Sweeping her gaze over the classroom, Lu Xiaobei's eyes met the girl at the neighbouring desk who glanced at her secretly...

"You were really focussed. I've been watching you for a good while now," Lu Xiaobei replied.

Xiaoya rested a hand on the table, and Lu Xiaobei reached out, taking hold of it, her gaze fixed on Xiaoya as she spoke. "Then how about you wait for me here every day until my classes are finished?"

A snooping girl?

Mo Yichen then frowned a bit, asking: "But how did you even find out about this? I thought Captain hid it all really well."

Xiaoya really wanted to just take her phone and call Lu Xiaobei at that very instant, but she was afraid the other girl would be so mad she'd even blow her off. Xiaoya wasn't afraid of what Lu Xiaobei would say to her, she was scared that she, herself, won't say anything and irritate Lu Xiaobei even more.

So with her horribly entangled emotions, Xiaoya went to bed, tossing and turning all night. When the next day, because of this, she had to force herself to revive her battery then drag herself all the way to class.

"Haa..." Lu Xiaobei sighed. It didn't make much difference if she listened to that part of the lesson or not, but if she moved, a lot of people would no longer focus on the class, and something like that wouldn't be good.

Was it because of her? Was it because she didn't want her to feel guilty?

Lu Xiaobei's gaze fell slightly, her thick lashes resembling a pair of fluttering butterfly wings, "When I was little, I always wished for there to be someone waiting for me after school."

"You know about it already? Geez, Captain even urged me and Xiang Yi to not tell you." Mo Yichen said in return.

Xiaoya: ...huh?

But Mo Yichen just waved her hands while her face now had a look of understanding, "Making friends with someone like Captain is a lot of pressure, isn't it?"

After she said this, for some unknown reason, Xiaoya's face now bore a light blush as she said, "I'll wait for you."

The colour of the tiles lining the school's railings were faded, and on top of it was a chirping sparrow. From there, a bit further from the classroom, was a snooping girl, popping her head in and out peeking her way.

Mo Yichen then frowned a bit, asking: "But how did you even find out about this? I thought Captain hid it all really well."

Xiaoya: "No."


"You were really focussed. I've been watching you for a good while now," Lu Xiaobei replied.

Hearing her reply, Lu Xiaobei said, "In return, I'll walk you back home." Then added the following after being well-accustomed to Xiapoya's character, "It's just because I don't get much exercise these days, so I might as well accompany you on a walk."

Lu Xiaobei the hooked her finger under Xiaoya's chin, asking, "Are you upset?"

Having heard this, as expected, Xiaoya no longer pushed the issue, but instead went on to ask, "Captain, about the post incident yesterday..."


Having heard this, as expected, Xiaoya no longer pushed the issue, but instead went on to ask, "Captain, about the post incident yesterday..."

"You were really focussed. I've been watching you for a good while now," Lu Xiaobei replied.

Understanding her message, Lu Xiaobei sent her back a nod in return, and with that Xiaoya skipped away.

Recently, there have been too many classes, so it made Lu Xiaobei's energy levels rather low, an as a result, she simply twirled her pen while staring out the window, only putting the effort to make a note under the topic once she heard something of use.

Mo Yichen: "Are you incredibly moved because of it?"

Luckily, Xiaoya noticed it was still to early for the class to be dismissed, so she motioned to Lu Xiaobei to meet her at the library behind the school.

Lu Xiaobei: "Oh that? I asked the original poster to delete it."

But Lu Xiaobei was still a bit taller than her and so held the phone high. "I said I'd give it to you, but you didn't want it."

Observing Lu Xiaobei's expression, Xiaoya breathed out a sigh of relief once she realised Lu Xiaobei didn't seem to be angry.

Recently, there have been too many classes, so it made Lu Xiaobei's energy levels rather low, an as a result, she simply twirled her pen while staring out the window, only putting the effort to make a note under the topic once she heard something of use.

What Mo Yichen just said made Xiaoya feel as though she was playing 'red light, green light, one two three'—leaving in a daze, unable to move an inch.

Xiaoya nodded: "Mhm."

Lu Xiaobei: "Why do you ask? Are you disappointed?"

It had already been three years, so the third year teachers had long lost the will to ask Lu Xiaobei to answer any questions. Furthermore, despite Lu Xiaobei seeming as though her mind was wandering, she was never careless in anything she needed to do. So every time they thought a chance to toss a question her way to embarrass her, they'd be the one who'd end up being hit in the face.

"Haa..." Lu Xiaobei sighed. It didn't make much difference if she listened to that part of the lesson or not, but if she moved, a lot of people would no longer focus on the class, and something like that wouldn't be good.

Recently, there have been too many classes, so it made Lu Xiaobei's energy levels rather low, an as a result, she simply twirled her pen while staring out the window, only putting the effort to make a note under the topic once she heard something of use.

It had already been three years, so the third year teachers had long lost the will to ask Lu Xiaobei to answer any questions. Furthermore, despite Lu Xiaobei seeming as though her mind was wandering, she was never careless in anything she needed to do. So every time they thought a chance to toss a question her way to embarrass her, they'd be the one who'd end up being hit in the face.

Hearing her reply, Lu Xiaobei said, "In return, I'll walk you back home." Then added the following after being well-accustomed to Xiapoya's character, "It's just because I don't get much exercise these days, so I might as well accompany you on a walk."

Xiaoya: "No."

Xiaoya, on the other hand, hung on to Lu Xiaobei's neck while her lips curved downwards to express her grievance.

After she said this, for some unknown reason, Xiaoya's face now bore a light blush as she said, "I'll wait for you."

Hearing this, Xiaoya hesitated for a while, then answered, "That's not true..."

Xiaoya erased the place Lu Xiaobei pointed to, then closed her homework book, asking, "You're here?"

Having heard this, as expected, Xiaoya no longer pushed the issue, but instead went on to ask, "Captain, about the post incident yesterday..."

Lu Xiaobei then took Xiaoya's phone, used her thumb to unlock the screen, then scrolled through her photos.

Later that night, after Xiaoya was done with her bath and laid in her bed, there was an unread message on her phone.

Lu Xiaobei: "Oh that? I asked the original poster to delete it."


Mo Yichen: "But, with how she handled that matter, Captain didn't go abut it the right way either."

Xiaoya erased the place Lu Xiaobei pointed to, then closed her homework book, asking, "You're here?"

Xiaoya wanted to snatch back the phone, saying, "Hey! That's mine!"

Xiaoya: ...huh?

But Lu Xiaobei was still a bit taller than her and so held the phone high. "I said I'd give it to you, but you didn't want it."

"Haa..." Lu Xiaobei sighed. It didn't make much difference if she listened to that part of the lesson or not, but if she moved, a lot of people would no longer focus on the class, and something like that wouldn't be good.

"Aright, just let me take a look here. You kept a lot of my pictures, huh? Looks like you didn't reduce frequenting that post at all." Lu Xiaobei kept holding the phone high as she looked through the images.

Mo Yichen then frowned a bit, asking: "But how did you even find out about this? I thought Captain hid it all really well."

However, after swiping on her phone, she saw the time displayed on there was eleven-thirty.

But Mo Yichen just waved her hands while her face now had a look of understanding, "Making friends with someone like Captain is a lot of pressure, isn't it?"

Lu Xiaobei: I just took a pic.

After winter camp, Xiaoya's academic achievements didn't advance by leaps and bounds, but she did cultivate some good study habits thanks to Lu Xiaobei. So instead of waiting idly she cracked open a book and worked on some problems.

But Xiaoya only mumbled, "No, I don't... I didn't know." The phone didn't contain anything particularly important, since they only knew each other for a few days before Lu Xiaobei had let her play with it. Lu Xiaobei also didn't seem obsessed with the phone either, because after it got stolen, she even declined to go report it to the police from the start. So why would Lu Xiaobei go through all that to get the phone back then...

What Mo Yichen just said made Xiaoya feel as though she was playing 'red light, green light, one two three'—leaving in a daze, unable to move an inch.

Xiaoya, on the other hand, hung on to Lu Xiaobei's neck while her lips curved downwards to express her grievance.

Lu Xiaobei: "Oh that? I asked the original poster to delete it."

Xiaoya wanted to snatch back the phone, saying, "Hey! That's mine!"

Mo Yichen: "But, with how she handled that matter, Captain didn't go abut it the right way either."

Lu Xiaobei the hooked her finger under Xiaoya's chin, asking, "Are you upset?"

It's already this late. Captain has a healthy sleep schedule so she's probably sleeping. Waking her up again now wouldn't be good.

"Aright, just let me take a look here. You kept a lot of my pictures, huh? Looks like you didn't reduce frequenting that post at all." Lu Xiaobei kept holding the phone high as she looked through the images.

Xiaoya: "No."

"No." Xiaoya replied simply.

Mo Yichen: "Are you incredibly moved because of it?"

Black Technology

"Hey—" Lu Xiaobei suddenly pointed at Xiaoya homework book, dragging it, "The answer for this problem is wrong."

Was it because of her? Was it because she didn't want her to feel guilty?

"Why are your under eye circles so dark? Did you not get any sleep last night?" It's been a week since the new school term began, and the other students in the class thought Mo Yichen was indifferent to everything and seemed to treat her school work no different than tasks to be completed. Truthfully, Mo Yichen was as meticulous as they come. It being to the point where Xiaoya only having traces of something wrong was enough for her to take notice.

Lu Xiaobei: I just took a pic.

"What are you thinking about then?" Lu Xiaobei questioned her once more.

Lu Xiaobei then took Xiaoya's phone, used her thumb to unlock the screen, then scrolled through her photos.

But Mo Yichen just waved her hands while her face now had a look of understanding, "Making friends with someone like Captain is a lot of pressure, isn't it?"

Fourth class of the afternoon.

At first, Xiaoya thought about saying something about the phone incident, but then recalled Lu XIaobei never wanted her to know about it, so in the end simply kept her mouth shut.

Seeing Xiaoya didn't answer, Lu Xiaobei said, "It's getting late. Pack up your stuff so we can get going, alright?"

But why would she be so nice to her? Why?


Seeing Xiaoya didn't answer, Lu Xiaobei said, "It's getting late. Pack up your stuff so we can get going, alright?"

Lu Xiaobei: I just took a pic.

A snooping girl?

Mo Yichen then frowned a bit, asking: "But how did you even find out about this? I thought Captain hid it all really well."

"Hey—" Lu Xiaobei suddenly pointed at Xiaoya homework book, dragging it, "The answer for this problem is wrong."

A snooping girl?

Later that night, after Xiaoya was done with her bath and laid in her bed, there was an unread message on her phone.

Mo Yichen: " she especially contacted some people, increased the police force, and even destroyed a few dens which specialized in the disposal of stolen goods. But after it still wasn't found, she directly employed the use of 'black technology'T/n: it just refers to highly advanced technology. It's a term originating from the manga/LN Full Metal Panic!. All that used up enough money to buy the phone a hundred times over. It was even the first time in my life I ever saw someone who has money spend so much of it. You could basically write a book called 'How to go from a Billionaire to a Pauper' based on it".



Later that night, after Xiaoya was done with her bath and laid in her bed, there was an unread message on her phone.

So with her horribly entangled emotions, Xiaoya went to bed, tossing and turning all night. When the next day, because of this, she had to force herself to revive her battery then drag herself all the way to class.

"Haa..." Lu Xiaobei sighed. It didn't make much difference if she listened to that part of the lesson or not, but if she moved, a lot of people would no longer focus on the class, and something like that wouldn't be good.

"Haa..." Lu Xiaobei sighed. It didn't make much difference if she listened to that part of the lesson or not, but if she moved, a lot of people would no longer focus on the class, and something like that wouldn't be good.


Mo Yichen: "Are you incredibly moved because of it?"

Lu Xiaobei: I just took a pic.

Hearing this, Xiaoya hesitated for a while, then answered, "That's not true..."

Lu Xiaobei the hooked her finger under Xiaoya's chin, asking, "Are you upset?"

Why was Xiaoya here? Lu Xiaobei stopped twirling her pen and placed it on the table, instinctively thinking of getting up, before the realisation she was still in a class hit her. Sweeping her gaze over the classroom, Lu Xiaobei's eyes met the girl at the neighbouring desk who glanced at her secretly...

"You know about it already? Geez, Captain even urged me and Xiang Yi to not tell you." Mo Yichen said in return.


"Hey—" Lu Xiaobei suddenly pointed at Xiaoya homework book, dragging it, "The answer for this problem is wrong."

Having heard this, as expected, Xiaoya no longer pushed the issue, but instead went on to ask, "Captain, about the post incident yesterday..."

Xiaoya: "No."

"Haa..." Lu Xiaobei sighed. It didn't make much difference if she listened to that part of the lesson or not, but if she moved, a lot of people would no longer focus on the class, and something like that wouldn't be good.

But Xiaoya only mumbled, "No, I don't... I didn't know." The phone didn't contain anything particularly important, since they only knew each other for a few days before Lu Xiaobei had let her play with it. Lu Xiaobei also didn't seem obsessed with the phone either, because after it got stolen, she even declined to go report it to the police from the start. So why would Lu Xiaobei go through all that to get the phone back then...

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