The Golden Child and the Grimoire of Reason

Chapter 22: Chapter 21 – The Sins of the King

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Chapter 21

The Sins of the King



It's been years since Goldie's seen the face of her father. Yet, in this world, it's only been minutes. But with the golden witch’s keen knowledge of the demons, she could see the greatness of a being hovering over him.

“Madalyn Manasala, what have you done to my child?”

Maddy's expression was stoic at first, but gradually it changed to a frown.


Her fist clenched tightly as she glared at Goldie’s father.

“In my stories… I’ve always perceived you as a strong, great man. Even your daughter praised your name.”

Maddy bit down on her teeth.

“But… I know deep down inside there is something within me… that could never believe that lie.”


Goldie called out to Maddy, a tad concerned.

"You don't remember much of me, Madalyn?"

The King asked as he approached.

“Only what I wrote… and I’ve destroyed volume after volume of my works due to my rage. But just like Annastella, I’ve probably romanticized you as much as the others within the story.”

The great witch shook her head.

“But, never did I believe that you… of all people would be corrupted by the Overlord. The holier than thou, Arnold Sable, King Arnold Kingsman the first… corrupted."

He pointed his sword at the great witch, by command of the powerful devil behind him. It shook the world just by its presence.

“Daddy, snap out of it! Madalyn is your friend! She’s your partner who-“

“Silence, Goldendala.”

Her father roared.

Goldie clenched her fist. She wasn’t the child that spoke to her father earlier this morning anymore. No, Goldie had matured over her years spent in the Grimoire. She stepped forward and held her head up high.

“No, I won’t be silent! You and mother did a horrible thing to your… friend!”

Goldie stepped in front of Madalyn. She glared in the eyes of her loving father as she accused him of his sins.

“Look at this place! It took the years within the Grimoire to finally understand what’s been going on here. The diamond-plated armor, the luxurious rugs, and the prideful people! This palace is corrupted with vanity and greed and always has been."

Goldie took Madalyn’s hand.

“And this kingdom was built on the backs of Maddy! That was built out of her loyalty to the woman she loved! All of this, the reaping of power and world peace was because of her sacrifice!"

Enraged, Goldie tightened her grip on Maddy.

“How dare you know what she sacrificed for and not give her the recognition she deserves. You all lied in your books and said you and mother were the only two to survive!”

Goldie said.

The demon within Arnold laughed as her father confessed.

"Madalyn wanted that to be the case. She was the one who gave us instructions to not let people know about her. We only followed Madalyn's wants."

The king said.

Maddy clicked her tongue.

"Yes, I'm sure I was that foolish…."

Goldie shook her head.

“That doesn’t change the fact that you knew she would do anything for mother… and you both abused that!”

Goldie let go of her lover and held her shoulders high.

“How I see this kingdom is different now… It’s full of vanity. Father, you have always been a vain man, haven’t you? It only took me six years within the Grimoire of reason to open my eyes to it all.”

The cutting eyes of the hunter keenly glared at Goldie. But the witch didn't back down. She attacked her father at the core.

"You knew of Maddy's feelings… and that's why you chose it was best to keep her locked away. The world was saved as long as she was safely in the Grimoire, and the woman you loved was safe from her too."

Goldie accused.

Madalyn sighed deeply.

“I’m sure it was like that. Despite what my stories say… my inclining feelings still lingered like that do for Annastella.”

The great witch glared at Arnold.

"We never liked each other, did we, Arnold? I just never knew the extent of your disdain for me."

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Arnold took a deep breath, relenting the demon with him.

“Yes… I confess.”

Arnold frowned at Maddy.

“I rejoiced when Anna told me your plan. The further away you were from the woman I loved, the better. That would be my greatest sin, but I feel no empathy for what I did back then."

The king confessed.

“Father, this isn’t the demon within you speaking…”

Goldie held her chest. This upset her more than anything… seeing the truth of her father’s feelings.

“Madalyn and I never saw eye to eye, Goldendale. But after what she did to your mother… I didn’t feel sorry for trapping her within the Grimoire. In a way I justified it despite knowing it was wrong.”

Madalyn looked away as she gritted her teeth.

“I… don’t remember the full story of what happened, Arnold. Nor do I care to know any longer. I am only here to rid of that Overlord core within you for Goldie’s sake.”

The princess closed her eyes as she felt the heartache coming from her lover. Angered, Goldie stood tall and faced her father without fear.

"I love you so much father… and will rid you of the Overlord within you. But father, you will be punished for what you’ve done to Maddy. It is my duty to the world that Madalyn helped create that you must be shown as an example of your sins!"

Maddy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After gathering herself, the great witch walked beside her partner and faced the king.

"I don't care for you, Arnold, nor do I feel for Annastella any longer. But for the sake of Goldie, I won't allow you to die by the hands of the Overlord raging inside you."

Those crisp blue eyes opened, piercing daggers into the soul of her old teammate.

“Begone from Arnold and vanish from this world, Overlord!”

Madalyn screamed.

Her spell was great as it swirled in her staff. Light magic was cast and Goldie's hat nearly flew off from the sheer pressure of her spell, aimed at Arnold. But Goldie felt that something was wrong. The demon wasn’t reacting, and a slight smirk appeared on her father's face.

“Maddy, wait!”



Goldie sped in front as the keen hunter executed his attack in the blink of an eye. The princess had seen this skill before during her father's training in the morning. His talents were as sharp as ever as he nearly sliced Madalyn down with his greatsword.


Surprised by how Arnold instantly appeared before her, Madalyn didn’t have time to cancel her spell and escape.

“Get away!”

Goldie, however, thought ahead and moved in front of her. With her staff out, she channeled the strongest shield she could. Her father's blade severed the white barrier like scissors to paper.


Goldie cried as she was thrown off balance. The great sword didn't stop, though, and the primal gaze in her father's eyes scared the princess. His blade came down upon her, only controlled by the powerful staff her mentor created.

But that, too, gave in. The staff broke, pushing Goldie back with the force of mana exploding from her weapon. The petite witch rolled and slammed into the wall.


Maddy yelled to her. But Madalyn knew she couldn't get distracted for long and ducked, narrowly avoiding a horizontal slash from the king. She rolled and channeled a quick spell to push Arnold away from her.


Enraged, the great witch roared with mana increasing in her spell. But before she could fire off her magic, the darkness around them distorted. The Overlord within the king was finally released, engulfing the kingdom in a tainted purple.

Maddy could hear horrid laughter coming from Arnold. A trap was triggered, but it was too late for Maddy to prevent it. She saw a dark void swirling, drawing in her and Goldie. The incapacitated witch's hat flew into the void. Slowly, her body was pulled into the portal next as if she was a piece of paper in a windstorm. Maddy rushed over, trying her best to save Goldie, but she was too late as her love vanished within the spell.



As if they were in turbulence, the world spun around them.


Madalyn attempted to fly to Goldie, but it was it was useless.

The darkness separated them, and they were both pulled into the dark void in a blink of an eye.



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