The Golden Child and the Grimoire of Reason

Chapter 29: Chapter 28 – Battle with the Demonic King (Part 2)

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Chapter 28

Battle with the Demonic King (Part 2)



The monster was faceless, but Victoria was in great pain, unable to speak. The beast took hold of her pride and manipulated her desires.

“I’ll save you, Victoria! Just stay calm!”

Angered, the witch jumped off her weapon and swung her staff, releasing a white light toward the beast. It shielded its body with Victoria. Surprised, Goldie canceled the spell before it could hit her. The beast cackled, taunting the golden witch.

“Coward! Let Victoria go!”

The faceless being melted away, deeper into the castle. Goldie gave chase as she attempted to free her head maid from the grasp of this chaotic monster.

In the throne room, the demon held Victoria hostage. The head maid danced around with a knife in her hand, tears in her eyes and unable to speak. Goldie wasn't sure what to do to separate the two, but she knew she had to make this quick… so she could protect Maddy.

“This fight is between you and me! Let her go, demon!”

The faceless demon didn't react, the knife only got closer to Victoria's neck. There, Goldie knew that this vile beast had no intentions of letting her go. If anything, it would kill her and find another host.

"Fine… I'll give you what you to want."

The witch dropped her staff on the room's floor, to her surprise of Victoria. Victoria cried aloud, showing that she was conscious of this entire endeavor.

"Kill me, take my body over hers. I'm stronger… I can do you better, demon!"

Goldie fed into the desire of the demon. Power, greed, that was the makeup of this beast. The unreasonable pride of serving the Kingsman, the vanity of being the head of the servants, and the status that came with it. These were the yearnings of the faceless demon and it’s what latched on to the head maid.

The knife pointed at the “defenseless” princess. Victoria approached with the weapon in hand towards Goldie.




Victoria screamed in fear as she rushed her princess, unable to control herself.

Goldie closed her eyes and focused.

The golden witch put all her mana into her heart and released it, just as Maddy taught her long ago. A bright field of white magic pushed Victoria back. The dark puppet strings on her snapped from the burst of mana like cords on an instrument.

“Go back to hell, demon!”

The angered witch snapped her finger, creating a void of fire to erupt under the demon. Its desires for power and greed were its downfall as it screamed and turned to ash. Victoria rolled to the floor, confused and distraught. She looked up at her princess, who felt like a brand-new woman.

“M-My lady? I… I’m so sorry.”

Goldie shook her head.

"No, don't blame yourself, Victoria. I can't explain what's happening, but head to the waterways under the castle. The remaining servants are there. Stay there until I come and get you all."

Victoria stood up, taken aback by the words of the young lady. Goldie reminded her of a certain queen whom the head maid always admired. Pointed, strong, and willing to give orders… unlike the unruly child the day prior.

"Something… has changed within you, Goldie. You're… not the same little girl anymore, are you?"

The witch didn’t have time to explain. Instead, she turned her back and took to her staff.

“I need to help Madalyn and save this Kingdom! Be safe, Victoria!”

The maid who’d only ever wanted to see her princess flourish with strength watched as she raced away as a leader. Taking her advice, she made haste to the waterways.

“Madalyn, please be okay!”

Goldie could feel a powerful attack coming her way. Instead of slowing down, she sped up and flew back into the throne room. Madalyn had a fire spell barreling down towards her. Quickly, Goldie grabbed Maddy’s hand and lifted her into the sky. The fire spell caught the royal carpets in flames as the building was slowly falling apart. The powerful spell raged as if hell itself was erupting in the throne room.



Together again, they held one another briefly in the sky before turning back to the overlord.

“The Overlord can’t absorb our attacks any longer thanks to you, Goldie.”

Maddy looked her lover in the eyes. She felt Goldie's mana levels were low due to the constant battles.

“I don’t have too much mana left, Madalyn.”

Madalyn nodded as they soared through the sky. They swirled back around and faced the massive demon holding the great sword and staring at them from the blazing throne room.

"We'll use one final spell and finish this, my love. Use everything you have. Do you… remember the spell we practiced in our last training session?"

This was a two-part spell, the ancient one learned and passed down by other Kingsman. It was a spell they practiced, and the two witches knew this spell had the power to get rid of this piece of the overlord.

“Stay focused, get ready, here we go!”

Madalyn screamed her orders. Just as expected, the demon king appeared above them like before. With its greatsword full of hatred above its head, the beast swung down, attempting to destroy the witches. Goldie maneuvered and sped to the floor of the throne room.

“I’m ready!”

Goldie yelled and jumped off the staff.

Madalyn charged the massive mana spell as Goldie wrote the symbols on the floor. They were in sync, in perfect harmony. A dance that could only be made by two who spent so long together. The Overlord channeled its own spell, and the day sky turned blood red as dark mana came within its blade.

Goldie looked up at the power of the Overlord. The fear of losing it all clawed in her stomach as the sky turned red.

“Don’t be afraid, my love! Remember your wants for everything!”

Maddy said as her mana peaked into the spell. Everything calmed down in Goldie’s mind. She opened her eyes and smiled brightly at the woman she loved.

“I’m not afraid, Madalyn! I’m the princess, remember?!”



Goldie Kingsman's pride was off the charts, but she knew she could back it up. That amplified her mana by using the sins within her. Her hand glowed a bright white, to Maddy's surprise. A magical staff, one mirroring that of the Overlord's great sword, appeared in her hand. Madalyn was in awe as she felt the mana explosion coming from the golden witch. With the symbols complete, Goldie walked over to her partner.



This was the golden witch's power. To take the deadly sins and use them like demons could. However, Goldie wasn't a demon. She was a Kingsman blessed by the gods… that shared the energy of the Overlord.

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Goldie was a prideful, gluttonous girl who wanted everything… and had the power to take it all.

The witches held hands and shared their mana. They faced the Overlord's spell head-on. With their fingers entwined, nothing could stand in their way. The years they spent together were only a fraction of the life they wanted in their future.



Together they raised their staffs to the Overlord. The monster using Arnold as a vessel released its spell. A continuous blood-red ray fired at the castle, attempting to destroy the witches in one fatal strike.


They both screamed as they shot an incredible dark and light spell from their weapons. It coiled together and merged into a fantastic, unrealistic distortion of bright colors.

The two rival spells connected, exploding in a glorious light of darkness and holy! The castle’s bricks tore apart from the mighty spells, battling against one another. Goldie and Madalyn could feel the pressure from the Overlord forcing them down.

“Give it everything! Everything you have, Goldie!”

Madalyn, her love, commanded. She pleaded with the princess. The overlord’s power was great, causing the witches to bleed out of their fingers. Mana sparks cut their hands and legs, but they fought to win.

“Madalyn, I have something to tell you!”

Concerned, Maddy turned to Goldie. Those brimstone eyes were full of tears as she spoke.

"I don't want to be the princess, though, Madalyn."

Goldie confessed… what she truly wanted.

"I want to live forever with you, Madalyn! I want to spend eternity overshadowing all the loneliness you faced in the Grimoire of Reason alone. I want to rewrite your past and fill it with us!"

The surge of her mana grew stronger than Madalyn had ever seen. It rivaled the great witch, causing her heart to race. Goldie's burning passion lit a fire within Madalyn.

“W-What, my love?”

Madalyn asked in a meek voice, trying her best to stay focused. But she was captured by her lover's words.

“I don’t want to be the princess anymore...”

The golden childlike woman turned to Madalyn, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"I want to marry you, so you and we can be the Queens of Nora, Madalyn Manansala!”

Goldie’s teeth showed… like Maddy’s would during their battles.

"And I'll take it all because I'm selfish! I want it all, and nothing can take that from me! Not even the Overlord who brought humanity to their knees will take what I want away."

Goldie’s mana surged stronger than Madalyn’s. Goldie Kingsman had become her own Overlord, driven by her sins and love.


“So, Madalyn Manansala, marry me!”



In the heat of battle, Goldie popped the question. The Overlord’s spell was an afterthought to this selfish woman. That’s because she wasn’t afraid…

Because no desire was like hers.

With tears rolling down her eyes, the great witch, Madalyn nodded.

"O-Of course, I'll marry you, Goldie, you unruly woman!"



Goldie's staff burst mana so powerful that the world's sky turned a bright white. The husk of the Overlord attempted to fight back, but the spell was too great. Demons cried as they watched their emperor roar in pain.

The darkness distorted, and demons were pulled to their master and engulfed in magic. Goldie was struggling to hold her staff, her mana was already far drained, but Maddy was helping her, keeping the flow through her.

"Hang on… for a little longer, my love. Just a little longer, and we'll have everything!"

The blood rushed to Goldie's head as she felt that whisper touch her skin. The thought of everything, having more than enough, made her emotions all the wilder. The mana poured in, and she held her head high. Goldie wanted it all, and it started with getting her father back. The spell's radius widened as it engulfed the entire beast. Darkness turned into specs of light, and calm ensued over the marching army. The demons were pulled, and exhausted humans collapsed in the field.

The sky turned a beautiful clear blue, and all the chanting, the wailing, the screaming, and yelling… grew silent. Gently, Arnold fell from the sky, and as if the gods had put him down by hand, he landed on the throne room’s floor. The fires burned out and a sudden calm bestowed over the kingdom.

“Father! Father!”

Goldie rushed over, and Maddy trailed behind. The great witch wasn't fond of King Arnold, but she knew this would be her father-in-law and felt it was right to at least make sure he was okay.

“Arnold, are you back to your senses?”

Madalyn asked.

The man, still tired from the ordeal, looked up at a face he hadn't seen in years.

"I did… allow my sins to consume me, didn't I?"

Goldie bent down and held her father.

“Yes, you did. But it’s okay now, daddy. We’ll talk about that soon.”

Arnold looked at his old teammate. Madalyn glared at him with distaste though.

"I won't ask you to forgive Annastella or me for our mistakes, Madalyn."

Maddy cut him off with her hand.

“Nor will I accept them… but maybe in a million years when my heart stops hurting… will I be able to accept your apology, Arnold.”


Madalyn got to her knee and reached her hand out to Arnold.

“But for the time being, as my soon to be father-in-law… I ask that you accept my forgiveness in the future."



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