The Golden Dawn Will Shine On You

Chapter 9: 9

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Chapter 9


Kashin was only two years older than Rosha. However, unlike Rosha, he was taller than quite a few adults, and above all, he had an overwhelming difference in rankings. He was third rank Rostelier. He was also Noah’s right hand. At one time, Rosha also tried to get along with him, who wasn’t much different from her age. And for a short time, they got along quite well. However, it didn’t take long for their relationship to fall out either.

“I will definitely get to the target ranking and defeat the demons who make people sick!  And I will definitely find my younger sister too!”

Noah put Kashin beside him as a teacher and friend to Rosha, who said she would be in the top100. Noah thought it would be helpful to them both, for one who couldn’t adjust to her new life and one who lacked social skills. Of course his decision back then was a big mistake. Kashin was very cold to Rosha, who lived every day for only one goal of finding her sister.

“How will you save your dead sister?”

“My younger sister is alive!”

Unable to find the body was the only hope she had that Lily might be alive. The other Rostelier brothers tried to protect that hope of Rosha, but Kashin was rather ridiculed and trampled it thoroughly.

[If she had been alive, you would have heard news from nearby villages. But you couldn’t find her even after searching the area. A five-year-old girl wouldn’t have been able to run away, and even if she survived, she would have died of starvation or eaten by animals already.]

[What do you know.. Say something like that?!]

Since then, Rosha and Kashin had become like enemies. However, the funny thing was that he somehow attended Rosha’s birthday party every year and sent a whole bunch of gifts. On the other hand, no matter how much Noah persuaded Rosha, she never sent a gift, let alone attended Kashin’s birthday party.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, and you greeted me quite intensely.”

“We’re not friendly enough to say hello.”

“That’s why you attacked me?”

“If I don’t do this, you won’t look at me.”

What was even more upsetting was that Rosha tried to avoid Kashin, but it was Kashin who was bothering her. He strode a big step, and quickly stood in front of Rosha.

“…Crazy guy.”

There was blood on his face but it seemed like it was demon blood instead of his own. The distinctive rotten smell of the demon when it was killed.

“Wipe the blood off your face. It’s my birthday, but it seems like I’m about to get unlucky.”

Not knowing that there was blood on his face, Kashin’s eyes widened for a moment. If he had come with blood on purpose to spoil Rosha’s mood, he would have fought with all his utmost power. However, it was fortunate because it didn’t seem like it was his intention. Rosha stared at him, who wiped the blood roughly with his sleeve. Perhaps because he couldn’t see where the blood was, he made it smear even more. He even got it on his hair, but Kashin seemed to know nothing about it.

All Golden Dawn Knights changed their eyes and hair color at their awakening. According to the prophecy book, it usually turns into the same color as its own soul. But very rarely, there were those of the same color before and after awakening.  That was the case with Kashin. He had blue eyes before awakening, and then they changed to red color after, but his  hair color remained black. Rosha sometimes sarcastically pointed it out, saying that his soul was like his hair color. Of course, after that, she was scolded by Noah.

“Did you receive the gift?”

“Is it possible that you put the Demon’s head in the gift box?”

“I don’t think I’ve sent anything like that on your birthday.”

“Ah, right. You mentioned that. But then, why is it that every year your present makes me uncomfortable?”

As Rosha continued sarcastically, Kashin kept quiet as if he had nothing more to say. And he just stared at her. Rosha was nervous. There’s never been a double attack. Before Kashin attacked, she would surely attack him first. She was very nervous to see when he would make a move, but Kashin finally opened his mouth.

“I was going to talk to you earlier, but I was very late.”


Kashin, who was speaking unknown words, suddenly reached out his hand. Rosha didn’t feel any magic in the touch, but she was about to step back just in case. Suddenly, her hand was caught.

“What, what are you doing?!”

Rosha, embarrassed, tried to get her hand out, but Kashin quickly bent in a pose asking for a dance, and kissed on the back of her hand. His reverential attitude seemed to be sarcastic.

“Happy Birthday.”

As soon as Kashin finished, Rosha pulled her hand away roughly. Then she rubbed the back of her hand on the dress.

“My birthday has already passed.”

“I know. I just did it because I wanted to talk to you though.”


“It passed your birthday, so today is your sister’s birthday.”


“And you still haven’t abandoned that stupid hope.”

Rosha thought how much she hated this boy.

” I think you’ve done enough to bother me, so I’ll go now.”

Rosha passed him while he had a frown on his face.

“Oh right.” Before opening the door to the terrace, Rosha paused and spoke without looking back.

“Thank you for bringing me this birthday present as well. Of course it will go into the trash without being opened.”

She didn’t know what reaction Kashin had  because she didn’t bother to look back. She didn’t even want to know. Rosha opened the door without hesitation, and walked into the colorful lights.


It was the day after a spectacular birthday party. The brothers, who drank a lot the day before, suffered from a hangover.  Rosha, who hadn’t drank a sip of alcohol, also suffered from the aftereffects. Rosha, who enjoyed the party, was very tired from dancing without ceasing. She still felt tired even after a good sleep.

“You look like someone who hasn’t slept for a few days.”

Aaron clicked his tongue when he found Rosha sitting on the first floor sofa.

“I saw you kept spinning around yesterday like a crazy person.”

“I was dancing.”

“It wasn’t different in my eyes.”

“If you’re here to pick a fight, then go.”

“Difficult kid.”

Aaron shook his head and clicked his tongue. However, he did not leave Rosha’s side.

“There was a call from Noah. Take your eyes off and follow me.”

“Is Noah coming?”

“I sent someone to your room, but I didn’t know you would be hanging out here. Tsk, I did something useless.”

Rocha stood up, lightly ignoring Aaron’s words, which she didn’t want to hear. If Noah called it, it could be for a new mission, therefore no matter how tired she was, she couldn’t ignore it.

“When it comes to me, no matter how fun the party is, I always restrain myself….”

Rosha hated the repertoire and hurried her steps. Aaron was also hurried, and soon they arrived at Noah’s office. As she knocked and went inside, there were others who had already been there along with her and Aaron. Other than Noah, there were Giselle, Casper, and Eric. Those were supposedly to be on vacation as well. In addition to those, there was Kashin and a few other people.

Rosha deliberately sat down next to Giselle, avoiding Kashin.  Giselle was happy as she stroked Rosha’s hair, clinging to her without knowing anything. Kashin looked at Rosha for a while, then looked away and drank his tea.

“Everyone is here.”

Noah spoke when all the people who were called, seated.

“There may be brothers who know the reason why you are here, some might not.”

Aaron and Kashin, as if they already knew, did not seem to be interested in Noah’s story, but the others were. Noah’s attitude was also different from usual. Noah, who was playful and friendly, always wore a smile on his face, wasn’t smiling.  Rosha couldn’t even touch the cookies on the table and waited for his words nervously.

“Brothers.” Noah finally got to the point. “The time has finally come.”

Everyone was surprised by his words. Even if he didn’t explain in detail, Rosha could fully guess what Noah’s tone was saying. None of the people who worked at the Golden Dawn did not know about the ‘time has come’. There was a prophecy that the child of God came down to this world and saved humans. And the “time has come” was what it meant.The Golden Dawn, and those who were born with magical power, all existed to protect him, the child of God.

“Rosha, when does the prophetic book say that a new Savior will be born?”

“It’s a day when a blue cross star rises above the blue blood scattered on the floor.”

“That’s right.” Noah, who glanced at Rosha, then looked at the other brothers sitting in their seats.

“In fact, I lied to you about something.” Noah stopped speaking while everyone was surprised and speechless. After a moment, he continued.

“It has been about 10 years since a child of God was born into the world.”

“But why is it now…….”

“Ten years ago, while interpreting the prophetic book, Aaron and I heard a rumor about a woman in Beria who claimed to have conceived a child in her virgin body, and we went there. In Beria, I met a woman who was pregnant with a child, and helped her give birth. But then suddenly,  a number of demons attacked Beria, and Aaron and I hid the woman and left her to the midwife to fight.”

“Did the blue cross star appear that day?”

Noah nodded.


Blue blood meant the blood of demons.

Their blood was sometimes green, sometimes red, or sometimes black, but it was commonly called “blue blood” because the first demon’s blood discovered in ancient times was blue.

“So where is this woman now?”

Noah shook his head miserably at Casper’s question.

“When I came back after the fight, the woman was dead, and the midwife and child were gone.”


The last question was from Giselle, who was sitting next to Rosha. Noah nodded calmly and continued his explanation.

“That’s what we were wondering, too. We hid them in an old well in that village because there was no place to hide a woman carrying a child of God to avoid the demons. It’s impossible for the midwife to get out of a deep well with a child unless someone lets her out.”

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The incident where the Demons attacked Beria’s village was a very famous event for Rosteliers. Rosha also knew about the events of that day through her studies when she was an apprentice. However, the fact that the Child of God was actually born that day was probably unknown to almost everyone in the Golden Dawn Society.

“Anyway, we have long been tracking down the boys among the Beria orphans and visiting the missing Sons of God. In fact, we have tracked down boys of the same age who survived the Beria attack. They were adopted in different countries.”

“Then the Child of God must be the one who uses holy stigmas or holy power.”

Noah shook his head at someone’s theory.

“As you all know, there are three main pieces of evidence that he is the Child of God. The first is the holy stigma, the second is the holy power, and the third is evil obsession.”

The evil obsession referred to the demons and the evil forces hiding behind them that were trying to kill the Son of God. Because just as the Golden Dawn Society searched for the Son of God, the Arteliers of Babel, a group that worshiped the evil god, also searched for him.

The demons that Babel created and used were good at finding the power of the Holy God. It was like an instinct to kill the enemy.

So there was always the danger of demons lurking in the neighborhood of the Son of God.

“And one more thing.”

Noah went on to say.

“There will be false saviors.”

Just as the Golden Dawn Society, born to protect the Son of God, had its prophecies, so did Barbel. It was a prophecy of the birth of an “evil child” with similarities to the Son of God, just as the Knights of God were confusingly similar. If the Rosteliers of the Golden Dawn Society existed to protect the Child of Light and God, the Arteliers of Babel existed to protect the Child of Darkness and Evil.

“It has been confirmed that all of the children adopted from Beria, whether they are Babel’s work, show the same evidence.”

“They’re not all children of evil, are they?”

“It’s just a little trick of the devil to mislead us. As you said, they are not even ‘children of evil,’ so it will be easy to distinguish them.”

When Noah finished, he looked at each of the Rosteliers sitting around the couch.

“That’s why I called you all.”


“It has nothing to do with power rankings, but because I had faith in your abilities and your ability to make the right decisions.”

Noah gave a new mission.

“I want each of you to go to the country I have designated to observe and protect the children, the survivors of Beria. Those who are found to be the children of God will be placed here. Kashin will be going around the countries to communicate with you all and inform me of the situation.”

Noah, who had finished talking up to that point, finished his story while taking a sip of the tea that had finally cooled.

“Do not tell the others about this, as it is very important. From now on, you are all officially on a long vacation. I will call you all individually later to give you the details. Only Kashin and Rosha can stay, the rest of you can leave.”

They all thought Noah would give them a vacation, but it wasn’t a real vacation. This fact in itself was shocking enough, but an even bigger shocking truth kept the brothers from leaving their seats right away.

Noah waited slowly until they were able to recover from that. Aaron was the first to stand up, then the other brothers along with Giselle stood up and stepped out of the office.

The only ones left in the office were Rosha and Kashin, who had stayed behind on Noah’s orders.

“Rosha, were you surprised?”

“…… a little.”

Ten years ago, when Rosha was five years old, it was long before she joined the Golden Dawn Society. One of the topics that took up the largest portion of the study at the Golden Dawn was the Beria incident, and she never thought there was such a hidden truth to it.

“You may be young, but this is a heavy task…….”


“I entrusted you with this task because you are perseon I trust, regardless of your age. You know that, don’t you?”

“…… I know.”

Rosha was well aware of how difficult this search for the Son of God would be. Regardless of her age, she was selected among the top 100.To entrust this job to such a person like Rosha was proof that Noah had a very big trust in her.

Because of that, a heavy responsibility was placed on Rosha’s shoulders.

“Well then, there is something you must do first if you are to live up to my trust.”

“What is it?”

Motivated, Rosha looked up at Noah. Even up to that moment, Noah looked cautious. However, a mischievous smile soon appeared on his face.

“Let’s make up with Kashin.”

“What ……?”

Rosha thought it was strange when Noah asked the two of them to stay back, but now he wants them to reconcile?

“Why should I reconcile with him?”

Rosha looked up at Noah with an offended face, but Noah seemed to have no intention of retracting what he had said.

“Kashin will be traveling through the warp to the various countries to get an idea of the dynamics of those who have accepted this job and the candidates who may be the sons of God. That means you two will be meeting quite often and will have to engage in close conversations.”

“But ……”

“Rosha, I should say. If you are not confident that you can make up with Kashin, you can stay home this time.”

There was still a hint of mischief on his face, but Noah was quite adamant.

Rosha was troubled. Either make peace with Kashin who denied her sister’s survival, or else break Noah’s trust.

Rosha didn’t like the idea of having to leave this job. Finding and protecting the Son of God was something that would help drive the demons out of the land.

‘But I hate Kashin so much!’

When Rosha was troubled and could not give an easy answer, Noah, who had been watching her, decided to help Rosha answer easily.

“Rosha, you have other reasons besides serving God’s son that must be put into this time.”

“What’s that ……?”

“Lily Lewen, you are looking for your sister, aren’t you?”

“…… Yes.”

“We also have a potential child of God who was just adopted by the Herodion nobility…….”

“No way…”

“We’ve found a child who is presumed to be your sister.”

Noah stood up and took a document from the desk where the papers were stacked in towers and handed it to Rosha. Rosha took the document and hurriedly read it out.

An orphanage in the Rosanto region of Herodion state.

A child with short blond hair, estimated to be 9~11 years old.

She did not remember the specific village she lived in, her age, or her family relations.

However, she said her name was “Lily-Lewen” and she had an older sister.

She claimed to have seen a giant snake when she was a child.

It seemed that she had cut her hair, which used to be very long.

“If she’s really your sister, I don’t know how she got to another country. Anyway, if you want to check, you should start with Kashin….”

“I’m sorry….”


No sooner had Noah finished than Rosha apologized. Of course, she wasn’t looking at Noah, but at Kashin, who was sitting across from her.

“I’m sorry for being angry with you and treating you recklessly. I’m sincerely sorry.”

She apologized so nicely that Kashin had nothing more to say. Kashin watched Rosha apologize without a single emotion with unknown eyes.

“You should apologize too, Kashin. You don’t think I know that you said something bad about Rosha’s sister, do you?”

Kashin finally opened his mouth at Noah’s words.

“…… I’m sorry, too.”

He was an egomaniac, so it’s probably best to accept his apology.

Rosha nodded and lowered her gaze at the document about Lily again.


However, it seemed that Kashin still had something to say to Rosha.

“And a hearty congratulations on your work.”

That was a bit unexpected.

She was really going to give him a hard time if Kashin was being sarcastic again this time…

Come to think of it, he wasn’t such a bad guy when it came to his personality, as she remembered the time when she and Kashin were close for a short while before they fell out.

‘It’s because you keep talking about my sister carelessly.’

Rosha gladly accepted Kashin’s congratulations.

Thus there was peace between the old foes for a while.

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