The Grand Prince Has Run Away

Chapter 19: 18

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“What had just passed through?”

The whole city fell into utter chaos. Display stands outside stores flew away all over the places and building walls were caved in or even broken. I could hear people screaming in every direction. There’s no casualty but due to an intense cat-and-mouse game between Katrianne and me, city residents were startled and busy running away.

Making a turn at the next corner. I wielded Yojo with all my strength. Arriving right at that moment, Katrianne drew her Idon against me. Due to a strong repulsive impact of the crash between two sacred weapons, I flew very far away in the air.

She quickly chased after me. The repulsive impact flew me quite far away but I was flying away even farther and faster.

Once she arrived at the place where she thought I would land, she got pissed off and gnashed her teeth. Because I wasn’t there and only a dog was pissing idly on the wall of a bookstore.

“You little sneaky piece of shit!”

Hearing her loud voice, the dog stared at her shortly and ran away quickly.

Katrianne threw away the basket in her hand. Using Idron’s flame, she burnt the cloth which wrapped Idon around. 

Soon, she detected mana energy and found where I was. Then she used teleportation magic and appeared right above me.

I pouted my mouth. Teleportation was a 5-Tier Magic. It’s definitely of high rank.

“Yeah. You don’t care at all about other people knowing that you’re a Valkyrie, right? How could a swordsman or woman use magic like that?”

She smashed hard with her Idon which was spurting the Flaming Aura Blade. With a thud sound, two Aura Blades collided and flames spread around in every direction.

“There’s a lot of magician-swordsmen or women in this world.”

“But there’s no magician-swordsman or woman who uses 5-Tier Magic and Aura Blade at the same time without casting!”

Grabbing a pole of sunblind on the window of a fruit store burning in fire, I made a swallow spin. As I could see Katrianne from a far distance, I landed on the roof of a building nearby.

But shortly after, Katrianne appeared in front of me.

“Then I will say that my teleportation skill is Idron’s ability.”

“In any case, you will be damned because of your damn sloppiness.”

One after another, Idron and Yojo collided with each other. I was being absolutely overpowered. After several collisions of the swords, she took advantage and struck my ribs with her knee. 

This time, she struck me right for sure. Because of the impact, I immediately crashed into a building right next to us.

As I quickly stood up, Katrianne flew towards me. Then she smashed her Idron, which was burning in flame, against me.


As two swords collided with each other, little flaming auras were scattering around. Not long after, my face got hotter and burning because of the flames emitted from Idron. At last, I couldn’t stand anymore and dodged away from Idron. Right at that moment, she struck my face with Idron’s hilt.

But it was something I expected. I dodged her strike, turned my body smoothly, and landed on the street. Then I kept running forward quickly.

Again, she blocked my way.

“I will give you some credit. You are really good at running away.”

“Yeah. That’s how I’ve reached the master level.”

Katrianne made a cold face.

“But it’s time to stop messing around with me. I start getting pissed off.”

“What happens if you really get pissed off?”

“You’d be dead.”

“That’s the unique personality of your species. Murdering people have become almost a routine for you guys.”

“Stop kidding me.”

“I also wish that it was a joke. Hehehe.”

Her face got all of a glow.

“You just don’t listen when people say nicely.”

I made a little smile and put Yojo in front of me. It was a combat stance. Right now, Katrianne didn’t care that other people would find out she’s a Valkyrie. That’s why she was using Valkyrie’s unique skills. Therefore, running away from her was not easy at all.

“If you know it then, now come and capture me!”

As soon as I finished my sentence, my body bounced off. In the blink of an eye, she butted me with her body and I flew away. I quickly made a swallow spin, then stood up and looked right and left. 

At that moment, my waist got bent sharply.

With her knee still on my stomach, Katrianne scoffed at me while I kept coughing painfully.

“How about that? You can’t even see it with your eyes, can you?”

“Yeah. You got a big head!”

I swung Yojo around and got away from her. Right after that, Idron in an intense flame flew over to me and collided with Yojo. 

Our duel lasted a little while.

She shook and wielded her Idron. I couldn’t cope with her strength. Instead, I flew away and collided with the building next to us.

Bricks collapsed all in a heap. A cloud of dust covered me. I put away stones over my body and stood up using Yojo as a prop.

It seemed that I had an internal injury since I vomited some blood. I spitted on the ground and quickly ran away through the back door of a store.

Appearing in front of me again, Katrianne clicked her tongue.

“Don’t you want to change your mind now? If you work as my vassal for a few years, you’d be free. You don’t need to invite all this trouble for yourself right now, do you?”

“But for some people, a few years mean a whole life.”

“What does that even mean?”

“There’s some kind of shitty world that only grown-ups like myself know. So you little ones should go away!”

I grabbed Yojo tightly and ran forward in high spirits. Next, I exerted very quick and concise attacks and Katrianne defended herself easily by using her Idron. The duel was one-sided. I kept wielding Yojo tirelessly but couldn’t cut off even a piece of her clothes. 

Clang! Bang! Bang!

Auras and flames had scattered around in every direction. I defended myself from her horizontal slice attack with a big arc. And again with that repulsive power, I jumped over the roof of a hotel nearby. However, she chased after me right away and smashed her Idron against me again.

Due to a big collision, Yojo started trembling. My knees hurt so much. My wrists and arms were shaking. Yet I soothed down my ragged breath and then pushed her away with all my strength.

But she was as steady as a rock.

“Surrender now!”

“Go f*** yourself!”

Then Katrianne countered with her power. Both of us flew behind and landed on the roof of a second story building. Our power struggle started again. Soon, the ground beneath my feet started cracking and a little cloud of dust arose.


It seemed that I got a cracked rib because one side of my body was getting smeared with blood. I was being suffocated due to pain. My heart, supplying blood to my stiff muscles, was pouncing very loudly.

My situation was not good. It was pretty obvious that she was trying to make me exhausted with unceasing collisions between us. There’s no way I could run away. No matter how many times I got away from her, she kept blocking my way and colliding with me persistently.

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Katrianne looked at me over our swords in a collision and she said.

“You pigheaded bastard… If you help me, all the trouble you caused here would go away as if nothing has happened. Also, you could have big glory and honor. Why would you refuse it?”

Once I heard what she just said, the rage sleeping inside my heart flared up.

With Yojo, I just wanted to live in freedom. But people from all over the places kept bothering me as if I committed a huge crime. They were bothering me because of my lineage, political powers, or my skills.

In fact, it was pretty funny. All these things that bothered me meant so important to other people. They wanted these things so much and they would even give up their life for these.

Yeah. I had it all. Family, lineage, power, money, and skill. I lacked nothing. To be honest, my look was pretty good too. On top of these, Katrianne was offering me glory and honor.

Yet, I hated them. I hated the fact that I must murder my family because of power. I hated the fact that I must give up my life for my family. I hated the fact that I must bow down to a woman for glory and honor.  

I just wanted to live in freedom. Even if the price of that freedom would be death, I would keep moving forward.

“Damn you all. You can have all of those by yourself. I don’t need those!”

I removed the Aura Blade embedded in Yojo and put all the mana that I had into my body. Bloods in my body were circulating severely as if my muscles were torn apart and my heart exploded. But I didn’t mind. I wanted to get away from Katrianne and earn my freedom no matter what.

“Yojo! I trust you! Please hold out no matter what!”

At that moment, Katrianne glared in her eyes. Even though there’s no mana left inside, Yojo was holding out against Idron which was covered with the Flaming Aura Blade.

She just couldn’t understand what was happening. The Aura Blade could even slice off steel like a tofu. The only things that could withstand against the Aura Blade were Orichalcum, which was God’s metal, and the other Aura Blade itself.

“Hey, kid… what is that sword?”

“Yojo, the strongest sword in the world!”

With my shout, Idron in her hand was bent severely at once. It’s not because of my power. She simply couldn’t withstand the tremendous weight of Yojo. 

It’s a magical power. But I wasn’t sure. Right now, I couldn’t feel any mana effect from Yojo.


Soon, the building in which we were combating in could not withstand and collapsed all in a heap due to Yojo’s tremendous weight. A cloud of dust arose all over the places and I could hear the screams of passersby. The building owner who escaped outside was only stamping his feet in anxiety. Making a bewildered face, I stood up and looked around. Katrianne was nowhere to be found. Perhaps she was buried inside the collapsed building underneath my feet.

Spontaneously, my eyes were fixed on Yojo.

‘Hey, what did you just do? You are not the sword of that kind of style, aren’t you?’

Yet it was not the right time to be curious about Yojo. Like a zombie, Katrianne could get out of the collapsed building at any minute. Right now, I needed to run away first.

Ignoring the building owner who kept cursing at me, I ran away to a temple nearby. It was the Temple of the Goddess of Purity. And actually, this temple was exactly the place where I was heading.

I threw away the pendant hanging around my neck and chopped a roadside tree in front of the temple into small pieces of wood. Then I grabbed a piece of wood and headed to the women’s restroom inside the temple.

‘Finally arrived. I am free now!’

I put my head underneath the toilet and made a big, shady smile.

Standing on my hands, I slowly went inside the toilet. Once I reached the floor, all the shit water rose up to my chest.

“Where the hell is this little sneaky piece of shit?!”

‘Ah… it smells like shit.’

I held my nose because it stunk so much. In the past, I found this escape route to survive but still, I couldn’t get used to it. At that moment, some kind of water was trickling down nearby. It seemed that another person was already inside the restroom.

Under the toilet, I had eye contact with an elf priestess. I felt embarrassed so I started talking to her.

“Do you want a red piece of paper or a blue piece of paper?”


The elf priestess screamed and kicked out the door. Since she was so startled, she couldn’t even put up her skirts completely and just ran outside. Then she tripped on the doorsill and fell down.

That would really hurt for sure. I felt very sorry for her.

Bang! Crack!

As the elf priestess ran outside hurriedly, a huge flame swept through the roof of the restroom and I could see a clear, bright sky. Katrianne must have arrived here.

A holy gleam of light was shining under the shitty toilet and I stuck close to the wall.

“Hey, kid! I know you are here! Where the hell are you?!”

Covered in dust, Katrianne kept snorting the breath out of her nose. Since her eyes were burning, it seemed that she was really pissed off.

Soon, her eyes were fixed on underneath the toilet and she got completely shocked. She found out where I was. But she just couldn’t believe that I was really inside the toilet.

“You…? No way…”

“Take this instead!”

I jumped over the toilet and threw shit water on her face. She really got soaked in shit water. Some of it went inside her mouth too so she kept vomiting.

Katrianne was spitting and rubbing her lips. Her eyes were full of murderous spirit.

“You are really dead now…”

“Come and murder me! You firefly bitch!”

I kept throwing shit water to her. She was so pissed off but the only thing she could do was dodging. She couldn’t even think of approaching me. 

Even demons had gotten tired and given up chasing after me. So definitely, a Valkyrie couldn’t capture me as well.

“You piece of shit!”

“Hurry up and come in. You should come in here first to either capture or murder me, right? Hehehe.”

As shit water kept being poured down on her, Katrianne couldn’t endure anymore and stepped back far behind.

“Come out from there! If you don’t, you’d be really dead.”

“Please murder me! If you can’t, you are still dumbass, you shit fly! Katrianne eats dung~ She eats dung~ Hahaha~”

As I kept scoffing at her with my funny song, she made a cold face. There’s a limit in her patience too. Even if she lived an eternal life, she would never have experienced such humiliation like today.

Soon, a flame violently arose from Idron in her hand and started creating a huge flaming cloud above the restroom.

It was a precursor of ‘Descent of Fire Dragon’ which was Idron’s unique magic. Its activation speed was slow but once it got activated, the whole place became covered with lava. This Flame-Type magic had an enormous amount of destructive power with an extensive range.

“Come out! If you come out now, you will not die!”

I raised up my middle finger above the toilet.

“Go f*** yourself.

“Really! You’re going to die!”


“Seriously! You will die!”

Soon, an intense flaming pillar fell over the women’s restroom. The whole place started boiling because of extreme heat emitting from lava. All the shit water in the bathroom turned into ashes and I disappeared as well.

Such a glorious end for me. I was always not being present at the final moment.

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