The Grand Prince Has Run Away

Chapter 24: 23

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“Hehe. I came here to catch the bluebird that ran away but I’ve found something nice.”

As she gazed at me with meaningful eyes, I answered briefly.

“What do you mean?”

“This ceremonial robe surely belonged to the Grand Prince Carl who recently got murdered, right?”


“Hey, a little red-headed bro. Where did you get this robe?”

She cast a hawk’s gaze at me as if she was after something. Feeling a strange tension, I slightly put my hand on Yojo. 

“I got lucky and won it in a gamble.”

“Really? You’re damn lucky.”

“I guess so.”

At that moment, she made a greedy look and came very close to me.

“Hey, little bro. Please sell this robe to me, won’t you?”

“Sell it?”

“I think it’d be great if I could display it in my home and invite my slicker friend. She’s so cheeky but with this robe, I could give her a big blow for sure. I will pay you a good price. Sell it to me.”

Apparently, she was trying to buy this robe to get revenge on her friend. Well, I actually had made a lot of women cry. Feeling relieved, I put Yojo away and started bargaining.

“Alright then. Eight big ones.”

“Don’t you think it’s too expensive?”

“Expensive? Hmm… if you tell me your name, I will cut 1000 riffs of gold off.” 

“You’re going to cut 1000 riffs of gold only to find out my name?”

“Sure~ Finding out the name of such a beautiful woman like you for 1000 riffs of gold? It’s totally worth it.”

She burst out laughing. She probably felt happy once she heard that she’s beautiful. By the way, this woman looked kind of stupid. With a little compliment, it seemed that she’s really trying to buy this ceremonial robe for 7000 riffs of gold. 

She reached out her hand which was as white as snow.

“Hey little bro, you do have a discerning eye. My name is Armida. What is your name?” 

I shook her hand and rolled my eyes. Armida. I had heard of it before. She’s the Dark Master and a senior supervisor who was in charge of leading the Guardians on the side of the Power of Darkness to the Road of Asceticism. And there’s a rumor that she’s always causing troubles and accidents anywhere she traveled. Also, this woman in front of me seemed like one who’s bringing troubles all the time.

However, it’s more likely that they had the same name. Right now, Armida should be preparing for the trip to the Road of Asceticism with newly recruited Guardians. She was not supposed to be here.

“My name is Kaoyan Anuquin. A wolf obsessed with Armida’s beauty.” 

“Hahaha. My little bro. You’re such a good joker.”

“I am not kidding. If any man doesn’t drool in front of you, he’s not a man. Hehehe.”

With her mouth wide open, Armida kept laughing as if she were going to die.

“Hey little bro, you are a pretty good businessman.”

“No, not at all. I am being truly honest. That’s all. Alright then! If you become my lover, I’ll give you this robe for free. How about that?”

She gently cupped her chin in her hand.


“Of course~ I wouldn’t even trade you for a hundred of this kind of robe. Actually, no. I wouldn’t even trade you for the entire world.” 

Armida laughed her head off. She looked very happy as if she heard the best compliment she ever wanted.

“Hohoho. Little bro. I really like you.”

“So it means you’re accepting my offer?”

She stopped laughing and made a sad look.

“No, I won’t accept your offer. I can’t buy or sell my love for something else.”


“Anyways, sell me that robe. I need it for a special purpose.”

“I got salty. I’m not selling. If you don’t like me, all of that money is useless. So, no trade.” 

“You don’t want money…? How about my affectionate gift? Probably it’s worth a lot more than your robe.”

I showed little interest. Actually, I was very interested since she said it’s a gift worth more than 7000 riffs of gold. There are only a few things which would value more in the whole world.

“What is it?”

“Something you might want. I’m pretty sure that you would love it.”

She took out something large and translucent, engraved with a lot of Rune characters from her arms. It’s an essence but it was incredibly huge. The largest essence that humans could crystalize was as big as a chestnut. However, this one was too thick to hold in one hand and its length was as long as a large gourd bottle.

This was certainly an essence of another level that could only be made in Kronos, the Sky City.

I collected my mind and stared at Armida. The fact that she possessed this kind of essence meant she might be a Valkyrie. I looked at the huge pitch-black axe hanging on her shoulders. Looking at it more closely, I noticed that it was quite familiar to me. It was the Talatas, the Deadly Axe of the Dark Moon which was one of the Seven Sacred Weapons. Recently, someone took the Talatas which was laid in the Hall of Divinity, and replaced it with a fake one. So, it seemed that she’s the owner of the Talatas. And it meant she’s almost 100% Valkyrie. Only Valkyries could sneak inside the Hall of Divinity and take out the Seven Sacred Weapons.

‘Katrianne and also Armida came down this world…? No, there’s one more. The owner of Rossim. Seriously, what the hell is going on?’

But I got my mind off of it immediately. I didn’t want to get involved with the Valkyries anymore and there would be nothing special happening except wars between humans until the Era of Destruction. So, I had no reason to be bothered.

I grabbed the huge essence which Armida laid down on the table.

“So, what is this?”

“It is a magic item which can summon the Jet-Black Crescent Horse. It’s incomparably faster than any other horse in the world and never gets tired. Also, it puffs out flames which can destroy the surroundings. What do you think? Isn’t it super great?

My hands were trembling. According to her description, it’s the best item for survival. The most necessary conditions to survive the Era of Destruction were speed and endurance. And obviously, this Jet-Black Crescent Horse met both conditions.

“Really? Can I summon it for once?”

“Sure. But first, you need to go through a ritual of becoming an owner. Only the owner and those who are approved by the owner could ride it.”

“How do you do that?”

“You should put your blood on it.”

Using Yojo, I slightly cut off the tip of my finger and put my blood over the huge essence. Soon, emitted was a black smoke aura overflowing over me.

Once I completed the ritual, Armida taught me how to summon and remove it. Then I was ready to summon the Jet-Black Crescent Horse. Throwing the huge essence into the air, I shouted.

“Summon. The Jet-Black Crescent Horse!”

As I threw the essence, the black smoke rolled up from it and transformed into a smoky black horse wearing a black bard.

Breathlike red flames were puffing and spreading out from its mouth, nose, and eyes. As I touched its black smoky body, I found out it’s intangible. The essence, the only weakness, was completely hidden underneath the bard. A black smoky mane and tail were waving because of the gentle breeze entering the store. 

I could tell right away that it’s such a great horse. In fact, this magic item was made in Kronos, the Sky City. So, it must be something extraordinary.

Before I knew it, Armida walked close to me.

“Do you like it?”

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“Then I can keep your robe, right?”


Without even thinking, I answered right away. There’s no way I could not fall into the temptation of owning this Jet-Black Crescent Horse. I felt sorry for Armida but honestly, the horse looked more gorgeous than her.

I grumpily glanced at the knight next to me. He was also looking at the horse with his greedy eyes. Then I quickly removed the horse. How did he dare? Now, this horse became my favorite horse. 

‘Motherfu****! I am going to poke his eyes out.’

Armida took my robe and started talking to me again.

“Well, little bro. Shall we discuss the real business now?”

“Real business?”

“Yeah. Actually, the reason I’m here is because of the bluebird that ran away.”

Then she glimpsed at Shura. And I looked at both of them one after the other.

“Is Shura the bluebird?”

“Yeah. She must leave for the Road of Asceticism but disappeared. I’d really appreciate it if you would consent.”


I punched the face of the knight in the black armor standing next to me. Thud, thud. He rolled over the floor, lost his consciousness, and fell down in a corner of the store. Somehow, I didn’t like him from the beginning. 

Armida narrowed her eyes.

“Little bro. What are you doing?”

“Nothing. That guy kept prowling around us. Now, I think I know why.” 

“Really? He’s a really bad person.”

“Yeah. He deserved that punch. Usually, I would’ve murdered him but I received a little stuff from him just before. So, I spared his life.”

With a shady smile, Armida looked at Shura who was putting her hand on Dalahan and showing wariness.

“Anyways, little bro. What will you do?”

“What are you going to do with Shura?”

“Train her into a swordswoman who’s suitable for Dalahan.”

“Oh, you’re going to teach Shura?”

“You catch on quick. That’s right.”

I snorted.

“Stop kidding me. You’re a beautiful woman and no one who’s more beautiful than you will be born in the whole world. But you’re not at the level of a person who could teach Shura. Please don’t try to ruin her bright future. Just give up now.”

She narrowed her eyes.

“You don’t know who I am.”

“I know who you are. That’s why I can’t consent even more.”

“Huh. Why?”

“Those who’re strong from birth do not know how to become strong. Why? They haven’t gone through the process of getting strong. In other words, you might be stronger than anybody in the world yet you are a terrible teacher.”

Her eyes slightly quivered.

Valkyries were born strong when created by God’s will. Thus, the one who’s strong from birth meant her and she’s Valkyrie.

“You already know who I am?”

I played Jet-Black Crescent Horse’s essence with my hand and looked at her axe.

“If I didn’t know it, I would be an idiot. Talatas, the Deadly Axe of the Dark Moon, had never come out to the world.”

“Oh~ little bro. You’re also sharp-sighted. I start liking you even more.”

“Anyways, just give up. I can’t turn a blind eye to Shura going down the wrong path.”

Armida got persuaded a little bit and cupped her chin in her hand. In fact, there’s no guarantee that a strong one could become a good teacher. She became worried if she would ruin Shura’s future.

“Hmm… I think you’re right. But you know what? I made a bet with my slicker friend. The one who trains her student stronger wins.”  

“Who is your slicker friend?”

“There is one who’s not blonde but still able to become a shit fly. It’s the first time ever.”

I giggled because I kind of knew who she was.

“Hey, sis. How about this? If Shura wants to learn how to use Dalahan, you should teach her. And I will teach her the way of swordsmanship. Then we could both become her teachers.”


“But not the Road of Asceticism. That’s a joke. It’s not even ascetic. I really hate wasting my time or Shura’s.”

Armida shook her head.

“Nope. I need the Road of Asceticism as an excuse to find someone. It’s very important.” 

“Then it’s more unnecessary to leave for the Road of Asceticism. Do you think you can find someone just by wandering around all over the places?”

“Then how?”

“You should make that guy come to you.”

“No way. If that guy comes here, we’d be all dead. The guy is very strong.”

“Oh my god. You’re really kind of stupid. If the guy is that strong, you’d be dead more certainly when you go to the guy’s place. Even a dog has 80% better fighting chance at his house.”

My logic was undeniable. There’s an old saying that one should go to a tiger’s den to capture a tiger. But according to common sense, that’s insane. When you hunt a tiger, it’s better to lure him outside.

“Hmm… that kind of makes sense too.”

“Anyways, I’m done here. So I better get going. I am pretty busy.”

“Little bro. Where are you heading to?”

“Kara, the desert city.”

“Quite far, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. It’s the best place to live in. Anyways, I don’t mind if you follow me or not.”

As we left the store, Armida followed us in a haste.

“Little bro! Hey~ Let’s go together.”

I made a shady smile. I got her. I thought I had to fight against a Valkyrie again but thanks to her stupidity, I got away with it.
Besides, if I took her around, I could have insurance and many benefits. Valkyries were nobler than anyone else in the world.

First of all, the Churches couldn’t do anything to me from now on. All the popes, the supreme leaders of the Churches, were her subordinates. So, everything’s settled now. With her revelation received from God, committing sacrilege or destroying the Great Temple of Divinum was no longer an issue.

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