The Grand Prince Has Run Away

Chapter 51: 50

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“Braham has declared war on the Kingdom of Robros!” 

Soldiers on their horses were delivering the good news in every corner of Kara. Since the Kingdom of Robros revealed its ambition to conquer the entire Great Desert, Braham could not stand by with folded arms. Not surprisingly, they declared war on the Kingdom of Robros.

Braham had 6,000 troops and its allies had 22,000 troops. Therefore, their united army was about 28,000 troops. Obviously, Braham was a strong state which possessed significant military power.

Although Kara and Braham used to be hostile to each other, they were in the same boat now. This was certainly great news for Kara and its people.

“Hey little bro, is it true that Braham has declared war on the Kingdom of Robros?”

Armida came back home and told me about the news. She seemed a bit excited because she thought Kara really had a fair chance now.

“Yeah, it’s true.”

“I thought Braham and the Kingdom of Robros were on the same side.”

“They were.”

“Why do they go to war against each other now?”

“People in Braham are not stupid. If they don’t make an alliance with Kara right now, they would be doomed.”

Braham made an alliance with the Kingdom of Robros before to attack Kara because only after conquering Kara, Braham could rule the entire Great Desert.

However, the Kingdom of Robros sent 150,000 troops to Kara. If they sent only about 20,000 troops, it wouldn’t be a big deal for Braham. But sending 150,000 troops was a totally different story. The entire Great Desert including Braham was in danger now.

Kara had only 4,000 troops so it was quite obvious why the Kingdom of Robros sent 150,000 troops. Their goal was actually to conquer the entire Great Desert. 

Besides, the Kingdom of Robros claimed the number of their troops was a million. Basically, it’s a threat to every city and state in the entire Great Desert. 

“So, it’s a huge break for Kara. With Braham on its side now, Kara has a fighting chance now. Am I right?”

Actually, it was true but only if they could fully unite their forces. Braham and its allies had 28,000 troops while Kara had 4,000 troops and its allies had 7,000 troops. 

So, the total number of troops was around 40,000 and most of the Shikar troops were either horse or camel cavalry.

As each soldier of horse or camel cavalry was as strong as ten-foot soldiers, Shikar troops of 40,000 had almost the same military power as that of 400,000-foot soldiers. Even though the Kingdom of Robros had knights who could use mana, Kara and Braham had a fair chance to win if they could utilize their geological advantages.

“Only if they can fully unite forces of 40,000 troops. But actually, I think the united force will be just about 15,000 troops.”

“How come?”

“Duke Wastein’s strategy is usually to cut off the arms and legs of his enemy first. Soon, most of the allies will betray Kara and Braham to join the side of Robros.

“No way~ They are still the same Shikar tribe, aren’t they? They are like blood brothers. How could they support the invading army?”

“Close families are often worse than distant neighbors. When people are close to each other, they have more conflicts. Thus, they hate each other more than strangers. You think they are all brothers, right? But in fact, they are completely different people except for their skin color.”

The Great Desert had been divided for a long time. Not only Kara and Braham were hostile to each other, many wars had erupted among other cities and states. Some cities were controlled by merchants and others by nomadic tribes. There were even cities where peasants had huge political power.

Their division had lasted for thousands of years so their enmity couldn’t go away that easy.

Moreover, allies of Kara and Braham were more like subordinates than friends. As the Kingdom of Robros was trying to persuade them by offering special privileges, their alliances would likely be broken anytime soon.

I stood up from my seat.

“By the way, where is Shura? You guys went outside together today, right?”

“Oh, Shura? She went to the Emir of Kara.”

I made a frowning face.


“Lately, the Emir of Kara often pays a visit around the city to boost people’s morale. And today, Shura ran into her so the Emir invited her to the palace. It seems they’re close friends.”

I walked towards the entrance door in fury.

“Hey sis, I’ve gotta go somewhere now.”


“I need to bring Shura back.”

“You don’t have to. She will come back soon.”

“Actually, I have to. Just stay in the office. I’ll be right back.”

“Sure. Don’t be too late.”

I hurriedly went out of the door.

Lately, Shura was giving me a hard time. I told her not to make friends who’re in trouble but she wouldn’t listen to me. Sometimes, a quiet kid could grow into a much more problematic person.

I probably should whip her ass today.

* * * 

“Please, come this way.” 

With a guard guiding me the way, I walked into the palace. They didn’t check my identity or anything. It seemed that I got a free pass to enter the palace anytime I wanted.

It must be a sign of danger. Whenever people showed the others a favor, they would likely ask something in return. Thus, I became worried about what favor Padilla would ask me.

“Sir, please wait here for a moment. The Emir will be here soon.”

It would be better for me if Padilla came. I certainly got bones to pick with her.


I sat down on a chair in front of the table in the reception room and waited for Shura.

While I was waiting, I could hear female servants laughing with bright smiles on their faces. They probably got excited after they heard Kara and Braham would join their forces.

Hope? Of course, it’s a good thing. Although their hope wouldn’t last for long, it’s not so bad for them to enjoy the moment for now.

Shortly after, Padilla and Shura entered the reception room.

“Gran Prince, welcome. I actually wanted to meet you again too.”

Even though she happily welcomed me, I made a frowning face. Now, she openly called me Grand Prince.

“Have a seat quickly.”

Holding Shura’s hand tightly, Padilla sat down in front of me. Then she opened her mouth with a bright face.

“Your highness, have you heard the news?”

“What news?”

“Kara has made an alliance with Braham.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard it.”

“Now, we have a fighting chance. We will definitely defend ourselves from the Kingdom of Robros.”

I made an indifferent look. In fact, I wanted to tell her honestly that Kara didn’t have the slightest chance to win the war. And only total destruction was left for her. But I could say while looking at her bright face.

She was the only person who showed kindness to me during the Era of Destruction. I just couldn’t say something that would hurt her feelings.

“So what?”

“Actually, I want to ask you for a favor. On the day we win the war, could you accept my invitation?”

Padilla blushed up and avoided my eyes. It seemed she took great courage but I didn’t know why she was acting like that.

“If you guys win, I will accept it.”

At that moment, the door was opened and Razal hurriedly came in.

“Your highness! There’s terrible news.”

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“Supreme commander! It’s very rude of you to come in like this. I have visitors here.”

Padilla’s voice was very loud and angry but Razal continued.

“Your highness, the Emir of Alessar pledged allegiance to the King of Robros and was granted the title, Viscount.”

At last, my prediction began to turn into reality. Alessar was the second powerful state in the Great Western Meadow and it had 3,000 troops. Since it was located on the southern end of the coast, it often took its own line unlike other cities and states in the Great Desert. Obviously, the surrender of Alessar was a huge blow for the other cities and states in the Great Desert. 

Now, Braham had to fight on two fronts.

“Why would the Emir of Alessar do such a thing?”

“I am not quite sure yet, your highness. But I think it’s because the Kingdom of Robros has allowed unlimited sea trade with Alessar.” 

The main export products of Alessar were farm produce and salted seafood. If the Kingdom of Robros imported those products from Alessar, the aristocrats who were accumulating their wealth from agriculture and fishing in the southern part of the kingdom would lose their profits significantly. That’s why the sea trade with Alessar was strictly limited.

Perhaps Duke Wastein made such a decision.

‘Duke Wastein has conquered Ealsar without spilling a drop of blood.’

In fact, the unlimited sea trade was inevitable if Alessar got conquered by the Kingdom of Robros since they would be ruled by the same regime. 

Duke Wastein must have known about it too. 

Padilla got panicky and stood up from her seat.

“Grand Pr… no. Master, I think we should talk next time.”

“I know. It seems you’re in big trouble. Let’s talk next time.”

After Padilla left in a hurry, I looked at Shura.  

“Did you see it?”


“If you stay with people who’re in danger, you will fall into danger as well. I’ve already told you many times that nobody can save Kara.”

“But last time, you’ve said there’s still a chance. Right?”

“Of course, it’s not totally impossible for Kara to win. Actually, Armida can easily save Kara. If she orders all the churches to blame the Kingdom of Robros for attacking Kara, the war would not even happen. But she can’t because Valkyries should not get involved in matters happening in this world. That’s the law of Kronos, the Sky City.”

“That’s true but…”

“And Kara has its own problems as well. They can defend themselves with their own power but they are not doing it because of the rules of their society.”

The population of Kara was 240,000 excluding slaves and their families. Thus, the actual population was larger.

On the other hand, the number of Robros troops was 150,000 and they could not station all their troops in Kara. They must protect their supply line through the Devil’s Trade Route and leave some troops in the rear. Given their circumstances, only 50,000 Robros soldiers could be put into the battle in Kara.

Against 50,000 Robros soldiers, Kara could certainly defend themselves only if united strongly.

But Kara had an important problem in their social structure. Only warriors from noble families were allowed to join the army. Commoners must always be governed by the upper classes and could never change their social status. 

If commoners were allowed to join the army and made achievements in battles, they would ask for their rights to participate in politics. Military and politics were inseparable.

That’s why there was no reason for me to help Kara. The upper classes were only caring about keeping their social status. Thus, they brought this calamity upon themselves. Why the hell would I help them while putting my life in danger? It’s such nonsense. 

During the Era of Destruction, people were different. Those who had such a high social status like me and those who were low as slaves were the same. We were the same humans and soldiers who fought against demons. We were like brothers. We ate food together. We slept together. We went through hardships together.

That’s why we were stronger than anybody in the world.


“Kara will fall into ruin not because we turn blind eyes on them. It’s because of their own laws and social structure. So, you don’t have to care about them.”

I stood up and grabbed Shura’s wrist tightly.

“Master, wait.”

“Just come with me quickly. We should go back home now.”

“Please wait and listen to me.”

“We can talk after we get home. So, hurry up.”

I made an angry face but Shura still resisted.

“Then let’s stop by one place before we leave.” 


“You will find out how Padilla could know your true identity right away.” 

To be honest, I was curious how Padilla, who met me only for a brief moment when we were young, could find out my true identity even though I was wearing a mask.

I paused for a little bit to think and then nodded my head.

“Sure. Take me to that place.”

Shura guided me to another room. As two female servants sweeping the floor in front of the room saw Shura, they politely greeted her. 

“Please come in.”

Shura opened the door. The room was small but very luxurious and the sun was dimly shining through the window.

I was frozen immediately. The room was full of a man’s portraits. In fact, they were all my portraits.

“What are these portraits?”

“Padilla has collected all these portraits. She asked the painter from Carl’s territory for your portraits.”

There were portraits of me in the early years, school years, and adult years. In my early years, I looked like a guy with a big head. I could also see myself in a school uniform. Actually, copies of most of my portraits in the mansion of Carl’s territory were here.

Moreover, there were even some portraits painted quite recently. In one portrait, I was leaning on a tree with my mask slightly off. Its painting style seemed like that of the Great Desert painters so it was probably painted by a painter from Kara.

I took a look at the portraits and then asked Shura.

“Why the hell is Padilla collecting my portraits?”

“Because she loves you.” 

I just kept blinking my eyes because I felt so dumbfounded. 

“No way…”

“It’s true. Padilla has told me that she will make a proposal to you after the war is over.” 

I yelled at the top of my voice.

“No way~ It’s impossible. She and I had met only once when we’re very young.”

“But the day she met you was the most important day in her life.”

“Maybe she’s trying to deceive us. Given her current situation, she would do anything to save herself.”


Although Shura kept telling me that Padilla had a strong affection towards me, I still couldn’t believe it. Throughout my life, only my mother who already passed away loved me truthfully. Of course, Shura was deeply in love with me right now but actually female Elves were born to love their lovers wholeheartedly.

‘Does she really love me?’ 

In fact, after I thought about how Padilla had treated me in both my current life and past life, I couldn’t completely rule out that possibility. She saved me many times when I was in danger. Furthermore, she drew her last breath in my arms. Not to mention this room full of my portraits. 

“Could it be an obsession?”


I felt so bashful. I was happy but also sheepish. I had never felt this kind of feeling before. What an awkward moment.

‘Sure. I will save a few people who are very important to Padilla.”

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