The Grand Prince Has Run Away

Chapter 62: 61

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The battle quickly turned into a dogfight. Even though a countless number of Robros soldiers attacked by arrows and flails fell from the ramparts, their troops didn’t even hesitate to climb up the wall for head-to-head battles against soldiers of Kara.

The most threatening part of the enemy was their mercenaries. Mainly crawling up the left side of the ramparts, they continued to wreck our troops with their skillful movements.

If it weren’t for the support of cavalry units from the Yosrahim Empire of Count Hik and Zenbe’s, the castle would have been already taken a while ago.

“Hmm, if only they got trained more. Can’t help it though. There was no time.”

Also, the middle area was rather risky. The 4th army of Commander Akam was in charge of it but their defense didn’t seem so firm as expected, which followed after the knights of Robros troops broke through into a point of Kara’s defense and opened the road.

It seemed like the regular troops of Robros were in charge of attacking the middle area.

The thing was, however, that 1st army of Commander in chief, in charge of the right side of the ramparts,  were putting up a surprisingly good fight. At the moment, their strong defense was not allowing even a single castle town to be taken against Shikar allies combined with Robros.

They appeared to grow a step above through experiences of hunting evil spirits and their sense of crisis from other troops being established here and there. It was worth neglecting them for months.

‘See? If you do it, you do it.’

Except for the fact that there was some serious issue of lacking willpower, each soldier was so excellent in 1st army of the commander in chief. That’s because they all were from gentry houses, having been training martial arts since their childhood. If determined, there’s no military power more reliable than the 1st army.

“Attack! Get inside the castle!”

A knight of Robros who just managed to climb up on the top of the ramparts shouted as trying to get into the castle. But shortly after, he froze immediately after seeing the volunteer army of our side over the ramparts.

They weren’t elites but were all hoplites.

He couldn’t have dared to step inside since the volunteer army covering all over the ground, pointing their spears at the troops of Robros almost looked like a giant hedgehog. Soon after, the knight fell down to the bottom of the ramparts, pushed by Mana knights and soldiers of ours.

In terms of the numbers, we were definitely superior. Relying on the castle, Our advantage in number was huge both in totality and in close battles here and there.

Swish. Swish.

Padilla fiercely triggered the magic grenade launcher towards the enemy, as if she wanted to inspire other soldiers. The destiny of Kara depended on this battle. She wasn’t in a situation where she could be protected in peace just because she was an emir, just because she was a woman.

Padilla fought against Robros troops more aggressive than before.

Suddenly, a point of our line had just broken through and a mob of the enemy climbed up the ramparts. They quickly approached toward the center of our fortress, killing defense forces without mercy with smooth, keen movements.

I stared at a middle-aged man with gray hair standing in front of the mob. He was a large guy, swinging a sword with a 30-centimeter-long aura blade.

‘Count Burto?’

Count Burto, one of the closest relatives of marquis Fabius, is now a middle-class sword-master. As he’s such an alcohol lover, he and I used to hang out often drinking together. It’s weird to encounter him this way today.

“Go behind, Padilla.”



I moved Padilla away to behind the fortress. There was no need to let her seen by Burto. I directed Mana knights of Shikar to gather at the fortress and moved forward with them.

“All of you! Clear the path! It’s meaningless for you to fight.”

After the soldiers of Kara stepped aside on my command, count Burto approached to where I was with his men, with a smile all over his face.

“Are you the White mask?”


“Ha! I heard from marquis Fabius. Apparently, you are brave enough to call him a bald head. Finally, I get to see you in person.”

“So this is how you call him a bald now? I bet you have some bad history with the bald grandpa. I’m telling him on you later.”

“There’s no need to. You’ll be dead by me today.”

I pulled out my Yojo, showing the 40-centimeter-long aura blade.

“It’s never gonna be easy.”

Count Burto’s eyes got a bit bigger. He seemed slightly surprised.

“White mask, weren’t you a low-class master?”

“I grow like a tree, day by day.”

“ You are dangerous.”

At the moment, I saw a group of cavalrymen rushing from a far distant field to the western side of ramparts. Being in form of sharp marching, they jumped up to the wall in rapid motions as soon as reaching the ramparts and swung their swords aggressively.

“Damn. I guess the bald grandpa and his minions have arrived.”

“Yeah. Now you’re done.”

“It’s fine. I already put Zenbe’s and cavalry units from the Yosrahim Empire of Count Hik on standby there.”

Burto glared. Zenbe and Count Hik are great masters who are among the few swordsmen that can actually fight against Fabius.

Especially for uncle Zenbe, nobody could be so sure who would be the winner between him and the marquis.

Moreover, There was no doubt that Fabius was in an inferior position in number.

“Wh, what the-. How could you know?”

“Well, How could I? Probably it’s either that I have a crazy power to foresee, or that one of you split some secrets to me.”

I tried to make him confused with an uncertain answer.

‘There is a betrayer who leaks confidential military information among you.’

What I said was something that could evoke anxiety in his mind. If Fabius dies in a trap because of the betrayer, it’s the end for Robros troops.

“How dare you! Who the hell is the betrayer!”

Burto jumped up to me in rage.

Focusing all of my mind on him, I stopped his blow. The next moment, Yojo flew to the count as a flowing stream. While auras sparked between the two of them, an extreme battle between Robros knights and Shikar’s mana nights started.

It was a neck and neck battle. The knights of Robros excelled in organic allied attacks, while each one of Mana knights of Shikar tribes was accomplished being made of Mana swordmen only.

But as time passed, Mana knights of Shikar tribes started to form an advantageous circumstance for them. We exceeded in fights between heads.

Not only was count Burto inferior to me in strength, but he also lost his nerve. He could never, be a match for me.

“It’s the king of yours that’s a betrayer. Haha!”[Read this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at the “Novel Multiverse dot com” website @]

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I made him even more pissed by mocking. Probably even Burto wouldn’t like the dislikable king, but he wouldn’t enjoy a mockery from me, the enemy either.

“You evil piece of the enemy! Die!”

The sword of outraged count Burto wobbled so easily. Such a small difference, but it was huge like a mountain in a battle between masters. Blocking his continuous attacks, I kept waiting for a slack. Soon after an opportunity was given, I stroked his chest rushing with my shoulders.

Struck fully, count Burto got knocked out right away. However hard he tried to stand right again, he kept being pushed behind by my brutal attacks to even touch a wall on his back.

As I approached him with Yojo, a Robros knight in his helmet launched himself to block my way.

“Libero, No!”

Hearing Burto’s desperate shout, I changed my mind from cutting the knight in two at a stroke to smashed his head to stun him, switching to arm-offense posture immediately.

I also know Libero. He was a son of Burto back in a previous life, who had died in the fierce battle of the gateway Folkin. He used to join me and the count sometimes in drinking together.

I glanced at Libero being fainted for a moment.

“Ha. He was lucky.”

Count Burto suddenly stood up and glared at me.

“Why did you spare his life?”

Because he’s a drinking buddy. Even if I encountered him as an enemy, it’s not so easy to kill a person who used to eat together with joy.

“Because he’s a devoted son. How can I kill a son who throws himself for his father brutally? Especially in front of his father.”

“You, How did you know Libero’s my son?”

“You are the deputy commander of the expeditionary force. I must have the basic knowledge.”

Count Burto grasped the handle of his sword.

“Anyway. Let’s say I owe you. I’ll make sure there is no looting after we occupy Kara.”

Says Burto, Swinging his sword in a far exquisite movement. After blocking his attack, I clacked my tongue as the heavy impact was sent through Yojo to my risk.

“Pfft. If you owe me why don’t you repay it to me in person?”

“It’s not that big of a deal. We have to seize you to win.”

How come he repays his debt owed by me to Kara, which has nothing to do with me. Anyway, it shows there is no point doing a favor for bipedal animals.

Ching, Ching ching!

Anyone could’ve seen that the blade of Burto’s sword went sharp. He might have considered me as a humane, honorable person to fight me with all his force.

But there wasn’t a big difference. The cards were still in my hands.

Even though he took his coldness back, but less murderous intent was seen in his eyes, as if he would spare my life when affordable.

Hesitation, however, is as bad for winning a battle as agitation. The count was doing a battle with unstable emotions remaining.


His sword passed right by, cutting my hair. It appeared like I avoided his attack by a whisker, but actually, it was a huge gap. I intended to avoid his sword by that whisker of a gap. The very next moment, I rushed inward, kneeing him right in his stomach severely.

His body swayed, lost its balance after being pushed few steps behind the cause of the impact. Although he had a wall behind him to lean on his back to stand with his legs, he couldn’t stop coughing.

“Uugh. White mask, you do be strong as the marquis said.”

“So surrender. Or back away.”

The count put all his effort to point his long sword upright again, spending a while catching his breath.

“No way. We can prove our loyalty to our king only by occupying Kara.”

I smirked. How pushy is the king of Robros to his men for Burto to say like that?

I guess we should process our original plans also.

The final goal of this war is the head of The Robros king. There is no other way than capturing the king, the cause of making these talented figures to act senselessly in the name of loyalty.

The old king of Robros should say farewell to this world, at least for my sake of life extension. He has lived for a long enough time so he can’t have any regrets, even for dying at this moment.

“How far would your loyalty survive?”

“What did you say?”

“You’ll figure later.”

 I pressed him more and more, swinging Yojo without mercy. The count kept holding out with clenched teeth, only to be pushed ‘til the fortress, stepping back constantly at my ruthless attacks.


During the close battle, Yojo grazed the left shoulder of Burto and some blood splashed. The wound wasn’t big but was a sign that the count was in the worst position. Shortly after I continued to leave him small cuts on his waist and thigh, and then kicked his knees to make him kneel.

The battle went almost one-sided. Adding to the fact that I am a rather advanced swordsman, excelling in practical skills, the count couldn’t show his full ability because of an emotional burden that he had received my favor.

Soon after he was hit in his face by my knee and roughly rolled on the ground.


Burto lifted his body as his knights shouted desperately. But he soon fell again by me running toward and swinging Yojo at him.

And as I kicked his chest again, he got pushed and fell down from the fortress. A sound of thud was heard the next moment and I looked down to the bottom.

The count was wrecked so hard from the shock of the crush.

I jumped from the fortress right after to the ground and cut all the besieging soldiers around. And then proceeded to walk through the kindled ground to the count.

“Count Burto, Are you breathing?”

Count Burto lifted his upper body, groaning. While reaching his arms trying to find his sword, he got kicked his head by me, then collapsed.

I carried fainted Burto on my back. He was an important figure for my upcoming plans. It might be a waste to kill him here.

I carried the count up to the fortress through a ladder nearby.

“White mask has captured count Burto!”

Soon the news of my victory got spread among the entire front. I sent a messenger to inform all the others.

Count Burto is the deputy commander of this Robros’ expeditionary force. It was right to let this news spread to boost the morale of our troops, although it’s a bit embarrassing.

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