The Grand Prince Has Run Away

Chapter 72: 71

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Around the morning, I woke up to a sense of busyness. 

Outside the door, the sound of shoes being pulled continued, and the chatter of the maids was also heard. I covered myself with a blanket, but it was still noisy. 

Resting after a long time was being ruined. 

But I couldn’t blame her for being quiet. This is because today is the day of Padilla’s coronation. Now, Palace was busy preparing for the coronation. 

Unable to endure, I roughly changed my clothes and went out. I think I should go out and have breakfast. 


When I came out of the hallway, I could see Nazir and Bayan passing by, exchanging insults with each other. They still don’t seem to be on good terms, but they were always together. 

When Nazir and Bayan saw me, they rushed to greet me. 

“Master, are you up?” 

“Yes, but where are you going?” 

“I’m going to inspect the troops. I’m supposed to leave for Jores Island the day after tomorrow.” 

They still live hard. I blinked my head. 

“Go and do well. Call me when you have a hard time.” 


“Instead, you get paid twice as much. There’s no portal tower built on Jores Island yet, so it takes a while.” 

Nazir and Bayan laughed cheerfully. 


“Then go.” 

“Yes, then I’ll visit you before I leave.” 


I glanced at Nazir and Bayan. 

Although They received a low title for the leading role in the victory, considering their position as a commoner in the past, they were quite successful. In addition, Nazir and Bayan still had a chance to make a big contribution. It was the development of the island of Jores and the eradication of the swarming enchantments on the island. 

I walked down the hall scratching my butt. 

At that time, an old man approached me with an emotional face and politely grabbed the hand I just scratched my butt and kissed on the back of my hand. 

“It’s an honor to see you here.” 

I pulled out my hand with a frown. 


“Didn’t you win a great victory last time with the protection of the Great Holy Lady of Yinyang?” 

“Kind of.” 

“I was touched by the story of you. As expected, God is great and holy, and it became an opportunity to establish my faith. Thank you.” 

The old man is said to be one of the delegations from my home country, the Yosrahim Empire. He introduced himself as ‘Tiben’, a believer in the faith of the yin and yang. 

I scratched my head slightly and smiled awkwardly. I think I heard the name somewhere, but I can’t remember it well. 

“Oh, really?” 

“If you see the Great Holy Lady of Yinyang, please ask her to pray for me. Every day is a thorn in my side because I don’t get along with a powerful politician in the Empire these days.”  

“Okay, go away.” 

“Yes, please, then.” 

The flowers in the garden were in full bloom in the fast-paced spring mood. As always, the sky was clear, and the spring breeze from somewhere was very refreshing. 

One flaw was the couple who took a nice walk along the garden path. 

a middle-aged man and a beautiful maiden of flower-like age It’s a really bad couple. 

A middle-aged man saw me and walked with his lover in a hurry. 

“Master, I see you here.” 

It was Arkham. I heard he was about to marry the daughter of former Braam leader, and she must have been this woman. 

“Oh, it was General Arkham. But the lady next to you, is she? 

“Yes. Anisha, say hello, it’s the king.” 

“It’s an honor to see you. It’s Anisha.”  

Anisha greeted politely. I scanned her figure and tickled Arkham in the ribs. 

“I envy you.” 

“Thank you.” 

Arkham gave a hearty laugh. 

I stared at Arkham with a sad expression. I recently advised him to receive coastal city land with high potential for development, but he refused and made a very computational choice.  

“But why did you go to Braam? You’ll be out of international trade in a little while.” 

“It’s my hometown. It’s also my wife’s hometown.” 

“I heard you changed your last name to Braam.” 

“Yes, I want to keep the name of my hometown intact. It’s also a tribute to the former leader, who died unjustly.” 

“It doesn’t matter. Anyway, work hard. But Braam is at the forefront of stopping the Kingdom of Bastian, so the center will support him a lot of support.” 


“Then I’ll have to go.” 

I left my seat so as not to disturb the date between the couple. Approaching the main gate, I could see Kasim rushing into the palace. 

He suddenly shouted at me to stand up to him. 

“Master! Haven’t you started yet?” 


“The coronation.” 

“What took you so long?” 

“We met a sand storm. Hahaha.” 

Kasim’s outfit was luxurious, but it looked very messy with a lot of dirt on it. It’s the same as usual. 

“Relaxed—there’s still a long way to go.” 

“Phew, that’s good.” 

“Go wash your clothes. We can’t go to the coronation like that.” 


When Kasim was about to leave in a hurry, I called again. 

“Oh, Kasim?” 


“I heard you’re building a private fleet, is that true?” 

The private fleet is a nationally approved pirate.

“Hahaha, yes.” 

“Get some dignity.” 

“But don’t you need a private pirate to protect the sea trade routes?” 

“Of course you’re right, but we have a long way to go.” 

“That’s all right. It’s a lot of money if you catch the sea animal now. The price of essence has been going up so much lately. Hahaha.” 

Currently, the price of essence was soaring sharply around the world. In the past, it was exclusive to wizards, but with the recent emergence of Mana Cannon and the reevaluation of mana-tank launchers, it has also become a very useful resource for national military strategy. 

As a result, countries on the continent began to purchase essence in large quantities at the national level, and prices were soaring naturally. 

“Use a harpoon if you’re going to catch a marine animal.” 

“What’s the harpoon?” 

“It’s a mana cannon but a little weaker. It’s going to be developed by the weapons lab, so use it later.” 

Originally, the harpoon was a weapon and a tool used to lift the body of a demon outside the castle from the wall of the time of destruction. To extract the Chaos piece, which is the material of the essence. 

However, the harpoon was also very useful when catching marine animals. 

“Yes, sir.” 

“Then work hard.” 


I looked at Kasim leaving with a sneaky look. 

That man is always pleasant and has a good eye for the future. Thanks to this, he may have served as the head of the Great Desert Bandit, but he seemed to be able to perform well. 

I haven’t seen anyone who can’t work for a profitable and good-natured guy. These people are taken care of by their subordinates even if they are not able to work. 


Leaving the front door and entering the mansion, I found a cart sitting under the fence of a mansion. 

It was Jenbe’s cart. 

Padilla said she would give me a castle, but she refused it and is trembling. Indeed, it is difficult for Orcs to serve humans as their main force. 

What a nuisance, by the way. 

Even though it’s a part of the story, what if we open a cart in a luxurious mansion like this? It can be considered useful just to not be kicked out, but maybe it’s natural. There’s no warrior in this Kara to kick Jenbe out. Perhaps the owner of the mansion over that fence would have thought the same way. [Read this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at the “Novel Multiverse dot com” website @]

“Yehyo~ What’s that human form?” 

But there was one more human oak as a guest. He was a bald grandfather who recently became a duke. Not long ago, he came to Kara as a representative of the mission to the Kingdom of Bastian, and all the time, he was beaten by Jenbe. 

I approached the cart bar and sat next to Duke Fabius. Jenbe’s dad welcomed me. 

“Is the human being here?” 

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“Yes, but what’s the cart this morning?” 

“What the hell isn’t going on with this old man.” 

Jenbe had poor eyes. It must have been open all night. I blamed the Duke Fabius. 

“Hey, grandpa. Think about your body. You’re not a young man. How can you take it all night?” 

Duke Fabius, who was slightly intoxicated, raised the glass high. 

“I’m not dead yet.” 

“I know, but don’t you have to sleep if you don’t want to die? There’s a coronation ceremony later. Do you want to sleep there?” 

“Um. You can’t do that because you have the face of a great nation.” 

“Go and sleep if you know.” 

Duke Fabius took a piece of gold from his arms and put it on the table. 

“Then take care of yourself. See you later at the dinner party.” 

“I do. Good night. 

Duke Fabius was about to leave, but suddenly stopped and glanced at me. 

“Oh, but Baekmyeon?” 


“Not long ago, I captured Count Boris, and he was making strange noises.” 

I looked as innocent as I could. 

“What are you talking about?” 

“They say you’ve fooled everyone. I heard you did everything to make us rebel? What the hell happened?” 

I waved my hand. 

“Hey, he’s putting everything on me to live. What can’t you say if you want to live?


“Of course it is, but the King of Bastian seems to think he was beaten by you.” 

“It’s just a sense of qualification. To be honest, how could an ignorant swordsman like me make such a joke?” 

Jenbe helped me. 

“He’s the one who’ll be left a hundred times. I’ve been beaten up, so I know.” 

“Oh, come on, old man!” 

Duke Fabius stared at me with a squint. 

“Are you sure you’re playing tricks on me?” 

“No, I’m not. Honestly, what would I gain if the Kingdom of Robros was destroyed? I’m free. I’ve been committing this war to make ends meet, but only the Bastian army would have been forced to step down at the time, so why change your dynasty? It’s not good for me.” 

“In the meantime, Kara was able to establish a stable kingdom.” 

“Of course, if you say it like that, I’m really frustrated. Look at my sparkling eyes and good-looking face. Do you look like you’re going to cheat? 


“Ah! Really! It’s not. The Count of Boris is cheating. He’s so clever. He’s bragging about the lack of evidence.” 

Duke Fabius nodded his head admirably. 

Although he seems to be still suspicious of me, the Duke has no choice but to believe me. 

If it’s true that I’m playing tricks on you, there’s a lot of damage to the justification of the Kingdom of Bastian. From the perspective of the Kingdom of Bastian, even if what Count Boris said was true, it should be made false. 

“But. I see. Then I’ll get going.” 

“Okay, bye.” 

As the Duke of Fabius left, Jenbe began to organize his utensils and kitchen knives. I was going to finish the business here today. 

“Are you going, too, old man?” 

“Yes, business hours are over.” 

“Then what’s my meal?” 

“Come next time. What’s so pretty about a free customer that they can feed you after business hours?” 

I picked up the gold coins on the table. 

“What’s wrong? I have money.” 

“Isn’t that the old man’s money?” 

“That grandfather’s money is mine, and my money is mine.” 

Jenbe’s dad took the gold coin from my hand. 

“That’s enough. I have to go to bed early to attend the coronation.” 

“Really? Then there’s nothing we can do.” 

I couldn’t help but let Jenbe’s dad go. It looks like you’re coming as a folding screen, but it doesn’t look good if you have a blank face like now. 

* * * 

The coronation ceremony was held in a grand manner with all the gods and celebratory envoys from all over the world. 

When a crown was placed on Padilla’s head from Shura’s hand, all participants gave examples of congratulations, and people cheered throughout the city of Kara. 

It was the moment when Kara, the only city-state, was reborn as a kingdom.  

Rajal wiped away his tears the whole time what was so happy, and Udin slightly avoided somewhere to see if he could hide his intense feelings. 

Me and Armida, who played the role of a folding screen in the back, came down the platform and sipped a glass of banquet wine when they had a moment to relax. It was a long ceremony, so I was very thirsty. 

“Brother. Good for you. Right? 

“Well, it has to work out.” 

“Why? What else is wrong?” 

I shrugged my shoulders. 

“In the early days of the kingdom, there are many difficulties. There can be unexpected revolts, and we need to establish diplomatic relations.” 

“Is there going to be a rebellion? You have a brother, don’t you? 

“I do, but setting up diplomatic relations will be a bit of a dilemma.” 


“There’s no neutrality in a small country. So Kara has to be on anyone’s side anyway, but this choice is a bit of a headache. The Kingdom of Bastain, the neighboring kingdom of Yosraheim, will become an outcast all over the world.” 

“But wouldn’t it be better if Shura helped you?” 

I blinked my head. 

“Of course, if Shura comes forward, the Yosrachim Empire will be controlled. Your conservatives are dying with just one word from our Shura. But Padilla will have to do well in her own way.” 

“But she’s a queen now.” 


Shura, who was in trouble with the crowd, came to us after asking everyone for their understanding. He seemed to have taken refuge under our pretext. 

“Master. Master.” 

“Okay, come on. It was hard, wasn’t it? 


I still looked at the crowd concentrating on Shura. 

“But what did the stalkers say? I think you’ve been talking about something.” 

“I’m asking you to bless me.” 

“Really? Anything else?” 

“Oh, I’ve been invited. It’s Procia Day soon, isn’t it?” 

“Oh, you’really. 

“I want you to visit the temple instead of the divinum then.” 

Frightened by the words, Armida sat down, squeezing her hair. 

“Right! Look!” 

I looked down at Sister Armida. 

“What report?” 

“You know, looking for a friend who left home. Every year on Procya Day, I have to go to Devinum instead and report on the progress.” 

“We can do it, right? 

“You didn’t do anything!” 

I clicked my tongue. Armida looked like an immature student who didn’t do his vacation homework before school started. Well, there couldn’t have been anything to report since you played like that. 

Shura, who smiled, looked at me with a subtle look. 

“Master, come to think of it, it’s been a year since we met next week. We met about ten days before Procia Day.” 

It was Shura who remembered everything. I rolled my eyes for a moment. This is because there was an unknown sense of incompatibility. 

One year? 


After counting the days with my fingers, I sat next to Armida with a white face and tore my head off. Come to think of it, yesterday was exactly the first year since it was reborn. 

“Shang! It’s already been a year!” 

“What’s wrong with Master?” 

“There’s only seven years left!” 

It’s been 7 years until the end of the world. I didn’t enjoy my life much, but it’s already been a year. 

Is this how a student feels a day before school starts? If I could see time, I wanted to cut him down as a fairy right away.

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