The Grand Prince Has Run Away

Chapter 82: 81

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In Padilla’s hand, there was Gauss with a glimmer of blue light. Unsure of what to do with the glory she had been given, she looked in disbelief as she turned to look at everyone in her gold thread.

“Gau, Gauss made me his master, right?”

I just smiled happily, and Shura and the old high priest were so moved that they didn’t know what to do.

Shura, who had experience, answered confidently.

“Yes. Padilla is now a saint.”

Padilla was thrilled and dropped her hand holding her Gauss. The goddess of Euroa, who had served her ancestors from generation to generation, chose herself. Now all the people of Kara will look up to the queen, and the kingdom, which was like a grain of sand, will unite before this Gauss and the cause of God’s glory.

Padilla ran and hugged me.

“It’s all thanks to Baekmyeon. If Baekmyeon hadn’t brought me here to the Great Hall of Divinum, there wouldn’t have been a happy day like today.”

“What. I was destined to receive it, so I just received it. Well then, let’s go. We must inform everyone of the birth of the Great Saint.”


We paused the Hall of Fame ceremony for a moment and went outside.

The old high priest who went out first announced the birth of the Great Saint to all in attendance.

“Queen of Kara has ascended to the position of the Great Saint!”

Everyone shuddered at her sudden news, and when Padilla came out with her gauss, she knelt down on one of her knees in unison and paid homage to her. Although most of them belonged to the forces of darkness, there were no exceptions.

If we did not pay tribute to the Second Coming of the Great Saint, it was truly an act of distrust and apostasy.

However, compared to last year when Ignes came out with Shia, the atmosphere of worship was somewhat subdued. The birth of The Great Saint had also happened once or twice, but when about five people came out, it seemed that their weak feet were falling off.

As Padilla just stood limp in her tense pose, she pushed me back.

“Throw a message,” she said. Have you prepared anything?”

“Yes Yes.”

Then Padilla stepped in front of her and she started tossing messages to everyone. There were words of appreciation that conveyed joy, but most of them were speeches wishing for peace. Apparently, he had suffered a lot from the last war with the Lobros Army.

As I leaned my back against the walls of the Hall of Holiness and listened to Padilla’s speech, an elf woman approached me. She was Princess Ignes.

“What are you doing here in the middle of the night, man of the power of light?”

At my words, Princess Ignes opened her meaningful eyes.

“I came here just in case.”


“It suddenly occurred to me that the Queen of Kara might be her last great saint. But then again, it happened.”

“So what do you want to say?”

Princess Ignes narrowed her eyes at my calm voice.

“Isn’t it too ironic for a coincidence?”

“It seems ironic because it is a coincidence.”

“Isn’t it because it’s inevitable?”

“Why do you think like that?”

“Both of Baekmyeon’s lovers have become great saints.”

“If you say that, it will be inevitable. All the beauties in the world are my lover. All of the Saint Ladies are beautiful. kkkkkk.”

Princess Ignes did not get caught up in my jokes and continued the conversation.

“No. Three.”


“Her fiancee, Sierra Princess.”

I took a deep breath.

“Really, why do you keep doing this?”


“Yesterday someone over there made me a married man. But now he even makes her fiancee. Maybe your marriage fraud group? Why are you so upset that you can’t put a woman in my life?”


I took a proper posture and brushed the dust off my collar.

“Don’t say nonsense, just go. I’m busy I have to escort him to the Papal Palace of Padilla. A great saint went missing yesterday afternoon, so we have to do everything we can to protect her.”

As I was about to leave, Princess Ignes called out to me in a serious voice.

“Excuse me. I will ask you one more thing.”

“I told you to go.”

“If you answer this question, I will go.”

I turned towards Princess Ignes.

“Tell me.”

“Why? Do you not intend to save the world from destruction?”

“Destruction. What kind of destruction?”

“Did you not hear me? They say that because of the Valkyries called Sasavondia, the dictates of the times pointed to destruction.”

“Huh. I heard. So?”

“Tell me where she is. You know where she is.”

It’s ridiculous, I just shook my head. He seemed to know what kind of fortune-teller he was for me. Well, I figured out the tail, but it wasn’t Savondia.

“I don’t know, let me ask you one thing. Is it true that the guideline of the times pointed to destruction because of Savondia?”

Princess Ignes nodded her head as if it was natural.

“Yes. That’s what the Valkyries say.”

“Ah, what the sisters are saying, is it true of course?”

“Yes. Valkyries always tell the truth.”

I laughed bitterly.

“Not in my opinion. Cheating and telling lies? Did I see it myself?”


“You, if you don’t want to be stabbed in the back of the head later, come to your senses. We’re already deceived by a few. So always be suspicious and look around. If you don’t want to be taller later. Then go ahead That’s all I can tell you so far.”

I left the place with her dazed-faced Princess Ignes. I literally have nothing more to say. Of course, there are many, but you won’t believe it, so it hurts your mouth to try.


The schedule for the Great Battle of Divinum was almost coming to an end.

The festival period was still going on, but since all the ceremonies in the Hall of Holiness were over, there was no reason to stay here any longer.

Of course, the denomination wanted Padilla to remain and participate in her path of asceticism, but it was ignored. First of all, it was futile, and it made no sense for her to participate in an event where the queen of a country could run for nearly a year.

“Ah, I’m finally back.”

Armida older sister seemed to be greatly relieved at the fact that she was returning to Kara. After the Urbos incident, my sister had a dry time.

I said packing.

“But. After all, is our house the best?”

“I don’t mean that!”

“Then what?”

Armida snorted at her.

“You don’t know? Do you know how much I suffered for her brother?”

“Are you okay though?”

“Is that over? I mean, I was taken by Nemisona. I didn’t even see it.”

“Okay? What about Catherine?”

“The report itself was not opened at all. Her friends have been calling, but now Nemisona is so embarrassed that she doesn’t even come out of her residence.”

“Why not?”

“His face has become irrelevant. I was humiliated by my human brother, and the Urbos I sent with great intentions was savagely smashed, and she said that her younger brother even mocked me for sending me 10 more Urbos?”[Read this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at the “Novel Multiverse dot com” website @]

I lost my appetite.

“When did I make fun of you? He said that he would take off her mask in return for sending it. That’s pretty cool.”

“Does your brother hate to take off his mask like that?”

“It’s just a matter of What is it that you’re not hiding from us? It looks like they’re each trying to stab us in the back, but where the hell is that?”

Armida’s eyes widened.

“You hit the back of the head? who?”

“There is such a thing. You just have to trust me and just pretend you don’t know and stay still. I will make sure to return to my homeland safely.”

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Then a knock was heard. I quickly shut my mouth and opened the door.

Shura was standing outside the door.

“Master. Lord Izenberg is outside the hotel door.”

“Lord Izenberg?”



I put a faint smile on my lips and walked out. Lord Izenberg has only one thing for me to do.

Recently, the Central Church was in a lot of trouble due to various things other than the Urbos incident.

“Howdy. What’s going on, Lord Izenberg?”

“Back. Do you have time now?”


“There is a place to go together.”

“What the hell is your business?”

“I know when I go. Follow me.”

Lord Izenberg hastily took the lead, and I followed.

He guided us to a luxurious drawing room in the main building. There were three old men in gorgeous bicolor sitting inside, listening to tea together and having a serious conversation.

“I brought you a white face.”

An old man pointed to the chair in front of him.

“Come, both of you, sit down.”


I sat in front of them and greeted them.

These old men were the archbishops of each faction, Grancer, Mernan, and Sarco.

I smiled softly. All the real powers of the Central Church gathered. The pope was merely a ruler, and it was these people who actually moved the denomination.

Grancer, Archbishop of Light, put down his teacup and spoke to me.

“Back. Due to a series of recent events, the Central Church is facing a major crisis. The public’s sentiments are also raging, and the non-mainstream clergy towards us are not alone.”

“I know roughly. Grandpas will have to suffer a little.”

Dark Archbishop Mernan glanced at me.

“But Lord Izenberg tells us an interesting story.”


“The story behind this case and the solution you’re talking about.”

“Ah, pouring water to pacify the public mind, and in the meantime, catch the disturbing group?”


I quietly folded my arms.

“But grandpas. Are you aware of the fact that the case is getting bigger? One of the saints went missing a while ago.”

“It was.”

“This is a big setback.”


“I have to find Saint Alietta, too, but I can’t find it, but I can’t bring her. I was working upstairs.”

The three old men sighed deeply at the same time. hit. If you don’t bring the Great Saint, she’s a bummer, and she can’t bring her.

In this state, even if the case was resolved, it was not resolved. Because the reformist clergy will continue to bite and hang over the still missing The Great Saint.

“But are you sure it was taken from above?”


“On the basis?”

“All I can say is that in the sky city of Kronos, the location of the 7 Gods is definitely known. But no matter how much grandpas ask, they won’t get a cool answer. Because it was done there. And you won’t be able to tell this to anyone else. As soon as the situation of Alietta vs. Saint is known to the public, she will be very upset from above.”

The three old men groaned at the same time. In order to calm the situation, it is said that we must somehow find Alietta, but we cannot find it. It was a complete dilemma.

Archbishop Grancer asked me if I was cramped.

“Isn’t there a way to persuade them without a spirit?”

“Can’t you see that even I keep my mouth shut? The mere fact that you know that fact can make your neck go away. But what do you convince? It’s like advertising to catch me and kill me. Just do it another way.”


“Who are the troublemakers? Reformers?”


“And who are those Reformed clergy? They are mostly non-mainstream groups who are marginalized from the central school district, aren’t they?”

Archbishop Grancer shook his head.


“So there were a lot of complaints from the beginning. because they were alienated from power. So, secretly, sneak a peek at me in many ways. Then it will be very quiet.”

Everyone clapped their hands together as if woven together.

“That’s not okay. We are in a much more difficult position when someone savvy comes in by nurturing that bribery.”

“Oh, hey. Who can stab me in such a simple and ignorant way? Even if you stab it, you don’t have to stab it a little cheaply.”


“Simple. It’s pouring a new, huge priming water and stabbing it at the same time.”

I took out a large map from my subspace pocket. As I opened the map, Archbishop Mernan asked.

“Where the hell is this island?”

“Jorres Island. This is an area we are currently developing in Kara, but there is a lot of lack of funds and labor force. This place is so large that it can even build a country.”


“In other words, the denomination wants to jointly participate and increase the scale of the development. Then the construction will open up a lot of seats in the central church, and if you have reformist clerics in those places, it’s good to get an honorable mention, and they’ll take care of the bribes themselves. Well, even a picky person doesn’t have time to complain because he’s busy with work. But the most important thing is the priming effect.”

Archbishop Mernan’s eyes trembled.

“Are you going to focus the world’s attention on this one?”

“bingo. that’s right.”

“But do you think it will work?”

“Only if the scale of construction is definitely increased. This island is completely golden land. Because it is a key region that will control the economy of the Prosia continent or the entire world.”

“To what extent?”

“You can think of it as having the same meaning as the current Kara. All trade goods in the world destined for Prosia will pass through here. No, it’s a bigger land. When a maritime trade route using large ships is opened, the trade volume will increase hundreds of times and thousands of times from the present. It can be said that it is truly revolutionary. Maybe everyone rolls their eyes?”

I unfolded the world map and drew a diagonal line between the ports. Maritime trade is really connected. The archbishops bowed their chins as if plausible.

“I see.”

“I’ll tell Padilla to release it as a free trade city. Then, the denomination will provide a large number of funds, labor, and armed forces to defeat the demons.”

And I briefly explained the development plan. He also explained about the long barriers surrounding the entire island, roads, warehouses, fortresses, railways, and residential facilities, as well as detailed development directions for amusement facilities, tourist complexes, and commercial and industrial complexes.

“Then what profit does our denomination get?”

“Now that we are sending expedition ships, the trade route will be almost complete in 10 years. At that time, I will hand over most of the world trade rights to the denomination. But the real benefit is something else. you know that?”

The archbishops sent in with a sullen smile.

“I know.”

“And you have to do good publicity. I’m talking about frying well. No, let’s say you found some gold or silver veins. To be honest, isn’t there anything like that in this vast land? If you say this is the land that God has prepared for mankind, it would be a big hit. Two great saints are involved in this project, so it’s a good cause, right?”

The archbishops shook their heads to see if a plan was drawn up in their minds. When the development of Jores Island is completed, human history will change. As long as the seasoning is done well, the public’s attention can only be focused here.

When the development of Jores Island is completed, it will be transformed into a center of world trade and a golden land where human greed will prevail.

“Don’t worry. We know that too.”

Well, I’ll be fine if I don’t worry about it. It’s a field of expertise.

“And by the way, broker fees are not bribes. You don’t have to stab it in a confusing way. frankly blatantly. know?”

“Okay. Note it.”

“OK. great.”

I put a happy smile on my lips. Now that Jores Island was developed with other people’s money, it was possible to raise funds to invest in the construction of the Great Desert Railway.

There is also a sure way to protect Jores Island from the Bastein forces. If you don’t decide to go to war with the denominations around the world, you’ll never be able to attack Jores Island.

Of course, it’s a pity that we have to distribute the trading rights after 10 years, but it doesn’t matter to me whether the denomination trades or not. To be honest, I would be grateful if you came to trade in the meantime

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