The Grand Prince Has Run Away

Chapter 86: 85

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We stayed at the VIP Guesthouse right next to the Imperial Palace. The beautiful garden and the old-fashioned structure of the mansion were impressive, but the interior was almost covered with wallpaper in all kinds of styles and precious and various ornaments from all over the world.

Armida, who entered the mansion door, said regretfully.

“By the way, the great saint has arrived, but the emperor doesn’t come to meet him?”

“I have the face of the emperor, how do I get out? And I can’t come out even if I don’t have a face. There are politically sensitive issues involved.”

Armida tilted her head at my words.


“The Yosrahim Empire is the cradle of the powers of light, but there are also powers of yin and yang inside, right?”


“If you send the wrong political signal here, other Light Powers countries are concerned. I wonder if the Yosrahim Empire is changing to the doctrine of yin and yang. Then the bond between the forces of light will be shaken.”

Armida let out a short moan.

“Ugh. Humans live in a complicated way.”

“Valkyries aren’t easy either.”

“What are we?”

I looked at Armida with a subtle gaze. This older sister has lived in Kronos for a long time, and he still can’t figure out how things are going.

But he’s not bad. If Armida was also in the ranks, I would have a stomachache.

“okay. You have to live like your sister.”

“What am I?”

“Life itself is unpredictable.”

“Are you sarcastic?”

“It’s a compliment that will never happen again.”

I grabbed the room and went inside.

The room I chose was a spacious room overlooking the lawn behind the ground floor building. Although it is small compared to other rooms, it is easy to sneak out, so I really liked it. It’s just outside when you cross the wall.

After a while, I had dinner and slowly prepared for the night trip.


“There is no change.”

I walked the road of the zodiac too familiarly. High-end restaurants and pubs line both sides. The memories of sneaking out of school with my friends when I was in school and drinking a lot of alcohol are vivid as if it were yesterday.

Soon after, I entered a nearby upmarket tavern.

“You can’t come in!”

I got water management by the employees in front of the entrance. Since it was a high-class bar frequented by nobles, I was not allowed to enter, wearing an Afro wig and a swallow-like outfit.

After a long quarrel like this, a man’s voice was heard from inside.

“Bring it in. You are my guest.”

It was Baron Ruto. The manager in a uniform said he was in trouble.

“Baron. Then you will be disrespectful to other guests.”

“No, it’s more of an honor.”


“That’s Baekmyeon.”

After that, many of the guests turned their eyes to me. They were nobles from military backgrounds and nobles with deep faith. I have two great saints as lovers, and I was also the only hero to defeat Master Bastein.

“Oh, yes…”

Soon, I followed Baron Ruto, who had met him, into the quiet room. It seemed like a good place to have a conversation as all sides were sealed. As soon as I sat down, drinks and snacks came in.

“I don’t know if you will like it.”

Seeing the generous table, I shook my head.

“I don’t measure quality. It should be a lot.”

“Then that’s good.”

I leaned back comfortably on the backrest and stared intently at Baron Ruto.

“Now, let’s get straight to the point. When is the execution date?”

“It has been three days before Daeseong-saeng visited Karl’s estate.”

If so, exactly ten days later.

“Isn’t this event going to cancel the visit of the great saint?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

Who do you think this bastard is? At first glance, there would have been great troubles within the estate, but Shura’s visit could not be completed properly.

“great. Then tell me who can help me there. I’m Viscount Brian, I don’t even know your face. I need someone to guide me.”

“This is a knight named Sir Roland.”

I slowly gathered my eyes. Roland is the knight who served as my escort when I was in aristocratic school. He was a reticent and loyal person, and it seemed strange that he was involved in such a thing.


“This is a knight who served close to Prince Yan, who was killed in the Great Hall of Divinum in the past.”

“By the way?”

“After Prince Yan’s death, we know that there are many dissatisfactions with being alienated from within the territory.”

“okay? Are you sure it’s reliable?”

“Yes. I am very passionate about this work.”

I bumped into a drink with the baron.

“Okay, okay. by the way. What is the real purpose of this work? What on earth is the gain you guys get from defeating Viscount Brian?”

“Are you sure you want to know?”

“It would be good if you let me know. It’s a request, but the back is too thin. Is there no such thing as the death of someone with high stature?”

“well. It won’t be there on that day. Of course, there will be no one who will harm Baekmyeon’s reputation.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I risk my life to guarantee it.”

I took a bite of the well-seasoned meat and took a bite out of my mouth.

“great. Now tell me what to do after work.”

“You can go to Count Obray’s mansion.”

I stopped holding the glass in my hand. Count Obray is one of my uncles. He was 3rd in the line of succession to the Grand Duke in the past but has risen to 2nd place due to my death in the past. In other words, when Joseph dies, he will be the next Grand Duke.

It’s a picture that’s too sharp. When I overthrow Viscount Brian, someone kills Joseph, and his little father later takes over the Charles family. Even if you pretend, a neat story emerges.[Read this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at the “Novel Multiverse dot com” website @]

“How am I supposed to get to the Count’s house?”

“Sir Roland, I will guide you.”

“okay? What happens after that?”

“The Count will finish it well.”

“Ugh. Not bad.” 

“Yes. Then I will only trust you.”

As I drank my drink, I held out my hand.

“Before that, should I pay the commission first? Our Heungshinso is unconditionally prepaid for any sloppy request.”

“Yes. If not, I have prepared it.”

As Baron Ruto pulled out his subspace pocket and turned it over, gold coins poured out. The request was 6,000 riffs of gold. I counted them all, and when I got them right, I took care of everything.

“Oh yeah. I have one more question.”

“Yes. Please speak.”

“I heard rumors that there is one more Master in the Karl estate. Whoever it was, they say he was the swordsmanship teacher of the duke of that immorality.”

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“Oh, you’re talking about Count Mayer.”

“okay. Count Meyer. Wouldn’t he be a factor in this matter?”

Baron Ruto waved his hand.

“Don’t worry about him. Right after that happened last year, he dedicates the bag to His Majesty, Prince Charles, and lives on the brink.”

“Why? Are you thrown out?”

“No. Archduke Charles longs for the Count to return. Count Meyer is the force itself of the Karl Territory.”

I chuckled.

After all, there was no way his father could have driven Count Meyer out. Few people are as loyal as the Count, apart from his ignorance. He here he was the Master of the Intermediate, he was also the commander-in-chief in command of all the troops of the Karl Manor, and he was also the nobleman of the Karl Manor, the only trusted in the Yosrahim Imperial Family.

With Count Meyer beside him, his father could gain the trust of the Yosrahim Empire along with his powerful force.

Count Meyer is a noble of orthodox Yosrahim lineage.


The conversation with Count Ruto ended quickly. We didn’t meet for a drink anyway, and I didn’t even have a hobby of drinking with men all night.

Besides, I had to meet my maternal uncle tomorrow at the palace. I can never tolerate mistakes, so it was better to go to bed early today.


‘But is it going to go as planned?’

I thought as I walked through the night streets of the zodiac again. This work is very neat and easy to understand. My uncle, who is aiming for the grand duke position, and the existing central forces, alienated by my death, join hands and reverse the situation? It’s a very simple and well-matched fight.

The problem is his father, Archduke Charles.

Surely his father must not have been unaware of this neat development, but he has no idea what he is doing now.

His father in his previous life was aware of my every move as if it were his own. He was in charge of the estate, but to the extent that he could not manage the estate in my own will. In other words, like a puppet, you can say that you are a machine that only signs autographs. In any case, if there were any dangers of power, his father thoroughly placed it in his hands and managed it.

By the way, Joseph’s biggest threat, his uncle, was involved in the case. I’m sure the situation will be understood. He won’t be on the front line because his maternal uncle, the emperor, is working on it, but he’s probably doing something.

“Huh. This plan will 100% fail.”

“Perhaps it is. Archduke Karl is not a very easy-going man.”

I closed my eyes tightly at the voice of the old man who responded to my self-talk. Oh, you’re an old-fashioned grandpa. Cloud grandpa. I pretended not to hear and walked away.

At last, an ordinary-looking grandfather, Cloud, walked out of the crossroads right in front of him with his back luggage. I turned to natural motions to avoid my grandpa.

Grandpa Cloud followed me.

“You were meddling in your fun.”

Apparently, he had overheard the conversation with Count Ruto. He was a nobleman who just hated this grandpa stalker, but today he is taking on that role himself.

I turned back with an annoyed face.

“Hey, old man. Let’s pretend we don’t know.”

“I’m worried about it. Archduke Charles, he is a very dangerous human being.”

“I know.”

“Then why are you involved in such a fight?”

I tapped the subspace pocket inside my pocket.

“You got money. That’s a lot of 6,000 riffs. And I only need to subdue Viscount Brian. It’s very simple.”

Archduke Cloud clenched his chin.

“So it’s weird. It would be better to kill Viscount Brian from the point of view of the emperor or that sly supreme prime minister, but why is it so difficult to keep him alive?”

“Why him?”

“Because Viscount Bryan is sitting close to the Prince of Charles and his wife, Helen, and injecting them with strange thoughts. Something like treason against the Empire, for example.”

I clasped my hands. Viscount Brian, I thought I’d buy and hit someday. He must be careful about his actions, no matter how hard-lined he is, but he seems to be playing around with Joseph and Aunt Helen on his back.

Fortunately, when I and Count Mayer were together, we were under good control, but since they both disappeared, we would have been running around as if we had met my own world.

“It’s true, there’s nothing you can do about it. I am interested in world affairs that are useless.”

“The Karl Territory is a great threat to the Empire. It hurts when I get up.”

hit. Even if the power of Karl’s estate is weak, it becomes a great threat to the Empire. This is because the empire falls into a very difficult situation when Karl Youngji joins hands with the orc race and declares independence.

The Count Mayer that blocks the orcs will be breached at once.

In addition, Karl’s estate is adjacent to the orc meadow, so it is very good to work with orcs and get support.

“So what are you going to do?”

“Viscount Bryan will give you a cause, and it wouldn’t be bad if he wiped it out anyway. If the back of the head tickles, there are many difficulties in war.”

Around next year, the Yosrahim Empire and the Orc race will clash once. So, in my previous life, Karl’s estate was slaughtered by the preemptive attack of the large Orc army led by Grolmog, but in my current life, it looks like it will be harpooned by Grandpa Cloud.

So, in many ways, it’s a troublesome Youngji. If you don’t hit here, you hit there.

“Do not. Karl Youngji can rest assured. Because there is Archduke Karl.”

“So I’m even more anxious. He’s a little guy who doesn’t know what’s inside.”

“Still, I’m not the one who will betray the Empire.”

“How are you sure of that?”

“What do you feel?”

As I answered, I took a hasty step.

Now I understand why my father was just watching this happen. The Empire and Grandpa Cloud are aiming for Karl’s estate. As a father, he was in a position where he had to get rid of the hard-line independent faction that was attached to Joseph and Helen.

Grandpa Cloud still caught up with me.

“Anyway, that’s okay, let’s talk about something else.”


“How old are you this year?”


“Okay? But how did you become a senior master?”

I clenched my teeth. This grandpa must have looked at the mana in my body as well. I was currently recognized as an intermediate master in the world.

“I ate a lot of rice, so I grew up.”

“Huh. To be honest, you don’t seem to want to answer.”

“I wish I knew. Then do your best.”

I interrupted the conversation, but my grandfather followed me to the end.

“Hey, how did you break my mind attack before? I’m just saying this because I’ve never had anything like this happen before.”

“Because I’m used to it. If I had done it with another mental attack, I would have suffered.”

“Hey. Are you familiar with death and fear enough to withstand my mental attacks? It must have been a happy life.”

“Don’t talk. Grandpa doesn’t understand.”

“No. you might understand Maybe we’re like brothers.”

I stared intently at Cloud’s grandfather.

“I never understand. Is there anyone who can do it right now, preparing for a war game like the kids? He must have brought in a new pretty old man and played w

“That’s because you don’t know the current situation. Do you want to go to war with me? It’s something I can’t help but do.”

“Grandpa. Don’t be ignorant of life. Bad things can be good things, and good things can become bad things. He says he’s for the empire, but he’s saying he might end up ruining the empire.”

“Do you think I will get tired of Grolmog?”

I rolled my feet in annoyance.

“What have you heard so far? You can’t win. To win is to lose. I’m going mad.”


“Ah, I don’t know. I have to go in now.”

Arriving in front of the residence, I jumped over the wall. I thought that grandpa was a stalker who transcended world history, but I don’t know where he learned the stalker hobby and bothered people.

He seemed to be a different person when he died.

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