The Gravity Freak of Dungeons and Monsters: System Portal Fantasy

Chapter 40: 36. The Evil of Divinity

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“Here in the nick of time, YoAnna,” Jay said, feeling joy and relief in his chest. “Some asshat is trying to Chance me into a bad situation. Don’t know who, but Chancy-savvy monsters or System users are running loose could be a problem.”

“Asshat?” YoAnna blinked.

“Yup,” Jay said, shaking his head. “Definite douchebag. I just got back from saving my city, and I can’t chill for the rest of my Saturday. Total ball-sucker, this guy.”

“Douchebag,” YoAnna groaned. “And I don’t even want to repeat the other insult. No one has ever called me that before.”

“I don’t usually roll out cheap insults, but… hey, wait a minute.”

Jay furrowed his brow. He took a long look at YoAnna standing radiantly in his yard. The last golden light of sunset surrounded her like a halo, nearly framing her beauty to the max. But not all the way for some strange reason.

For the first time since she arrived, Jay noticed a strange shadow draped over her face that dampened her shine. It was more than just shade. It was something not quite sinister but in the realm of being unkind. A shiver worked its way along his spine.

“You’re causing this,” Jay said.

Kleo landed on his shoulder. She fell into an uncharacteristic silence and crouched against the nook of his neck. He could tell she was highly agitated. She hadn’t even thrown a quip at YoAnna in greeting. No godling bozo or anything.

He reached up to comfort his [Faerie].

YoAnna studied his movements closely. It was a skin-crawling and unnerving experience. Like being under a microscope. He didn’t let that stop him from petting Kleo.

Whatever the hell was going on, his familiar was probably his only ally here.

That begged the question. Why would YoAnna be his enemy?

“You’ve exceeded my expectations,” YoAnna said, “a bit too much, Jay.”

For once, Jay cut back on the banter. He held his silence to encourage the godling to speak further.

A breeze blew, but the grass nearest YoAnna didn’t stir.

“I’ve been occupied with the System Admins since we last talked,” she said. “They’ve come to a conclusion that you are to blame for a localized System Crash and the inert core from your dungeon crawl. Consequently, their first choice of correction is your death.”

Jay felt Kleo’s little fingers and toes digging into the flesh around the corner of his neck. She was trying to hold him with all her might so nobody could take her master and execute him. Jay continued to pet her gently in hopes of keeping her calm. It was also a measure to help him stay calm.

YoAnna held her hands behind the small of her back. She took one step forward and the light around her bent awkwardly. It shifted from holding the last golden rays to fanning out a rusty orange aura as if she wore a coat made from the dimming embers of a fading flame.

“They also want Kleo’s absolute destruction,” YoAnna said.

Jay felt the instinct to run. He slapped that silly impulse to the side. There was no running from YoAnna. Just the thought of fleeing from her raised anger inside of him. With a long and steady breath, Jay committed the opposite of escape. He stepped forward.

“Is that what you’re here for?” Jay asked with inches separating him from the godling. “To murder your childhood friend and his newest friend?”

There was no denying the fear that resided inside at being faced by divine power. Playing it off using anger or outright boldness was all Jay could manage to keep from wetting his pants. He still had a clear memory of YoAnna tearing apart an armored vehicle like it was cotton candy. There was also the part of him that believed YoAnna wouldn’t turn on him like that.

“Aren’t you scared, Jay?” she asked.

“I am,” he answered.

“But you don’t let the fear do as it should.” She tilted her head slightly. “It exists for a reason.”

“Lots of good reasons not to jump across rooftops or fight a monster with a little sword.” He shrugged. “I still ended up doing them anyway.”

A moment of pause extended between them. The world fell hush, and all was still like an unperturbed surface of a pond. YoAnna’s looming form had her face high above Jay’s. Every perfect detail was on close display, from her long eyelashes to her perky, pillowy lips to her flawless skin framed by a symmetrical face and bountiful hair. Beneath his flesh, he was a mix of anxiety and arousal—a heady inner cocktail.

“I denied the System Admins outright.” She circled him, starting on the side where Kleo was perched. “Neither you nor Kleo would meet your end. They tried to bribe me, saying the rewards I’ll receive for betraying my Champion and his familiar will outweigh the divine punishment I’ll suffer.”

“Can’t just go around smiting the teens you’ve made into heroes without retribution, huh?” Jay asked, using a joky voice to break up the intense conversation. “That sounds hella inconvenient. Should take that up with the System, or whatever.”

“Please, Jay, I’m not in a joking mood,” YoAnna said.

“We’re not in a mood to be looked down upon and threatened,” Kleo piped up.

YoAnna stopped in front of them. “Concessions had to be made. They wanted something done, Jay. Whether it’s to deny you access to other dungeons. Or force you to quit my pantheon. They were adamant.”

Jay started to loosen up. He could see the Admins being jerks. He could work with that. It would be worse if YoAnna were okay with it, but she wasn’t. Maybe whatever concession YoAnna made could be worked around and–

“I gave them an idea of how I can rein in your unruly ambitions,” YoAnna said with a small smile. “It works out better for me this way. For it was becoming a bother.” She clasped her hands in front of her. “I will take from you your romantic feelings for me. And that would be that.”

“Eh, what?” Jay blinked.

“This sounds like she’s going to neuter you,” Kleo said. “Emotionally.”

“Please don’t ever use that word again,” Jay said with a wince. “And what do feelings toward you have to do with me breaking shit?”

“I convinced the Admins that your love for me is so great you’ll bend the System to your will,” YoAnna said.

“Well, that’s dramatic.” Jay tilted his head aside. “I’m pretty sure I was working an angle for my familiar.” Even though he couldn’t remember what happened, he was sure it was to help Kleo.

“No matter, the Admins bought the story. They didn’t ask how I’ll do it anyway.” YoAnna brightened even with the coming of the dark. She had a natural divine glow. “I can leave you and Kleo be and return to the preparations for absorbing the cores after concluding this business. All it comes down to is a simple request.”

Jay braced himself.

“Jay, would you revoke your romantic feelings and never pursue me as a love interest ever again?” YoAnna asked merrily. “We can still be the best of friends. I’d much prefer that.”

Jay thought back to his time in daycare. Back when YoAnna was just a little tyke like him. Or had seemed like it. He’d managed his first backflips under her watch as she laughed at his failures and cheered his successes. There had been one time she tried to kiss him as a reward for accomplishing another stunt.

“I should’ve taken that kiss,” Jay said, stunned. “Back in daycare. I palmed your face to keep your girl cooties away.”

“Daycare me was a mess,” YoAnna said, shaking her head. “Regardless of those fond memories, I’ve changed since then. I’ll catch you up as a friend soon. I just need you to quit pursuing me romantically. Forever.”

“Then that’ll satisfy the System Admins?”

“Indeed,” she said perkily. “They are uncaring sycophants, drunk from their power. But they should think everything assigned to them is in order. Or they will scrutinize and antagonize us. It will help our universe, Jay.”

Jay shifted side to side. He looked up at the moon and stars. This was a big decision. Probably the biggest in his life so far. But the answer came to him faster than most people might take to weigh the worth of romance against the universe. It might have something to do with the family name. Luckruns tended to be a little out there.



Jay smiled. He nodded to himself, feeling confident.

“No,” he said.

YoAnna blinked. “You can’t be serious.”

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“I’m pretty sure I am.”

“The universe, Jay. The universe is at stake. And you would risk that to date me?”

“Hot divine childhood friend I have a crush on or uncaring universe?” Jay asked. “I think I got my priorities straight.”

“It’s a mere high school crush, Jay,” YoAnna said. “Let it go. If you want help finding someone, I can easily help you.”

“Don’t wanna date anyone else. Just you, YoAnna.”

A flicker of annoyance entered YoAnna’s eyes. “We can’t be a thing, Jay. My course will take me too far above you. It would not work between us.”

“Your course could lead you to being queen of the multiverse,” Jay said. “And it’ll still be smaller than my ego.”

“I must pay Mike more respect for handling you,” YoAnna grunted.

“I think I got it now,” Kleo said.

The air thickened with a power that was nearly crushing. Jay nearly buckled under the weight of it. But he stayed standing, holding tight to his daring pride.

“Speak further,” YoAnna growled, “or you’ll force my hand.”

Her words had an impact. They made Jay sway back and forth. The target on Jay’s back grew heavier.

Kleo hesitated, and perhaps that was a good thing. Whatever she knew should stay in its box lest they wanted to risk YoAnna’s divine ire even further. But Jay was a Luckrun.

“Say it,” Jay said, forcing a lopsided grin on his face.

“She likes you,” Kleo said. “She likes you a lot, and that bothers her.”

YoAnna grew.

She reached seven feet and changed her dress for black armor with gold trimmings. It was heavy plated stuff with an open visor helmet and could probably tank a missile and not suffer a scratch. At nine feet in height, she brandished a ridiculously giant mace almost as big as her. It grew with her. She stopped around twelve feet, towering over Jay and Kleo with golden light shining intensely through her eyes.

“Three challenges,” YoAnna said, her voice like thunder. “If you fail any of them, I will rip your romantic feelings away. Do you accept?”

The Chance planted on his back grew so heavy Jay nearly buckled. The awe, fright, and weakness YoAnna’s form inspired ran through Jay’s body with a relentless rush. He almost felt inclined to fall and kneel at her boots. Hell, he might even kowtow while he was down there. She was just that mighty.

But the [Freak] stayed standing still. More importantly, he felt relieved. His heart was pounding for various reasons, but the beat ran the hardest out of joy. He matched YoAnna’s divine glare with a freakish grin.

“So, is this what teenage goddesses do when they like a guy?” Jay asked jovially. “Force him into challenges? Can we skip past that part and get to the fun stuff?”

Kleo snorted, finding a smidge of her good mood even while under the threat of an angry godling.

“If you don’t accept, I’ll disintegrate your toys,” YoAnna muttered. “I’ll start with the Goku figures first. Then work my way around a few seconds at a time.”

“Now that’s just damn evil,” Jay said in shock.

“I know, but this is part of my ambition, and I can’t let you ruin it,” YoAnna said.

“And what if I still refuse?” Jay asked.

YoAnna’s glowy eyes flickered out for a moment as she hesitated. “I would’ve misjudged gravely. I have no answer if you’ll sacrifice years of collectibles Mike and your mother helped you build.”

“You know he cares for his toys,” Kleo said. “And you’ll still threaten that?”

“I will repay him for the damages, but I know that won’t stop it from being wrong,” YoAnna said. “This is the evil of divinity. I’m willing to embody this level of villainy.”

Tyranny,” Kleo cursed.

The mood shifted. The target on Jay’s back weakened. The ball was in his court even though the scoreboard had him down. There was still a chance to win this thing. He could feel it. But it would cost him somehow. The gauntlet awaiting him would not let him go without taking its pound of flesh.

In for a penny....

“Kleo,” Jay said. “I think I’m going to do this thing.”

“I knew you would,” his familiar said. “But I need to ask the little godling something. What will you reward when my master overcomes these challenges?”

“There is no need for a reward,” YoAnna said, her voice resonating so deeply it shook the inside of Jay’s chest. “The challenges are adapted to his level, but I’ve devised them personally. When he loses, the System will recognize it, and in return, the Admins will be satisfied. They’ll return to being apathetic monoliths, and we’ll proceed past our inner pantheon spat and get back to feeding me dungeon cores.”

“When he wins, I want the right to leave a mark on you,” said the [Slayer of Tyranny]. “It’ll be a good way to teach you a lesson, godling bozo.”

YoAnna sniffed indignantly. “I agree to your demand if your master allows it.”

“I do,” Jay said.

“So be it,” YoAnna finalized.

Jay felt the power of Chance shift again. The weight on him was probably the lightest it would get. The story was not exactly on his side, but it wasn’t posed against him so harshly as before.

“I accept the challenges,” Jay said.

YoAnna’s giant form dispersed into motes of golden light. She returned to her more earthly form even though it was still quite statuesque. The air around them became lively again as if they were returning to a time that moved and breathed. The silence faded into the subtle noises of the city.

“Take a seat at a table, please,” YoAnna requested. “I will conduct a spell that’ll support you and the area when I extend my domain. I’m not competent enough to alter reality freely without doing damage.”

Jay nodded, following YoAnna onto the patio.

His mind was a jumbled mess. His feelings were a storm. His instability grew with his divine crush sitting across from him. When she scooted her chair forward, she brushed her foot along his ankle. That was like a jolt of electricity injected straight into his veins.

“I won’t lose,” Jay said breathlessly. “Not because of the romance either. I can’t let you screw with me because it’s convenient for you. That’s not right, YoAnna.”

And it would make him look like a weak punk. Geek or not, his pride as a man was on the line.

“I know, Jay. But I’ll do so anyway.” YoAnna gave him a pitying look. “I will be a goddess one day. I’ll have more power than I’ll know what to do with at times. I’ll try to be kind and fair to my subjects, but everyone will learn to worship and fear my almighty and dramatic nature. That includes you, my little friend.”

Oh, hell no.

“I take offense to that,” the [Freak] growled.

“Master,” Kleo said. “Kick her ass so I can humble her nicely.”

YoAnna cast the spell, inscribing the air with humming golden runes. Then she shaped reality around them and took Jay into her world.

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