The Great Emperor Of The Blues

The Great Emperor Of The Blues

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The Great Emperor Of The Blues

Review: 8.2/10 from 9 ratings

Since the battle between humans and magical beasts of the Great Blue Forest, it caused great damage to the whole land. The enchanting forest now seemed to be a desolate mound of the dead. The corpses were none other than the members and affiliates of the clan. So merciless, that even the youngsters and new descendants were not forgiven.

But hidden from their knowledge, the supreme creature. The witness of all the atrocities committed by humans.

Who would have thought that the once famous and prestigious clan of the entire continent, has been wiped out in just one night.

That sentence alone left a big mark on his chest.

He grew up well under the care of the elders in the whole forest. He knew the great responsibility he was carrying. At a young age, there's no doubt that he was blessed with rare genius.

Not a human, nor a beast. But a lotus fairy that reigns over the whole forest, he is Dakila, from the Great Blue Clan. And everyone calls him…

The Great Emperor of the Blues.


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