The Green Arrow

Chapter 6: 6 – Decision

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These last few days have been interesting. It is amazing how the body and soul adapt to their current environment.

I fell into the money trap. It has been a week since I came back to Star City and I have basically done nothing to prepare myself for future threats.

Of course, I have kept up a training routine and I have already made all the necessary modifications to my 'lair' and the nightclub above it. But that was it.

The rest of the time I spent doing nothing at all, just partying and spending time with Thea and Moira. I didn't try to find out what will happen or try to make contact with future Justice League members.

Don't get me wrong, I loved spending time with my family but I feel I should do more, or better.

Having said that, having a bodyguard is a pain in the ass. I almost didn't get to pick up the things that my 'friends' sent me. But I manage to get away from Diggle without looking obvious, he doesn't even suspect I'm leaving without him.

The stuff they sent me was the basics to get me started as the Green Arrow. Bow, arrows, a kind of bulletproof vest that is flexible, and a few other things. The basics of the basics.

I arrived at my nightclub, which was still under construction, and entered the basement, where all the stuff is.

I stared at my uniform and sighed, 'When I woke up in this world and saw my situation, I thought I needed to be Green Arrow, but now that time has passed, I think I might be wrong.'

'Batman and Superman already exist and protect their cities, and the Flash is also active. With just these 3 we could already be sure that the Earth would be well protected. What would a guy with a bow and arrow change in this equation...?'

'You could even argue that Star City doesn't have a hero, but is it really necessary to have one? Based on what I know, the city is relatively safe, with no supervillains running around.'

'So, at least for now, I'm not going to be the Green Arrow.'

With a lighter heart after making this decision, I decided to return home.

I got on my bike and started to go back. On the way home, I passed the bad area of town and glanced at it. ' Most of the city's crimes are committed here and for some reason, the police do nothing about it. Maybe, I should check it more deeply.'

I shook my head, '' I just said I won't be doing superhero work for a while...'

After a few minutes, I arrived home.

To my surprise, the Queen's had a visitor. Thankfully, before sneaking out I made up an excuse so they wouldn't bother me.

As soon as I saw who it was, it was as if my soul left my body. It was the Lance family, with the father and his two daughters. The reason for such a strong reaction is one person.

'Laurel... I knew that the old me loved her but this is totally new for the new me.'

' The emotion I feel looking at her is so intense..'

Everyone in the room noticed my presence and my surprised face at seeing the visitors. Moira looked relieved while Thea was smiling, looking like she knew what I was feeling.

''I'm glad you're awake. If any more time went by without you getting up we would break down the door.'' Moira said as she pulled me close to her.

I looked at Diggle and noticed that he looked annoyed. 'Now I'm not so sure he didn't notice me leaving today...'

'' Dinner will be here soon so sit down.'' Moira led me to a seat near Laurel.

I looked at Moira to see if there was a way to change seats, to give me time to adjust to this new set of feelings brought up, but when I looked at her I saw her smirking.

My eyebrows twitched, 'So she knew Oliver had a crush on Laurel... There's no other motive to put me so close to her.'

After telling mentally to the old Oliver that he didn't foul his mom, I finally said hello to the Lance family.''Hello, guys. It has been a long time. I'm sorry I didn't contact you sooner but I had a lot to think about in those last few days.''

In this timeline, since I had not caused Sara's death, the family could still be considered our good friends.

Reactions varied, with Quentin being more committed but Sara and Laurel are more open about their emotions.

'' We thought you were dead...'' Laurel said as she cried.

Sara, to my surprise, couldn't even speak.

'I guess I was as important to them as they were to me.'

"There were some moments when I wished I was dead.'' I looked at Laurel as she said this part, "But, you know, there are some people in life that you just can't give up on. So I never stopped trying to stay alive and go back to them, and in the end, I did.''

I guess the implication was too strong and the atmosphere went from sad to awkward in seconds, as everyone realized what I just said.

' I don't plan on hiding my affection for Laurel. Old Oliver went missing as a teen, and now as an adult, his feelings for Laurel were the same. I just need to not be forceful on this.'

Moira coughed and changed the subject, "Dinner is ready. Let's eat.''

Everyone started eating and talking, and the atmosphere was extremely pleasant. They told the stories of my childhood and Sara's, Laurel's, and Thea's as well.

Dinner was already over when I decided to call Laurel over for a private conversation, '' Laurel, can I talk to you alone?

Moira and Quentin's reactions were normal, but Thea and Sara just giggled and nodded their heads.

Laurel accepted my invitation and we went to a more secluded part of the house, where there was a balcony.

''Are you seeing someone? '' I asked Laurel and she shook her head

The atmosphere on the balcony was ambiguous and I began to speak, "Look, when I disappeared I was already preparing myself to do this, and the last five years have shown me that my feelings haven't changed, they've gotten stronger.

I looked at Laurel, "I like you.''

Laurel didn't seem shocked. She sighed, '' Ollie, I knew then and I could see it now too. But-''

Before she could finish speaking, I interrupted, '' Don't get me wrong, I didn't think you'd agree to be my girlfriend or anything like that. I just want you to know that on the island, the first thought when I woke up and the last thought when I went to sleep was you. So, thank you, you're one of the reasons that kept me alive.

Which was true.

After what I said, I could see several emotions in Laurel's eyes. She said nothing and just hugged me.

''I'm sorry that you've lost so much of your life alone and in a bad place. But you're home now.'' Laurel said as she cried and hugged me tighter.

We held each other for a while until she calmed down and let me go, '' So, about what you told me before... We can go out as friends first and see what will happens from there.''

I genuinely smiled, '' That would be perfect. Just say the day.''

After spending more time talking about some uninteresting things, we went back to the dining area.

Just as we entered the dining area, I noticed Moira looking quite upset, Walter looking defeated, and Quentin looking serious while Sara just looked confused. Also, Thea was nowhere to be found.

The atmosphere was weird, '' What happened and where is Thea?''

Moira said nothing for a while before sighing, '' Do you remember what I told you the day I picked you up from the hospital?''

I started to remember what she said, '' You said she was involved with the wrong people...''

Moira looked guilty, '' Yes, more precisely, she using drugs. Not the heavy kind but she does have to meet some shady people to get that.''

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I looked shocked. ' I thought I knew her story based on what I know from the TV show...'

While I was in disbelief for a moment, Moira didn't stop, '' It happened sometime after the accident that took you and your father from us. It started small until things went out of control.''

Moira started to cry, '' I thought that with time, things would get better, but I was wrong, so very wrong.'' She looked at me, ''While I didn't let her get things easy, I also never stopped her... and this is a failure I will have to carry with me.''

'' Ok, but this doesn't explain why she's not here. '' I said while sitting down. Laurel walked over to Sara and sat down with her.

'' I thought that now that you're back she would stop going there, but I was wrong.'' Moira could see I was nothing accepting this answer, '' I called Quentin here today so that you could meet your old friend but also to ask for his help with Thea's situation.''

'' As soon as Thea left, I explained the situation to him but he said that the area she is going to is basically locked from the police and he can do very little to help.'' - Moira said while holding hands with Walter.

'' But.. why? I mean, if you guys know that people are selling illegal drugs in some place, why not just go there and arrest everyone?'' I asked feeling incredulous.


This time it was Quentin who sighed, ''Although your family is rich and powerful, there are also other such families in Star City and they finance the crime in that area. The most I can do is send someone there but that's it.''

'' So, right now we know that Thea will go to an area where it's dangerous and she will do drugs, the type unclear to us, and we can't do anything to stop her!?'' I asked and raised my voice a little. 

'' Why did you not tell me sooner?'' I asked Moira.

'' We didn't want to worry you, seeing as you just came back from a very traumatic situation.'' Walter was the one who responded, Moira was already looking tired.

''Well, now I am worried anyway.'' I tried to calm down but something inside me was boiling.

Moira, Walter, and Quentin started to talk about the situation while Laurel and Sara came to my side and tried to calm me down.

'' It will be okay!! My dad will definitely help Thea with her situation.'' Sara tried to lift my spirits, but it was not working.

'' I'm sure it will be okay. Besides, Thea can take care of herself.'' This time it was Laurel.

'' I know that she can, but I never thought she was involved this deep into this shit.'' 

Laurel was quiet for a few moments before replying, ''People dealt with your disappearance in different forms. We tried to be there for Thea, to help her, but she rejected it. I'm sorry.''

''Don't be. I have some blame as well. I spent a whole week with her and didn't notice anything weird.''

''And there is no way you could have noticed. It's not like she's going around saying she uses drugs.''

'' I should've tried harder... I thought things would be okay as long as I was here to help. I guess I was wrong.''

Laurel and Sara continued to try to lift my mood. I was listening, but at the same time, my mind was occupied by other thoughts.

' Should I act? Should I do something? And if I do, I do it as Oliver or as something else..?'

Doubts started to form in my mind, and I heard something from Quentin, '' She just got out of here, so if I send a patrol I'm sure we can find her before she goes deep into the area.''

Moira looked relieved while Quentin excused himself to make some calls.

I went back to the area to talk with mom and Walter, '' Have you tried rehab?''

''We did for some time, and every time she got herself 'cleaned', but she always went back to drugs after some time. When we learned you're back she stopped going there but tonight something changed.'' - Walter

Something in what he said caught my attention, ''Did you notice something strange about Thea?''

Moira thought for a moment, ''She was talking with Sara when she received a call. Then she excused herself to talk, but we could hear her voice going higher and higher.''

Something is wrong, ''Does she owes money to someone there?''

''Son, I don't think the problem is money. Besides, she has a couple thousand dollars on her account.''

Moira tried to calm me down, but I couldn't help but feel that something was weird in this situation.

I tried to though of a reason that might cause this change in behavior from Thea. Then, I received enlightenment all of sudden ''Does the media know she is involved with drugs?''

Moira looked confused for a moment, ''Well, they know some parts, but not everything...''

''What if someone in that area got something on her about this? And now they're trying to get some cash out of her, and Thea being Thea, is trying to solve this on her own.'' I'm 80% sure that this is the case.

The realization came across Moira and Walter's faces, '' We haven't thought about that. To us, she didn't care that much about her reputation, but now that you are back...''

''She wants to look normal in front of me.''

Finally realizing that things could be more dangerous than they thought, the couple tried to call Quentin to the room but were surprised when he entered on his own, and with a heavy face.

Noticing his face, I asked in a hurry, ''What happened?''

Quentin hesitated for a moment and looked at Moira, who nodded at him, so he sighed and responded, '' I sent a patrol to the area and they did see Thea, but the situation was out of their control.''

''What do you mean?'' Moira asked, confused.

From his tone and face, I already have some clues about what is happening, I just don't want to accept it.

'' They saw Thea being kidnapped. They tried to help her but they were outnumbered.'' Moira almost fainted but Walter held her up, '' I already sent all units available to help, but I do not know when we will be able to enter the area. We can only wait now.''

The atmosphere in the room was heavy and depressing. Moira was almost uncontrollably sobbing in Walter's arms, while Quentin looked defeated.

' The city is getting worse and worse. The mayor does nothing to combat the drugs and the thugs.' - Quentin 

All of a sudden, Laurel and Sara, who were listening, noticed that Oliver was missing.'' Anybody saw where Oliver went?''

Everyone looked surprised and started to search for him. Diggle, his bodyguard, was also missing.


What they didn't know at that moment, is that a Legend would be born that night.


Author's Notes

Maybe it was too early for our MC to make that decision but I have it all figured out... I thinkclear.png.

I hope you enjoyed!!!

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