The Green Arrow

Chapter 8: 8 – What comes next (1)

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After Diggle accepted to join my team, I started to seriously plan my second life as a Green Arrow. I made some calls and I can say that in a few days my hideout will look incredible.

But that was a problem for later. Now I have to go back home and explain where I was... 

''Any ideas?''I asked Diggle, who was driving the car.


Tch, what a great helper.

When you have a lot on your mind it seems like time flies by, and that's what happened now. Not even 5 minutes had passed but we arrived home.

'No time to think, let's improvise.'

''Follow my lead. And would you happen to have an extra gun?''

Diggle just looked at me with his eyebrows raised.



Moira was worried. Her daughter had been rescued but Oliver was missing. 

Her house was packed with the police anyway, and she thought it wouldn't hurt to tell them that Oliver was missing too.

Just when she was about to speak, she noticed Oliver and Diggle entering the house, with Oliver shouting, '' Have you found Thea?''

Moira found the situation strange and noticed the face Diggle was making, one of few friends, and noticed a bulge on Oliver's waist.

'A gun.'

Moira recognized it instantly and went towards Oliver, with the intention of not letting the cops that were there, see the gun.

Getting close to her son, she whispered, '' What are you doing with a gun!''

Oliver, noticing the cops in the house, said quickly, '' I asked Diggle to give me a gun so we'd go look for Thea, but he apparently took a wrong turn and lost his way, then we found out after Thea was saved and returned home.''

Moira, without letting the cops see, took the gun from Oliver and passed it back to Diggle. Then, she hugged Oliver and said in a loud voice, '' Son, where have you been? I was very worried.''

Oliver, taking advantage of the fact that now all the cops were watching their conversation, "I tried to go after Thea, but Diggle wouldn't let me. When I saw that he wouldn't let us go to the area where Thea was kidnapped, I decided to go back home.''

''The important thing is that you're okay. Thea is already on her way home and she's unharmed.'' 

After this, Oliver asked about the Lance family, '' Where did they go?''

'' Quentin went to pick up Thea personally and Sara and Laurel went home.''

Oliver nodded and started to have small talks with the police officers in the house.

Moira noticing this, went close to Diggle,'' Thank you for keeping my son safe.''

She didn't notice his lips trembling a little, '' It was my job, mam.''

Moira thanked him again and went back to wait for Thea to arrive.

Which didn't take long. As soon as Thea got out of Quentin's car, she went to hug Moira. '' MOM.'''

Oliver noticed that Thea had returned and went to hug her too.

''I was so scared.'' Thea said and couldn't stop crying.

Quentin, seeing that the situation was resolved, ordered the cops to leave the house, '' I'll come tomorrow with another detective and we'll ask Thea some questions. She's been through enough today.''

''Thank you, Quentin.''Moira thanked her friend, who nodded.

After Quentin left with the cops, Oliver and Moira began to take Thea to her room.

After we put Thea in bed and she didn't let Oliver leave her side, Moira asked, '' Are you hungry? Would you like something?''

To which Thea shook her head, '' I'm fine, Mom. I just need some rest.''

Moira nodded and left the siblings there.

As soon as Moira left, Oliver asked, '' Okay, drop everything.''

Thea stayed quiet for a while and started to cry again, '' I saw people dying today...''

Oliver, was really worried about his sister, '' What happened there?''

Thea was silent and didn't answer.

Oliver noticed this, '' Speedy, don't worry. If you don't want to talk, that's fine. We have all the time in the world and I won't be leaving your side for a long time.''

Oliver said and lay down on the bed with her.

The silence lasted a few minutes until Thea spoke, '' What was it like on the island?''

Now it was Oliver's turn to get quiet. Thea noticed that the question was bad and tried to take it back but Oliver started to speak, '' It was horrible. Many times I went days without eating and fed on dirt. There were days when I was lucky and found some dead animals but the situation was horrible.''

Oliver continued talking about his experience on the island, omitting some facts, and he noticed that Thea started hugging him tighter and tighter.

After a long talk, Oliver said, ''Don't worry Thea. I don't plan on disappearing for another minute away from the family.''

'' Promise?'' Thea said in a very low voice.

''I promise.''

Thea liked the answer and started talking too, '' Ollie... when you disappeared I... got involved with the wrong people.''

Thea noticed that Oliver didn't say anything and continued, '' I started using drugs, not the hard stuff, but it was still bad. I started as a way to escape the pain and got lost in the middle of the road...''

'' I had gone there to pay the guy so he wouldn't post my compromising pictures on the internet, so you wouldn't see them... I'm sorry for everything...'' 

Thea , who had managed to stop crying, opened the waterfall again.

Thea hoped that her brother would be angry or disappointed, but no. This time it was Oliver's turn to hug her tighter.

''Silly girl. Doesn't matter what you did before I came back or if you use or used drugs. You're my little sister and I'm there for you through thick and thin. I don't care how you dealt with the loss, but I want you to know that I will always help you, no matter what.''

Thea was overwhelmed with emotions and asked, '' Promise?''

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Oliver chuckled,'' How many times will you ask me to promise? And yes, I promise.''

This seems to have finally calmed Thea who after a few moments fell asleep.

Oliver kissed her forehead and stroked her hair. He too went to sleep soon after.

Moira, who was listening from outside the door, was crying too. But it was tears of happiness. 'My family has finally reunited.'



As I lay in bed with Thea, I had a lot of thoughts, 'She didn't say much about today, but I indeed killed in front of her... I thought she hadn't seen it, but I was wrong.'

'Maybe I should tell her the whole truth? No, it's too soon, she's not ready yet.'

I sighed and started to remember today's events, 'It was risky, I wasn't 100% prepared. Imagine if all of them were armed, the situation would be much worse. I've already asked for more equipment but I don't know if it's enough.'

'And then there's Diggle. Although I have planned to bring him into my team, it is too soon... for now I will train him as best I can and wait to see what happens.'

'There's another big problem, I don't know what continuity of the DC universe I'm in, and therefore, I can't prepare myself. And what's worse, for me to prepare the right way, I need to know this information, but I haven't found anything so far.'

With many doubts in my mind, I finally managed to sleep.

After waking up and eating breakfast, the police came to talk to Thea. She told them everything about what had happened and even about the guy in the hoodie.

''I'm telling you the truth. You may have noticed some arrows scattered around the building. He killed everyone in the room and rescued me.''

Quentin didn't seem surprised, and shouldn't have been, since I had actually left arrows in some people. '' He said something to you? Did you get a look at his face?''

"No and no. He just helped me and then disappeared.'' Thea noticed the cops' faces and asked, '' Could he be in trouble?''

Quentin sighed, '' Thea dear, he killed people...''

'' But he saved me.''

'' It doesn't matter, in the end, he killed someone and we have to investigate him.''

Thea, surprised by the situation, still continued to answer the questions seriously. 

After they finished their questions, the detective friend of Quentin said, ''Great, now Star City also has a guy dressed as a lunatic, and this one kills.''

Quentin sushed him, thanked Thea, and left.

Moira went to ask Thea right away, '' Why did you didn't say anything yesterday?''

'' I was tired and afraid. Besides, all those who died were bad people, so I don't feel that bad. I didn't like watching people die in front of me, though.''

Moira decided not to mind too much that Thea didn't speak up and consoled her, '' I was sorry you had to see that, dear.''

''It's okay, Mom. I'll get over it.''

I went to Thea's side, ''If you need to talk to someone, I'm here for you.''

Thea thanked me and she and Moira went off to do their thing.

After noticing that I was alone, it was time to train Diggle. I called him and he was in front of the house in minutes, '' Now is the time. I'm going to start your training today.''

Diggle didn't seem so enthusiastic. ''Can you really train me?''

I smiled.

30 minutes later

Diggle was on the floor of our hideout, painting so hard you could think he was having a heart attack, '' This was the beginning. We still have a lot to do.''

"There's more!?''

I think I was enjoying this way too much, '' Yes''.



It has been a few weeks since I became the Green Arrow and started training Diggle. He finally manages to fight me for a while before getting knocked out.

Min-, our hideout is brand new. Weapons, equipment, smoke bombs, supercomputer, you name it we have it. 

My costume is now well-protected, with practically the entire body covered with materials that protect against gunfire. It's not foolproof, but for the levels of Star City's criminals, it's enough. I thought about going the full body armor route, like Iron Man, but decided against it... for now.

But one of my designs is similar to the one Batman used to fight Superman, but it is not ready and I don't know yet if it will affect my mobility and my aim...

The city already knows about my existence, and the reaction has been very positive, but some people don't like the fact that I kill, but they are the minority.

Diggle hasn't gone to the field yet because he, in my opinion, wasn't ready yet and we didn't have his uniform. He was supposed to tell me what he wanted, but I haven't heard back yet.

Now, the only problem we were facing was... not knowing how to use the computer well.

On my first nights as the Green Arrow, Diggle sent me to the wrong places. He didn't know how to use the computer well and I couldn't help because I was fighting and I don't know how to use computers either.

''This can't go on.'' Diggle said as he messed with the computer.

''I agree. I can see that the equipment is great, but we need someone who knows how to use it.'' I said as I took off my costume and put it back on the mannequin.

I just got back from another outing as the Green Arrow and Diggle sent me to the wrong place again. I managed to help in the end but it could go wrong.'' We need someone who knows how to use computers a lot better than us and won't say anything about what we do.''

''Do you know anyone?'' I asked Diggle.

"No. Do you?

''... Maybe.''

I know the right person, but should I involve her in this? 


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